Comparison Edgar Allan Poe And Edogawa Rampo English Literature Essay

This survey compares The Murders in the Rue Morgue written by Edgar Allan Poe and The D-slope Murder Case by Edogawa Rampo. The two authors are known as the Father of detective stories2 in their several fatherlands. There are similarities in characters and scenes and besides differences in relationships between characters and secret plan. Through those similarities and differences, we can see the leaning of Poe ‘s and Rampo ‘s work. There are some factors that cause those similarities and differences in Poe ‘s and Rampo ‘s plants. Social and cultural factors cause similarities ; other factors such as personalities, household or calling cause differences.

The factors produce the similarities and differences between them. Finally, the thesis analyzes the influences on society, readers and other writers by the two authors.

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1. 1. General background

1. 1. 1. A brief debut to mystery genre

The American author Edgar Allan Poe ( 1809-1849 ) and the Nipponese author Edogawa Rampo ( 1894-1965 ) are both celebrated for composing enigma novels. Mystery fiction is a equivalent word for detective fiction or offense fiction. From the late 19th to the early twentieth century, detective fiction was defined as the procedure of work outing job related to offense. However, as clip went by, this genre has been changed to assorted genres such as classics, stock list and offense fiction. Classicss, besides called legitimate or at a loss detective narrative is merely the typical detective narratives like Edgar Allan Poe ‘s The Murder Case in the Rue Morgue. The basic narrative line introduces the instance and a detective so solves it. Inventory genre is originated in England. The Singing Bone ( 1912 ) of Richard Austin Freeman is the representative novel of stock list genre. This genre shows the scene of perpetrating something in item in the first portion of the narrative, and so a detective solves the instance. The illustration of offense fiction can be Francis Iles ‘ Malice Aforethought ( 1931 ) . It analyzes the motive or procedure of the offense.

Poe ‘s The Murders in the Rue Morgue is considered the first detective fiction in the English-speaking states. After success of the deriving celebrity from the novel, he published several other plants: The Mystery of Marie Roget ( 1842 ) , The Gold Bug ( 1843 ) and The Purloined Letter ( 1845 ) . All the four investigator narratives are known as the classic of enigma genre and they form the basic construction of detective narratives which include offense, condemnable and detective. The influence of investigator narratives besides goes in to Britain and France. There are a batch of enigma plants by Emile Gaboriau[ 1 ], Arthur Morrison[ 2 ], and Agatha Christie[ 3 ]and so on.

Japan is besides well-known for the enigma genre. Nipponese detective fiction is by and large called Suiri shousetsu in Nipponese. It includes a twosome of genres such as detective fiction, enigma fiction, offense fiction, historical fiction, scientific discipline fiction and phantasy. Edogawa Rampo is said to be the conceiver of the genres[ 4 ]. He is the first Nipponese modern enigma author and besides the laminitis of the Detective Story Club in Japan. Furthermore, there is Edogawa Rampo Award for writers who write enigma fictions. It is named after Edogawa Rampo, and it has been honored every twelvemonth by the Mystery Writers of Japan since 1955. Nowadays, authors who have already won this award are really popular in Japan.

With the development of the society as a whole, enigma genre has enjoyed growing and popularity worldwide.

1. 1. 2. The grounds why I chose this subject

There are two grounds that I chose this subject: personal involvement and the relationships between the two writers that I found in “ Classic of American Literature ” category[ 5 ].

First of all, I have ever been fond of reading Nipponese enigma novels and have besides paid near attending to Nipponese enigma narratives ; this is, because Japan is celebrated for enigma genre. In Japan, Edogawa Rampo establishes the base of detective narratives. After success of Rampo, other authors have besides written detective narratives which reveal darkness of society, concentrating on exemplifying the felon who committed offense. Therefore, that novel is non depicting alone fast ones or offenses, but exemplifying something that can be found in the existent universe, so the world attracts readers like me. Therefore, the enigma genre has become to be popular. Every clip when I read a Nipponese enigma novel, I can experience non merely involvement of illation, but besides Nipponese civilization or societal backgrounds of the period that the narrative was written.

