Importance Of Communication In Management English Language Essay

The word communicating is derived from the Latin word communis which means common. If a individual affects a communicating, he has established a common land of understanding. Therefore, communicating involves leaving a common thought and covers all types of behaviour ensuing thereform. This indicates that assorted factors enter into the procedure of communicating. These are the communicators or beginning of information, the receiving system of information, the content of communicating and the mode of communicating. The term, communicating in a broader sense means both the act of pass oning something and the mode of communicating such as missive, notices or handbill.

Communication is an built-in component of interpersonal behaviour in organisations. Human existences interact with one another through communicating. It is the ability to pass on efficaciously that has enabled people to construct organisations and societies for endurance and better life.

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Communication has a outstanding function to play at all the degrees of an organisation. It has acquired extra prominence in selling and advertisement, promotion and public dealingss, and besides in trade name and image edifice of modern organisations. In the age of information and communicating engineering, concern strives for better coordination, control and efficiency through the disposed usage of communicating. Effective concern communicating is today an highly desirable accomplishment and a good communicator is frequently seen as an efficient corporate individual who is able to analyze the nature, procedure and significance of communicating in concern.

Harmonizing to Hudson, – “ Communication in its simplest signifier is conveying of information from one individual to other. ”

Harmonizing to Allen, – “ communicating is the amount of all, the things, one individual does when he wants to make apprehension in the head of the others. It is the span of significance. It involves a systematic and uninterrupted procedure of stating, listening and understanding. ”

Harmonizing to Theo Haimann, – “ communicating is the procedure of go throughing information and apprehension from one individual to another. It is the procedure of leaving thoughts and doing oneself understood by others. ”


Harmonizing to Henry Mintzberg, director performs three major functions – interpersonal, informational and decisional. Communication helps director in executing each of these functions efficaciously. In interpersonal functions, directors interact with their superior, equal and subsidiaries ; in informational functions they receive and give information to people to outside and inside the organisation and in the decisional functions, they take of import determinations and pass on them to organisational members for their effectual execution.

The importance of internal communicating can be better understood from the points mentioned below:

Constructing Public Relations: communicating is a tool for edifice relationship with clients, employees, providers, imperativeness and other stakeholders. Business executives are cognizant that the ability to acquire along with people, to progress in their calling and to sell their goods, depends on clear communicating. Good communicating promotes public dealingss.

Facilitates Planing: communicating facilitates be aftering in a figure of ways. Engagement of executives in planning is a pre-condition for acquiring the undertaking done. This can be secured merely through interaction and communicating. Further, to be realistic, planning should be based on accurate information. Such information can be available merely when there is a systematic communicating in the endeavor. The full program will neglect if the information sing latest market developments is non available to the contrivers.

Footing for determination devising: communicating helps direction in geting at critical determination. If the right type of information is non available at the proper clip due to miss of communicating, it may non be possible for direction to see all the pros and cons before taking a determination. Furthermore, it is through communicating that direction come closer to the subsidiaries and is able to place existent jobs and take appropriate determinations. Therefore, communicating is indispensable for decision-making.

Achieve effectual Co-ordination: communicating helps in synchronising activities of different persons and group to convey about integrity of actions. Liaison work forces who are employed to co-ordinate work of different persons in the organisation demand to germinate communicating between different parts of organisation. Group meetings as a agency of coordination must needfully affect exchange of thoughts and cognition and transportation of information and apprehension.

Facilitates better disposal: communicating is of import in the public presentation of all managerial maps. Planing which is one of the primary maps of direction requires elaborate communicating among the managerial and other forces. Furthermore, effectual communicating is of import in put to deathing the programs and so commanding the activities.

Creation of Mutual trust and assurance: an effectual communicating system helps the director to convey his thoughts, positions, determinations, suggestions and experiencing to the employees. On the other manus, the employees besides get chances to show their feelings and pass on their thoughts and reactions.


