Insights Into L2 Reading Of Hypertext English Language Essay

Today all around the universe, pupils are traveling online to seek for information. They are utilizing the Internet to turn up facts, entree multimedia and communicate with one another. We are cognizant that there has been a touchable displacement from reading print to reading digital texts in school and Institutions of higher acquisition.

In other words, ESL scholars today are reading more from the cyberspace than from printed text. Samuel, M. ( 2008 ) , in an article entitled, Reconfiguring English in the schoolroom said that for a pupil in the twentieth century, his journey was from page to the screen, but for a pupil of the twenty-first century, his journey is from screen to page.

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One of the major challenges a pupil brushs today is seeking to cover with the huge sum of information available on the cyberspace. Therefore, pull offing this huge sum of information, making cognition every bit good as forming the information into some signifier of comprehendible end product will depend really much on the scholars ‘ ability to turn up, kind, select, evaluate and utilize the information.

Another challenge of reading online is the capriciousness of cognizing where one will travel when taking the hyperlink. As Kamil and Lane ( 1998 ) province there is no manner to foretell whether or non that nexus will be utile. Therefore, without proper preparation and sufficient pattern pupils will hold trouble to make a mental representation of a confused or multi-linear text. This in bend will impact the manner the information in the text is comprehended by the pupils. In the terminal, the pupils might non be able to set this reading into any signifier of comprehendible end product for their research or any other undertaking.

In position of this, an of import inquiry that needs to be addressed is, what should reading direction and plans today include to fix pupils to confront tomorrow ‘s universe? This has caused research workers and pedagogues to oppugn the cogency of traditional print literacy in fiting pupils with the accomplishments needed for reading on-line information or hypertext. It has besides prompted the research worker to see whether her pupils use different schemes when reading printed text and when reading hypertext. Furthermore, it raises some pertinent inquiries about reading schemes: Should teachers pay more attending to specific reading schemes to fit scholars to go better online readers?

What does it take to be literate today?

The World Wide Web has become an indefinitely big, semi-chaotic aggregation of information in profuseness of texts, artworks, images, and multimedia stuff. Anyone can set anything on the Web, doing it indispensable that users have the ability to know apart between high quality, dependable information and misleading, inaccurate information, and everything in between. The Internet and other information and communicating engineerings are altering the nature of literacy and literacy larning as they become an progressively of import portion of our lives ( Karchmer, 2001 ; Kinzer & A ; Leander, 2003 ; and Reinking, Mckenna, Labbo, & A ; Kieffer 1998 ) . These research workers have argued that planetary economic alterations have generated new information engineerings that generate new literacies. Therefore, what becomes important to our pupils ‘ literacy hereafter is the ability to place of import jobs, gather quickly and critically measure relevant information from information webs, utilize this information to decide cardinal issues, and so clearly communicate the solutions to others ( Leu, 2002 ) . Most pedagogues agree that literacy now involves being able to do sense of and voyage through several signifiers of information, including images, sounds, and life for comprehension.

As a consequence, Shetzer and Warschauer ( 2000 ) suggest that as instructors we need to rethink our instructional ends, techniques, and aims in order to fix pupils for literacy in both paper and electronic mediums. As pedagogues, we are non being fair to our pupils if we expect them to read, grok, and extract information from the Web without first supplying expressed direction in the alone accomplishments needed for these undertakings. Furthermore, these are the accomplishments that modern academe and the planetary workplace will demand of our pupils in the hereafter.

First of all, in order to assist our pupils it would be good to cognize how these pupils read hypertext. This is because reading hypertext is a alone, nonlinear experience that can non be easy equated with reading traditional, additive printed text. Most pedagogues agree that the pupils need specialised schemes and accomplishments, which are different from those, used with print, to entree and read on-line information. In add-on, pupils need critical thought accomplishments and schemes to analyze and measure that information, much of which is unregulated. In decision, in the Industrial epoch, cognition was largely paper based and readily organized into books. Retrieval was dependent on the research accomplishments of cognizing how to turn up texts, use a library, understand citing, cataloguing, indexing and so on. To be literate so was to cognize how to utilize paper based information.

