Analysing Of Communication Skills English Language Essay


A Teacher is the most influential individual in the life of a pupil. The aim of this faculty is to develop communicating accomplishments of a instructor.

A instructor ‘s interaction with pupil is through Communication merely. Right communicating is needed for transportation of right significance.

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To be effectual, the communicating shall be interesting every bit good. The concentration span of immature pupils is really little – non more than 45 proceedingss. Hence, good communicating accomplishments are needed to maintain them glued.

This will enable them dispatch their responsibilities expeditiously and efficaciously and besides take pride in their profession.

Aims of the session:

After this session, the participants will be able to:

Understand the definition, procedure and type of communicating. They will understand two major facets of communicating – Listening and Speaking.

They will understand the manner to organize sentences and importance of words, grammar, punctuations etc.

They will cognize the importance of making a professional image and impact in communicating. By understanding others, the quality of their communicating will better. Assertiveness will do them Put across the ideas, thoughts dauntlessly and clearly.

Will do them read the organic structure linguistic communication of others and direct right signals to assist others read their organic structure linguistic communication right

1. Basicss


The aim is to understand the definition, procedure and type of communicating. They will understand two major facets of communicating – Listening and Speaking.



Communication is transmittal of ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, information, cognition etc. from one individual to another individual or individuals.

Communication is a procedure in which people are able to reassign significance among them. The communicating procedure allows people to portion information, thoughts, and feelings. This is the transportation of significance. Where no significance is transferred, no communicating has taken topographic point.


In olden yearss, likely human existences started showing themselves by making noises. This got converted into a linguistic communication. Soon they started composing on sand, rock, fabric, foliage, paper and now electronics.


The procedure of communicating involves a Sender, a Receiver, the Message, and a Channel.

A thought gets generated in the head of the transmitter. S/he codes it and sends it through a Channel to the receiving system. The Receiver decodes it and understands. When the transmitter receives acknowledgement i.e. feedback to the receiving system, the procedure of communicating is completed.

The communicator is the conceiver of the message. The talker, author, creative person, and designers are all communicators.

The message is made up of thoughts, informations, and feelings the communicator wants to portion. The medium may be a address, essay, painting, or edifice.

The channel is the path travelled by the message as it goes between the communicator and the receiving systems. Example: Air wave frequence is the channel for pass oning the talker ‘s message through wireless.

The receiving system is one or more persons for whom the message is intended. The communicator must derive the receiving system ‘s attending to hold effectual communicating.

Feedback allows communicators to happen out whether they are “ acquiring through ” to the receiving systems. You get feedback from your teachers, your parents, and your friends.

Noise is the intervention that keeps a message from being understood. Physical noise keeps a message from being heard. For illustration, the physical noise of a loud telecasting plan may interfere with reading of a missive. Psychological noise occurs when the communicators and the receiving systems are distracted by something. For case, the psychological noise caused by hungriness can forestall concentration.

The duty of complete communicating is that of the Sender.


If everything goes smooth as above, so there is no job. But in pattern, there is a range of things traveling incorrect at every phase.

The Coding may non be appropriate either due to choice of a incorrect channel or the channel may non work as expected. Besides, the receiving system may be unable to decrypt or wrongly decodes the message or may neglect to give a feedback.

Here we learn – how to stop up such holes and guarantee right smooth communicating.

Remove all possible barriers like:

Distance – Check out if your hearers are directing signals for non being able to listen. Check out the hall acoustic, speak louder or usage microphone.

Noise – outside noise may go a hinderance in communicating. A machine runing nearby, vehicles may disrupt hearing.

Preoccupied in other ideas or concerns – we all have assorted jobs and concerns. If we are preoccupied with them at the clip of listening, it may impair.

Choice of incorrect or inappropriate channel – Some communications are effectual when made straight to the individual, while some other may be more effectual when made through other media. For illustration: emotions can be best expressed in face to face state of affairss, but abashing admittance is easier on cyberspace or phone.

Improper operation of the Channel- the channel it self may non work right all the clip. Perturbations in telephone line, postal service break, and email acquiring corrupt are merely few illustrations.



Teacher activity

Participant activity



Synergistic talk and Discussion

Engagement in treatment


2. Listening 45 proceedingss


The aim of this bomber subject is to understand the importance of listening and active hearing.