The authorship procedure foremost evolved from economic necessity in the antediluvian near east. Writing most likely began as a effect of political enlargement in ancient civilizations, which needed dependable agencies for conveying information, keeping fiscal histories, maintaining historical records, and similar activities. Around the 4th millenary BC, the complexness of trade and disposal outgrew the power of memory, and composing became a more reliable method of entering and showing minutess in a lasting signifier. The Dispilio Tablet, which was C dated to the 6th millenary BC, may be grounds that authorship was used even earlier than that.

Written communicating by and large moves downwards. Upward communicating in the written signifier is by and large discouraged, or the workers are loath to utilize it. Dynamic direction should promote it by put ining a suited suggestion system under which workers are allowed to compose their grudges and suggestions freely.







Direction cards




News documents


The benefits of written communicating are as under:

Written communicating can be used to publish direction cards and orders to the subsidiaries.

It is really hard to change the contents of the written message. So it ca n’t be distorted.

Written communicating is cheaper agencies of communicating when the parties to communicating are situated at distant topographic points.

Written messages are more carefully formulated than unwritten communicating. That is why ; they are more clear and specific. One can believe adequately before composing anything.

Response to written communicating is by and large well- thought out because the receiving system gets sufficient clip to understand and measure the message.

Sometimes, the written communicating is besides used to lucubrate unwritten communicating and to maintain a record of it. Written communicating serves as a dependable record for future mentions and can be used in legal proceedings

In concern environment utilizing written communicating forces to unclutter out the guidelines for written communicating to be followed in the organisation by staff members to pass on efficaciously.

For effectual communicating the 7 C ‘s of effectual communicating are widely accepted and applied and forms the footing of effectual authorship.


For conveying effectual communicating written or unwritten messages, certain rules must be followed. These rules advocated by Francis J. Bergin. Bergin provides guidelines for pick of content and manner of presentation adapted to the intent the receiving system of the message. They are besides called as “ Seven Cs ” of communicating. They are:









Every communicating must be complete and equal. Incomplete messages maintain the receiving system guesswork, creates misconstruing and delay actions. Every individual should, therefore, be provided with all the needed facts and figures. For illustration, when the mill supervisor instructs workers to bring forth, he must stipulate the exact size, form, quality and cost of the merchandise. Any premises behind the message should besides be clarified. While replying a missive, all the inquiries raised in the missive must be replied.

A complete message offers the undermentioned benefits:

Complete messages are more likely to convey the coveted consequences without the disbursal of extra messages.

They can make a better occupation of edifice good will. Messages that contain information the receiving system needs show concern for others.

Complete messages can assist attend dearly-won case that may ensue if information is losing.

Communication that seems inconsequential can be surprisingly of import if the information they contain is complete and effectual.

While replying a missive make it certain that all the inquiries are answered.

Bad illustration

Hi everyone,

I merely wanted to direct you all a reminder about the meeting we ‘re holding tomorrow!

See you so,


This message is non complete, for obvious grounds. What meeting? When is it? Where? Chris has left his squad without the necessary information.

Good Example

Hi everyone,

I merely wanted to remind you about tomorrow ‘s meeting on the new teleworking policies. The meeting will be at 10:00 a.m. in the second-level conference room. Please allow me cognize if you ca n’t go to.

See you so,



In concern communicating, you should be brief and able to state whatever you have to state in fewest possible words without giving the other C qualities. A concise message is complete without being long-winded. Conciseness is desired because of the undermentioned benefits:

A concise message saves clip and disbursal for both transmitter and receiving system.

Conciseness contributes to accent ; by extinguishing unneeded words, you let of import thoughts stand out.

When combined with a “ you-view ” , concise message are inherently more interesting to receivers as they avoid unneeded information.

There is no difficult and fast regulation for the length of a missive. A two page missive seems short, while a 10 line missive may look all excessively long.

Bad illustration

Hi Ram,

I wanted to touch base with you about the electronic mail selling run we sort of sketched out last Thursday. I truly think that our mark market is decidedly traveling to desire to see the company ‘s philanthropic attempts. I think that could do a large impact, and it would remain in their heads longer than a gross revenues pitch. For case, if we talk about the company ‘s attempts to go sustainable, every bit good as the charity work we ‘re making in local schools, so the people that we want to pull are traveling to retrieve our message longer. The impact will merely be greater.