However, now the Internet requires new literacies to accomplish high degrees of reading comprehension but we know really small about what these literacies are or how best to learn them. The study of the Rand Study Group ( 2002 ) , points out that accessing the Internet makes big demands on persons ‘ literacy accomplishment and really small is known how to analyze those accomplishments. Leu, Kinzer, Coiro, & A ; Cammack, 2004 suggest that research needs to be directed to better understand the new accomplishments, schemes and temperaments required to efficaciously utilize the Internet and other ICTs. Scholars who study reading comprehension, for illustration, need to analyze the assorted constituents of intending building to assist us understand the extent to which comprehension procedures are similar or different within the multimedia, hyperlinked contexts of the Internet and other ICTs ( Coiro, 2003 ) . Reading comprehension is likely to be a major country of probe because the Internet and other ICTs focal point so much on information and acquisition text.

Harmonizing to Leu, et. al 2004 there are many inquiries that await probe:

What new facets of comprehension are required when reading information on the Internet?

Are illative procedures and schemes similar or different on the Internet?

How make other facets of comprehension procedure alteration?

Reading comprehension schemes within this context are likely to be of import, and we need to cognize what these are. It is merely when we know this that we are able to learn pupils these schemes.

Research Findingss

The research worker conducted a quantitative and qualitative probe into the metacognitive, cognitive and support reading schemes used by 10 ESL scholars as they read in print and hypertext. The research worker sought to place the types of metacognitive, cognitive and support reading schemes these readers use when reading in print and hypertext. In other words, the survey looked into the differences in the pick of reading schemes used by ESL scholars in groking printed and hypertext. Think-aloud protocol and retrospective interviews were used to place the reading schemes used by these ESL scholars.

The findings suggest that there is no important difference in most of the schemes used when reading in print and hypertext except for two reading schemes belonging to the metacognitive class and two belonging to the cognitive class. Although the findings suggest that the procedures and picks made by the topics to grok hypertext were similar to publish, there were some cognitive reading schemes that were used more when reading hypertext.

The two metacognitive reading schemes are determine what to read and utilize text characteristics in which on the norm the ESL scholars used comparatively more when reading hypertext so when reading printed text. The two schemes belonging to the cognitive class, seeking to remain focussed and usage of anterior cognition in which the pupils utilized more often when reading hypertext than when reading printed text.

In general, the findings imply that the pupils do non utilize any specific set of schemes for either printed text or hypertext, except for the four reading schemes discussed before. Similarly by class with mention to metacognitive, cognitive and support reading schemes, there is besides no important difference in penchant when reading printed or hypertext. In other words, an ESL scholar uses about the same set of reading schemes when reading print and hypertext. However, separately scholars used different types of reading schemes within the metacognitive, cognitive and support classs.

Based on the findings of the survey, observation and reader ‘s profiles, three types of readers for hypertext were identified

The Novice reader is one who clicks on all or most of the hyperlinks in the hypertext he/ she is reading. The reader does non plane through the text in the hyperlink but instead reads about every line in the text in the hyperlink. At the terminal, the reader is seen to free focal point on the reading intent or leaves the hyperlink even more baffled and disoriented. It seemed to the research worker that these readers felt they had to read the whole text since they clicked on the hyperlink. This is because in reading instructions and patterns utilizing printed text, pupils are required to read the whole text, from get downing to stop as there is merely one set of text to read. However, when reading hypertext the pupils have the pick to read non merely the chief text but besides assorted texts provided by the hyperlinks embedded in the hypertext. More exposure and anterior cognition on hypertext will steer them to be skilled hypertext readers who will be able to pull off and grok frames of pages that can take to information overload.

When the reader is non able to acquire the elucidation he/she wants, he/she foliages

the hyperlink. The readers assume that hyperlinks are placed for the intent to

aid comprehension of the text. However this is non true in some instances. The

intent of some hyperlinks is merely to supply extra information either in the

signifier of visuals or more texts.