In “ Classic of American Literature ” category, I have learned a batch about Edgar Allan Poe and his plants by and large. After reading “ The Fall of the House of Usher, ” I have been much more interested in Poe ‘s enigma narratives. I have found there is a connexion between Edogawa Rampo and Edgar Allan Poe, merely by judging from Rampo ‘s pen name: Edogawa Rampo. Although Poe and Rampo are different in nationality, composing period, and instruction, they are known as the Father of detective narratives[ 6 ]in their several states. Their common things are merely a few things like business. The most of import thing is literary feature. In both of their detective fictions, they focus on the logic procedure of conclusion with psychological position. In short, on the position of composing techniques, Poe and Rampo prosecute similar thing: psychological science.

1. 1. 3. My attack to the research work

I would wish to compare two representative plants of two authors: The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe and The D-slope Murder Case by Edogawa Rampo. The Murders in the Rue Morgue is known as the first investigator narrative which is meaningful in the western states[ 7 ]. I think The D-slope Murder Case is apparently similar in the several parts like rubric and plot line. Furthermore, the rubric The Murders in the Rue Morgue straight appears in the narrative. It evidently indicates that The D-slope Murder Case is influenced by The Murders in the Rue Morgue. Due to those interesting points, I select The Murders in the Rue Morgue and The D-slope Murder Case.

What I want to emphasize is the factors that influenced Poe ‘s and Rampo ‘s plants and besides want to cognize influences on today ‘s readers, authors and even society. I will cover both of similarities and differences on Poe ‘s and Rampo ‘s work and the consequences of them with the classs of analysis including societal, cultural and other factors.

1. 2. Literature reappraisal

Most of the research documents I have read chiefly concentrate on single survey about Edgar Allan Poe or Edogawa Rampo. When I went through the research work done by others, I found several similarities between the two authors, so I decided to compare and analyse them together.

1. 2. 1. Research on Edgar Allan Poe

In The Psychology of The Murders in the Rue Morgue, the writer J. A. Leo Lemay emphasizes psychological things like metaphors such as the decision of the fiction, the significance of house, crewman and Pongo pygmaeus that appear in The Murders in the Rue Morgue and one of them, the Pongo pygmaeus is found as the liquidator. And the crewman, who is the maestro of Pongo pygmaeus, dose non notices that his Pongo pygmaeus is the slayer, so at the stoping of the narrative, he is wholly aghast. I agree with the position of suggestions likes “ Poe ‘s analysis, hence, specifically refers to the motives and psychological science of worlds ” ( Lemay 167 ) . Furthermore, there are interesting positions of homosexual relationships among some characters in the narratives. The inquiry about the relationships between psychological science and sex is raised in the text. The replies to the inquiry are in the several parts of Lemay ‘s research work: nineteenth century theory, faith and societal background. At this point, we can think influences of Poe ‘s work would be largely from Western civilization, non merely American, but besides European civilization. However, the ground of “ Why did Poe present the homosexual suggestions? ” ( Lemay 172 ) demands to be improved. The author of the thesis, Lemay references about the amusement for the readers. I think there must be other grounds for that, for illustration that societal backgrounds during that period of clip.

Another research paper titled “ The Murders in the Rue Morgue ” : Edgar Allan Poe ‘s Evolutionary Reverie focuses on scientific positions i.e. the development instead than psychological things. There is an interesting point in the paper:

A instance in point is Edgar Allan Poe ‘s The Murders in the Rue Morgue, arguably the first detective narrative, the first manifestation of a new genre “ born and nourished in a new epoch of universe history ( Frank 169 ) .

And I ‘m besides interested in the point on Ourang-outang: respect as a sub-human. However, the text has an opposite point, which is tend to asseverate scientific thing overall, against my point of position. In other words, the author of this research, Lawrence Frank, regards the objectiveness is more of import thing. However, I would wish to turn to from the psychological position in my survey.

1. 2. 2. Research on Edogawa Rampo

The general thought of Review, The Journal of Asian Studies, Robert H. Brower is the sentiments of Nipponese Narratives of Mystery and Imagination translated by James B. Harris. Brower says Edogawa Rampo has great ability to show his ain features such as unnatural, eldritch and glooming ambiance in his novels. However, the author of the reappraisal becomes more critical. Brower says:

But alongside The Murders in the Rue Morgue, these narratives may look simply eldritch at best. But there is small in the manner of inventiveness in secret plan or presentation to exposure in the 1 ‘s powers of tax write-off ( Brower 480 ) .

