Is Enid Blyton A Racist Writer Or Merely English Literature Essay

During the mid-twentieth century, oppressed racial groups around the universe stood up and demanded their rights. In 1947, India received its independency, as did several settlements in the Caribbean. In add-on, the Civil Rights motion in North America ended over a century of implemented segregation and people were forced to cover with one another as peers instead than the bulk disregarding minorities as sometimes interesting, sometimes nauseating, but ever inferior[ 1 ]. During the 1960s up until the present, Enid Blyton ‘s The Three Golliwogs[ 2 ]has come under enormous literary unfavorable judgment for incorporating racially violative content. Prior to this heroic period of human history, much of Western literature used stereotypes of African and Asian cultural groups with impunity for the amusement of Whites. In fact, when looking at the usage of literature in school, one black kid noted his experience in category:

This testimony of a black kid ‘s schooling demonstrates that what most see a ‘harmless kids ‘s narrative ‘ is anything but. For illustration, most White persons would be mortified if all White characters were evil, pitiless scoundrels or friendly, but otherwise clownish characters. Possibly these images of one ‘s race would give one a limited set of function theoretical accounts to take from-or they would hold to prosecute a theoretical account of virtuousness and honor in fantasy fiction or among people of other races if they are non defeated by the stereotypes inherent in their ain.

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One manner that people internalise a positive or negative self-image is through linguistic communication and how it is used. Curiously, everything that is good is expressed in footings of ‘light ‘ or ‘white ‘ and everything that is bad is portrayed in footings of ‘black ‘ and ‘darkness. ‘ For case, ‘blackballed ‘ , ‘blacklisted ‘ , ‘black-hearted Satan ‘[ 4 ], while a virginal lady is every bit ‘pure as the driven snow ‘ which is white. Part of this was common association with whiteness and elation with all that is good and darkness with all that is evil in the heads of the other characters in Blyton ‘s novel, and the Golliwogs besides appear in Blyton ‘s Noddy. They are portrayed as being rude, arch scoundrels[ 5 ]. If the Golliwogs are progressively represented as this, it is no admiration why the label sticks. In add-on, because of the on-going media terror over what we can and can non name people of different cultural backgrounds, Golliwogs are automatically disliked by whomever owns them and other similar playthings because of that darkness. In malice of overstating the racial features of the Golliwogs, many school kids used to snuggle golliwog dolls at dark in their bed, which suggests that they do non hold a terrific image in popular civilization.

In Enid Blyton ‘s original narratives about three golliwogs, the negative qualities attributed to darkness, i.e. fright and danger, are besides applied to them and none of the other toys drama with them because their kept woman, Angela, does non wish their black faces. To add abuse to injury, nine of the 11 narratives are based on misguided identity-the three golliwogs all look likewise.[ 6 ]

It was non uncommon for black kids to be compared to Golliwogs and teased about it, which created much sensitiveness and a disinclination to advance this work as a classic of kids ‘s literature. However, it is now perceived to be racist to take a firm stand that all members of a peculiar race or ethnicity all look likewise. Although it is more normally used with regard to East Asians more than Blacks, that impression of physical conformance is highly violative[ 7 ]. One ground for this is that most people recognise natural fluctuation within the White race, and other cultural groups recognise this, but there is a widespread cultural inclination to perceive members of colored cultural groups as physically identical from one another. Besides, when associating this to the Golliwogs, one manner their close resemblance could be made more politically right is if the rechristened Wiggie, Waggie, and Wollie were alternatively indistinguishable threes. Another portion of the contention was that in the original Three Golliwogs, one of the Golliwogs was called ‘Nigger. ‘ Although it is a derivation from the Latinised ‘Niger ‘ which means Black, it has been used as a tool of subjugation to maintain Black people in their topographic point in the United States[ 8 ]. Although the ‘N ‘ word does non transport the same emotional weight in Europe, increased cultural sensitiveness in Europe discouraged usage of the word. When looking at America, in 2007 the ‘N ‘ word was banned in New York to plea to the populace to stand in integrity and re-stigmatise the word. However when The Three Golliwogs was released, Whites called inkinesss ‘Nigger ‘ and no 1 took offense[ 9 ].