The drumhead tonss these ESL pupils obtained for the hypertext were below norm. In general the drumhead contained more back uping inside informations and it was non really consistent.

The Cautious reader is one who ignores all the hyperlinks or merely chinks on the hyperlink merely when he/ she has finished reading the paragraph, page or the whole text. Even so, he / she glanced over the text and did non prosecute in actively reading its contents. This reader does this so as non to be confused or distracted by the information in the hyperlinks. This is her/his manner of avoiding information overload. The research worker felt that these readers approached the hypertext really much like a printed text. The drumhead tonss these ESL scholars obtained for the hypertext were in general norm and above norm. The sum-ups on the whole were reasonably consistent, although there were two ESL scholars whose sum-ups lacked coherency.

The Skilled reader is one who monitors his/her comprehension of the text before he/she decides whether or non to snap on the hyperlink. If he / she finds that he/she has understood the paragraph or page he/ she would non snap on the hyperlink. This appeared to be an effectual scheme so that they would non blow clip or acquire distracted. However, if he/ she entered a hyperlink he /she would merely scan and plane through the text to merely see if the information is relevant or non. They read selectively and did non experience that they had to complete what they started. Besides, it was noted that these readers spent more hours per hebdomad on the computing machine than the remainder of the topics. It would look that the exposure and anterior cognition helped them in their reading determinations and cognition of website construction.

The sum-ups scores for these three ESL scholars for hypertext were high. Two of these ESL Learners besides obtained high tonss for their sum-ups of the printed text. These two pupils were besides more adept in English as compared to all the other topics. They had obtained a Band 5 for the MUET Exam. Although the other pupil ‘s drumhead mark for the hypertext was high, her drumhead mark for the printed text was low.

The readers ‘ profiles reveal that reading hypertext is an active, constructive, mean-making procedure ( RRSG, 2003 ) . The readers are actively building intending as they interact with the assorted texts nowadays in the hyperlinks ( Kintsch, 1998 ) . The topics used their anterior cognition to grok the texts, incorporate new thoughts and to do picks on whether to snap on a hyperlink or non. As Spiro, et Al. ( 2004 ) reported reading on the Internet requires the ability to reassemble bing cognition into new cognition applications to accommodate each new reading state of affairs.

Burbules & A ; Callister, 2000, described hypertext as “ a sort of informational environment in which textual stuffs and thoughts are linked to one another in multiple ways ” ( p. 43 ) . Links embedded within hypertext are constructed so that readers must choose a mark location ( instead than merely turning the page ) in order to travel through the text ( Rouet & A ; Levonen, 1996 ) .

When compared to print-based texts, hypertexts require readers to take a much more active function in finding the quality and coherency of the texts they read. Some of the challenges the 10 ESL Readers in this survey experienced while reading the hypertext are discussed below. These challenges are similar to other readers of hypertext reported by other research workers like Coiro, 2003 ; Anderson, 2001 ; Kamil and Lane, 1998 ; and Henry, 2005.

1. Reading Way

The genre of hypertext gives the reader the pick of going the writer of the text. The reader can take the way or way he or she wants to take through the hyperlinks. The reader decides which link to come in, starts to read and so decides which reading way to follow. The reader can either incorporate the information read on the hyperlink with the chief text or abandon the chief text and merely travel in a wholly new way provided by the assorted hyperlinks.

It must be remembered that the way the reader chooses when reading hypertext depends on the reading intent. The reading intent in this survey was to compose a sum-up of the text. The topics who were focused on the reading intent did non snap on every nexus. Their anterior cognition helped them recognize that non all hyperlinks contribute to a deeper comprehension of the chief text. However, this may be different for readers who are merely seeking for information. They may hold to snap on every hyperlink, every bit good as make the pick non to return to the chief text, if the texts in the hyperlinks prove to be more utile or run into their reading intent. There is besides the other possibility that they may acquire lost in the hyperlinks maze. For these readers the accomplishment of pilotage, processing and synthesising information is really of import. Therefore, cognition building in hypertext displacements from the duties of the author to the shared duty with the reader. Therefore more so in hypertext so print, no two readers will build precisely the same significance from a text.