To construct trust with others, we must give, non take. If we find ourselves reacting with any of the followers we are non listening with empathy, and hence will non be constructing trust ( these are all ‘taking ‘ and non ‘giving ‘ ) . For illustration, reacting and measuring, examining, construing, fixing to give advice, etc. Most people think that listening and examining are really successful techniques in communicating, but this wo n’t work until the other individual trusts us and feels that we have understood them.

If person is disquieted, or angry, or gets emotional in any manner we must avoid reacting with our ain autobiographical sentiments or purposes. They may non be relevant to that individual. Your claim that you know how they feel because you were in a similar state of affairs will non assist. Every individual thinks and feels his job is alone.

We need to reflect and paraphrase what the other individual is stating so that they know that we understand how they feel, and what is their point of position. The exchanges may travel on for several proceedingss, and with each one we bit by bit build more trust and let the other individuals to show more of their true feelings to us.

This procedure is peculiarly effectual for get the better ofing emotional expostulations. Our natural response to hearing person say that they ‘re excessively busy is to carry them that our demand is greater than theirs, and to sit roughshod over their feelings ; we all do it. But it ‘s the last thing that the other individual demands. They want to be listened to, to be understood, or to allow off steam. The more we can absorb and sympathize with the other individual ‘s place, the more we begin to construct a platform for trust.

Hearing is a mechanical procedure. The sound goes in ears and encephalon gets the message. When the encephalon registers the message, it is listening. Often, the receiving system is listening, but the transmitter is non certain of it, so the communicating is non complete. Besides, it arouses negative feelings like annoyance, left out, neglect etc. in both the transmitter and the receiving system.

Active Listening

The ways we can make active hearing are:

Ho Hum – nodding your caput, facial looks, stating yes, all right or anything that confirms that you are listening.

Asking Question – ask appropriate inquiries to demo your involvement.

Appreciation – we all like grasp specially in forepart of others. Make it liberally.

Sum uping – one of the best manner of active hearing. If your apprehension is non right, the transmitter gets an chance to rectify. Paraphrase to reconfirm.

Showing interest- e.g. can you state me more about it. We all take pride in sharing cognition. Asking for more inside informations is extremely motivative factor to any person.



Teacher activity

Participant activity



Synergistic talk and Discussion

Engagement in treatment


Active Listening

Synergistic talk and Discussion

Engagement in treatment


Chinese Whisper

Make one participant compose a little transition of 2 to 3 lines on a piece of paper. Make the following individual read it and whisper to his/her neighbor. In bend, that individual susurrations to following. Let the last individual speak out the message aloud.

The message will likely be change drastically.

Debrief: If in a little activity in little group, there may be so much impairment due to hapless listening wonts, how much harm we might be making in our twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life.

Paper and Pen / Pencil

3. Talking 45 proceedingss


The aim of this bomber subject is to understand the importance of effectual speech production and methods to better it.


The address is a critical portion of communicating. It could be One to One or a little group like in Class room or Public Speaking. The quality of address determines good apprehension and thereby dealingss.

Verbal communicating is preferred in following state of affairss:


The address should be clear, so that the hearer can comfortably understand you, without reiterating. It is the duty of the talker to guarantee that the hearer is able to listen and understand. Speak easy but clearly. Use oculus contact and inquire inquiries to guarantee that you are hearable.


The volume or volume should be merely right. Too loud is annoying. Too low is non hearable. In category room state of affairs, front row pupil may be able to listen, but back benchers may non.

Sometimes, they create nuisance non because they want to, but because they are unable to listen and acquire frustrated.


Transition is the highs and depressions in the pitch of the voice. Changeless pitch is deadening and humdrum. Variation brings life and makes it lively, shows emotions.


Pitch is the acuteness in your voice. Make attempts to utilize difficult or soft pitch depending on the state of affairs. Too crisp pitch is palling to ears, excessively soft is non effectual. Have a moderate pitch.


Punch is the emphasis on a peculiar word to underscore significance. At times, the significance of a sentence alterations wholly due to Punch. Wrong clout may ensue in miscommunication ; a right clout will make impact in your communicating.


