Automatic Extraction Of Prerequisites And Learning Outcome English Language Essay

1 Introduction

E-Learning is quickly altering the manner the universities and corporations offer instruction and preparation. With energetic development of the Internet, particularly the web page interaction engineering web based larning systems and on-line acquisition object depositories have become more and more matter-of-fact and accepted in the past 10 old ages. Learning object depositories [ 10 ] [ 22 ] purposes to leave entree to larning stuffs by supplying a common interface to full aggregations of larning stuffs that can be shared among pupils and teachers and can be reused across classs and subjects. A acquisition object is officially defined as “ any entity, digital or non-digital, that may be used for acquisition, instruction or preparation ” [ 14 ] , or “ any digital resource that can be reused to back up larning ” [ 11 ] .

Different scholars have different demands and hence necessitate different larning contents depending on their current demands every bit good as cognition degree. Most of web-based distance larning systems present same larning points to all scholars. This character is non preferred for scholars whose cognition and academic accomplishment vary from single to single [ 26 ] . Current developments in Web-based acquisition are concentrating on personalising acquisition by accommodating the larning procedure to the pupil ‘s anterior cognition, larning advancement, larning end, and perchance further features [ 29 ] . To supply an adaptative counsel to the pupil, a system needs to hold knowledge about the scholar every bit good as stuff itself. Annotating larning stuff manually with sphere cognition is a time-consuming procedure necessitating expertness in both the sphere of larning and knowledge technology [ 2 ] . Besides sharing and reuse of bing resources is of import since making new learning resources is a clip devouring undertaking which requires a skilled writer [ 14 ] . The Internet provides a big figure of resources for reuse. The ends of sharing and reuse of larning stuff, personalization, adaptability and automatic indexing is accomplishable merely when larning stuffs are tagged with appropriate metadata. These larning object metadata is stored along with learning objects in larning object depository. This information background is needed for questioning services for accurate acquisition object retrieval. Automatic extraction of metadata eliminates the excess attempt desired for manual note. Besides automatic note can ease uniformity in note, as every stuff in depository will be annotated by system utilizing same method.

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The work presented in this paper is portion of development of web service for Automatic Semantic Annotation of textual larning stuff ( html/docx format ) in English linguistic communication belonging to computing machine scientific discipline topics. The range of the webservice includes designation and retrieval of metadata required peculiarly for personalized retrieval. Metadata elements worked out includes keyphrases, subject and topic to which papers belongs to, coarseness degree of a papers, larning papers type ( explanation/application/case study/experiment/exercise ) , prerequisite constructs to understand the papers and larning results of a papers.

This paper proposes natural linguistic communication processing based automatic construct extraction and outlines rule-based attack for separation of prerequisite constructs and larning results covered in larning document independent of existent context, including scholar. Each larning object is described in footings of sphere constructs. Some constructs serve as acquisition ends and others as requirements for understanding the object. Outcomes denote constructs that the papers helps to larn, i.e. the pedagogical ends of the acquisition papers. Prerequisites are the constructs that the pupil needs to cognize or get the hang to understand construct described in larning stuff. For adaptative sequencing and pilotage support, clear separation of requirements and results is critical [ 3 ] . An adaptative system can dynamically seek and propose relevant larning stuff to learner that are most relevant to their acquisition ends utilizing the pupil ‘s current degree of cognition, requirements and larning ends that are stored as portion of larning object metadata.

2 Related work

There has been big work focused on personalization and adaptability of eLearning systems. The use and importance of requirement and larning result has been supported by many research workers [ 11 ] [ 12 ] [ 19 ] [ 27 ] . The work closest to ours is possibly [ 29 ] where the writers has used construct maps for deducing prerequisite dealingss and constructions, but it lacks larning outcome extraction from a larning stuff, which can besides function as a footing for implementing personalization and adaptability in Web-based acquisition.