I assert that there are non many translated fictions which are Rampo ‘s in Western states, so the readers may near universe of Rampo limitedly.

Huffy Scientists and Their Prey: Bioethicss, Murder, and Fiction in Interwar Japan suggests that the point that how Nipponese experience the detective narratives. This essay focuses on sort of moonstruck scientist who has killed person, a subgenre within the larger watercourse of Nipponese detective fiction during the 1920s and 1930s. She, the author of the research, keeps tracking down the ways of the motive of the huffy scientist and emphasizes the strife between scientific discipline and moralss. I agree with the point:

The more “ traditional ” motives of greed, green-eyed monster, and simple hatred came to portion the limelight with more degage and clinical grounds to kill ( Kawana 118 ) .

Although it is non straight about Rampo ‘s plants, the whole sentiments of Nipponese enigma fictions are interesting, because it is different from what Western people think. I besides have an involvement of the position:

It is dry that detective fiction, a genre considered frivolous and disposable, offered an sphere in which authors could voice their serious concerns about the universe around them ( Kawana 119 ) .

This point is rather related to one of my positions on both of Poe ‘s and Rampo ‘s plants. However, I wonder about other factors that influence on the enigma genre in Japan. World War a…? or the other wars may be merely one of the factors which influence enigma genre. It was the lone factor that influences the development of detective fictions in Japan? What about the Nipponese civilization, ideas or influences from other civilizations?

1. 3. My research inquiries

Through the literature reviews, I come up with the following research inquiries: foremost, what are the similarities and differences between the two? Second, why do similarities and differences exist between the two novels and the two authors? Third, how the two authors and their plants influence on society, other writers and readers will cover in this thesis.

A Comparison between Edgar Allan Poe ‘s The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Edogawa Rampo ‘s The D-slope Murder Case

I would wish to compare The Murders in the Rue Morgue of Edgar Allan Poe and The D-slope Murder Case of Edogawa Rampo to happen out how the two are similar to or different from each other.

Poe ‘s “ The Murders in the Rue Morgue ” was published in 1841. It is known as the first detective narrative in the western civilization. It is about the slaying instance which involves victims Madame L’Espanaye and her girl in the Rue Morgue, and the detective C. Auguste Dupin helps work out the instance.

Rampo ‘s “ The D-slope Murder Case ” was released in 1925. It is one of his classics of early twentieth-century Nipponese popular literature. The narrative is about a adult female who is killed by sadomasochistic games with her hubby. The investigator named Akechi Kogoro so started his work. In the undermentioned subdivisions, I will discourse the similarities and the differences between the two novels.

2. 1. Similarities between the two narratives

There are similarities between the two narratives in characters and scenes. In the session of analysis of the character, the figure, business, avocation and personality are explained.

2. 1. 1. Similar characters

There are two chief characters in each work. In Poe ‘s The Murders in the Rue Morgue, there are the detective C. Auguste Dupin and the storyteller. In Rampo ‘s The D-slope Murder Case, the investigator is called Akechi Kogoro and the storyteller lead the narrative. Furthermore, it is the introduction of celebrated investigators: Auguste Dupin and Akechi. Poe introduces the paradigm of the investigator who is ever acute and carefully observes everything in The Murders in the Rue Morgue for the first clip. Rampo ‘s Akechi is besides the first to look in The D-slope Murder Case.

The characters in both narratives are likewise. For illustration, the two investigators about have the same avocation. I think that it is because Dupin and Akechi do the same thing for a life as detective. Detectives are normally work forces of acute observation and are good at deducing a decision.

Therefore, both of them like reading books. In The Murders in the Rue Morgue, the storyteller illustrates the first clip when Detective Dupin and the storyteller meet at the library where there are many books. In The D-slope Murder Case, there is besides an illustration of Akechi ‘s room which is filled with legion books.

Furthermore, their general features are besides similar. As I suggested in the above paragraph, both of them are good at observation and reading one ‘s head:

I felt my psyche enkindled within me by the wild ardor and the graphic freshness of his imaginationaˆ¦aˆ¦ I could non assist noting and admiringaˆ¦aˆ¦ a curious analytic ability in Dupinaˆ¦aˆ¦ How was it possible you should cognize I was believing of? ( Tails of Edgar Allan Poe, The Murders in the Rue Morgue 50 )

In The D-slope Murder Case, when the storyteller and Akechi have a conversation with each other, both of them are holding a great ability of observation and memorisation.