Pause or silence is a utile tool. You can utilize it to pull attending, to dramatise the state of affairs or to underscore on what was spoken or will be spoken.


Learn right Pronunciation. Use Pronunciation Directory. Observe intelligence readers for 5 proceedingss every twenty-four hours. Detect the lip minute of good talkers.


Many of us have influence of local speech pattern. Though it does n’t damage the significance, yet makes it hard for the hearer to understand you. Neutralize your speech pattern.

Examples: Most Bengalis have “ O ” speech pattern. Rosogolla in topographic point of Rasgoolla, Biharis may hold “ Bh ” speech pattern. Vehicle is pronounced as Bhehical. Malayalis may hold “ Yem ” consequence. N may be pronounced as Yen.

Some Tips

Never disrupt a talker.

Make non finish other ‘s half sentence.

Do non differ or object caput on.

Be Brief. Brevity is liked by everyone.



Teacher activity

Participant activity



Synergistic talk and Discussion

Engagement in treatment


Subject 4 – Reading and Writing Time: 30 proceedingss


At the terminal of the preparation session, the trainee will be able to:

A greater bid over linguistic communication.

Thereby better assurance and ego regard.

Ability to convey the right significance.



Concentrate while reading. If your head wanders here and at that place, you may non hold on the right significance. You may misread a word. At times, we read what we want to read and non what is truly written.

Speed reading

You do n’t hold to read everything. If you focus on get downing and stoping of a word, you may understand the significance.


There are certain advantages of written communicating.

It is a legal cogent evidence.

It serves as a record.

It is economical at times.

There is greater lucidity and less opportunities of misinterpretation.

It allows you clip to redact and take other ‘s aid.

Receiver can depute easy without losing the proper significance.

At school/college, you have to compose a batch on Board, Slides and postings besides notes.


Short and simple, yet powerful words shall be used. Example: “ How are you? ” is by and large replied with – ” I am all right, how are you? ”

Can we state – Great, antic, Fabulous, Wonderful, on top of the universe etc.

Framing of sentences


The sentences should be short. There are lesser opportunities of mistake if you create short sentences. It besides helps the reader to hold on it faster.


This is non a trial of your literature accomplishments. The intent is merely to show the right significance which can be decoded easy by the receiving system. So create simple sentences.

Divide One Sentence in two instead than fall ining two in one

Example: Are you busy like a Prime Minister who has the burden of the state on his caput, so that you could non finish that small place work?

Solution: Are you so busy? How much clip it takes to finish place work?



Teacher activity

Participant activity


Reading & As ; Writing

Synergistic talk and Discussion

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Activity 4

Engagement in treatment

Participants reads

Participants writes

Participants reads

Responds to trainer ‘s inquiries






Activity – Reading Test Time: 15 Minutess

Please fill in the inside informations required. First read everything carefully before making anything.


Solve rapidly 2 + 5 + 4 – 3 – 4 = ?

Do n’t look around aˆ¦ Say aloud “ She Sells Sea Shells At The Sea Shore ”

Whisper your best friend ‘s name to your neighbour participant, in their ear?

Stand up and raise your left arm.

Write your Name at the top in CAPITAL letters merely.

Take your hankie and pass over your face & A ; beckon your hankie high up.

Say aloud “ YES ” – 5 times.

Who made the celebrated Bollywood movie – SHOLAY?

Say aloud “ Hello Trainer ” with a Big Smile on your face & A ; beckon your manus.

How did you come to cognize about this programme?

Tell everyone aloud the current market rate of the American $ in Indian Rs. ?

Stand up and sit down 3 times.

What is your definition of felicity?

Say aloud “ Ha, Ha, Ha, Hi, Hi, Hi, Hu, Hu, Hu ”

Underscore your name at the top.

Touch your neighbour participant ‘s shoulder gently.

Please remain soundless till everybody coatings.

Having read everything, now answer inquiry nos. 5, 10, 15 merely.

Detect how people react in communicating

Activity – Wordss Time: 15 proceedingss

99 Wordss

Materials Required

Printed signifier on A4 sheet paper

Pen or Pencil.


Participants are given a sheet with 99 Fieldss.

