Prevalence Of Cyber Plagiarism Among Undergraduates English Language Essay

Throughout history worlds have evolved biologically, every bit good as developed the quality of life they exist in. Since the ages, Knowledge has played a important function in the development of the quality of life. As people seek cognition, and some make attempts to make new cognition, there have been cases in which the recognition for creative activity of new cognition has been contested.

With the birth of the Internet, easy handiness to worldwide cognition depositories have reached every corner of the Earth. Such Cyber information has surely helped many to better their quality of life, and yet it has besides allowed plagiarism to germinate to a different dimension.

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The term plagiarism has its beginnings in the early seventeenth century from the Latin term plagiarius which means ‘kidnapper ‘ . ( Oxford 2010 ) Originally used in relation to literary creative activities, it ‘s modern usage stems from the book publication trade which has it ‘s beginnings in the eighteenth Century ( Wikipeadia 2010 )

The term plagiarism has been defined by writers utilizing different positions.

The Oxford Dictionary refers to it as “ The pattern of taking person else ‘s work or thoughts and go throughing them off as one ‘s ain ” ( Oxford 2010 ) . “ A piece of composing that has been copied from person else and is presented as being your ain work. The act of plagiarizing ; taking person ‘s words or thoughts as if they were your ain ” ( What is Plagiarism 2009 )

In academe, the term is considered to be a signifier of academic dishonesty, and when copying information antecedently published by others, guidelines exist to guarantee that recognition where due is given to the original Godhead. In certain cases pupils may copy text in verbatim off text editions and recognition them as their original creative activities.

From a pupil ‘s position, it has ne’er been so easy to entree a wealth of information, on the other manus it has lead to a rapid addition in cyber cheating. Cyber cheating or cyber plagiarism can be merely defined as copying and gluing information from the cyberspace to transport out assignments and thesis without admiting the original writer and subject them as their original work.

Harmonizing to the Canadian Library Association ‘s article on Cyber-Plagiarism: Plagiarism in a Digital World, Cyber plagiarism is defined as “ downloading of documents from the cyberspace in whole or portion and subjecting the paper as original work. ” ( Canadian Library Association 2002 ) . It has besides been defined as “ cutting and gluing stuff from the cyberspace alternatively of composing in one ‘s ain words ” ( Jones 2007 ) .

Dennis and Gregory remark “ Technology has enhanced the ability to darnel and has opened up wider entree to stuffs from which cheating/plagiarism can come as On-line databases are widely used for research, The Internet has a virtually limitless supply of stuffs, on-line paper Millss make it easier and quicker. ” ( Dennis & A ; Gregory 2009 )

Harmonizing to the medical study “ Prevalence of Plagiarism among Medical Students ” conducted by Lidija, B.Z. et al with 198 pupils, it was found that merely 17 ( 9 % ) of pupils did non plagiarise at all and 68 ( 34 % ) plagiarized less than 10 % of the text. The mean plagiarism rate ( % of plagiaristic text ) was 19 % ( 5-95 % percentile=0-88 ) . Students who were purely warned non to plagiarise had a higher entire word count in their essays than pupils who were non warned ( P=0.002 ) but there was no difference between them in the rate of plagiarism. Students with higher classs in Medical Informatics exam plagiarized less than those with lower classs ( P=0.015 ) . Gender, capable, beginning, and complexness had no influence on the plagiarism rate.

Many Writers ( ( Lidija et al 2005, University of Alberta, 2010 ( hypertext transfer protocol: // pid=62200 & A ; sid=457651 ) ) have commented on the importance of observing plagiarism in the academic community. Hence this issue is of critical importance to faculty members in Universities. Consequently it is important to analyze about the it ‘s prevalence.

In such a state of affairs, while it ‘s importance is agreed upon by many, and researching it ‘s state of affairs in Sri Lanka has yet to be researched in item. The impression that uncovering such information can negatively impact the repute of the Educational Constitutions concerned is a serious hindrance to a elaborate survey. The research arousing sensitive information could besides be misused by viing entities. As a consequence the Researcher will non unwrap the names of the selected sample higher instruction institutes throughout the research. Researcher has chosen a sample of 617 Management pupils from two higher instruction institutes.

