Identity Plays No Role In Dialect Formation English Language Essay


Recent surveies in New idiom formation have paid increasing attending to the function individuality in this procedure. There are different factors lending to new dialect formation: lingual alteration, adaptation, most significantly dialect contact and dialect mixture ( Trudgill 2008:242 ) . Identity, as a factor, may play, a important function in this procedure. The correlativity between individuality and formation of a new idiom is a controversial issue, which has gained some prominence in recent sociolinguistic surveies. The srating point of our treatment must be the apprehension of the significance of individuality and new idiom formation norms. Identity can be defined, harmonizing to Jenkins as ‘the systematic constitution and meaning, between persons, between collectives, and between persons and collectives, of relationships of similarity and difference ‘ ( 1996 cited in Schneider 2003:239 ) . It can be interpreted as “ the active dialogue of an person ‘s relationship with larger societal concepts, in so far as this dialogue is signaled through linguistic communication and other semiotic agencies. Identity, so, is neither an attribute nor a ownership but an single and collective-level procedure of semiosis ” ( Mendoza-Denton 2003:362 ) . New dialect formation may mention to “ a lingual state of affairs which arises when there is a mixture of idioms taking to a individual new idiom which is different from all inputs ” ( Hickey 2003:2 ) .

The birth of a new idiom in any community may ensue from either a contact between different idioms followed by adjustment and commixture procedure, or a organ transplant of ready formed idiom in a new community. A instance in point, New Zealand English may be considered as a new idiom ensuing from a unifying the autochthonal idiom and the colonial 1. It might be non surprising that individuality in this procedure may play a function as a agency to signal new state through taking specific lingual assortments. Or it may be considered every bit simply as transplanted ready-formed colonial idiom in new land ‘cockney idiom ‘ , for illustration. Sociolinguists who agree with the first possibility claim that dialect contact does non needfully take to dialect mixture and so to new dialect formation, while others, who support the organ transplant method, prefer the monogenetic beginnings for specific assortments.

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This paper attempts to happen out whether individuality plays a function in new dialect formation or non. It will show the theoretical account of new idiom formation harmonizing to Trudgill ‘s opposing position of its function and discusses the dialect issues: adjustment, as a chief cause for dialect mixture and its relation with individuality, uniformitarian rule, the usage of present surveies to construe the past cognition, and Trudgill ‘s indorsement to Labov ‘s agnosticism toward individuality function in his well-known survey, Martha Vineyard. Furthermore, Schneider ‘s theoretical account will be illustrated to demo in which stage individuality may play function.

New dialect formation theoretical account:

Hickey ( 2003:3 ) remarks that: ” As these divisions are cardinal to any consideration of new dialect formation, it is deserving remembering the description of the three phases offered in Trudgill et Al. ( 2000a ) ” .

The first hart is called fundamental levelling in which grownup talkers from different country come into contact with other s in one country. In Trudgill survey, those people are the first coevals of British- born emigres to the southern hemisphere and the autochthonal people in the new location. There is a fundamental idiom levelling as a consequence of some kind of Accommodation in face-to-face interaction. However this adjustment seems to be limited at first glimpse. Localized characteristic may be the existent motivation behind this procedure.

motive behind this grading is the localised characteristics.

In the instance of New Zealand, this

phase would hold lasted until about 1860.

The 2nd phase ( a ) : utmost variableness

The 2nd phase of the new-dialect formation procedure, of which the ONZE

( Beginnings of New Zealand Corpus, RH ) principal now provides direct instead than

inferred grounds, and which would hold lasted until about 1900, is

characterized by considerable variableness. ( Trudgill et Al. 2000a: 304 )

In this phase, the address is variable which may bespeak the commixture of idioms. Trudgill admits that this considerable variableness occurs in urban centres “ lingual thaw pot ” where the chance of commixture is high among talkers from different backgrounds. For illustration, in the late nineteenth century New Zealand principal nowadayss examples with three different backgrounds: England, Scotland and Ireland ( Hickey 2003:3 ) .

The 2nd phase ( B ) : farther grading

Inter-individual variableness of this type, nevertheless, although contact and

considerable, is possibly slightly decreased compared to what was present

during the first phase. That is, in malice of all the variableness witnessed in the

ONZE principal, it is possible that some farther grading occurred. For illustration,

there are some characteristics which we can be reasonably certain must hold been brought to

New Zealand by some immigrants and must hence hold survived

the initial contact phase and have been present in early New Zealand English, but

which are nevertheless absent, or about so, from the ONZE recordings.

In this phase, there is a decrease in the figure of lingual characteristics heard in earlier phases due to the idiom ‘s failure to last with weak representation. Therefore, the fewer occurrences the variableness has, the less chance it has to go on in this phase.

