Kind of methodologies


There are several project direction methodological analysiss in the universe. Although we have different sort of methodological analysiss, but PRINCEII and PMP is the most normally in usage presents.

In this paper, I will seek to compare these two methodological analysiss and chiefly to utilize PRINCE 2 to compare with PMBOK for an electronic undertaking direction system undertaking in a building company.

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Construction is one of the most complicated industries in the universe. It engages in many sort of industries and procedures to finish the edifice undertaking. Therefore, building besides needs to utilize project direction methodological analysis to pull off the undertaking.

Nowadays, information engineering is a really utile tool to assist the concern. Construction besides use much information engineering to assisting in the edifice processes, hence, a building company would wish to implement a electronic undertaking direction system to pull off the edifice processes.

In this electronic undertaking direction system undertaking, it would wish to take the PRINCE2 alternatively of PMP for the undertaking direction methodological analysis. We would wish to compare those methodological analysiss and suggest the most suited one for the similar instance in building industry.

We have many undertaking direction methodological analysiss in the universe but it is hard to take one for particular undertaking. We will utilize PRINCE 2 to compare with PMP in several countries.


“ Prince ” is a undertaking direction methodological analysis and it is stand for Undertakings IN Controlled Environments ( PRINCE ) . “ PRINCE2 ” is the 2nd version of this methodological analysis and it is a registered hallmark of the Office of Government Commerce ( OGC ) of UK. PRINCE2 is widely in usage by UK authorities and other company in UK.

PRINCE2 is a construction undertaking direction methodological analysis for different sort of undertaking, non merely for Information Technology.


“ PMBOK ” besides is a undertaking direction methodological analysis and it is base for “ Project Management Book of Knowledge ” . PMBOK is a usher of best pattern in a undertaking and it is published by PMI ( Project Management Institute ) . PMBOK is widely in usage in the universe but non merely in US or North America.

PMP ( Project Management Professional ) is a good known certification for the PMBOK. You could utilize PMBOK criterion in different sort of industry that runs a undertaking.

Project Life-cycle based versus Knowledge Area based

In PRINCE2, it has clearly defined the undertaking life-cycle in eight chief procedures as follows1,

  • Get downing up a undertaking ( SU )
  • Directing a undertaking ( DU )
  • Originating a undertaking ( IP )
  • Pull offing phase boundaries ( SB )
  • Controling a phase ( CS )
  • Pull offing merchandise bringing ( MP )
  • Closing a undertaking ( CP )
  • Planning ( PL )

Each of the chief procedure has its sub-process and wholly in 45 procedures with their ain certification.

Compare with PRINCE2, PMBOK has discuss in nine functional based cognition area2 instead than utilize project life-cycle,

  • Undertaking integrating direction
  • Project range direction
  • Undertaking clip direction
  • Undertaking cost direction
  • Project quality direction
  • Project human resource direction
  • Undertaking communications direction
  • Undertaking hazard direction
  • Project procurance direction

Each of the cognition country has its sub-process and wholly in 42 procedures.

It seems PRINCE2 has good defined the undertaking life-cycle than PMBOK. PRINCE2 has defined easy to follow process, checklists and intimations for undertaking director to utilize through the undertaking life-cycle. PMBOK chiefly discuss the accomplishments, tools and techniques in the nine cognition countries.

In PRINCE2, the undertaking life-cycle is non get downing from the demands or feasibleness survey. In PRINCE2 manual stated “ Most of what in PRINCE2 footings will be phases will be divisions of ‘implementation ‘ in the merchandise life span. “ 3 Therefore, PRINCE2 is more likely to be execution methodological analysis than undertaking direction methodological analysis. PMBOK acknowledge any undertakings needs the appraisal and feasibleness survey before the undertaking start.4 It is more likely is a undertaking direction methodological analysis.


In PRINCE2, it has to a great extent on certification. PRINCE2 has described 36 standard direction paperss such as programs and studies that are involved through the whole methodology5.

Acceptance Criteria, “ A definition in mensurable footings of the features required of the concluding merchandise ( s ) for it/them to the clients and staff who will be affected. “ 6 It seems to be provided by the undertaking direction squad and written during the undertaking get downing and it should be a compulsory certification in the undertaking.

Communication Plan, “ To specify all parties interested in the undertaking. It contains a description of the agencies and frequence of communicating between them and the undertaking squad. “ 7 It is a papers stated all involvement parties, what information is required, how frequently is the communicating and the method. It is to be provided by the undertaking direction squad and written during the undertaking get downing for future as a communicating roadmap.

End Project Report, “ This study is the Project Manager ‘s study to the Project Board ( who may go through it on to corporate or programme direction ) on how good the undertaking has performed against its Project Initiation Document. “ 8 This study should provided by the Project Manager and written during the Closing a Undertaking phase. Besides, it is a compulsory papers in the undertaking.

Issue Log, It is use to enter all issues raised in the undertaking those need to take attending. It may include any concern in the undertaking or any requirement out of the undertaking range – the demand of the alteration of range. “ Project issues may be raised by anyone associated with the undertaking at any clip. “ 9 In PRINCE2, the issue log is a compulsory papers in the commanding undertaking phase. It should has entree control and maintain in a safe topographic point

Lesson Learned Log, “ To be a depository of any lesson learned during the undertaking that can be usefully applied to other undertakings. “ 10 It should be written at the shutting phase of the undertaking and it may be a compulsory papers to move as a “ Learning Library ” for future usage.

Undertaking Mandate, “ The information in the Mandate is used to trip Get downing up a Undertaking ( SU ) . It should incorporate sufficient information to place at least the prospective Executive of the Project Board and bespeak the capable affair of the undertaking. “ 11 It should come from the Project commission that can O.K. the cost, the undertaking and any resources. It besides is a compulsory papers in the undertaking get downing phase.