They are asked to compose an essay or narrative in 99 words

They exchange the sheets with other participants

Each have to rewrite the transition in 33 words

Activity – can you read this? Time: 5 mintes

Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The

phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at

Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deos n’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are,

the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a taotl multiple sclerosiss and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos non raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod

as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt


Activity – 4

Trainer gives the participants words like “ all right ” . Participants respond back with surrogate simple and powerful words like Grate, Fantastic, fabulous.

Topic 5.Grammar 60 proceedingss


The aim of this bomber subject is to understand English grammar and framing of sentences.


Correct grammar is so of import. Pay particular attending to Singular-plural, past-present-future tense, prefixes-suffixes.


Most receiving systems get irritated with a communicating with spelling mistakes. No 1 likes their name to be misspelled. Take excess attention to make a professional image of yourself and your school/college.


Incorrect punctuation non merely looks bad, it besides may falsify the significance of the sentence. For illustration:

A adult female without her adult female is nil.

A adult female, without her adult male, is nil.

A adult female without her, adult male is nil.

Jargons & A ; Acronyms

Avoid utilizing Jargons and Acronyms. Every one does non understand them. It shows deficiency of importance to the receiving system.

ASAP, EOD etc. should be avoided. They should be written in full.



Teacher activity

Participant activity



Synergistic talk and Discussion

Engagement in treatment


6. Feedback 30 proceedingss


One of the important facets of any communicating is “ Feedback ” . Students look frontward towards you for a proper timely feedback. They consider you as a function theoretical account. Every word you speak and how you give the feedback creates a great impact in their life.


Giving positive feedback

Seasonably Positive Feedback is one of the greatest incentives for work force.

The feedback should be instant. If delayed, it loses its value.

Make it echt. Sincerity is of import and people can do it out.

Be loud when giving positive feedback.

Give such feedback in the presence of others.

Giving Negative feedback

The tone should be of concern and non of ailment.

State it quietly.

Give negative feedback in private.

Leave the issue room. Do non diss or mortify.

Receiving Positive feedback

Receive with grace. A simple but echt thank is adequate.

No justification or measure uping comments required.

Eye contact, smiling is of import.

Receiving Negative feedback

Listen carefully and wholly.

Be rational. Understand aim. Do n’t lose pique.

Do non warrant your actions. Never argue or give a elucidation. If you do so, farther feedback may be blocked.

Say thanks even if you do non hold to the positions. Thank them for the concern.

Never commit that you will accept the suggestions. That is your personal determination and pick. Better option is to state – I will see it. Your suggestion is valuable.


Repeating whatever your listen in your/different words is called paraphrasing. Paraphrasing confirms the significance you understood. It gives a opportunity to the transmitter to rectify you, if your apprehension is incorrect. Many differences may be avoided by rephrasing. It is particularly utile when English is talker ‘s 2nd linguistic communication.


As per the research consequences, the undermentioned phrases found to be most bothersome:

At the terminal of the twenty-four hours

Reasonably alone

I personally

At this minute of clip

With all due regard


It ‘s a incubus

Should n’t of


It ‘s non rocket scientific discipline

Acerate leaf to state – avoid utilizing such phrases.

Use Gender impersonal linguistic communication

International criterion demands the linguistic communication to be gender impersonal. Use of following words will do it so.




Chair Person




Gross saless Representative

Air hostess

Flight attender

Best adult male for the occupation

Best individual for the occupation

Executives and their married womans

Executives and their partners


Artificial, manufactured

Bettering Command over English Language

Read at least One article every hebdomad from any magazine

Read aloud one paragraph every twenty-four hours.

Observe lip motions of a intelligence reader on Television – 5 proceedingss every twenty-four hours

Make a treaty with a friend to talk in English, if it is your 2nd linguistic communication.



Teacher activity

Participant activity



Synergistic talk and Discussion

Engagement in treatment


Subject 7 – Percept 45 proceedingss


At the terminal of the preparation session, the trainee will be able to:

Make a professional image of ego and the institute.

Understand the pupils better and be understood better.

Share feelings freely without aching others.

Respect pupils instead than being autocratic.



Our encephalon gets input chiefly from the five sense modes. Giving significance and farther interpretation is called Perception. In this universe there are few facts and a batch of Perception. Our actions are based on our Percept.