2. Reading Order

The findings in the survey revealed that no two topics shared a similar reading order. In reading hypertext the reader chooses the reading order by make up one’s minding which hyperlink to snap and when. Therefore multiple links and connexions make up the construction of hypertext. A printed text which is additive in nature has an obvious beginning and terminal, while hypertext appears to hold no terminal. The reading order for readers of the printed text is the same because everyone gets the same text. However, hypertext lends itself to different reader waies because of the assortment of ways of linking the assortment of texts.

Reading hypertext is characterized by a combination of the reader taking an entry point and so exerting power over the deepness of processing ( Nielsen, 2000 ) .

3. Pull offing Information Overload

Another challenge that needs to be addressed was that some of the topics in the survey did non cognize how to pull off the wealth of information they read. There is a demand for them to be adept in measuring so make up one’s minding which information is relevant, inaccurate or uncomplete. This is where critical thought accomplishments play a really important function.

Bolter ( 1998 ) , states that “ Hypertext seems to incarnate a theoretical account of reading as the active building and review of significance. Social constructivists agree that pupils, ought to be critical readers who understand their function in the procedure of intending building ” ( p.10 ) . There is a demand for reading direction to include and emphasize on the accomplishments of critical thought. The end is to bring forth critical hypertext readers, so that the pupils can do better picks as they navigate the hypertext.

4. English Proficiency

Students with limited English vocabulary found it a barrier to trip reading schemes for reading hypertext or eatage rapidly through the assorted texts. It was observed that subjects 3,4 and 5, whose overall linguistic communication proficiency was non every bit good as subjects2 and 7 had trouble efficaciously reading the assorted texts. Gelderen et Al. ( 2004 ) reported that both metacognitive consciousness and vocabulary cognition contributed significantly in L2 reading comprehension in contrast to metacognitive consciousness entirely in L1 reading comprehension. Therefore, readers of hypertext must posses a good bid of vocabulary cognition.

5. Capriciousness -Taking hazards

In reading hypertext readers invariably encounter uncertainnesss because of the hyperlinks. One of the grounds could be the deficiency of assurance and pattern in reading hypertext. This is particularly true of topics 3, 5, 6 and 8 who spent less than five hours per hebdomad on reading on the computing machine. They lacked the anterior cognition of organisational and structural characteristics of hypertext. Readers like capable 2 and 7 who have had more clip and pattern reading hypertext integrated their anterior cognition of hypertext genre as they read the hypertext in the survey.

6. Prior Knowledge

The deficiency of background cognition was seen as an obstruction in understanding the text. Anderson and Pearson, ( 1984 ) stated that schemata help the readers in ab initio doing sense of what the reader reads and, associating new information acquired to prior cognition. The findings suggested that reading hypertext appeared to necessitate anterior

cognition as they read the hypertext. The two types of anterior cognition that skilled readers drew upon while reading hypertext were anterior cognition of subject and anterior cognition of website constructions. Capable 2 and 7 Drew from their anterior cognition of hypertext construction to steer them reading the hypertext. This cognition included how to cover with hyperlinks and decisions-making accomplishments.

7. Pull offing Hyperlinks

Hyperlink is a characteristic of hypertext which allows the readers to voyage between the associated links or nodes in a text. The manner in which each reader chooses to travel between the links is alone. The reader must see where they are in the text and whether the information fits their intent or helps heighten comprehension of the text. Due to this, reading hypertext becomes a more active and dynamic procedure than printed text, for the reader. However, readers must be able to travel in and out of these links in an effectual manner depending on their reading intent. As reported in this survey each topic had a alone manner of voyaging the hyperlinks in relation to the reading intent. The purpose of reading the text is for the topics to grok the text and so compose a sum-up of it. Capable 8 merely chose to snap on the hyperlink after she had read the text, while capable 2, 7 and 9 questioned whether there was a demand to snap on the hyperlink and tried to think whether the information would assist comprehension. Subjects 5 and 6 clicked on every nexus in the text. They felt obligated as it was present in the text.