There is besides an of import character: storyteller. In both of Poe and Rampo ‘s narratives, the storyteller explains the whole narrative and sometimes illustrates the investigators and even their ideas. In The Murders in the Rue Morgue, the storyteller describes Dupin ‘s general features like this:

Detecting him in these tempers, I frequently dwelt meditatively upon the old doctrine of the Bi-Part Soul, and amused myself with the illusion of a double-Dupin-the creative and the dissolvent ( The Murders in the Rue Morgue 52 ) .

The storyteller besides mentions a whole narrative, for illustration, the storyteller mentions the flushing edition of the magazine which covers the slaying instance. Besides, the storyteller says the following twenty-four hours ‘s paper which is besides references the same instance. Last, he is able to right think Detective Dupin ‘s ideas and head:

Dupin seemed singularly interested in the advancement of this affair-at least so I judge from his mode, for he made no remarks ( The Murders in the Rue Morgue 64 ) .

In Rampo ‘s novel, for case, the storyteller guesses Detective Akechi is a felon who has a lissome pace and wears striped Ukata ( Nipponese traditional apparels ) a typical apparels condemnable may have on when he committed a offense. To state the whole narrative to the readers, the storyteller normally rouses readers utilizing direct address in this manner:

All of you readers can think plenty that my decision of illation through Akechi and my conversation. ( The D-slope Murder Case 8 )

2. 1. 2. Similar scenes: subject, focal point and decision of the narratives

In this session, scenes includes subject, focal point and decision. These elements in the narratives besides have a similitude to each other.

First, the general subject in the fresh suggests distinctive feature of felons and the relationships between the characters and background narratives of the instances. In Poe ‘s novel, Orangutan, the felon is non a homo:

There was something in his mode of stressing the word “ peculiar, ” which caused me to shiver, without cognizing why. ( The Murders in the Rue Morgue 67 )

Besides in Rampo ‘s narrative, the felon is non Akechi but person else.

The relationships are besides curious. For illustration, the storyteller and Dupin in Poe ‘s narrative and the victim and the felon in Rampo ‘s narrative interact with each other in a pathetic mode. In Poe ‘s narrative, person like Lemay who writes the research paper on Poe ‘s work argue that they are in homosexual relationship. I will analyse the issue in the following session.

The victims ‘ background narratives are besides peculiar. As I mentioned earlier, in Rampo ‘s novel, both of the victim and felon are sadomasochistic. In Poe ‘s narrative, the two female victims ‘ behind rumour have sexual relationship. It is non really eldritch today, but those novels were written about early twentieth century. To me, the consequences and scenes of the narratives were eldritch plenty at that clip.

Additionally, the focal point of illation in both fictions is based on the logical procedure of conclusion. While Dupin or Akechi solve the slaying instance, both of them regard the interior of human more of import. In short, the investigators are concentrating on psychological science. Here is the portion of related research paper:

The undermentioned sentences confirm this reading. The storyteller remarks that the analyst ‘derives pleasure from even the most fiddling businesss conveying his endowment into drama. ‘ In add-on to such necessary actual affairs as conveying on phase the storyteller and Dupin, depicting their first meeting and subsequent relationship, and stating of their characters, Part Two of the debut begins the peculiar psychological geographic expeditions that are the major undertone ( Lemay 168 ) .

In The D-slope Murder Case, the storyteller suspects Akechi as a slaying

because of the storyteller ‘s ain illation, although the procedure of conclusion is non right at the terminal. Detective Akechi eventually says that the best conclusion is the consciousness of one ‘s motor psychologically. He besides mentions “ word association trial, ” which is originated in psychological science.

Last, decision of the narratives has the similar point. Both of the felons are unexpected. In Poe ‘s narrative, the slayer is non human, but Orangutan. Dupin read the transition from Cuvier which introduces general features of Orangutans, and so found the felon ‘s particular characteristics accord with Orangutan ‘s as he said “ I see that no animate being but an Ourang-Outang ( The Murders in the Rue Morgue 80 ) . ” Furthermore, the original maestro of Orangutan is rather shocked and says:

I am guiltless ; I am hapless ; my Ourang-Outang is of great value-to 1 in my fortunes a luck of itself-why should I lose it through idle apprehensivenesss of danger? ( The Murders in the Rue Morgue 82 )

In Rampo ‘s fiction, the liquidator is non Akechi, but the proprietor of Asahiya who is a hubby of the victim. At first, the storyteller continuously suspects detective Akechi because of his apparels, alibi and informant. However, Akechi brings a affair to visible radiation by Munsterberg ‘s theory and related event. The storyteller listens to the narrative of sadomasochistic, which means that enjoyment from aching person and being hurt, particularly during sexual activity, and clears up misinterpretation of Akechi.

