Linking Reading And Writing Through Literature English Language Essay

Literature and composing have traditionally been taught individually, but alterations begin to look and the tradition is non long-standing. As discussed above, reading and composing have a stopping point relationship, and literature, as the most sophisticated illustration of a mark linguistic communication in usage, of class dramas an of import function in the reading-writing categories. As Salvatori ( 1983:659 ) noted, literature can be taught as “ a manner of researching, apprehension, and reflecting on the schemes by which readersaˆ¦generate significances in the act of reading. ” Hirvela ( 2000 ) one time examined the usage of literature in reading-writing categories and pointed out that the connexions literary texts promote between reading and authorship can be categorized into two facets, foremost the belongingss they contain as literary texts and second the sorts of reading and composing activities pupils can execute with them as a consequence of those belongingss ( 117 ) .McConochie ( 1985 ) discusses ways to learn literary texts and meanwhile she addresses that composing about literature can ease the apprehension of the literature which in bend creates an gratifying ambiance of appreciating literature ; however, she does non try to turn out whether the contrary is true ( i.e. reading of literature facilitates composing ) . Fortunately, in the same twelvemonth, Spack ( 1985 ) published an article which specifically discussed the influences of reading literature on pupils ‘ authorship. She cited that “ ESL pupils have much to derive when literature is the reading content of their composing class and the capable affair for their composings ” ( p703 ) . The chapter below summarizes statements for and against the usage of literature in reading-writing schoolroom. Although some people still disagree with the usage of literature, claiming that is a specialised and aberrant sort of authorship, some solutions have been demonstrated and principles presented for the usage of literature as a resource, in peculiar to advance composing accomplishments.

The benefits of literature

First, literature is per se gratifying. Chambers ( 1984 ) one time argued that ‘story is the cardinal grammar of all idea and communicating ‘ ( 59 ) . Abbs and Richardson ( 1990 ) further discussed that: ” We are all narrative shapers. We spend much of our lives stating our ain narratives and listening to the narratives of others. Events go on to us, we put words around them, and- depending on what we can retrieve, how we feel and who is listening- narrate them in different ways. ” ( 9 ) Compared with other signifiers of texts, narratives possess a world-wide attractive force and good accepted and better understanding that others might non be ( AH 117 ) . Peoples though may come from different countries of the universe are easy inclined to bask listening to narratives, narrations from others. Peoples like to read texts that depicting human state of affairss, their emotions, their dying the jobs they encounter, and the solutions they carry out. Sometimes readers like to read narratives because narratives frequently cover the subjects, subjects that are predominating in their day-to-day life, such as household, work, solitariness, love and morality ( 264 SV ) . By reading this sort of literature, readers may happen a sense of understanding with the characters in the narratives. Sometimes, readers enjoy reading a peculiar sort of literature, for illustration, the chief characters are of the similar age of the readers or have a similar background or life experiences of the readers. Quite frequently, things happen in the characters may besides go on in the readers. Take an illustration, after remaining a piece abroad, literature that about life in a foreign state frequently draws my attending. When I read this series of narratives, I often find that the jobs that I encounter when I foremost arrived were non alone, and the solutions I carried out are besides utile for others. What ‘s more, I besides find that sometimes the description is more overdone than the existent state of affairs, the author at times fabricated on intentionally to pull more attending. Other times, readers like to read narratives because narratives can convey in new information to them, such as new scenes, new experiences ; this sort of literature enriches their life and opens their visions. There goes a stating in China, “ reading 10 1000s books is like walking 10 thousand stat mis in the universe ” . On all histories, when reading is gratifying and enjoyable, it arouses involvement and a sense of connexion with the literature and so that motivates pupils to reflect by their ain and discuss with others. Their contemplation and treatments can be good stuffs used in their hereafter composing. In add-on, this sort of motive is drastically of import in prosecuting pupils ‘ investing and attending paid in bettering their authorship abilities ( 264 SV ) .

