Materialism American Dream In The Great Gatsby English Literature Essay

A A A ” The American Dream ” : what does it intend? Wealth, stuff ownerships, and power are the nucleus values of “ The American Dream. ” For many Americans, the dream is based entirely upon making a higher criterion of life. Gatsby was one of these Americans who lived his whole life in chase of wealth and power. Gatsby based his whole self-being on how much money he earned and the ownerships he had. He felt that with money came many other advantages to life. Gatsby ‘s exclusive intent for geting wealth was to win back his old love, Daisy. When Gatsby foremost met Daisy he was underprivileged and considered unworthy because of his lower category position. He knew that while he was hapless there was no opportunity of them of all time unifying as a twosome. “ I was hapless ” , Gatsby had no money and he thought that Daisy “ was tired of waiting around for me ” ( Fitzgerald 131 ) . Gatsby felt that the lone manner to win Daisy back was to make for what many people considered the “ American Dream. ”

The typical American dreamer aspires to lift from shreds to wealths, while roll uping such things as love, high position, wealth, and power on his manner to the top. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is a self-made adult male who started out with no money-only a program for accomplishing his dream. He is so blinded by his epicurean ownerships that he does non see that money can non purchase love or felicity. Fitzgerald demonstrates how a dream can go corrupted by one ‘s focal point on geting wealth, power, and expensive things. Gatsby ‘s dream “ is a naA?ve dream based on the unsound premise that stuff ownerships are synonymous with felicity, harmoniousness, and beauty ” ( Fahey 70 ) . His American dream has become corrupted by the civilization of wealth that surrounds him. Gatsby ‘s romantic position of wealth has non prepared him for the self-interested, clannish, corrupt group of people with which he comes to tie in. He throws munificent parties for infinite people, yet he has no existent friends. Gatsby buys expensive things and entertains big groups of society because of his incommunicable desire for something greater.

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In Fitzgerald ‘s The Great Gatsby, all the characters are, in one manner or another, trying to go happier with their lives. The characters in the novel are divided into two groups: the rich upper category and the poorer lower category ( West egg and East egg ) . The chief characters are merely seeking to do their lives better but the American dream that they are all seeking to accomplish will finally be ruined by the rough world. The unrestrained desire for money and pleasance surpasses more baronial ends and world.

Daisy and Tom ‘s matrimony is farther cogent evidence of the prostration of the American dream. Although they belong to the elitist West Egg societal group and have utmost wealth, they are unhappy. Tom and Daisy are both in unsated with life and are seeking for something better. They are unhappy and bored with life. Tom seems to be seeking for the exhilaration that he found in playing football in college, and he finds an mercantile establishment for his dissatisfaction by rip offing on his married woman with Myrtle. Even though Tom is married to Daisy, he has an matter with Myrtle Wilson and has an flat with her in New York. Daisy and Tom are perfect illustrations of wealth and prosperity, and the American Dream. Yet their lives are empty, and without intent. Once once more, Gatsby does non see that achieving wealth and power does non equal felicity.

Tom and Daisy are a great illustration of the hollowness of the upper category. The Buchanans ‘ matrimony is full of prevarications and unfaithfulnesss, yet they are united through their corruptness. After Myrtle and Gatsby are both killed, neither one of the Buchanans sends their respects or seem contrite. In fact, they go on a short holiday, which is an indicant of the deficiency of compassion they have toward others.

Nick perceives Tom and Daisy as they truly are, hardhearted and careless. “ They smashed up things and animals and so retreated back into their money or their huge sloppiness or whatever it was that kept them together, and allow other people clean up the muss they had made ” ( Fitzgerald 188 ) . Tom and Daisy ‘s actions are an indicant of the damaging and emotionally numbing effects that wealth can hold on person. They focus excessively much on visual aspect and things of pecuniary value, while disregarding people ‘s feelings and lives. Daisy is shallow and merely attracted to Tom because of his wealth, “ They moved with a fast crowd, all of them immature and rich, and wild, but she came out with an perfectly perfect repute, ” ( Fitzgerald 77 ) .

Though Myrtle Wilson makes an effort to get away her ain category and pursue felicity with the rich, she ends up deriving nil and finally dies. She is fundamentally a victim of the group she wanted to fall in. She talks like she is upper category and thinks like the upper category would, “ These people! You have to maintain after them all the clip, ” ( Fitzgerald 32 ) . Myrtle tries to go like Tom by holding an matter with him and taking on his manner of life, but in making so she becomes unsated with her life. Her changeless vesture alterations show that she is unhappy with her life. She changes personalities every clip she changes her frock: “ with the influence of the frock her whole personality had besides undergone a alteration. The intense verve… was converted into impressive arrogance ” ( Fitzgerald 35 ) .