2. 2. Differences between the two narratives

I would wish to compare the differences in the relationships between the chief characters and the secret plan inside informations of the two narratives.

2. 2. 1. Different relationships between the chief characters

The relationships among the characters are instead different. In Poe ‘s novel, the storyteller and Detective Dupin are close to each other, but in Rampo ‘s narrative, the storyteller and Detective Akechi are instead hostile. Here are some illustrations from Poe ‘s novel:

I felt my psyche enkindled within me by the wild ardor and the graphic freshness of his imaginativeness. Seeking in Paris the objects I so sought, I felt that the society of such a adult male would be to me a hoarded wealth beyond monetary value ( The Murder in the Rue Morgue 50 ) .

aˆ¦ Then we sallied Forth into streets arm in arm, go oning the subjects of the twenty-four hours, or rolling far and broad until a late hr, seeking, amid the wild visible radiations and shadows of the thickly settled metropolis, that eternity of mental exhilaration which quiet observation can afford ( The Murder in the Rue Morgue 52 )

In the same novel, the relationship between Madame and Mademoiselle L’Espanaye who are victims of the instance is merely non the 1 between friends or household members, but instead homosexual:

The old lady and her girl seemed on good footings, really fond towards each other.

aˆ¦ It was non known whether there were any living connections of Madame L. and her girl ( The Murder in the Rue Morgue 59-60 ) .

However, in Rampo ‘s narrative, the relationship between storyteller and Akechi is non really near. Actually, the storyteller suspects Akechi:

The strangest thing is when constabularies were look intoing ; you did non state anything about the Madame who was killed and even she was one of your friends.

aˆ¦ He still dishevels his hair with a consecutive face. So I changed my indirect address which indicates respect him into direct address ( The D-slope Murder Case 11 ) .

2. 2. 2. Different secret plan inside informations

Another different portion in both of the narratives is inside informations of secret plan, particularly the figure of characters who lead the illation, the manner to work out the instance and the relationship with the constabulary. In Poe ‘s novel, merely one individual, Detective Dupin, leads the illation. At first, he guesses the instance by the paper, and so goes to the really topographic point where the slaying instance happened. And Dupin dose non trust constabularies at all.

However, in the narrative of Rampo, both of the storyteller and detective Akechi make the illation. They originally were in the topographic point that the instance happened. They are non really hostile to patrol but instead near to each other.

In Poe ‘s novel, Detective Dupin leads and asserts the illation while the storyteller is about inactive. When work outing the instance, the storyteller merely listens and merely agrees with Dupin ‘s thought. Dupin infers the instance through the articles in the newspaper. At first, he merely uses the stuffs that he has and makes an illation. Besides, Dupin distrusts the constabulary. Dupin says “ The Parisian constabulary, so much extolled for acumen, are cunning, but no more ( The Murders in the Rue Morgue 64-65 ) . ”

However, in Rampo ‘s novel, the storyteller and detective Akechi argue and think at the same clip. In the most portion of the text, they have a conversation about the instance. The storyteller besides guesses who the felon is and attempts to happen out the motive of the instance and the manner to perpetrate. Finally, the storyteller recognizes that his illation is incorrect. In the narrative, the storyteller says that when he was listening Akechi ‘s presentation, the storyteller became to cognize his failure. At this point, the interesting thing appears: the things like word association trial that related to psychological science. Akechi references Munsterberg ‘s Psychology and Crime and asserts that testimony sometimes can non be trusted. Here is the citation from The Memory of the Witness which is written by Munsterberg and played an of import function in The D-slope Murder Case:

Merely four individuals, for case, among 40 noticed that the Negro had nil on his caput ; the others gave him a bowler hat, or a high chapeau, and so on. In add-on to this, a ruddy suit, a brown one, a stripy one, a coffee-coloured jacket, shirt arms, and similar costumes were invented for him. He wore in world white pants and a black jacket with a big ruddy necktie ( The D-slope Murder Case 13 ) .