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Furthermore, as discussed above, readers are ever easy influenced by narratives. Due to the inventive nature and narrative construction, narratives frequently invite readers into them, respond to them. They allow readers and authors to play both functions, witness and participant, that are cardinal to literate Acts of the Apostless ( Britton 1984 ) . Compared with the narratives, the conventional, information-based texts normally used in reading/writing categories often constrain pupils into the more inactive witness function. By contrast, as mentioned above, literature has a thaumaturgy that can promote readers to sympathize with or respond against the characters looking in the work that pulling our attending, see what the characters do after we identify them, and speculate the facets or the features the writers have non described or have non described straight. As the theories in reader-response histories for, readers are tend to make full in spreads that writers left in their texts on intent, so that the readers are encouraged to acquire involvement and be engaged in with the literary text. In add-on, we besides reflect to the events in the text with emotion and mind. In this manner, literary texts- different from the information-based texts that usually used in L2 academic reading-writing instruction- evoke pupils to detect inquiries and happen out replies. This procedure is more originative and prompt pupils to hold a deeper connexion with the text and have a more thoughtful thought during the reading procedure compared to other text types. These connexions and thoughtful thought, in bend, increase the motive to read and compose about what we read. Teachers can do usage of this motivated consequence that literary work aroused into the combination of reading and composing instruction. This is the ground, Costello ( 1990 ) one time proposed that “ narrative literature seems a natural constituent of the ESL course of study ” ( 22 ) , particularly, she adds, of its reading and composing parts. ( 117 AH )

Second, the fact that pupils in L2 authorship classs bring their several literary background into the classs should non be neglected. In fact, literature is frequently valued and appreciated in their civilization. The reading of such literary texts has a great influence on their instruction. From a traditional position, one ‘s values and beliefs can be formed and affected by the literature they read in their life. What ‘s more, their reading and composing abilities may besides hold been enhanced through reading or at least in portion through them. As a Chinese pupil, for illustration, every bit far as I am concerned, pupils are immersed in a great trade of literature work even when are in primary school. The manner we learn the rules of Chinese composing is by analyzing, analysing and copying the authoritative Chinese literature. Likewise, from the experience of a nine-year-old British miss from my UK host household, the similar state of affairs happens, excessively. Her English assignment for winter holiday is to read any literary book and compose a contemplation every twenty-four hours. Therefore, it can be seen, literature plays an of import function in L1 acquisition, so that pupils are inclined to affect the grasp of literary work as larning a linguistic communication, particularly for larning composing accomplishments. Although literary texts at first seem excessively hard for L2 scholars, they have formed a wont to appreciate literature and if the literary work can be selected decently, this job can be saved or at least released.

Third, literature gives readers information about different civilizations, for illustration, the civilization readers may presently populate in. It besides provides a manner for readers to recognize and so prosecute in the civilization differences. This regard becomes increasing of import these old ages. As more and more pupils choose to analyze abroad ( the estimated statistic in 2010, China will export 300,000 pupils to analyze overseas, from ) , no affair old or immature, changing grades of ‘culture daze ‘ about happens to everyone. On this juncture, related literature work can give some assistance. As Willoquet- Maricondi ( 1991/1992 ) provinces: “ the cultural tensenesss that arise when civilizations meet can be dealt with fruitfully in a literary context ” . What ‘s more, the accretion of literature work from other states besides benefit international pupils for other academic categories in which such cultural cognition may be assumed and expected. For illustration, when taking a category like sociology, literature, psychological science, instructors may advert some glossaries such as “ Renaissance ” , “ the lake poets ” , “ metaphor ” , “ Victorian epoch ” . Possibly pupils may at least have some thoughts what the professor is discoursing, instead than cognizing nil at all.

Fourth, here comes a more peculiar point of the benefits of utilizing literature for larning composing. It is that the characteristic of complexness of a literary work that benefits pupils a batch. Because of this complexness, pupils are trained to believe and compose in a more multidimensional and analytical manner. Practice in appreciating and interpreting literature, badgering out its multilayered coat and hold oning the effect significances, helps pupils to develop a more profound thought and analysing ability which can be made usage of in composing their ain authorship. Mckay ( 2001 ) made this statement clearer and noted that the response pupils give in composing about literature they have read besides patterns the of import academic accomplishment of doing their sentiments converting by utilizing the information collected from the texts they have read. A farther decision summarized by SV? intended that reading literature promotes critical thought ( 265 SV ) . All in all, “ thoughts, linguistic communication, readings are non cut-and-dry in their significances ; a believing individual must analyse, inquiry, interpret, synthesise what she or he hears and reads ” ( Vandrick, 1996b, p.27 ) , and normally a good author is besides a critical mind. Vandrick ( 1997b ) besides pointed out that an of import portion of reading a literature is to assist pupils to recognize that a piece of literary work, such as a novel, is non all of a sudden born from a vacuity. It is a life, take a breathing entity. It is an entity that interacts with its readers, the lone manner for it to come to life is to be read by a peculiar reader from his or her ain position. Each person and reader brings his or her life experience, cognition, and emotions to the work, and at the same clip creates a alone relationship, a alone world, as he or she responds to it ( p106 ) . An old but well-accepted adage says, “ The eyes of a 1000 persons have the 1000 Hamlets ” , which has merely the same sense. Gajdusek ( 1998 ) , Gajdusek and new wave Dommelen ( 1993b ) , Oster ( 1989b ) , and Spack ( 1985 ) besides agree with the sentiment that pupils ‘ critical thought abilities can be enhanced through reading and composing about literary texts, peculiarly in L2 contexts. Because literary texts can be read in an active manner. They demand and encourage reading and judgement from the function of readers, and authorship is a agency to determine these reading and judgement into a organized signifier. In this procedure, pupils ‘ critical accomplishments are being trained. Reading and composing are closely connected as pupils use composing to compose and do sense of their contemplation in a more organized and effectual manner from the stuffs they have read.

