Explain And Detail The Communication Process English Language Essay

In this assignment, the first inquiry I had required to explicate and inside informations the Communication Process. Communication is the assorted methods of directing information and message between people. Procedure is step by measure attack to something. In communicating, there are many ways to pass on with a individual, such as the verbal or gestural communicating, unwritten or written communicating. The chief point in communicating is at least between two people to communicate- transmitter and audience. The communicating procedure is most of import for one communicating to be success. Communication with people is frequently originating in our life, but many efforts to pass on are unsuccessful. . If you understandable the communicating procedure, you can place and better the communicating accomplishment, so you will more success in communicate with she or he or a group.

2.0 Body

The Communication Process Diagram


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The diagram is demoing the 8 measure in communicating procedure

Above of the diagram, Communication Process has eight stairss way how thoughts travel from transmitter to receiver. There are message, encoding, pick channel and medium, transmittal, response, decrypting and understanding, respond and feedback.

1. Message

The first measure in communicating procedure is transmitter has an thought. That contains the information or newss to convey or direct to him or her. The message may be verbal, gestural, unwritten, written, or symbolic. Besides that, message can come from feeling, thought, inspiration, and many more. You conceive an thought and want to portion it. For illustration, in advertisement that merely writes some words and put image to convey the populace.

2. Encoding

The following measure is the transmitter encodes the thought in message. This procedure kwon as encryption, refers to seting ideas, thought, or information into a message that your receiving system will understand, you are encoding it. For illustration, many symbols have cosmopolitan significance, such as a ruddy circle with a ruddy line thought it to denote no or skip and add some image or symbol such as P is average no parking.

3. Choice of medium and channel

Following, sender produces the message in a medium. The transmitters need to take the medium and channel to be used, that manner you to show that message to your intended audience. The medium and channel of communicating are of two types, personal and unperson. Personal are direct face to confront contact with a individual. For illustration, the salesman selling some merchandise to client, and salesman utilizing oral cavity explain and communicate to client. Besides that, this method uses it between in household, co-workers, neighbour or friends. The non personal are transporting a message without interpersonal contact between transmitter and receiving system. Non personal are include ads, newspaper, magazines, electronic mail, SMS, wireless, and telecasting. For illustration, the xx company user magazines to pass on with public.

4. Transmission

After you pick of the medium and channel, it continues to supply new communicating channels you can utilize to convey your messages. Medium is which bearer the message and channel is which allows entree for the message. For illustration, a shampoo company take the telecasting is a channel and medium for transmit the message to aim audience.

5. Reception

The audience receives the message. When audience receives so message, some clip has job. Such as misinterpretation, message missed or message ignored. However, the message is no warrant the receiving system understood right. For illustration, the pupil are have the message from the instructor or lector, they will pay attendings for receive the message.

6. Decoding and Understanding

The audience decodes what is the message and understands its contents. Receivers are the consumers in the audience who read, hear, or see the message and decode it. For illustration, the pupils after receive the message or information, they will be analyze the message or information and decode it.

7. Respond

The audience responds to the message. The receiving systems need to state or does something reply or reaction to something after receives the message. For illustration, salesman introduce merchandise A, and the audience can purchase or reject to purchase the merchandise A, this reaction is respond to the salesman.

8. Feedback

The audiences send feedback to you. The receiving systems when after you give the message, audiences may besides give feedback to the transmitter. Feedback is information or remark about something that you have done transmitter Tells you how good or bad. For illustration, in a personal merchandising a merchandise to client, client may inquire inquiries, remark or expostulation or gives suggestions is a feedback to the transmitter or spokesman.

How does one guarantee that the intended audience has received the right message.

To guarantee that the audience has received a right message, the transmitter of the message should inquire the audience whether they understand the context of the message. The transmitter should give opportunities for the audience to inquire a inquiry based to the apprehension of the context message.

Barriers to Communication

When you are in communicating, message frequently can be disrupted by a assortment of communicating barriers. The barriers can are noise and distractions, channel dislocations. These barriers will do communicating failure.

Noise and distraction

The unplanned deformation and intervention is known as noise. Before communicate to he or she, you need to be after which topographic point is a better topographic point to traveling communicating. For illustration, a director do the concern with other company, the director demand to take a quite topographic point such as meeting room to make the concern. Communicate in noise and distraction environment will do error or mistake to convey the message.

Channel dislocations

Sometimes the channel merely interrupt down and mistake to convey the message to audiences. For illustration, message losing in the mail, because the engineering got some job. So, the communicator needs to do certain these barriers are non around to communicator.


In decision, communicating procedure is utile and helpful in our life. Apprehensible communicating procedure and retrieve 8 stairss can assist the transmitter successful in communicating. I hope the communicating procedure can add in secondary school, and allow the pupil more success in communicate to their parents, older coevals, and friends.