Research on the sensing of definitions has been pursued in the context of automatic edifice of glossaries from text [ 23 ] . In the sphere of automatic glossary creative activity, Kobylinski and Przepiorkowski [ 15 ] proposed an attack in which a machine larning algorithm is specifically developed to cover with unbalanced datasets and is used to pull out definitions from Polish texts. Eline Westerhout [ 8 ] has proposed a combination of a grammar and machine acquisition in which definitions are divided into four classs, is-definitions, verb-definitions, punctuation definitions and pronoun definitions.

Hand crafted grammars were used by Przepiorkowski et Al. [ 1 ] and standard classifiers are used by Degorski et Al. [ 16 ] . Research in question-answering country relied about wholly on pattern designation and extraction [ 9 ] and machine acquisition techniques [ 24 ] [ 25 ] . Fahmi and Bouma combined pattern matching and machine acquisition [ 13 ] for the sensing of is definitions in Wikipedia articles.

An of import difference in our attack with regard to theirs is they start with the construct and so hunt for a definition of it, whereas in our attack we search for sentences which explain the construct and pull out the constructs explained in the papers.

3 Our Approach

The algorithm proposed by us is a rule-based attack. The sphere of the survey chosen for the research consists of textual larning stuff prepared for computing machine scientific discipline pupils written in English linguistic communication. Our observation of larning stuff provinces that to specify a construct, certain grammatical forms are followed. After analysing account of constructs in big figure of paperss accessed from different beginnings [ Table IV ] , certain common forms were listed down ( subdivision 3.2 ) . The aggregation of these forms is termed as pattern-base. Each sentence of a papers is parsed for Noun Phrase extraction, nevertheless, sentences in a papers incorporating forms available in pattern-base were considered as campaigner for larning outcome extraction. Relation between verb and other sentence elements were studied exhaustively to organize a rule-base. For campaigner sentences, dealingss were extracted and larning result was identified based on rule-base. In the terminal, all the Noun phrases in the papers which matches sphere ontology and are non selected as an result are considered as requirements to understand the content of papers. Fig. 1 shows the full procedure flow. Noun Phrase Extractor and Cleaner, Pattern Identification Engine, Pattern-base, Predicate Extractor, Rule-base, Rule-based Outcome Identifier, Domain ontology, Ontology based Outcome Identification and Learning Prerequisites Identification shown in Process Flow are discussed in subdivision 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 severally.

Fig. 1. Procedure Flow

3.1 Noun Phrase Extractor and cleaner

This stage skims a papers for noun phrases to understand the semantics of the papers in three stairss.

Noun Phase Extraction

Once the papers text is retrieved utilizing html/docx parser, papers text is skimmed to pull out Noun phrases to understand the semantics of the papers ; Natural linguistic communication processing enables to break up a set of sentences into a structured representation. A figure of natural linguistic communication processing tools have been developed and among them the probabilistic parsers [ 4 ] [ 5 ] [ 6 ] differ from the others in the sense that they are trained with hand-parsed sentences and seek to bring forth the most likely analysis of new sentences [ 7 ] . The Stanford Parser is a Treebank-trained statistical parser able to bring forth parses with high truth [ 7 ] . We have used Proxem.Antelope.Stanford, a.Net negligee for accessing the Stanford Parser available in Proxem Antelope Framework [ 20 ] to grammatically label each Sentence.

Noise filtration

It was found that extracted Noun phrases contained certain alleged halt words like “ in ” , “ is ” , “ the ” , “ a ” , “ an ” attached with it ( see fig. 2 ) . These words with Part of Speech tickets like Determiners, Prepositions etc. are ignored from Noun Phrases generated in first stage.

Fig. 2. Noun Phrases with clinchers

It was besides observed that Learning stuffs contain certain common words like definition, intimation, statement, decision, attack etc. These words are generated as Noun Phrases by POS taggers but they are non related to any topic and therefore lead to debris extraction. A bank of such keywords is designed and these words are ignored.