Third phase focussing

It is merely later, so, in the 3rd phase, that the new idiom will look

as a stable and crystallised assortment. This crystallisation is the consequence of a focussing

( italics mine – RH ) procedure whose effects are really clear in modern New Zealand

English, which has a unusually little sum of regional fluctuation. However,

the large inquiry, as we have already noted, is why the grading that occurred

took the precise signifier that it did. ( Trudgill et Al. 2000a: 307 )

The endurance of the discrepancies depends on the bulk and the minority use of these discrepancies. There are some discrepancies in ONZE which disappeared in NZE because of its minority use, but there are some exclusions: “ the usage of shwa in unstressed syllables as is found in New Zealand English in words like David, naked. Trudgill et Al. point out that merely approximately 32 % of their sources from the ONZE archives had schwa in this place ” ( Hickey 2003:4 ) .

Trudgill suggests that new dialect formation is a mechanical procedure apart from an individuality influence depending on the demographic variables merely, in other words, ‘An automatic effect of interaction ‘ ( 2004 cited in Gordon 2005:147 ) . Therefore, it is necessary to see lingual information about entrant idioms every bit good as the figure of their talkers “ demographic information ” in the formation of a certain new idiom. However, there may be of import information losing by excepting societal factors.

Through this categorization There are some controversial issues sing this categorization which may weaken Trudgill ‘s claim about the individuality function.

The adjustment issue:

The claim raised by Trudgill in his survey is stress the importance of idiom mixture which may be a cause of dialect contact and as a taking force in new dialect formation procedure. Adjustment in face to confront communicating may besides leads to dialect mixture. Peoples may modify their address harmonizing to their middlemans even if they are reciprocally apprehensible as a agency of adjustment which may convey a sense of common individuality. Trudgill is partially agree with this correlativity, he says that “ Although there clearly are sociolinguistic state of affairss where individuality plays a function, I see no function for individuality factors in colonial new-dialect formation ” ( Trudgill 2008: 243 )

As a back uping claim to Trudgill, Bauer provides a suggestion why people, of early coevals in the colonial community, do non alter their idioms and somewhat accommodate to other regional idioms. It is assumed that those people consider Britain, which is thousand stat mis off from where they live in ‘ New Zealand ‘ , as their place land. Therefore, they do n’t hold the motive which encourages them to alter their idiom to signal their new regional individuality. Therefore, there is no correlativity between choice of new dialect assortments and typifying colonial individualities ( Gordon 2005:149 ) .

Colonialism causes non merely regional development but besides alterations in people ‘s individualities. Despite the fact that new emerging individualities have a robust lingual component, Trudgill suggests that a common individuality can non impact adjustment but adjustment through linguistic communications may take to a common individuality. The human value, as a societal agent, may be marginalizedA in the adjustment procedure. Identity is non a drive force which accounts for adjustment which, in bend, leads to new dialect formation. In other words ” individuality is parasitic upon adjustment, and is chronologically subsequent to it ” Trudgill ( 2008:251 ) .

It is assumed that adjustment is a witting and automatic procedure which consequences from the fact that people act harmonizing to the axiom “ Talk like the others talk. “ ( 1994:100 cited in Trudgill 2008: 252 ) . It reflects people ‘s inclination towards “ behavioral coordination, ” “ behavioral congruity, ” “ common version, ” or “ interactive synchronism, ” . The unconditioned motive to “ behavioral coordination and congruity ” is the existent drive force behind both dialect mixture and assorted colonial assortments ( Trudgill 2008 ) . There fore it is non constrained by societal influences such as individuality. Cappella claims that, in human interactions, version procedure is reciprocally permeant because it automatically depends on evolutionary and biological “ innate ” reactions sing less the societal impact. ( Trudgill 2008: 252 ) .

Although, Trudgill refers to the importance of societal constituent in dialect contact and linguistic communication alteration, in which both idiom and people are in contact. However, he empties out this value by reasoning that the adjustment procedure is simply a mechanical and preprogrammed. This position is rejected by Meyerhoff ( 1998 ) because communicating adjustment theory is used in construing the synergistic nature of individuality building. The CAT preparation is that people will utilize their address to either converge or diverge themselves from a community and to increase their societal attraction ( Coupland 2008:268 ) . Peoples, in communicating state of affairss, may specify or redefine their societal and cultural backgrounds which, in bend, will impact their linguistic communication use in order to fit communicating demands.