Therefore, comparing to Dupin ‘s manner, Akechi ‘s manner of thought is different. Besides, Akechi and the storyteller solve the instance through observation and illations in the really topographic point where the accident took topographic point, non the articles in the newspaper. Relatively, both of the two do non disregard the constabulary really much. It is instead to swear them:

One of my friends is journalist of societal section, and he is really close to detective Kobayashi. So I could acquire assorted pieces of information from him ( The D-slope Murder Case 4 ) .

2. 3. Further treatment

Both of Poe and Rampo concentrate on the negative side of human head such as the stereotype that felon can merely be a human and the affair of homosexualism or sadomasochism. Their similarities or differences besides affect to mentality on life, believing manner and composing manner. To uncover societal jobs and appeal their sentiments on the issues, both of them create the character Detective Dupin and Detective Akechi. In short, those characters represent the writers ‘ ideas.

First of all, Poe tries to near the psychological field like this in his work:

His ain desires to determine his reading of physical hints, taking to abashing false conclusionaˆ¦ Since Poe makes clear that in a detective narrative the dissolvent and the creative are virtually indistinguishable ( Walker 123- 128 ) .

aˆ¦His fiction from the early 1840s reflects this submergence in his ain topographic point and clip. To be certain, Poe ‘s artistic techniques and penetration into human psychological science have given many of his narratives the apparently a historical position of “ authoritative ” literature ( Walker 77 ) .

In the text from Rampo, Detective Akechi besides mentions the article The Memory of the Witness and the term of word association trial:

Merely four individuals, for case, among 40 noticed that the Negro had nil on his caput ; the others gave him a bowler hat, or a high chapeau, and so on. In add-on to this, a ruddy suit, a brown one, a stripy one, a coffee-coloured jacket, shirt arms, and similar costumes were invented for him. He wore in world white pants and a black jacket with a big ruddy necktie ( The D-slope Murder Case 13 ) .

Related to witness, I guess that two writers want to stress and research the psychological thing that acts on homo ‘s logic of idea. Those values and features that the two authors try to implant in their narratives are related to the societal, historical or cultural backgrounds.

Factors that causes similarities and differences

In this chapter, I would wish to discourse some of the historical, societal and cultural factors that cause the similarities and differences between Poe ‘s The Murders in the Rue Morgue and Rampo are The D-slope Murder Case.

3. 1. Why similarities and differences in Poe ‘s and Rampo ‘s plants

3. 1. 1. Historical, societal and cultural factors

The historical, societal and cultural backgrounds cause similarities in Poe ‘s and Rampo ‘s plants. Let ‘s concentrate on the external environment in which Poe and Rampo lived as authors. Lois & A ; Francis E. Hyslop illustrated America like this:

The United States is a immature and mammoth state, of course covetous of the old continent. Proud of its stuff development, abnormal and about monstrous, this fledgling in history has a naA?ve religion in the omnipotence of industry ( Lois and Francis E. Hyslop 93 ) .

In the early 1800s, American society was tend to agricultural and in slow pacing, nevertheless, the in-migration was regarded as the power of developing and altering America. Some people resisted the alteration even utilizing force. So in the 1840s, there were assorted motions for ejection of in-migration. Related to in-migration, Puritanism besides influenced that period of America. The beginning of Puritanism is from the early in the seventeenth century. Some Puritan groups emigrated from England and since that clip Puritanism influenced whole American society more than 200 old ages. In my point of position, Edgar Allan Poe may travel against Puritanism, because Puritanism has terrible regulation and idealism of faith, working and lifestyle. Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore besides says that Poe ‘s lone God was Art[ 8 ].

Furthermore, Poe is known for prosecuting Romanticism in America. During 1820 to 1865, Romanticism was developing in America. Romanticism emphasizes the words such as self-fulfillment, self-expression and autonomy. Of class, one ego became to be of import ; the psychological field besides became to be noticed. Therefore, that period can be seen as the first great acme of American literature, a decennary that helped to set up the Renaissance in America. That atmosphere had influenced on Edgar Allan Poe ‘s position of the universe in his plants, particularly in detective narratives such as

In chronological point of position, Rampo was born tardily than Poe. Therefore, Rampo was necessarily influenced by Edgar Allan Poe ‘s position of the universe or literary work. Particularly, Rampo experienced war including prewar period and postwar period, so western civilization like literature and political orientation which easy filters into Asia at that clip has an consequence on Rampo ‘s literary work. Rampo receives the influence of western writers like Edgar Allan Poe who write detective narratives, so Rampo at the same time write the narratives of related to gender, grotesqueness, and the pathetic things due to the war.