3.2 Pattern-base

It is observed that to specify a construct, certain grammatical forms are followed. These forms can be exploited to place whether a given noun/ noun phrase is a requirement or result construct in the stuff. To place forms, assortment of larning stuffs from different capable spheres like Operating systems, Database direction systems, Statistics, Total Quality direction and Data constructions were collected from assorted larning object depositories like MERLOT [ 18 ] , websites of professors of assorted universities, Wikipedia etc. These paperss were exhaustively read and analyzed and it was found that certain common form is followed to explicate the constructs by all the writers when construct is defined or discussed. Definitions in a papers includes verbs like “ defines ” , “ provinces ” , “ says ” , “ called ” , “ known ” etc. Some definitions includes verbs supported with prepositions like “ known as ” , “ called as ” , “ referred as ” , “ referred by ” etc. Certain phrasal verbs like “ involves ” , “ includes ” , “ is implemented as ” , “ trades with ” , “ stands for ” , “ is said to be ” etc. are normally used to discourse the constructs in the acquisition paperss. We have gone through glossaries and books including the acquisition stuffs provided on the web, to name down the common forms.

3.3 Pattern Identification Engine

This stage picks up each sentence from a papers one by one and searches for the form listed in a pattern-base in the sentence. If form is found, sentence is forwarded to the predicate extractor, else the sentence is neglected.

Predicate Extractor

In English grammar, the basic parts of a sentence are theA capable and the predicate.A The topic of the sentence, as its name suggests, is by and large what the sentence is approximately. The predicate provides information about the topic, such as what it is making or what it is like. The two parts can be thought of as the subject and the remark [ 17 ] . The predicate must incorporate a verb. The verb requires or permits other sentence elements ( Direct Object, Indirect Object, Prepositional object ) to finish the predicate. The predicate extraction, one measure beyond deep sentence structure analysis, can ensue into the dependences between the verb and the Noun phrases in the statement required to convey the significance. Fig. 3 illustrates the analyses of a sentence utilizing Stanford parser [ 28 ] and Proxem Antelope model [ 20 ] .

Fig. 3. Relation between verb and sentence elements

The type of dependence between the verb and the other noun phrases in a sentence helps in happening the semantic relationship between them. These dealingss prove helpful in finding whether the construct is defined construct or it is a construct used to explicate the other construct. The current set of deep sentence structure dependences defined in the Proxem model and used by our extractor are Subject, Direct Object, Indirect Object and Prepositional Object.


The dependence between the verb and other sentence elements form the footing of rule-base used to split noun phrase into two sets, constructs explained, defined or discussed and the constructs which scholar should be cognizant of to understand the explained construct. Multiple sentences were analyzed and regulations were designed as summarized in

Table I.

Table I: Rule-base

Pattern Type ( P1 ) : Prepositional verb

Examples: called as, known as, referred as

Rule ( R1 ) : If the verb is positioned in the left of the sentence, Direct Object will be explained construct.

Sample Sentence 1 ( Verb is positioned in left ) : Campaigner key can be defined as a set of Fieldss that unambiguously identifies a tuple harmonizing to a cardinal restraint.

Relation of Verb: defined ( DirectObject: key, PrepObject: asA set )

Learning result: DirectObject i? Candidate key

Pattern Type ( P1 ) : Prepositional verb

Rule ( R2 ) : If the verb is positioned in the right of the sentence Prepositional Object will be explained construct.

Sample Sentence 2 ( Verb is positioned in right ) : A set of Fieldss that unambiguously identifies a tuple harmonizing to a cardinal restraint can be defined as Candidate key.

Relation of Verb: defined ( DirectObject: set, PrepObject: asA key )

Learning result: Prepositional Object i? Candidate key

Pattern Type ( P1 ) : Prepositional verb

Rule ( R3 ) : If the place of verb can non be clearly determined, Direct Object will be explained construct.

Sample Sentence 3 ( Verb place is neither precisely towards left nor precisely towards right ) : A campaigner key can be defined as a set of Fieldss.

Relation of Verb: defined ( DirectObject: key, PrepObject: asA set )

Learning result: DirectObject i? Candidate key

Pattern Type ( P2 ) : Verbs entirely

Examples: defines, provinces, says, called, known

Rule ( R4 ) : Direct Object of the elicit verb used in the sentence will be the term explained.

Sample Sentence 4: A set of Fieldss that unambiguously identifies a tuple harmonizing to a cardinal restraint is called a campaigner key.