The survey was important to the university faculty members, undergraduates, alumnuss and future research workers. The Result of the survey could assist the faculty members to educate the pupils on how to avoid academic dishonesty, cyber plagiarism and make a better consciousness about just usage of information. Sometimes pupils may deliberately or accidentally conflict the right of first publication issues, patent, just usage and common cognition understandings. Consequently it is critical to analyze this issue, and detect the prevalence of cyber plagiarism among undergraduates, types of cyber plagiarism applicable in a Sri Lankan context, factors impacting to cyber plagiarism and how it impacts on Markss and classs of the pupils.

Statement of job

With the handiness of monolithic sum of information on the cyberspace, many pupils are to a great extent rely on on-line information and there is a tendency of subjecting downloaded or transcript and paste assignments and thesis by altering synonymous and give it as their ain work without admiting or proper commendation. Harmonizing to old literature several writers identified this issue.

Students can utilize an “ electronic shovel that makes it possible to happen and salvage immense balls of information with small reading, attempt or originality ” . ( McKenzie 1998 )

Harmonizing to the Canadian Library Association ‘s they defined Cyber plagiarism as “ downloading of documents from the cyberspace in whole or portion and subjecting the paper as original work. ” ( Canadian Library Association 2002 ) .

Cyber-plagiarism is defined as “ cutting and gluing stuff from the cyberspace alternatively of composing in one ‘s ain words ” ( Jones 2007 ) .

“ It is unsafe and educationally counterproductive to disregard plagiarism among pupils because so they may take plagiarism as an easier manner instead than be honest, hardworking members of the academic community. ” ( Lidija et al 2005 )

Therefore if a pupil detected, it may consequence to his or her classs in different ways, such as warning, cut down Markss, resubmit, non credence of the class work, suspension from the survey etc.

Harmonizing to the medical study “ Prevalence of Plagiarism among Medical Students ” conducted by Lidija, B.Z. et al with 198 pupils, found that the mean plagiarism rate was 19 % ( 5-95 % percentile=0-88 ) . Students who were purely warned non to plagiarise had a higher entire word count in their essays than pupils who were non warned ( P=0.002 ) but there was no difference between them in the rate of plagiarism. Students with higher classs in Medical Informatics exam plagiarized less than those with lower classs ( P=0.015 ) .

“ It is hard to find the extent of plagiarism as merely those who get caught, or are willing to acknowledge to it, go statistics. ” ( Ray 2004 )

After analysing the above facts the job arise, Do undergraduates plagiarise, the manner pupil plagiarize, why pupil plagiarize, do cyber plagiarism impact on classs and how it impacts on the classs of the undergraduates?

Main Objective of the survey

The chief purpose of this survey is to analyze the prevalence of cyber plagiarism among undergraduates of 617 pupils from two higher instruction institutes

Specific Aims were,

To happen out the relationship between

The extent of cyber plagiarism among undergraduates.

The types of cyber plagiarism among undergraduates.

The factors impacting to cyber plagiarism.

Demographic feature of plagiarism.

To acknowledge the factors impacting the attitude toward the cyber plagiarism.

Significance of the survey

The survey was important to the university faculty members, undergraduates, alumnuss and future research workers. Results of the survey helped the faculty members to educate the pupils on how to avoid academic dishonesty, cyber plagiarism and do cognizant about just usage of information. Hence rip offing textual or thought of a individual may non merely a textual offense. Sometimes pupils may deliberately or accidentally conflict the right of first publication issues.

Harmonizing to Ray 2004, Plagiarism Definitions, Penalties and Detection article, “ Plagiarism is non merely the copying of person else ‘s words, but besides their thoughts. One of the simplest definitions is the unacknowledged copying of person else ‘s work. The issue is farther confused by patent and right of first publication violations and by the just usage and common cognition understandings. Copyright protects original plants of writing fixed in any touchable medium of look and can be enforced through federal jurisprudence. Copyright jurisprudence does non cover thoughts, these are protected by patents. Fair usage of copyright stuff is besides covered by copyright jurisprudence ” ( cited in Ray 2004 )

“ It is unsafe and educationally counterproductive to disregard plagiarism among pupils because so they may take plagiarism as an easier manner instead than be honest, hardworking members of the academic community. ” ( Lidija et al 2005 )

Consequently it is critical to analyze this affair. And besides study assisted to happen out the per centum of cyber plagiarism on undergraduates, types of cyber plagiarism, factors impacting to cyber plagiarism and how it impacted on Markss, classs of the pupils.

Research Questions

What is the extent of the cyber plagiarism among undergraduates?

What are the types of cyber plagiarism among undergraduates?

What are the factors affect to cyber plagiarism?

How cyber plagiarism impact on classs of the undergraduates?