Schneider ( 2008:264 ) respects Trudgill statement: “ individuality is parasitic upon adjustment, and is chronologically subsequent to it ” as rationally non accepted. Harmonizing to him, “ Adjustment is one of the mechanisms of showing one ‘s individuality picks. Both are closely related, but non rather the same ; the two impressions emphasize different facets of similar configurations and procedures, different sides of the same coin ” . Accommodation concerns with groups in which single individualities are the premier construction of their coherence. Therefore, adjustment and individuality function complement each other in arranging new dialect formation.

Trudgill ‘s trust on Keller ‘s axiom “ Talk like the others talk, ” in his reading emphasizes the importance of individuality as a driving force in lingual development. Both linguistic communication pick and individuality may command societal bonds ; they /share the influence/ NOT clear on the new dialect formation. Therefore, it is hard to hold with Trudgill ‘s premise sing individuality as a effect of adjustment. It might be true that individuality is non a impulsive force but it is one of the major forces in this procedure Schneider ( 2008:264-5 ) .

Commenting on Trudgill statement, Bauer ( 2008:272 ) suggests that adjustment can non be the direct cause to dialect mixture because people are non equal in their adjustment to each other or even as persons in different state of affairss. This seems logical because individualities are different every bit good as mutable in nature.

Sing the correlativity between individuality and adjustment, People, in any societal state of affairs express their sociolinguistic knowledgeNOT CLEAR. This may be the ground for Trudgill ‘s dependance on biological and demographical factors in order to place adjustment in face to confront communicating as the chief cause of dialect mixture. However, societal factors may impact both the frequence of interaction and the idiom of adjustment which, in bend, influences the lingual alteration ( Holmes & A ; Kerswill 2008:275 ) .

The “ Uniformitarian rule ” issue:

Trudgill based his claim that individuality plays no function in new dialect formation on Labov ‘s reading of the “ uniformitarian rule ” : /through detecting the present survey, it is possible to deduce the cognition of past survey, the thought of conveying things to their origins./ Not Clear T? rudgill uses the cognition of early sixteenth century to infer the lingual state of affairs of the ulterior 16th century./ Not clear He implies that dialect mixture in the early phase plays a important function in the development of the new colonial assortments of European linguistic communications in colonial enlargement period. Therefore, he suggests that new assorted colonial idiom come into being without the individuality influence ( Trudgill 2008:244,251 ) .

It has been argued by & lt ; & lt ; & lt ; ( ) that the claim made by & gt ; & gt ; & gt ; ( ) that the, , , , , is/are, , , , ,

Contradictory positions about the “ Uniformitarian rule ” issue:

Historical instance surveies used by Trudgill to bespeak new dialect formation do non supply clear grounds that negates the function of individuality in new dialect formation. Schneider ( 2008:263 ) remarks on Trudgill ‘ s illation that: “ here, nevertheless, we are expected to measure the well-documented and brilliantly illuminated present twenty-four hours by utilizing the subdued torch of mediaeval surveies ” which is non expected from the “ Uniformitarian rule ” to supply. . Furthermore, these surveies are excessively old, and the historical scene and sociolinguistic fortunes are different.

In mentioning Moor ( 1999 ) , Trudgill reveals the importance of individuality in colonial idiom development in colonial societies. However, Moor, in his survey, refers to societies in different period of clip ( Bauer 2008:271 ) .

/The point in this issue may be that utilizing present surveies, where information is available, in order to construe the past lingual situations./ Not clear These surveies should be good -formulated. Furthermore, it is of import to understand the chief subject of these surveies and mensurate their relevancy to the state of affairss that are supposed to be interpreted.

The incredulity about the “ individuality function ” issue:

Trudgill agrees with Labov in his incredulity sing the function of individuality in linguistic communication alteration. The Martha Vineyard Study may be considered as an illustration which shows individuality impact on linguistic communication alteration. Labov remarks that “ The Martha ‘ Vineyard survey is often cited as a presentation of the importance of the construct of local individuality in the motive of lingual alteration. However, we do non frequently find correlativities between grades of local designation and the advancement of sound alteration ” ( 2001:191cited in Trudgill 2008:244 ) . Despite his remarks, labov does non look to the full convinced with this determination.

Contradictory positions about the incredulity of the ‘identity function ” issue:

The Martha Vineyard survey may be used to mention to the importance of individuality in lingual alteration. Labov, nevertheless, rejects its general findings but non every bit strongly as Trudgill implies in his statement: “ However, we do non frequently find correlativities ” ( 2001:191cited in Trudgill 2008:244 ) . He remarks that the correlativity between individuality and lingual alteration “ may non be every bit frequent as has been assumed ” ( 2001:191 cited in Holmes & A ; Kerswill 2008:274 ) . Besides, it seems that labov argues for the necessity of paying attending to local individuality and the “ alterations in societal penchant and attitudes ” in order to understand the lingual alteration. Furthermore, the most of import of these unfavorable judgments is that Trudgill failed to observe that Labov ‘s survey implies sub-arguments, /and he might be enthusiast about his uncertainty. / Not clear

Schneider dynamic theoretical account of new dialect formation:

Through this theoretical account, Schneider explains the altering function of individuality in different phases of new colonial idiom formation. The outgrowth of redirected individualities is in the ulterior phases while the original idioms ‘ influence appears in the earlier phases.