Relation of Verb: called ( IndirectObject: set, DirectObject: key )

Learning result: DirectObject i? Candidate key

Pattern Type ( P3 ) : Phrasal Verb

Examples: bases for, trades with

Rule ( R5 ) : Subject of the sentence will be explained construct.

Sample Sentence 5: CRM stands for client relationship direction.

Relation of Verb: bases ( Capable: CRM, PrepObject: forA direction )

Learning result: Capable i? CRM

Pattern Type ( P4 ) : to-be verb

Examples: is, are

Rule ( R6 ) : Pick up the noun phrase instantly predating or wining the verb, look into whether the Noun phrase has some formatting characteristic [ 21 ] applied on it, if yes so look into its handiness in sphere ontology and if available, see it as larning result.

Sample Sentence 6: Tree diagrams are a graphical manner of naming all the possible results.

Learning result: Predating Noun phrase i? Tree diagrams

It was observed during analysis that along with the verb and its relation with Noun phrases in the sentence, the place of the verb in the sentence is besides important. The sentences 1 and 2 in Table I are illustration of such sentences. Both the above sentences explain the term “ Candidate key ” . When predicates are extracted for above sentences, in the first instance “ Candidate key ” is prepositional object, while in 2nd instance, “ Candidate key ” is Direct Object related to verb “ defined ” .

Rule-Based Outcome Identifier

This stage picks up the regulation from the rule-base ( Table -I ) depending on the form identified by the form designation engine and place of verb found in form in a sentence and separates out larning result from other Noun phrases in a sentence. For case if a sentence incorporating the form “ known as ” is found, Rule 1 described in Table I will be applied. The place of the verb will be checked and if the verb is positioned in the left of the sentence, Direct object in a sentence will be considered a Learning result and if the verb is positioned in right of the sentence, Prepositional Object of the sentence will be considered as Learning result. At times, the verbs are positioned neither towards utmost left or right but are about in center of the sentence. In that instance, Direct object in sentence is an explained construct.

Order of the regulations mentioned in the rule-base is followed as if sentence contains the form “ known as ” so rule 1 will be applied and non govern 2. Merely one regulation will be applied on the sentence. For case the sentence containing form “ known as ” shall incorporate “ is ” besides but one time rule 1 is applied, sentence will non be scanned further for application of other regulations.

Domain Ontology

Ontology is a specification of an abstract, simplified position of the universe that we wish to stand for for some intent. This position is called conceptualisation. Therefore, ontology defines a set of representational footings that typically include constructs and dealingss. The system shops the sphere cognition of assorted subjects and their topics in the signifier of ontology. Fig. 4. gives an overview of created sphere ontology with multiple beds.

Fig. 4. Capable Domain Ontology

The top bed contains subjects like Computer Science. Separate ontologies for other subjects like Management and Statistics are created. The 2nd bed contains Subjects under that subject. The 3rd bed contains the wide subjects covered under that topic. Subjects once more can incorporate sub-topics. These subtopics may be once more represented by aggregation of assorted footings. We have represented sphere ontology utilizing Ontology web linguistic communication. We have developed ontologies in the Protege Ontology Editor [ 30 ] and used the Web Ontology Language ( OWL DL ) to show the ontologies ( Protege OWL ) . The development of the sphere ontology incurs cost in footings of both clip and manual attempt. But we have observed that one time it is developed, its presence will assist in effectual and standardised automatic coevals of metadata and accomplishing higher preciseness degree in the retrieval procedure.

Ontology Based Outcome Identification

Our following observation provinces that in any learning stuff, before explicating certain construct, writer normally mentions the header and so writes some sentences within it. The heading typically represents the subject or wide construct discussed in the papers which acts as intended acquisition result. Therefore, any sentence in the papers if consists of merely Noun phrase, has some data format characteristics applied on it and is followed by certain text, so it is larning result, provided the term is found in sphere ontology.