We have to be:

Be cognizant of our Percepts. Whenever you face a state of affairs, inquire yourself – is it fact or is it perceptual experience?

Be every bit accurate as possible. If it is my perceptual experience, is it right and accurate?

Probe farther where possible. If you are non certain of your perceptual experiences, find facts by inquiring examining inquiries.

If clip, cost, emotions do non let examining, so we have to comprehend.

We may take either positive or negative perceptual experiences based on our attitude and wonts. Choose positive Perception.

Activity – Percept Time: 15 Minutess

Apple Observation

Materials Required: One Large Apple.


Make the participants observe the apple for 5 proceedingss.

Make them compose the ideas that came to their head. State them that measure is of import. The thoughts may be direct, indirect, logical, foolish, stupid. non practical. They do n’t necessitate to worry about that. Just note more and more thoughts and ideas.

Make one of them, likely the 1 who wrote maximal points, read out the thoughts.

Ask others if they have any thought that was non covered by the first talker.


How Many facts and how many perceptual experiences?

How strong are we at our perceptual experiences?

Do we move on facts or on our perceptual experiences?

How to be accurate and positive in our perceptual experiences.

How the quality of communicating depends on Percepts?

Subject 8 – Empathy 45 proceedingss



Empathy is seting yourself in other ‘s places, listening to your duologues from receiving system ‘s point of position and detecting your behavior as an foreigner.

Use Empathy in your communicating every bit much as possible. Empathy solves many hard jobs, creates good Inter Personal Relations.

Some of the Empathy oriented phrases are:

I understand.

If I would be at your place, I would do/feel the same.

How do you experience?



Teacher activity

Participant activity



Role Play

Synergistic talk and Discussion

As described below

Engagement in treatment

As described below


Empathy Chits

Activity – Empathy Time: 15 Minutess

Role Play


Invite 2 voluntaries.

Give them function of Auto Rixa driver and Passanger.

Give them a difference state of affairs like extra menu.

Make them run the scenario.


Did they use Empathy?

If they use Empathy, many jobs may be solved, which may non be solved by domination, entry, use and even assertiveness.

How can you utilize Empathy towards pupils?

Subject 9 – Assertiveness 30 proceedingss



What is self-asserting communicating?

Assertive communicating is the ability to show positive and negative thoughts and feelings in an unfastened, honest and direct manner. It recognizes our rights whilst still esteeming the rights of others. It allows us to take duty for ourselves and our actions without judging or faulting other people. And it allows us to constructively face and happen a reciprocally hearty solution where struggle exists.

So why usage self-asserting communicating?

All of us use self-asserting behavior at times… rather frequently when we feel vulnerable or unsure of ourselves we may fall back to submissive, manipulative or aggressive behavior.

Yet being trained in self-asserting communicating really increases the appropriate usage of this behavior. It enables us to trade old behavior forms for a more positive attack to life. I ‘ve found that altering my response to others ( be they work co-workers, clients or even my ain household ) can be exciting and stimulating.

The advantages of self-asserting communicating

It helps us experience good about ourselves and others

It leads to the development of common regard for others

It increases our self-esteem

It helps us accomplish our ends

It minimizes aching and estranging other people

It reduces anxiousness

It protects us from being taken advantage of by others

It enables us to do determinations and free picks in life

It enables us to show, both verbally and nonverbally, a broad scope of feelings and ideas, both positive and negative

Disadvantages of self-asserting communicating

Others may non O.K. of this manner of communicating, or may non O.K. of the positions you express.

Besides, holding a healthy respect for another individual ‘s rights means that you would non ever acquire what YOU want.

You may besides happen out that you were incorrect about a point of view that you held.

But most significantly, as mentioned earlier, it involves the hazard that others may non understand and hence non accept this manner of communicating.

What self-asserting communicating is non…

Assertive communicating is decidedly NOT a life style! It ‘s NOT a warrant that you will acquire what you want. It ‘s decidedly NOT an acceptable manner of communicating with everyone, but at least it ‘s NOT being aggressive.