The foundation stage shows the initial conservative relationship between the colonists and autochthonal people. This creates trouble and restriction in communicating. As a solution to this

job, a inclination towards grading, concentrating and simplification of the English linguistic communication appears to come up. In this stage the individualities of the colonists and the autochthonal people are conservative.

The exonormative stabilisation of a settlement makes English a dominant linguistic communication among the occupants. English Begins to follow several local norms which, in bend, /creates positive converge the two identities./ non clear There is an association between English and high position, hence people express positive attitudes toward English which leads to an addition in the figure of bilinguals. The individualities are considered as ‘local-plus-English ‘ 1s.

In the “ nativization, ” stage, traditional individuality is shaken and begins to be modified easy. ? They/ non clear are characterized alternatively as lasting occupant of both states. In footings of lexical adoption, this phase represents the heaviest borrowing/ motion./ ?

The “ endonormative stabilisation ” stage appears as a consequence of state edifice. In this stage, there is socio-political and cultural independency which increases the credence of local signifiers of English as adequate for formal usage. It is the birth of new state stage. Schneider claims that “ at this phase a national individuality may play a strong function in beef uping symbolic lingual signifiers, but aˆ¦ the procedure of lingual development is no longer ‘new ‘ . “ ( 2008:265 ) .Moreover, new lexicons and new English books are produced in this stage.

The concluding stage: “ Differentiation ” includes a completion of societal and lingual independency. Therefore, this phase represents the birth of new idiom. Within a community, people start to signal their subgroup individuality by utilizing certain new lingual assortments. /Identities groups determine dialect features./ Not clear

It can be seen through these stages that depending on the history of assortments emerged with their varying influences and extents, individuality illustrates societal attitudes, in contrary to what Trudgill assumes, as simply directed support of new national lingual signifiers. Furthermore, individuality pick consequence is indirect on the usage of societal characteristics ( Schneider2008:265 ) .

Schneider remarks on Trudgill ‘s instance surveies that “ they represent state of affairss comparable to phases 1 or 2 in the Dynamic Model at best, and so they can non prove a procedure that is strongest at stage 4 ” . He, besides, suggests that it is true that some postcolonial linguistics assortments are hard to analyze by utilizing a deterministic footing without mentioning to national individuality ( 2008:266 ) .

This dynamic theoretical account seems to be really clear, really abstract and simplified. Sociolinguistic and sociocultural positions may be adopted to show their valuable part to new dialect formation


The inquiry of the relationship between individuality and new idiom formation is hard to reply. Recent surveies in this field suggest that individuality is one of the chief factors lending to the building of new linguist assortments, nevertheless, some sociolinguists refute this claim.

Those, including Trudgill, who deny individuality function in the formation of new idioms, claim that the adjustment procedure is considered to be automatic, mechanical and preprogrammed off from any societal influence, while other bookmans argue that it is unconvincing to accept adjustment as automatic because it relies on face to confront communicating where people bring with them their societal background.

By using Labov ‘s “ Uniformitarian rule ” , Trudgill refers to really old surveies to back up his position about individuality function. These surveies may be invalid because they may be exposed to different fortunes besides the likely differences in clip and topographic point. Trudgill, besides, portions with Labov his incredulity sing individuality function. However, Labov does non reject individuality function every bit strongly as Trudgill does and his statement may bespeak the importance of sing the consequence of local individuality on linguistic communication alteration.

Trudgill, in his theoretical account, suggests that their are phases of dialect formation that are dependent on on biological and demographic factors merely. On the contrary, Schneider presents his dynamic theoretical account to propose that individuality is reflected in the usage of linguistic communication assortments and indicates dialect birth.

Because individuality function may be equivocal, it is of import to understand what individuality means in sociolinguistic footings before judging its relevant function in new dialect formation. Well more work will necessitate to be done to find the value of individuality in each phase of new dialect formation. /Also, research workers should take into consideration the cogency and dependability rules in research methodological analysiss which, in bend, will impact positively the analysis of the findings./ I suggest that you take this sentence.


1, Conclusion is equal

2.You have a figure of really short paragraphs. See fall ining them.

2 More paraphrasing is needed.

See attachment refering paraphrasing

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