Fifth, another major benefit of utilizing literature was put frontward by Widdowson ( 1979, 1984 ) and Spack ( 1985 ) : the “ aberrant linguistic communication ” and rhetorical constructions of literary texts. They are non the obstructions of conveying literature into pedagogical usage, alternatively, they motivate pupils to separate one text type from others. This distinguishment is so meaningful that by making so in their reading of literary and unliterary texts, pupils obtain cherished cognition that can spread out their repertory of composing usage of language- ” cognition that can spread out their repertory of composing schemes and resources ( AH 118-119 ) ” . Gajdusek and new wave Dommenlen ( 1993b ) besides propose a similar statement that “ the schoolroom procedure of reading and construing a literary text truly involves student/readers while patterning the analytical forms of idea that underlie expository authorship ” ( 201 ) . In the procedure of Acts of the Apostless such as composing an analysis to a literary work or form an statement that refering the subject or the characters looking in a text, pupils can do the authorship schemes they find in academic essays into pattern. The advantage of the literary text is in that its inventive qualities can frequently easy pull a reader ‘s attending to read exhaustively into its thick. In this procedure, pupils are supplied with extra motive in the class of building their academic essays. They want their analysis or statement to be clearly understood or convincing, hence, they have an increasing inducement to work with the composing techniques that they have found out in the literature they are reading. To a great extent, pupils ‘ battle with the literary text is deeper, more sophisticated and personal than with the non-literary text, the pattern gained in expositive authorship may hold a greater impact on them than is true of more conventional sorts of reading-writing assignments. After all, as it is summarized by AH ( 118-119 ) : “ In short, literature-based reading and composing experiences may vibrate more strongly in their memories and their associations with L2 literacy direction. ” On this juncture, reading and composing are related at deeper levers than any other text types can be.

Sing lexical and syntactic development, pupils can get really accurate, nuanced and utile vocabulary in literature. The assorted linguistic communication forms that are exposed to pupils ease them to hold an overview of how complex sentences and phrases can be put together. The cognition of grammar can besides be learnt in the procedure of reading literature as SV ( 266 ) concluded that “ Grammatical forms can be absorbed unconsciously in the class of reading literature as readers are exposed to complexness, assortment, and nuance in grammatical forms. ” Additionally, Sage ( 1987 ) points out that in literature “ the pupil brushs about every sort of communicative technique talkers use or think of utilizing. Literature displays a broader scope of such communicating schemes than any other individual ESL instruction constituent ” ( p.6 ) . In short, in L2 composing schoolrooms, the ways demoing how linguistic communication in usage provided by literary texts can non be substituted from non-literary texts.

Sixth, as Goouch, Grainger and Lambirth ( 2005 ) asserted, [ no ‘that ‘ when you have used ‘as ‘ ] creativeness plays an of import function in composing. Meanwhile, a celebrated literary critic from China ( Lei,2006 ) proposed that creativeness is the life of literature work. Therefore, when pupils read literature, they are reading originative work, and exposure to originative work will heighten their creativeness, which in bend enhances their writing ability. Furthermore, reading a good literary work, readers can profit a batch, such as the construction the narrative carries on, the elaborate description the writer used to show, the selected words, phrases the writer considered seriously, on what juncture an sarcasm, or the metaphor should be used and how to utilize suitably. In this manner, the readers acquired an expert manner of showing thought or feeling in a 2nd linguistic communication.