Good illustration

Hi Ram,

I wanted to rapidly discourse the electronic mail selling run that we analyzed last Thursday. Our mark market will desire to cognize about the company ‘s philanthropic attempts, particularly our ends to go sustainable and assist local schools. This would do a far greater impact, and it would remain in their heads longer than a traditional gross revenues pitch.




The message should be put in simple footings to guarantee lucidity. Wordss must intend the same thing to receiver as they do the transmitter. Complex issues must be compressed in to subjects, mottos or stereotypes that have simpleness and lucidity. In order to guarantee lucidity in unwritten communications, you should utilize accurate and familiar words with proper modulation, emphasiss and intermissions. Ideas should be clear and good organized.

The of import considerations in achieving lucidity are as follows:

Choose precise, concrete and familiar simple words.

Construct effectual sentences and paragraphs.

In short, simple and short words are more effectual than grandiloquent and judicious words.

Bad Example

Hi John,

I wanted to compose you a speedy note about Daniel, who ‘s working in your section. He ‘s a great plus, and I ‘d wish to speak to you more about him when you have clip.



This statement did n’t acknowledge who is Daniel? It may be possible to hold many Daniels. What great work he has done? . When? And what he is expected to make now?

Good illustration

Hi John,

I wanted to compose you a speedy note about Daniel Kedar, who ‘s working in your section. In recent hebdomads, he ‘s helped the IT section through several pressing deadlines on his ain clip. We ‘ve got a tough ascent undertaking due to run over the following three months, and his cognition and accomplishments would turn out priceless. Could we delight hold his aid with this work?

Best wants,



The term rightness, as applied to concern messages means right degree of linguistic communication and truth of facts, figures and words. If the information is non right conveyed, the transmitter will lose credibleness. Transmission of wrong information to superior will corrupt determination doing procedure. Transmission of wrong messages, grammatical mistakes should besides be avoided. All the messages must be transmitted and responded to at the most appropriate clip. Outdated information is useless. Since communicating is an expensive procedure, conveying outdated information involves wastage of clip, money and human resources. The rule of right timing besides stipulates that you communicate your message at a clip when it is likely to turn out most effectual.

Bad Example

Hi Henry,

Thankss so much for run intoing me at tiffin today! I enjoyed our preservation, and I ‘m looking frontward to traveling in front on our undertaking. I ‘m certain that the two-weak deadline wo n’t be an issue.

Thankss once more, and I ‘ll talk to you shortly!



Good Example

Hi Henry,

Thankss so much for run intoing me at tiffin today! I enjoyed our conversation, and I ‘m looking frontward to traveling in front on our undertaking. I ‘m certain that the two-week deadline wo n’t be an issue.

Thankss once more, and I ‘ll talk to you shortly!




Concreteness of messages is an indispensable demand of effectual communicating. It means being specific, definite, and vivid instead than vague and general. In unwritten communicating, we ca n’t pull tabular arraies, diagrams, or graphs to do our statement vivid, but we can precise words to convey the right messages and support it by relevant facts and figures. If the message is specific, there would be increased likeliness that the message is interpetated by the receiving system as intended by transmitter. For directing concrete messages, the undermentioned guidelines should be followed:

Use concrete looks.

Use specific facts and figures.

Put action in your verbs.

Choose vivid, image-building words.

Facts lend credibleness to our communicating since it is non possible to rebut them. Concrete looks create ocular images that are easy to register. So alternatively of vague, generalised statements, definite facts should be given.

Bad Example

See this advertisement transcript:

The Lunchbox Wizard will salvage you clip every twenty-four hours.

A statement like this likely wo n’t sell many of these merchandises. There ‘s no passion, no vivid item, nil that creates emotion, and nil that tells people in the audience why they should care. This message is n’t concrete plenty to do a difference.

Good Example

How much clip make you pass every twenty-four hours packing your childs ‘ tiffins? No more! Just take a complete Lunchbox Wizard from your icebox each twenty-four hours to give your childs a healthy tiffin AND hold more clip to play or read with them!