Behavioral picks

You may hold following picks about the manner of communicating you can utilize: :

Aggressive: bossy, chesty, ruling, bulldozing, intolerant, opinionated, and overbearing

Manipulative: sarcastic, lead oning, equivocal, insinuating, manipulative, and guilt inducement

Submissive: bawling, moaning, helpless, inactive, indecisive, giving up, and excusatory

Assertive: direct, honest, accepting, responsible, and self-generated

Features of self-asserting communicating

There are six chief features of self-asserting communicating. These are:

Eye contact: demonstrates involvement, shows earnestness

Body position: congruent organic structure linguistic communication will better the significance of the message

Gestures: appropriate gestures help to add accent

Voice: a degree, good modulated tone is more convincing and acceptable, and is non intimidating

Timing: utilize your opinion to maximise receptiveness and impact

Content: how, where and when you choose to notice is likely more of import than WHAT you say

The importance of “ I ” statements

Part of being self-asserting involves the ability to suitably show your demands and feelings. You can carry through this by utilizing “ I ” statements. “ I ” statements shifts focal point from faulting to ownership. It focuses on behavior and identifies the consequence of the behavior. It is direct and honest, and contributes to the growing of your relationship with each other.

Strong “ I ” statements have three specific elements:

1. Behaviour

2. Feeling

3. Tangible consequence ( effect to you )

Example: “ I feel defeated when you are late for meetings. I do n’t wish holding to reiterate information. ”

Six techniques for Assertive Communication

There are six self-asserting techniques – Lashkar-e-Taiba ‘s expression at each of them in bend.

1. Behaviour Rehearsal: which is literally practising how you want to look and sound. It is a really utile technique when you foremost want to utilize “ I ” statements, as it helps disperse any emotion associated with an experience and allows you to accurately place the behavior you wish to face.

2. The broken record: this technique allows you to experience comfy by disregarding manipulative verbal side traps, argumentative baiting and irrelevant logic while lodging to your point. To most efficaciously use this technique usage unagitated repeat, and state what you want and stay focused on the issue. You ‘ll happen that there is no demand to practise this technique, and no demand to ‘hype yourself up ‘ to cover with others.


“ I would wish to demo you some of our merchandises ” “ No thank you, I ‘m non interested ” “ I truly have a great scope to offer you ” “ That may be true, but I ‘m non interested at the minute ” “ Is there person else here who would be interested? ” “ I do n’t desire any of these merchandises ” . “ Okay, would you take this booklet and think about it? ” “ Yes, I will take a booklet ” “ Thank you ” “ You ‘re welcome ”

3. Fogging: this technique allows you to have unfavorable judgment comfortably, without acquiring dying or defensive, and without honoring manipulative unfavorable judgment. To make this you need to admit the unfavorable judgment, agree that there may be some truth to what they say, but remain the justice of your pick of action.

Example of this could be, “ I agree that there are likely times when I do n’t give you replies to your inquiries.

4. Negative question: this technique seeks out unfavorable judgment about you in close relationships by motivating the look of honest, negative feelings to better communicating. To utilize if efficaciously you need to listen to critical remarks, clear up your apprehension of those unfavorable judgments, use the information if it will be helpful or disregard the information if it is manipulative.

Example of this technique would be, “ So you think/believe that I am non interested? ”

5. Negative averment: this technique lets you look more comfy at negatives in your ain behavior or personality without experiencing defensive or dying ; this besides reduces your critics ‘ ill will. You should accept your mistakes or mistakes, but non apologise. Alternatively, tentatively and sympathetically hold with hostile unfavorable judgment of your negative qualities.

Example would be, “ Yes, you ‘re right. I do n’t ever listen closely to what you have to state. ”

6. Feasible via media: when you feel that your dignity is non in inquiry, see a feasible via media with the other individual. You can ever dicker for your stuff ends unless the via media affects your personal feelings of dignity. However, if the terminal end involves a affair of your self-worth and self-respect, THERE CAN BE NO COMPROMISE.

Example of this technique would be, “ I understand that you have a demand to speak and I need to complete what I ‘m making. So what about meeting in half an hr? ”


Assertiveness is a utile communicating tool. It ‘s application is contextual and it ‘s non appropriate to be self-asserting in all state of affairss. Remember, your sudden usage of assertiveness may be perceived as an act of aggression by others.

There ‘s besides no warrant of success, even when you use self-asserting communicating manners suitably.