Seventh, another benefit by utilizing literature in the reading-writing schoolroom is put frontward and developed by Rosenblatt ( [ 1938 ] 1976,1978 ) . Rosenblatt classified reading stuffs into two classs, which is “ motorial ” and “ aesthetic ” . Efferent reading stuffs are largely information-based texts. The information affecting in such texts can be used retrievally [ ? ? ] or in the hereafter. Rosenblatt ( 1978 ) gave a farther account as the reader ‘s “ attending is directed outwardaˆ¦ toward constructs to be retained, thoughts to be tested, actions to be performed after the reading. ” Aesthetic reading, on the other manus, is largely associated with literary texts. Rosenblatt accounted that in this sort of reading, “ the reader ‘s primary concern is with what happens during the existent reading event ” ( 24 ) .In Rosenblatt ‘s thesis, which has a outstanding impact on the extended reading-writing research and teaching method found in L1 contexts, he asserts that to go wholly qualified readers and authors, pupils need to travel through both sorts of reading experiences. Attention paid on merely one sort of reading ( and so composing ) restricts the visions of the reader/writer as she or he ever encounter a series of complex state of affairss of reading-and-writing-related demands in academic life. Therefore, conveying in the literature in the reading-writing schoolroom fills in the spread that unliterary text normally lacks of, enrich the pupils with more aesthetic reading and composing experiences on the footing of motorial reading experiences. Furthermore, it besides makes readyings for pupils to hold aesthetic reading experiences that may be required in some classs of their academic community. Students read more than merely textbooks and information-based texts. Some classs might every bit good demand the reading of literary-type texts, for case, historical novels in a history class or ethnographic narrations in sociology or psychological science classs. ( AH 120 )

Troubles that may be encountered

First, as many people may believe, and as Spack ( 1985 ) summed up, there is a given by some instructor that pupils majoring in scientific discipline and technology would non wish to read literature. However, in her published paper, Spack points out, related research shows that this is non needfully true. Quite frequently, these pupils need and are inclined to be contacted with the best that a linguistic communication can offer. More frequently than non, the best of the linguistic communication in usage is found in literature.

Second, some people contend that literary English is non day-to-day English or practical English ; it is non the general English that pupils are demanded to maestro and usage ( SV,266 ) . The account to this statement is foremost, the exposure for pupils to the most inventive and originative English linguistic communication used from literature is a positive thing after all. Second, although pupils are non required to utilize the same English in their day-to-day communication, such as speech production or composing a note, they can larn a great trade from literature the ways how English is used and words, sentences can be made sense of. Along with these two facets, when reading literature, pupils can bask the procedure, and can be motivated, even be inspired by them when they are making their ain composition.

Third, this statement has been discussed for many old ages and by many instructors that reading literature may be “ excessively hard ” for pupils. Some instructors worry that pupils in L2 reading-writing categories will happen literature excessively difficult to catch up with, which will deter and demotivate their enthusiasm in reading and even impact their whole acquisition motive. However, there is a good solution to work out, or at least to ease this state of affairs. Teachers can do appropriate picks when presenting literature to pupils. What ‘s more, the assignment connected with the literature reading should suit pupil ‘s assorted degrees decently. As there is a great trade of great literary work accessible, instructors can do comparing and can choose more suited 1s for their pupils, even to intercede scholars. Even for the very novices, there are attacks to ease appreciate literary work. For illustration, short narratives with the cardinal rubrics and background introduced in pre-reading activities. Although literature sometimes seems to be a “ stretch ” for pupils, as SV proposed, they are challenged and stimulated by their assigned reading. They largely feel proud of and their assurance can be greatly enhanced by being able to read the existent literature in English, as literature is regarded in most civilizations the best a linguistic communication can offer.

Fourth, another concern was put frontward by some, particularly instructors who fear that some L2 reading-writing categories will go, in pattern, reading categories merely. It means that all the category clip is taken up by analysing, knocking a literary work, with some debut of new vocabulary and grammar cognition. The indefensible premise is that neither instructors nor pupils will bask this category, because of its frustrating readying for instructors and tiring larning procedure for pupils. Actually, in a reading-writing category, literature is widely read for enjoyment. Immersed with literature, pupils can acquire direct contact with good authorship in English, originative thoughts proposed by authors, well-organized constructions a narrative used to narrate. Facilitated by this series of information, pupils can compose about or give response to what they have read. Give a sensitive pick of text, the analysis of literary work in reading-writing categories can be prosecuting as the instructor assists pupils to discourse and understand the literature which in bend encourages them to compose good authorship by themselves. As SV pointed out, utilizing literature, particularly L2 reading-writing categories, does non intend to inquire pupils to compose literature themselves or compose a ‘literary ‘ manner composing work instantly after reading a literary text, the more of import map is assist them to organize a literary construct.