Question 2

1.0 Introduction

In this assignment the 2nd inquiry, as a merchandise director I have given the undertaking and duty to bring forth the shortly to be launched merchandise. Explain the assorted methods briefly, take the suited medium and name the manner to advance the merchandise. This merchandise is a high engineering new design. It is considered as a really utile, helpful and convenient for the adolescent and the people around the Earth. Every measure must be good formed and put into the assignment.

2.0 Body

2.1 The Soon To Be Launched Product

This merchandise of the new soon-to-be launched merchandise is a warm jacket. First of all, I want introduce warm jacket map and advantages is it can command the temperature how cool and how hot the organic structure of the individual wants. For illustration, if you at Iceland, you can put the temperature high and warm your organic structure. However, if you at a season clime state so you can put the temperature down to keep your organic structure temperature. This merchandise is high engineering merchandise, a new aggregation in 2012. My mark audience is for 19 old ages old and above the 19 old ages old. A jacket the monetary value is RM399.00, this monetary value is non expensive for consumers. For illustration, a subdivision vesture monetary value is above one 100. Besides that, but the warm jacket can salvage the money non necessitate to purchase winter, and many jacket.


Medium can be verbal and non verbal communicating. Verbal is when transmitter communicate with the receiving system is utilizing unwritten communicating or written communicating. Oral communicating is intending you utilizing your oral cavity speaking to another individual, can hear. The written communicating includes the missive, memos, and notes. For illustration, nowadays the younger coevalss frequently use Facebook and electronic mail to pass on. Non verbal communicating is body linguistic communications. The organic structure linguistic communication is really frequently use between communicate. For illustration, formal presentation the transmitter demand frequently use body linguistic communication to pass on with the audience. Another illustration for organic structure linguistic communication is when you see person the seeing can allow the individual cognize how is you felt, is good or bad. In this undertaking, I determination utilizing the written communicating as our medium to bring forth the shortly to be launched merchandise to our mark audience.


Methods of communicating there are two types such as above the line and below the line. Above the line is anything electronic such as wireless, facsimile, Television, nomadic phone, and many more. Besides that, below the line are newspaper, magazines, handwriting and many more. I determination to utilize telecasting to pass on to our mark audience. The ground why I choose the telecasting as a commercial is telecasting is a basic electronic. Nowadays, I believe in each family have a telecasting. They have a telecasting in house instead than hold a computing machine in house, because telecasting monetary value is cheaper than computing machine. Besides that, watch Television no demand to pay any fee. So, utilizing the commercial is better than cyberspace to pass on with our consumer. I prefer to utilize a few theoretical account to bring forth and present our merchandise to pull my mark audience.


Vehicles of communicating has 6 regulations, there are maintain it simple, use metaphors and analogy, use many different forums to distribute the word, repetition cardinal messages, lead by illustration and listen and be listened to.

First of all, maintain it in simple. Between in the communicating, I need directly to the point or heterosexual to the mark. Make it simple, clearly and apprehensible. Second, usage metaphors and analogy. Give an illustration, metaphors and analogy are really utile and helpful to complex the message and do it simple to understand. Third, use many different forums to distribute the word. Spread the information in formal presentations and meetings. Meeting can be informal and formal. Formal meeting like companies run intoing, in the formal meeting the participant consist employee and employer. In formal meeting, they need to have on formal vesture. Informal meeting can be a group or one to one negotiations. Next, repetition cardinal messages. This is really of import one regulation in vehicle of communicating, because it is chance to pull our mark audience. Besides that, lead by illustration. If you do the antonym of what you say, no 1 will listen to you. So, you need lead by illustration. The last regulation is listening and listened to. Communication is of import to allow us understand each other, the transmitter direct the message to receiver meanwhile the receiving system besides gives response and feedback to sender. The transmitter listen receiver response and feedback, this mode wills benefits to the transmitter.

Carry my mark audiences buy my merchandise

First of all, I need to be after, composing and finishing the persuasive message. The first measure in persuade my mark audiences is be aftering. In planning, I need to analyse the state of affairs, garner the information, select the medium and form the message. After this, composing the message demand to keep my attitude, use positive linguistic communication, respect civilization different and set up credibleness. Following, finishing the message consist evaluate the content, revision for lucidity and concision, measure design and bringing and last proofread the message.

After composing the persuasive message, the AIDA program are utile in persuade our mark audience. AIDA is average attending, involvement, desire, and action. If persuade the consumers to purchase your merchandise you need do them attending, involvement, desire, and do the action. So, I will demo the fact-finding study of market demand and feedback of the individual who after tried our merchandise. Show my mark audience how good how perfect in my merchandise.

One publicity method for my merchandise

The publicity method is bought our warm jacket can participative in the lucky draw. This is simple and absorbing game, many people will involvement in this game.

3.0 Decision

In decision, I felt today younger coevals is really happiness, because them can larn and uses many electronic to pass on with other people. Besides that, the methods of communicating there are two types ; above the line and below the line. It is many methods can utilize. Furthermore, communicating is really of import of interpersonal. In younger coevals should larn and increase communicating accomplishments. This mode will profit in our hereafter.

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