Use facts and figures instead than sentiment and opinions. Use 4 measure statements. Current behaviour – & gt ; Result ; Desired behaviour – & gt ; Result


Teacher activity

Participant activity



Synergistic talk and Discussion

Engagement in treatment


Subject 10 – Body Language 60 proceedingss


At the terminal of the preparation session, the trainee will be able to:

Read signals from other ‘s organic structure linguistic communication

Understand concealed significances and purposes.

Send correct signals for others to understand.

Show assurance and portray professional image.


Body Language is much more of import than Oral or Written Communication. Many concealed messages can be read with this scientific discipline.

Here are some of import organic structure linguistic communication gestures you need to go familiar with:

Body Postures: There are two basic classs of organic structure positions ; Open/Closed and Forward/Back. In an unfastened and receptive organic structure position, people have their weaponries unfolded, legs uncrossed, and their thenars exposed. In a closed organic structure position, weaponries are folded, legs are crossed and their organic structure is normally turned away.

Leaning Back and Closed: Indicates a deficiency of involvement.

Leaning Back and Open: Indicates contemplation and cautious involvement.

Leaning Forward and Closed: Indicates possible aggressive behavior.

Leaning Forward and Open: Indicates involvement and understanding. If appropriate, this would be a good clip to inquire for the order.

Head Gestures: There are four basic caput places.

Head Neutral: Indicates a impersonal and unfastened attitude.

Tilted Back: Indicates a superior attitude.

Tilted Down: Indicates negative and judgmental attitude.

Tilted to One Side: Indicates involvement.

Facial Gestures: Facial gestures are easy to detect but are often overlooked due to their nuance. Facial gestures are vitally of import because they reveal fraudulences, uncertainty, deliberation, and critical judgement.

Dilated Students: Under normal lighting conditions when a individual is excited about something, their students will distend. Conversely, when person is disquieted or angry their students will contract. For this really ground, professional fire hook participants often wear dark glassess. Aristotle ever wore dark dark glassess whenever he negotiated concern trades. Eye contact is important for constructing trust and resonance.

Eye Rub: Indicates fraudulences, “ See no immorality. ” When a individual rubs their oculus they will usually look away from you to avoid oculus contact.

Eye Roll: Is a dismissive gesture that indicates high quality.

Looking Over Spectacless: Indicates examination and a critical attitude.

Nose Rub: Indicates dislike of the topic at manus.

Hand or Fingers Blocking Mouth: Indicates fraudulences, “ Speak no immorality. ” When a individual uses this blocking gesture while they are talking they are literally trying to barricade or filtrate their words. If your chance assumes this gesture while you are talking, this indicates they are doubting or doubtful of what you are stating them.

Spectacless to Mouth: Used to procrastinate or detain a determination.

Chin Stroke: This gesture is used when a individual is in the concluding procedure of doing a determination. When you see this gesture, avoid the enticement to disrupt your chance. If the gestures that follow chin stoking are positive, and it is appropriate, travel in front. If the gestures following the chin stoke are negative so you will cognize that determination may non be in your favor, so you may afford intercession at this phase.

Thumb under Chin/Index Finger Pointing Vertically along the Cheek: Indicates a negative attitude and critical judgement. Do non misidentify this gesture for involvement because in this instance the pollex is under the mentum. When you encounter this negative gesture, manus your chance something to coerce them to drop their manus off from their face.


Weaponries crossed over thorax

Defensiveness or anxiousness

Singing arm

Want to walk off from a state of affairs

Eye eye blink

Fast eye blink signals emphasis

Downward regard

Feeling defeated

Taking notes

Shows involvement or engagement

Hand over oral cavity

Can intend ennui

Weaponries behind caput and propensity back

Looking for power or control

Unbuttoning coat


Buttoning coat

Feels trapped and wants to go forth

Standing with custodies behind dorsum


Uncluttering pharynx


Rubing dorsum of cervix


Handss level on tabular array

Ready to hold

Stroking mentum

Measuring or believing

Foot tapping


Rubing the oculus

Doubt or incredulity

Rubing custodies


Tilted caput


Pulling / tugging ear



Tension, thought, confused

Leaning Forward

Interested, eager, unable to hear


Geting bored, unable to hear, merely sleepy

Rubing caput

Thinking, dandruff

Bright Broad Eyes – Surprised, Shocked Acute Interest.