Fifth, there is a dissension with utilizing literature in L2 reading-writing categories based on the concern that although many scholars try difficult and work fastidiously to larn a 2nd linguistic communication, most of them can non compose in a genuinely originative manner. Hence, some research workers argue that reading literature in English for L2 scholars may deter their acquisition motive, for the spread between the existent literary text and their ain work is exposed in such a obvious manner. Learners may experience demotivated because that despite of their difficult working, they can non make the literary degree. On this juncture, it is the instructors ‘ duty to state pupils clearly the map to read literature, it is for an enjoyment to be exposed to the best linguistic communication used in English, but non for pupils to happen the spread between their ain work and the literature. Furthermore, even in L1 contexts, pupils frequently read classical literary work in their native linguistic communication, the disparity of the work between celebrated authors ‘ and theirs must hold been accepted since so. They have a consensus that merely with few exclusions, they are non able to compose every bit good as their states great writers of fiction and poesy.

Sixth, another refering on utilizing literature is from reading-writing instructors. Some instructors do non prefer taking literature as learning stuff because they themselves are non majoring in English literature or they do non read much literature by themselves. Hence, they think it is so frustrating to fix a category utilizing literature, and are frequently unconfident of their ain literature cognition. However, as discussed above in No.4, the literature in reading-writing categories is non for elaborate literary analysis, and unfavorable judgment, it is non needfully for instructors to convey in much nomenclature, professional theories into category. Alternatively, if a instructor does so, pupils will be perplexed by so much new cognition and hold no clip to appreciate the beauty of literature. As mentioned above, the usage of literature in reading-writing category is direct, to ease pupils understand the literature and in bend make good authorship pattern. It is true that still some instructors would instead non utilize much literature in the reading-writing category, it is strongly recommended that they should see the benefits that a literary work can convey to their pupils.

Seventh, summarized by SV as “ the most common, most substantial, and most combative ground ” raised by some L2 authorship teachers ( so did some L1 composing instructors ) for the dissension of utilizing literature in the instruction of authorship is that they strongly believe that the major end of composing categories should be train pupils to compose for academic authorship, or peculiarly composing for their specific major or discourse communities. For teachers keeping this statement, literature in the authorship schoolroom is a regarded as a distraction from the work at manus. In their sentiment, reading stuffs used in composing schoolroom should be, for case, comprised of the choice from college text editions, articles from diaries, and high-quality magazines and newspapers ( SV ) , and at best can be adapted or revised before supplying for pupils. Furthermore, some give more specific suggestions that pupils should take peculiar English authorship categories harmonizing to their big leagues. For illustration, concern major pupils go to composing categories for ‘writing for concerns ‘ ( See Johns, Chapter 8 ) . In category, they are trained to compose the concern letters, the professional negotiating linguistic communication, the manner to describe to subject to the leaders, etc. Apparently, it is sensible that pupils can obtain aid from reading choices that straight to their big leagues and write a better study consequently. However, composing itself does non hold merely one face, composing good can non be easy pigeonholed into classs ( SV ) . College pupils are non ever composing for one type, they besides have other composing undertakings besides their big leagues. What ‘s more, the preparation of composing ability is non a impermanent work merely doing sense in college clip for academic intent, it is a capacity that will profit a pupil in their whole life. As Knight ( 1993 ) puts it, “ a feature of an educated individual is the ability to reassign acquisition. Therefore, those of us who teach the rudimentss of composing do non hold to learn different authorship classs for every subject within ‘the academy ‘ ” ( 676 ) . Of class, it is rational pupils should be exposed to academic Hagiographas of their ain major, it is besides a valuable experience for them to read literature at the same clip. More significantly, the sweetening of the ability of thought, analysing, forming in a 2nd linguistic communication they get from literature reading is a great aid for their any other advanced authorship.

[ first-class – we can discourse this farther tomorrow! ]

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