Nipponese society at that certain period of clip when Rampo lived besides influences on Rampo. During the 1920s, Japan went through a series of recession and a few banking crises. The general temper of state was besides affected by dejecting of economic system. I assume that it besides influenced Rampo ‘s Wyrd and grotesque atmosphere in his plant. Besides, with the economic temper of Japan, Taisho Democracy which was inquiring for more democracy and human rights became active such as in the field of adult females ‘s release, equal rights, and cultural freedom besides influenced Rampo ‘s literature activity.

Rampo ‘s plants are written in the prewar period, during World War a…? and postwar. The D-slope Murder Case is written in the prewar period. Although many of his early narratives are chiefly about the procedures used in work outing apparently unsoluble offenses, during the 1930s, he begins to turn progressively to narratives including esthesias of erotism, grotesqueness and absurd things.

During the War, Rampo writes merely one narrative about scientific narrative called Idainaru Yume ( A Great Dream ) . Due to the fact that society against amusements in that period, he can non compose much about detective narratives. However, he works on how his fellow authors of detective narratives spent the war old ages.

In the postwar period, Rampo concentrates on making enigma fictions, particularly promoting the production of new enigma fictions.

I conclude that societal and political alterations greatly influence authors like Poe and Rampo in footings of attitude to the universe, mentality on life, and the manner they approach to their plants.

3. 1. 2. Personal, calling and other factors

I would wish to discourse how personality, household environment and calling influence Poe and Rampo and their plants. Edgar Poe is born in Boston, 1809. His female parent, Elizabeth Arnold Poe, dies in Richmond, Virginia in 1811. His male parent, David Poe, besides dies after Elizabeth Arnold Poe dies. In early period of Poe, decease of Poe ‘s parents must act upon Poe ‘s personality. Speaking of Edogawa Rampo ‘s personality, he has both of shyness and acuteness.

Let ‘s first take a expression at Edgar Allan Poe. Many people agree that Poe has a tragic life:

The life of Edgar Allan Poe was a painful calamity with an stoping whose horror was increased by fiddling fortunes ( Lois and Francis E. Hyslop 38 ) .

Not merely did Poe ‘s imbibing endanger his wellness and seemingly do him to lose out on a authorities occupation, but it made him an easy mark for his literary enemies throughout the 1890s ( Walker 77 ) .

However, he is really affectionate of making work outing mystifiers ; he is basically a author, editor, and critic with an aesthetic esthesia and an involvement in researching the minds of liquidators and lunatics. To hold his ain diary and in order to obtain adequate money for that intent, he resorted to giving talks[ 9 ]( qtd in Lois and Francis E. Hyslop 100 ) .

Now I would wish to concentrate on Edogawa Rampo. Rampo is tend to wish making literary group activities, such as take parting to the wireless plan or other phase, and even traveling to the amusement to sit merry-go-round. He used to depict himself as a shy and businesslike adult male. In other words, he has opposing personalities. His personality could act upon on making characters such as Detective Akechi who is normally simple and honest individual, but can be changed into holding a crisp head when he solves the cryptic instance.

Influences of Edgar Allan Poe and Edogawa Rampo

Both of Edgar Allan Poe and Edogawa Rampo are the conceiver of enigma genre in America and Japan[ 10 ]. In this chapter, I am traveling to look into their influence on society, other authors and readers.

4. 1. Their influences on the development of literature

Poe and Rampo have contributed greatly to the literature in their several states. Poe establishes the paradigm hereafter enigma authors would follow:

First, there would be a apparently impossible offense, in this instance a dual slaying happening inside a room still locked from the interior. Then the detective character analyzes the hints in order to work out the enigma. To explicate to the audience merely how intelligent the investigator is, the storyteller is non the investigator but his somewhat simple side-kick. The Murders in the Rue Morgue was so good received that Poe decided to follow it with two subsequences besides having his Detective Dupin ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) .