Gazing in vacuity – disconnected, lost in ideas

Avoiding Eye Contact – Talking prevarication, shame, shy

Gazing deep – Angry, in contending temper, examining.







tilting forward

unfastened organic structure

unfastened weaponries

unfastened custodies


caput tilted

tonss of oculus contact


high wink rate


gazing into infinite

slumped position


pes tapping


finger tapping

pes tapping




( sprint place )

unfastened legs

pess under chair

on toes

tilting forward


suctions glasses/pencil

shots chin

looks up and right

legs crossed in 4 Po.

( mortise joint on articulatio genus )

Let ME Travel

pess towards door

looking around

buttoning jacket




propensity forwards

finger indicating

fists clenched




stopping points documents

write down

custodies level on tabular array





( standing )

weaponries behind dorsum


unfastened pess




sitting/moving back

weaponries folded

legs crossed 11 Po

( thigh on articulatio genus )

caput down



( standing )

custodies on hips






( standing )

pess indicating in

custodies clenched






touches face

manus over oral cavity

pulls ear

eyes down

glimpses at you

displacements in place

looks down and to go forth


Some Tips

Do non indicate finger towards person.

Do non utilize deflecting positions.

Avoid manus in pocket.

Stand house and tall.


Teacher activity

Participant activity


Body Language

Body Language

Synergistic talk and Discussion


Engagement in treatment

As described below



Activity – Body Language Time: 60 proceedingss

Body Language Signals


Jot down wholly the gestures that you associate with different feelings below.

What comes to your head, delight show Body Descriptions or what will go on indoors or outdoors, What will you Detect, Include Facial Expressions, Hand Gestures. Example ( Anger ) : Eye palpebras go up, organic structure becomes tense, face bends redaˆ¦aˆ¦aˆ¦





















Make them show one by one.

Make others guess the emotion.


Body Language is non a 100 % scientific discipline.

How effectual is it?

Make you cognize how to read signals?

Are you witting of directing right signals?

Check Your Communication Skills


Make you pay complete attending to others when they are talking? ( A roving focal point discourages unfastened communicating. )

Make you pull off your ideas during a conversation, concentrating them on understanding what the other individual is stating? ( Effective hearing requires more concentration than any other signifier of communicating. If you are believing about anything other than what the individual is stating, you are get the better ofing your ability to understand. )

Make you prorogue fixing your answer until after you have heard everything the other individual has to state? ( Thinking about what you plan to state while the other individual is talking prevents you from understanding what that individual is stating. )

Make you disregard distractions, such as other people, ambient noise, and the milieus? ( Attending to distractions makes you appear uninterested, unfocussed, and rude. )

Do you do oculus contact during a conversation? ( Watching a individual ‘s face shows that you are paying attending. You besides gather gestural messages. )


Make you convey assurance, bravery, and strength during your conversations? ( A pleasant mode will promote people to swear you and state you more. Negative behaviour conveys failing, insecurity, and fright. )

Make you respond calmly to bad intelligence? ( Anger will scare people into avoiding you. )

Make you promote others to talk freely? ( Looking interested, inquiring inquiries, and handling others with regard will ease unfastened communicating. )

Make you utilize a diplomatic, positive vocabulary? ( Talking about what you want is more forceful than speaking about what you do n’t desire, wo n’t make, or ca n’t make. This means that in most instances you would cancel the word “ non ” from what you say. )

Make you seek solutions? ( Seeking blessing, perpetrators, or alibis, discourage communicating. )


Make you lodge to the topic? ( Introducing new unrelated issues will confound the other individual and degrade the quality of your conversation. )

Make you keep a “ you ” concentrate? ( Speak in footings of what the other individual demands, wants, and understands because that will heighten the impact of what you say. )

Make you avoid games? ( Asking fast one inquiries, puting traps, and doing others look bad will do people to avoid you. )

Make you utilize a additive, logical attack to explicating things? ( Make it easy for others to understand you because it ‘s more efficient. )

Make you utilize common footings? ( Avoid slang and flowery address because these impress merely the individual utilizing them. )

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