Learning Prerequisites Identification

Once learning result is identified from a sentence, all the staying Noun phrases in a papers can be treated as requirement to understand the papers. But, it was observed during rating that certain Noun phrases which are non related to domain can non be treated as requirement and their inclusion in the list of requirements resulted into important bead in preciseness. If Noun Phrase is present in sphere ontology it is confirmed that it is a construct related to some topic and can be considered as requirement. During proving, it was found that certain footings which were listed as requirement were besides listed down in Learning outcome list as they were defined in the acquisition stuff itself. Therefore those footings are non considered as requirements to understand larning stuff and hence removed from the prerequisite list.


This subdivision contains algorithm for extraction of Learning result and Learning requirements from a learning papers.

Input signal: papers D

End product: learning result footings list ( LO ) and prerequisite ( PR ) footings list

// papers D can be either html or docx papers

// D contains n sentences S1, aˆ¦ Si, aˆ¦ Sn.

// C is the concept list of D incorporating P constructs,

C i? { c1, aˆ¦ , ck, aˆ¦ , cp }

//P is the list of forms

P i? { p1, p2aˆ¦aˆ¦pjaˆ¦aˆ¦.pm }

//T is the list of pattern type

T i? { “ prepositional verb ” , “ verb entirely ” , “ phrasal verb ” , “ to-be verb ” }

// PT is the list of forms and type to which it belongs,

Ex-husband: { “ bases for ” , “ phrasal verb ” }

// R is the regulation base defined for each form type,

R i? { r1 aˆ¦rkaˆ¦. , rq }

Measure 1. Pick up sentence from the papers.

Parse the sentence.

Add Noun Phrases obtained in measure 1.1 in the construct list C.

Count Noun phrases.

If Noun phrase Count = 1, so

Check if formatting characteristic is applied on Noun Phrase, if yes, travel to 1.4.2, else goto measure 2.

Check If Noun Phrase is available in sphere ontology ; If available, add it to Outcome list LO. Travel to Step 2.

Else Goto Step 1.5.

Check the presence of predefined form in the sentence. If form is available, look into its type from PT, goto 1.6 else Go to Step 2.

If instance type t1, use Rule r1. Add identified Noun phrase to LO. Travel to Step 2.

If instance type t2 and form available in sentence is positioned in the left of sentence, use Rule r2. Add identified Noun phrase to LO. Goto Step 2.

If instance type t2 and form available in sentence is positioned in the right of the sentence, use Rule r3. Add identified Noun phrase to LO. Goto Step 2.

If instance type t2 and place of form available in sentence is either towards right or left, use Rule r4. Add identified Noun phrase to LO. Goto Step 2.

If instance type t3, use Rule r5. Add identified Noun phrase to LO. Goto Step 2.

If instance type t4, use Rule r6. Add identified Noun phrase to LO. Goto Step 2.

Measure 2. Check whether all sentences in the papers are parsed or non. If all parsed, Go to Step 3, else Go to Step 1.

Measure 3. For each construct Ci in C, if Ci a?‰LO, add Ci to PR, provided Ci is available in sphere ontology.

Return LO, PR.

As mentioned earlier, the algorithm discussed in this paper is portion of web service developed for semantic note of larning stuff. Fig 5 shows user interface designed to input larning stuff which in bend calls web service. Web Service returns metadata to the user. A learning stuff explicating procedure programming was provided every bit input as shown in fig. 5 and end product was listed as shown in fig. 6.

Fig.5. User Interface

Fig. 6. Final End product

End product can besides be listed in the signifier of hypertext markup language metatags which author can straight add in html papers every bit good as in xml and rdf ( resource description format ) which can be used by systems for intelligent recommendations increasing its adaptability. User can take either of three as shown in fig 5.