Except the “ Lesson Learned Log ” , those paperss are non discussed and mentioned in the PMBOK. It seems PMBOK is discoursing on the undertaking direction accomplishments and techniques more than the certification.

Agenda and Planning

In PRINCE2, it is more focal point on the undertaking end or nonsubjective to be delivered and the quality. It is utilizing some common techniques or tools such as Gantt Chart, Pert Chart or any other method in the Planning ( PL ) phase.

PRINCE2 introduce several stairss in the planning phase. First, make a Product Breakdown Structure ( PBS ) . Second, compose down the Product Description. Finally, make the Product Flow Diagram. PRINCE2 has provided illustrations and defined clearly in each measure what is the undertaking director should make. It has provided an easy to follow direction for the undertaking director to pull off the undertaking.

In PMBOK, planning is a general accomplishment in the undertaking direction. It besides applied to each undertaking stage and through the whole undertaking life-cycle. Besides, PMBOK will utilize Gantt Chart or Pert Chart for the undertaking planning and trailing. However, undertaking planning in PMBOK ever discoursing in different cognition countries and it seems across and integrated through the whole undertaking.

Control in Project Management

In PRINCE2, harmonizing to the stuffs, control is speaking about the determination devising by the undertaking direction squad. It is aiming to bring forth the undertaking end, carry through the defined undertaking quality status, run into the undertaking agenda, cost and resources planned and to cover with any crisis it may rose in the undertaking life-cycle to finish the undertaking.

As reference at above, it is the duty of the undertaking director. PRINCE2 has defined really clearly between “ Tolerance ” , “ Eventuality ” and “ Change Control ” .

“ Tolerance is the allowable divergence from a program without conveying the divergence to the attending of the following higher authorization. “ 12 Tolerance for the undertaking director is needed because there has no any undertaking will run every bit 100 per centum as planned in the universe even the undertaking director with a good program.

“ Eventuality, in PRINCE2 footings, is a budget including the clip and money set aside to transport out a eventuality program which will merely be invoked in a linked hazard really occurs. “ 13 Contingency program is needed in the undertaking because the any undertaking has some critical accident issue to do the undertaking fail.

“ Change Control, the control of alteration means the appraisal of the impact of possible alterations, their importance, their cost and a judgmental determination by direction on whether to include them or non. “ 14 In any undertaking, alteration is inevitable but it need to under control and approved to guarantee the undertaking could run into the agenda and budget.

IN PMBOK, control is discussed in several cognition countries. As alteration control, it is discuss in “ Project Integrated Management ” 15 Like the agenda and planning, control is ever to be discuss in the several cognition countries through the whole undertaking life-cycle.


As a undertaking direction methodological analysis, PRINCE2 and PMBOK have really different attacks for undertaking direction. It is because both methodological analysiss serve in different countries. Therefore, they can non straight to make the comparing.

PMBOK, it demonstrates the best method for learning the undertaking direction accomplishments and techniques in each cognition country, but it did non supply an effectual counsel or illustrations for running a undertaking.

Compare with PMBOK, PRINCE2 use a undertaking life-cycle base method to show its methodological analysis is hard to judge in each cognition country.

After the survey of PRINCE2, it ‘s most likely to function as client V provider state of affairs. In the PRINCE2 ‘s book, it has been indicating out the undertaking will be running for a client alternatively of a self manage state of affairs. That means PRINCE2 is fundamentally use to running a outsource undertaking by the seller more than running a undertaking by the undertaking patron. As describe in the book of PRINCE2, it besides has an premise the undertaking is running for a client with merely one seller. In the world of building direction, it ever deals with multiple sellers and the coordination or duties are more complex than the illustration in the book.

Compare with PRINCE2, PMBOK is more likely to run the undertaking by the undertaking sponsor instead than outsource to external seller. It is because the book of PMBOK is written from the point of position of the undertaking sponsor instead than the external seller. Furthermore, PMBOK has discuss much in human resource direction, fiscal direction or procurement direction more than PRINCE2.

As this paper ‘s subject, it is speaking about a building company would wish to implement an electronic undertaking direction system for building undertaking.

Of class, building company ever in running a building undertaking. Therefore, undertaking direction accomplishments and techniques are their professional and forte. Although, building company is a specializer in undertaking direction, they are lone professional in edifice undertaking but non package execution.

Since, building industry is a complicated industry and about all edifice undertaking is outsource and subleasing to their subcontractor. Therefore, the electronic undertaking direction system besides needs to cover with different sort of provider and procedures.

In the instance, the to a great extent and robust certification system of PRINCE2 may assist to compose down all necessary information about the package undertaking. Furthermore, outsource and subleasing already has best pattern in building industry, it is an easy undertaking for the building company alternatively of running the undertaking by themselves.

So, PRINCE2 is most prefer to utilize as the package undertaking direction methodological analysis in the building industry.


2005.Managing Successful Undertakings with PRINCE2.2005 erectile dysfunction. TSO ( The Stationery Office ) .

2000. A Guide To The Project Management Body Of Knowledge. 2000 erectile dysfunction. Project Management Institute


  1. PRINCE2, p13
  2. PMBOK, p7
  3. PRINCE2, p234
  4. PMBOK, p12
  5. PRINCE2, p341
  6. PRINCE2, p341
  7. PRINCE2, p345
  8. PRINCE2, p351
  9. PRINCE2, p360
  10. PRINCE2, p361
  11. PRINCE2, p379
  12. PRINCE2, p233
  13. PRINCE2, p236
  14. PRINCE2, p285
  15. PMBOK, p41

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