Rampo has besides influenced Nipponese literature in a really positive manner. As I covered in chapter 3, when Rampo released his narrative in Shin Seinen magazine, other Nipponese detective narratives had besides been published. Finally, around 1925, many people all over Japan had come to be fond of detective narratives because of the ambiance of society. It became much freer because of Taisho Democracy.

However, because of tightening of censoring during the war old ages, Rampo ‘s early work falls out of favour. He appears to gamble narratives with attractive detective characters. After the war period, he instead concentrates on narratives for immature readers, and besides concentrates on developing the Japan Association of Mystery Writers.

Rampo founded the Detective Author ‘s Club, which was subsequently changed its name to the Japan Detective Writers ‘ Association in 1963. In add-on, he wrote many pieces of articles about the history of Nipponese, European, and American enigma fiction.

Both Poe and Rampo have made a important part to the development and publicity of enigma fiction.

4. 2. Their influences on readers and authors

Poe and Rampo besides influence other authors and readers by making a assortment of awards or associations.

There is an association called Museum of Edgar Allan Poe. There are aggregations of Edgar Allan Poe ‘s manuscripts, letters, first editions, memorabilia and personal properties. Harmonizing to the portal citation The Poe Museum:

The Poe Museum provides a retreat into early 19th century Richmond where Poe lived and worked. The museum features the life and calling of Edgar Allan Poe by documenting his achievements with images, relics, and poetry, and concentrating on his many old ages in Richmond ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) .

Besides, Poe strongly influences other authors who are specialized in detective narratives and readers who fond of reading enigma genre.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Godhead of the Sherlock Holmes enigmas, one time wrote, “ Where was the detective narrative before Poe breathed the breath of life into it? ” In fact, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ‘s Sherlock Holmes is so closely based on Poe ‘s character C. Auguste Dupin that early film makers looking for more Holmes enigmas to accommodate to the screen simply changed the names of Poe ‘s characters to turn The Murders in the Rue Morgue into Sherlock Holmes and the Great Murder Mystery.

There is Edogawa Rampo Award for enigma genre. The Edogawa Rampo Award, named after Edogawa Rampo, is a Nipponese literary award which has been presented every twelvemonth by the Mystery Writers of Japan since 1955. Celebrated writers who won the award are Keigo Higashino whose winning entry was Hokago in 1985, Shukei Nagasaka whose winning entry was Asakusa Enoken Ichiza-no Arashi in 1989 and Kazuaki Takano who wrote Jusan Kaidan in 2001.

Edogawa Rampo has particularly influenced Gosho Aoyama ‘s work Detective Conan Series. Aoyama ‘s representative character Detective Conan is the typical 1. The character made his bogus name Conan Edogawa from Edogawa Rampo and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Furthermore, in the same work, there is Kogoro Mouri. He is besides affected by Akechi Kogoro who is made by Edogawa Rampo.

We know that each character from the Nipponese detective narratives is alone judgment by the different clip periods. However, the characters of detective narratives in Japan are all based on the celebrated and great detective character or narratives by Rampo.

Chapter Five Decision

5. 1. General sum-up

First of wholly, this survey compares to two authors, Edgar Allan Poe and Edogawa Rampo, and besides compares to their representative plants.

Then, the thesis analyzes similarities in characters, subject and decision ; besides analyzes differences in relationships between characters and item of the secret plan in the two narratives.

Next, the survey covers the ground why there be similarities and differences. On the position of historical, societal and cultural backgrounds, and besides on the point of personalities and household environment, the grounds are found.

Last, under those factors, the thesis addresses the influences of Poe and Rampo on their society, readers and other writers.

5. 2. Decision

Edgar Allan Poe and Edogawa Rampo are two great authors of enigma novels. They live and write in different historical periods. However, despite the differences reflected of course in their plants, I can still happen a batch of similarities between them. No affair how similar to or different from each other, their growing is closely connected to societal, cultural and personal factors.

On the other manus, my comparative survey helps me to see the development of enigma genre and the great part made by Edgar Allan Poe and Edogawa Rampo. Besides, the general involvement shown from the populace from the yesteryear to the present will decidedly assist further advance the popularity of enigma genre. I hope there will be more authors of enigma novels and their plants every bit good in the twenty-first century.

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