4 rating

To measure our system, we have used 200 paperss from assorted capable spheres like Operating systems, Database direction systems, Data constructions, Statistics and Total quality direction as trial bed. The paperss were processed by our tool and so prerequisite constructs and larning results were obtained for each papers. For rating, four topic experts were given larning paperss and were asked to place larning results and prerequisite constructs. The capable experts were non shown the constructs listed by the system at the clip of manual note. However they knew about the algorithm being evaluated. Thus the paperss were annotated manually every bit good as through the system. Prerequisite constructs and Outcome constructs listed down by capable experts were so compared with system generated end product as shown in fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Interface for comparing writer suggested constructs with system generated constructs

Learning results and prerequisite constructs precisely fiting, partly fiting, excess found and that are non listed by the system are so counted. Some constructs are extracted partly, for illustration, Sigma is extracted as Learning result, nevertheless Six Sigma is expected. Such constructs are considered as partly matched constructs in rating. The sample consequence of the numeration is as shown in fig. 8. and fig. 9. The delineated consequence is in no specific order or penchant like best or worst.

Fig. 8. Sample consequence of Comparison of Expert suggested Prerequisite constructs with system generated Prerequisites

Fig. 9. Sample consequence of Comparison of Expert suggested Outcome

constructs with system generated Outcome

The step used to measure the consequences was the F -score [ 31 ] , which measures the effectivity of retrieval with regard to a user who attaches I? times every bit much importance to remember as preciseness.

In this survey, the chief concern is that, how many of the system suggested prerequisite constructs and larning result are right ( preciseness ) and how many of the manually assigned prerequisite constructs and larning result are retrieved ( callback ) . As the proportion of right suggested prerequisite constructs and larning result is considered every bit of import as the sum of constructs extracted by the system, I? was assigned the value 1, therefore giving preciseness and remember equal weights.

Preciseness is calculated as Number of constructs identified right by the system / Total constructs generated by the system.

Recall is calculated as Number of constructs identified right by the system / Number of constructs identified by the writers.

5. consequences and treatment

Comparison of experts suggested footings with system generated footings show that in rare instances system was unable to name down larning result and acquisition requirements. Table II shows preciseness, callback and F-score in rating of larning requirement and learning result.

Table II: Evaluation Consequences

Learning Prerequisites







Learning Outcome







Drop in preciseness in Learning requirements is due to extra generated constructs. Therefore to look into effectivity of the attack, understanding of writers was sought for the Learning requirements and result that were found by the system but were non listed out by them. Fig. 10 shows the sample of agree/disagree listing of the Learning requirements and Learning outcome excess found by the tool.

Fig. 10. Writer understanding for Extra found constructs

It was found that in 85.2 % instances writers have agreed with the system generated larning requirements and in 88 % instances they have agreed with system generated larning results, which they missed out while naming down the constructs. Table Three shows recalculation of preciseness and callback, sing constructs agreed upon by the experts as exact lucifer in computation.

Table Three: Re-Evaluation Consequences

Learning Prerequisites







Learning Outcome







It is hard to compare our consequences to other related work because most of the related work is focused on definition extraction. Our focal point is to distinguish learning result and requirement from definitions. Along with campaigner sentences which can be termed as definitions, we have besides extracted larning results and requirements from other parts of the papers.

6 decision and future work

Therefore, this paper showcases rule-based attack to place larning requirements and larning result from the acquisition papers which can later organize the footing for adaptability of intelligent larning systems. Preciseness and Recall of our consequences supports the effectivity of the tool. Second stage of the rating besides signifies that at times author is non able to place requirements from a papers as he is really much aware of the construct, but in fact a leaner may non be cognizant of it. Thus writers would non hold picked the acquisition requirements and larning result, if they were n’t suggested by the system. But the system can place those constructs. Designation of the acquisition requirements and result can be used as a metadata which can turn out utile in showing the acquisition paperss harmonizing to the demands of the scholar by intelligent learning direction systems taking to adaptability.

The attack discussed in this paper is dependent on the format of the content represented in the acquisition papers, efficiency of Noun Phrase extractor and the footings added in sphere ontology. If certain standardisation is followed in content creative activity of textual acquisition paperss the consequences could be better. Again, Manual creative activity of sphere ontology though created with adequate attention and attempt may lose some footings. This may once more take to drop in consequence.

The range of the work presented in this paper is limited to larning stuff in English linguistic communication in html/docx format belonging to Computer Science topics. We would wish to farther prove the regulations on larning stuff belonging to other subjects.

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