This transcript is better because there are graphic images. The audience can visualize passing quality clip with their childs – and what parent could reason with that? And adverting that the merchandise is stored in the icebox explains how the thought is practical. The message has come alive through these inside informations.


Consideration means fixing the message with the receiving system in head. In order to pass on efficaciously, the transmitter should believe and look from the receiving system ‘s angle. He should follow a humane attack and understand the emotions and sentiments of the receiving system. The socio-psychological background of the receiving system must be understood. The aureate regulation “ First understand than be understood ” should be followed. It should be noted that consideration underlies the other 6 Cs of the communicating. Four particular ways to bespeak considerations are as follows:

Focus on “ you ” alternatively of “ I ” and “ We ” .

Show audience benefit or involvement in the receiving system.

Emphasis positive, pleasant facts.

Show empathy. Ask how you would experience if you were to have this message.

Consideration besides requires stressing positive and pleasant facts.

To state “ no ” , “ sorry ” , ” sorrow ” , ” disagree ” should non be used in direct and consecutive forward mode.

Bad Example


I wanted to compose you a speedy note about the study you finished last hebdomad. I gave it to Michelle to proof, and she wanted to do certain you knew about the section meeting we ‘re holding this Friday. We ‘ll be making an lineation for the new employee enchiridion.



As you can see, this electronic mail does n’t pass on its point really good. Where is Michelle ‘s feedback on Traci ‘s study? She started to advert it, but so she changed the subject to Friday ‘s meeting.

Good Example

Hi Traci,

I wanted to compose you a speedy note about the study you finished last hebdomad. I gave it to Michelle to proof, and she allow me cognize that there are a few alterations that you ‘ll necessitate to do. She ‘ll e-mail you her elaborate remarks later this afternoon.



Notice that in the good illustration, Michelle does non advert Friday ‘s meeting. This is because the meeting reminder should be an entirely separate electronic mail. This manner, Traci can cancel the study feedback electronic mail after she makes her alterations, but save the electronic mail about the meeting as her reminder to go to. Each electronic mail has merely one chief subject.


Courtesy stems from a sincere you-attitude. It is non simply politeness with mechanical interpolations of “ please ” and “ thank you ” , although using socially accepted manners is a signifier of courtesy. Rather it is politeness that grows out of regard and concern for others. In concern treatments, you should state things with force and assertiveness without being rude. The undermentioned guidelines should be observed to guarantee courtesy:

Thank liberally for a favor. When person does a favor to us, acknowledge it quickly and thank the individual.

Apologize for an skip. If you had committed a error, express sorrow quickly and unfeignedly.

Avoid annoying looks. Wordss and looks holding negative intension should non be used in the message.

Use of non-discriminatory looks that reflect equal intervention of people irrespective of gender, race, moralss, beginning and physical characteristics.

Bad Example


I wanted to allow you cognize that I do n’t appreciate how your squad ever monopolizes the treatment at our hebdomadal meetings. I have a batch of undertakings, and I truly necessitate clip to acquire my squad ‘s advancement discussed every bit good. So far, thanks to your section, I have n’t been able to make that. Can you do certain they make clip for me and my squad next hebdomad?



Good illustration

Hi Jenny,

I wanted to compose you a speedy note to inquire a favour. During our hebdomadal meetings, your squad does an first-class occupation of foregrounding their advancement. But this uses some of the clip available for my squad to foreground theirs. I ‘d truly appreciate it if you could give my squad a small excess clip each hebdomad to to the full cover their advancement studies.

Thankss so much, and delight allow me cognize if there ‘s anything I can make for you!



These are the seven guidelines to advice staff members in the organisation on how to outdo communicate efficaciously. Some of the other guidelines are as follows:

One should carefully first think and so outline the written communicating because of the ground as if it dispatched at once it will non to be taken back.

Written communicating serves as dependable record for future mentions so carefully outline should be at that place and on a good quality paper.

Excessive overwriting or cutting should non be at that place.

If the information has been taken with the aid of mention book or cyberspace, so at the last of the bill of exchange the mentions and links should be clearly mentioned.

The linguistic communication should be formal in nature hapless linguistic communication or opprobrious linguistic communication is purely non accepted.

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