“ He has lived non for himself, but for his dream, for his vision of the good life inspired by the beauty of a lovely rich miss ” ( Fahey 71 ) . Gatsby ‘s inspiration comes from the beautiful Daisy. Daisy is the symbol of all that Gatsby strives for ; her voice is full of money, as Gatsby describes it. Her voice was “ full of money-that was the unlimited appeal that rose and fell in it, the jangle of it, the cymbals ‘ vocal in it ” ( Fitzgerald 127 ) . Gatsby became so infatuated by her voice that he based all of his actions on winning Daisy over. Her voice contains the promise of huge wealths. However, Gatsby is excessively late to recognize that money is the lone thing her voice promises. There is no compassion in Daisy, merely as there is none in cold, difficult hard currency.

Gatsby ‘s oversight in judgement is in non recognizing that Daisy represents both material success and the corruptness that wealth can convey. Although she appears to be full of sugariness and visible radiation, she is at bosom egoistic and cold. Daisy is careless with people ‘s lives ; she lets Gatsby take the incrimination for her unwilled manslaughter of Myrtle Wilson. Her careless actions finally result in Gatsby ‘s decease, of which she shows no concern.

It is really stating that Gatsby ‘s house is full of people throughout the full summer, yet when Gatsby dies, no one attends his funeral except Nick and Gatsby ‘s male parent. The shallow familiarities of Gatsby were ne’er his true friends-the merely used him for his munificent generousness, “ When a adult male gets killed I ne’er like to acquire assorted up in it anyhow. I keep out, ” ( Fitzgerald 171 ) ) . The infinite people who attend his parties, drive in his auto and imbibe his intoxicant are nowhere to be seen when the clip comes to pay their respects for him. The lone invitee who calls Gatsby ‘s place is Klipspringer, who lived in Gatsby ‘s sign of the zodiac for a period of clip. However, he merely calls to ask about a brace of places that he has misplaced. The corrupt ambiance in which Gatsby has lived blights his dream of success.

Nick comes to recognize that the East is full of heartless and shallow people. His Midwest background has given him a comparing for judging the flashiness and philistinism that surrounds him. Nick ‘s American dream is based on his experiences of warm place life and friendly faces. Nick ‘s dream is closer to the original American dream, which was focused more around household than wealth and an ageless pursuit for success and individuality.

The Great Gatsby is a profound societal commentary on the corrupt and disenchanting effects that philistinism can hold on members of society. The have-nots yearn to be like the rich persons, yet those who already have wealth and position are unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives. On the whole, the elitist group in the novel displays features of being bored, disenchanted, and unmotivated. For illustration, the Buchanans impetus from one topographic point to the following, with no existent program or end in head. Jordan Baker has a changeless bored, unaffected expression upon her face. These people are the “ rich persons, ” but Fitzgerald makes the reader inquiry whether what they possess is truly deserving holding.

The drifting, careless, shallow people who comprise the societal group of East Egg and West Egg are representative of the corruptness that philistinism can convey. Gatsby is surrounded by this philistinism and discontent, which serves to stain his dream of success. His rags-to wealths dream turns into a dark incubus that leads to his ill-timed ruin. His romantic idealism has non prepared him for the corrupt universe in which he enters. Gatsby is surrounded by cogent evidence of the sadness that “ success ” can convey, as seen particularly through Tom and Daisy. Their matrimony is full of prevarications and fraudulence, and they are both seeking for something greater than what they already have. Gatsby is so blinded by his dream that he does non see that money can non purchase love or felicity. Fitzgerald efficaciously offers a powerful review of a mercenary society and the effects it can hold on one ‘s hopes and dreams.

Gatsby ‘s dream collapses when he fails to win Daisy and is non accepted by the upper category. Without his dream Gatsby has nil, nil to maintain him traveling, no way, and no intent to populate. Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald shows how dreams are destroyed, no affair what the dreams consist of, money, stuff position, or merely merely to be happy. Fitzgerald besides shows that the failure of the American Dream is ineluctable in a sense that nil can be every bit perfect as one could conceive of. Without hopes or dreams life would be empty, as shown by Tom and the Buchanans. The American Dream is something every individual works for throughout his or her life. Although the American Dream is admirable, it is impossible to accomplish ageless satisfaction. The American Dream is merely that, a dream. Gatsby ‘s dream is behind him and the American dream is finally unachievable, “ He had come a long manner to this bluish lawn, and his dream must hold seemed so near that he could barely neglect to hold on it. He did non cognize that it was already behind him, ” ( Fitzgerald 180 ) .

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