8. Metacognitive schemes

Cognitive and metacognitive schemes are particularly of import for reading. Harmonizing to Kasper, 1997 and Carrell, 1989 high degree of metacognitive consciousness is associated to high degree of reading comprehension ability. The topics in this survey for both the printed text and hypertext used more cognitive schemes than metacognitve schemes. However, when reading hypertext the topics used more of the metacognitive schemes of determine what to read and utilize text characteristics. Despite the big repertory of cognitive and metacognitive reading schemes used, most of the topics were non able to compose a good sum-up of the hypertext. Schwartz et Al, ( 2004 ) reported that supervising one ‘s ain acquisition becomes more of import because hypertext constructions are more demanding.


Although the research sample for this survey was comparatively little, merely 10 topics and it involved topics from one module, the findings of this survey to a certain extent have important deductions on instructors, reading direction, course of study design, research and material production.

First, the most outstanding result of this survey has been in verifying the metacognitive and cognitive reading schemes that ESL scholars used to help comprehension of a hypertext. This survey has identified 2 metacognitive, and 2 cognitive reading schemes that pupils used more often when reading hypertext than when reading printed text. Due to the construction of hypertext and the hyperlinks, the metacognitive reading schemes of finding what to read and the usage of text characteristics were often used in the reading procedure. This was besides true for the cognitive reading schemes of seeking to remain focussed and utilizing anterior cognition that the topics used to aid comprehension. It would look that the topics depended on the above reading schemes more to assist them read and pull off information found on the hypertext than printed text.

Although, the topics in the survey were adept in English and had above mean classs for their reading, most of the topics reported that they have trouble in reading hypertext. First, trouble here refers to reading hypertext on screen. Most pupils are more comfy printing online stuffs and reading them. Second, would be make up one’s minding on which hyperlink to enter and which to disregard which in bend affects the reading order. Third, would be the deepness of treating the assorted frames of pages embedded in the hyperlinks. Finally, would be incorporating the information read from the hyperlinks with the chief text. An organiser that can assist them to map out the different information read would be helpful. Therefore, it is non surprising that most of the topics ‘ tonss for the sum-up were below norm as compared to their drumhead tonss for the printed text.

This shows that text construction plays a important function in reading comprehension. This farther strengthens the impression that ESL scholars need to be trained to be skilled readers of hypertext. Today, peculiarly in the educational context for many pupils, reading is doubtless one of the most of import accomplishments and with the Internet playing a outstanding function in instruction, ESL readers need to be skilled readers of hypertext.

The findings of the survey further concur with other hypertext reading research workers that reading hypertext is non a simple procedure. In this survey the topics were engaged in assorted cognitive procedures as the hypertext merely does non affect one text but instead a figure of texts because of the presence of hyperlinks. This points to the fact that Educators and Curriculum interior decorators should non handle reading hypertext as a simple act or a mere transportation of accomplishments from print to hypertext. There is a desperate demand to implement reading comprehension direction that would assist ESL scholars to pull off the alone features of hypertext such as the openendedness and multi-linearity of it.

In visible radiation of this, reading scheme direction for the mentioned metacognitive and cognitive reading schemes every bit good as other relevant reading schemes like comprehension monitoring should be viewed earnestly. These metacognitive and cognitive schemes will assist the ESL scholar procedure the information from hypertext into some signifier of comprehendible end product for the pupils. Comprehension monitoring is besides important because readers need to possess the ability to be cognizant of what sort of reading jobs they are meeting and what sort of schemes could be used to work out them.

Furthermore, the ability of comprehension monitoring enables readers to incorporate different types of new information. The exclusive purpose is to fit ESL scholars with accomplishments to assist them work expeditiously and independently in their surveies every bit good as their calling. Therefore, instructors now have to reevaluate the reading instructional ends and patterns in the schoolroom to integrate the multi-linear and open-ended features of hypertext that require readers to construct their anterior cognition and besides use a different set of schemes.

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