Health Papers

Essay about healthy lifestyle

Lifestyle is associated with almost all types of human activity and directly determines the state of his health. This is an active activity of people, purposefully formed throughout their lives. Among the definitions of the concepts of a healthy lifestyle of a person, the most acceptable is the wording of …

Essay on Being a Nurse

“Everything should be beautiful in a person, and his face, and clothing, and soul, and thoughts.” In forming the correct relationship of the nurse with their sick relatives and colleagues, not only the spiritual, but also the external appearance of the nurse is important. Clothing. facial expressions, manner of behavior …

Psychopathy essay

Psychopathies are personality abnormalities, pathological conditions characterized by instability, imbalance of mental processes, and insufficient social adaptation. They are not a disease in the strict sense of the word, since in relation to them it is impossible to talk about the beginning, course and outcome. This does not mean that …

Why I want to be a nurse essay

Firstly, I want to help people. When you are in the hospital, there is always a lack of warmth, participation, and kind words. The nurse is more with the sick than the doctor, and she can comfort the patient. Secondly, it’s useful to me in life. When I have a …

Why nurse is important essay

A nurse is an important and necessary employee of any hospital, without the high-quality work of which a sick person will not be able to receive qualified help. This is a profession that requires all the effort and time for sick and passionate people, without sleep and rest for themselves, …

Essay on the Hospital Nurse

Nurse (nurse) – a person with a secondary specialized medical education, a specialist in the field of nursing. This is a profession that is very difficult to underestimate, not a single doctor can cope if he does not have such an assistant nearby. Therefore, no medical institution can do without …

Heart patient in hospital room essay

Heart failure – a syndrome in which a violation of the functional state of the myocardium causes the inability of the heart muscle to maintain an adequate level of body metabolism. It should start with the fact that heart failure is a geriatric problem not only in terms of prevalence due to “survival”, although its frequency in the older group is undoubtedly higher than in middle-aged people (6–15% with an average population value of 1.5–2% ),  but  also  in  connection with a high incidence precisely in old age: chronic heart failure (CHF) develops annually in 1% of people over the age of 60 and about 10% of people over 75 (Mosterd A. et al., 2001 ; Levy D. et al., 2002; Mosterd A., Hoes AW, 2007). According to population studies, in developed countries the average age of patients with heart failure ranges from 70 to 75 years (Bonneux L. et al., 1994; Chen Y.T. et al., 1999; Gurevich MA, 2008). Undoubtedly, such a “solid age” of heart failure can be partly considered a success of modern preventive medicine, which has increased the life expectancy of the population, including patients with a cardiac history. However, this success is unlikely to add optimism, given that the prevalence of heart failure is becoming a pandemic, and in its pathogenesis, age-related changes in the cardiovascular system, significantly complicating the treatment of patients and reducing their life expectancy, are becoming increasingly important (L. Voronkov et al. ., 2003). In the modern world, a person is constantly under the influence of stress and an unfavorable environment. In this case, the cardiovascular system first of all suffers. According to world statistics, it is precisely heart and vascular diseases that occupy leading positions in mortality among all diseases.Many pathologies of the cardiovascular system cannot be cured with the help of drug therapy. In these cases, it is necessary to carry out surgical interventions – heart operations. Such operations help to improve the work of the heart, change the quality of human life and prolong life itself. The Multidisciplinary Hospital of St. Catherine was opened in Odessa on June 28, 2018. It is one of the most modern medical complexes in the south of Ukraine. The hospital combines a unique diagnostic center, 9 operating rooms equipped with the latest technology, a surgical hospital, intensive care unit, and its own innovative laboratory. The Multidisciplinary Hospital of St. Catherine is distinguished by the high professionalism of medical personnel, the implementation of world standards for the provision of medical care, attention to the problems of a particular person and high responsibility for the patient’s health. People suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, now there is no need to go abroad to diagnose and conduct operations. In the Hospital of St. Catherine in a day hospital, you can carry out coronary angiography – an X-ray  examination  of  the  blood  vessels  of  the  heart,  which  allows  you  to identify all problems in the cardiovascular system, as well as undergo a full examination before the operation. The process of heart surgery is also controlled using an angiographic complex. Modern resuscitation methods make it possible to stabilize the patient’s condition in a short time and minimize hospital stay.

Why i want to volunteer at a hospital essay

If the question “How to become a volunteer?” appeared, then there is a desire to do something good! And this is the most important thing. Desire – and there is a thread for which you must hold on to the ball led to the result. First of all, you need …