Possibly really sensitive literary critics were flabbergasted that Blyton ‘s scoundrel was black that they had to do him white and take away a important part of his intelligence. As inkinesss have been routinely vilified in the media and literature, it was considered rather insensitive to hold a Black scoundrel every bit good. Nevertheless, when analyzing the virtues ( or demerits ) of a scoundrel, one must analyze critical characteristics of word picture, motive, and effectivity in the narrative. Yes, Blyton ‘s scoundrel Jo-Jo is Black, but he is really intelligent and uses the fact that others tend to undervalue him in his favor. ‘The king scoundrel in The Island of Adventure, Jo-Jo has been whitened and mono-syllabled, which eliminates the utile point that the black retainers obtained unwanted humble work for bad wage in the wartime old ages, and secondly, Blyton ‘s uninhibited testimonial to the superior intelligence of her black scoundrel, smartly working patronizing dismissals of his supposed stupidity or subnormality. He is likely the best scoundrel she produced ‘[ 10 ]. The creative activity of this character was non racist in motivation-in fact, it would be easy to reason the antonym as the perceptual experience of the ambitious, smart, black scoundrel was rather rare in literature. The racialist component is on the portion of the other characters that underestimate Jo-Jo because of his appearance-a error that they would finally repent. Many common people narratives such as The Tortoise and the Hare speak of the dangers of undervaluing one ‘s opposition and Blyton may hold ( either deliberately or accidentally ) encouraged her audience non to undervalue the intelligence or ability of Blacks.

If the stereotyped indistinguishable visual aspect was of her clip, the sentiment that Black people should non be underestimated is decidedly farther in front. Another portion of the ground why it ne’er provoked the same call in the UK as it had in the US was because the UK had a immensely different history with Black people than Americans. For case, Blacks were ne’er enslaved in the UK-instead, the Normans enslaved the Anglo-saxons after their conquering[ 11 ]. In add-on, immature British kids viewed the Golliwogs as playthings instead than as Black people. Even though non-racist White persons would reason along these lines, there is no get awaying that the word ‘Golliwog ‘ had finally become a racialist abuse for colored people worldwide-particularly those of African descent[ 12 ]. This is one ground why many Black critics would desire to see the Golliwogs and the narratives about them become cultural relics instead than classics to be carried frontward into wining coevalss.

If he is non baleful, the Golliwog is at best a lessened and pathetic figure. Dressed in the servile folk singer dress of that creative activity of the White South of the black adult male, used besides by Bannerman to exemplify her Little Black Sambo of India, they are at that place merely to supply amusement to the Whites. Recently Brandeth had a small problem converting allergic publishing houses that golliwogs are harmless. Five of them turned down his undertaking before Pelham accepted and published Here Comes Golly in 1979.[ 13 ]

At the clip of its release, nevertheless, Great Britain was embroiled in a war with the Nazis and during wartime, the authorities restricted many of the people ‘s civil autonomies. For people of coloring material, nevertheless, these limitations were more terrible because their sensed ‘alien nature ‘ created paranoia in the heads of white citizens, even though the enemy they were contending against resembled them more closely than the cultural minorities in their thick. Given that many people of coloring material did battle in the RAF and serve Britain while other White persons were trying to bomb London into limbo, many British believed that racial and spiritual favoritism should be badly curtailed-if non eliminated. Civil autonomies were besides farther curtailed with the eruption of war and delegates at a conference, organised by the NCCL in 1941, demanded a “ minimal programme ” of civil autonomies and the abolishment of racial and spiritual favoritism “ for all British topics without differentiation ‘[ 14 ]. The “ coloring material job ” was still recognised as a barrier to advancement, even by progressive imperialists like Perham, and, as Pilkington stresses, racialist stereotypes, reflected, for case, in the publication of Enid Blyton ‘s The Three Golliwogs persisted in the “ broad ” war old ages and after, perpetuating an imperial outlook of high quality. ‘[ 15 ]Though Blacks and Asians did get down acquiring more civil rights, there was still an ambiance or White domination in the state which could be found in other literary plants every bit good.

Part of Rudyard Kipling ‘s Just So Stories had been edited because in the modern-day version of How the Leopard Got its Spots[ 16 ], the Ethiopian character explained to his friend the leopard that for runing intents, “ Oh, apparent black ‘s best for a nigga ”[ 17 ]. Later versions alternatively say, “ Oh, apparent black ‘s best for me ”[ 18 ]. During the 19th centuries and early 20th century, the word ‘nigger ‘ did non hold the same degree of obloquy that it does today. While most people today would be shocked to hear the word in polite conversation, in the early 20th century, it was common for both Whites and inkinesss to utilize that term to mention to either race. In amount, literature has come a long manner since so and though stereotyped word pictures of cultural minorities are still extant, a greater per centum of popular literature contains extremely developed, intelligent and complex Black characters with which many immature Black kids can place.

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