Chapter 2

Reappraisal of literature

Students can utilize an “ electronic shovel that makes it possible to happen and salvage immense balls of information with small reading, attempt or originality ” . ( McKenzie 1998 )

Harmonizing to above statement it is clear that information are readily available for any topic from the cyberspace, most of the pupils are acute on seeking cyberspace with small reading, attempt and they do their assignments by copying and gluing information from the webs without decently admiting the original writers.

This issue which was known as Cyber-Plagiarism discussed by many articles. Before traveling in to Cyber-Plagiarism Lashkar-e-Taiba discourse about what is mean by plagiarism.

What is Plagiarism?

There is no clear cut definition for term Plagiarism. Harmonizing to the literature, it can be merely define as full or portion of authorship has been copied from person else deliberately or accidentally and showed it as their original work without admiting original writer.

“ A piece of composing that has been copied from person else and is presented as being your ain work. The act of plagiarizing ; taking person ‘s words or thoughts as if they were your ain ” ( What is Plagiarism 2009 )

Harmonizing to the Collins Dictionary of the English Language ( Hanks, 1979 ) , “ plagiarism is ‘the act of plagiarising ‘ , which means ‘to appropriate ( thoughts, transitions, etc ) from ( another work or writer ) ‘ . Plagiarism involves literary larceny, stealing ( by copying ) the words or thoughts of person else and go throughing them off as one ‘s ain without crediting the beginning. ” ( Cited in Chris 2003 )

Types of Plagiarism

“ Plagiarism comes in many signifiers and grades. It may be every bit simple as pretermiting to mention a peculiar beginning or neglecting to set a copied piece of text in citation Markss to the copying of an full piece of work and go throughing it off as the individuals ain work. Even conspiring with other people, and non admiting the fact, is a signifier of plagiarism. Plagiarism is non merely the copying of person else ‘s words, but besides their thoughts. One of the simplest definitions is the unacknowledged copying of person else ‘s work ” ( Ray 2004 )

“ In a paper presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Howard identified four sorts of academic plagiarism encountered in pupil authorship as subjecting work written by another, spot composing – uniting the words or thoughts from another beginning with his/her ain, and pretermiting to supply proper ascription of beginnings, and excluding citation Markss. ”

( Cited in Melissa 2007 )

What is Cyber Plagiarism?

Harmonizing to the Canadian Library Association ‘s article on Cyber-Plagiarism: Plagiarism in a Digital World, Cyber plagiarism defined as “ downloading of documents from the cyberspace in whole or portion and subjecting the paper as original work. ” ( Canadian Library Association 2002 ) .

Cyber-plagiarism is defined as “ cutting and gluing stuff from the cyberspace alternatively of composing in one ‘s ain words ” ( Jones 2007 ) .

Extent of Plagiarism

Harmonizing to the medical study “ Prevalence of Plagiarism among Medical Students ” conducted by Lidija, B.Z. et al 2005 with 198 pupils, found that merely 17 ( 9 % ) of pupils did non plagiarise at all and 68 ( 34 % ) plagiarized less than 10 % of the text. The mean plagiarism rate ( % of plagiaristic text ) was 19 % ( 5-95 % percentile=0-88 ) . Students who were purely warned non to plagiarise had a higher entire word count in their essays than pupils who were non warned ( P=0.002 ) but there was no difference between them in the rate of plagiarism. Students with higher classs in Medical Informatics exam plagiarized less than those with lower classs ( P=0.015 ) . Gender, capable, beginning, and complexness had no influence on the plagiarism rate.

“ It is hard to find the extent of plagiarism as merely those who get caught, or are willing to acknowledge to it, go statistics. ” ( Ray 2004 )

Rutgers University ‘s 2001 survey of 2,200 pupils in 21 colleges found that 10 % admitted to borrowing at least some stuff from the Internet and 5 % who said they ‘d taken big parts or even full documents. ( Cited in Ray 2004 )

In 2003, a canvass taken during a University of North Texas picture conference found that 74 % of pupils had cheated at least one time but that 95 % of those were non detected. ( Dickerson 2004 )

A British university found that 40 % of pupils had cheated in a category, even though, or possibly because, they knew their work was traveling to be electronically checked. ( Carroll )

In 2001, Professor Lou Bloomfield of the University of Virginia created a computing machine plan to seek and catch pupils who had plagiarized stuff for essays in his natural philosophies category. He found 148 documents over 4 semesters that had been plagiarized. A 20 month probe by the university ‘s Honor Committee resulted in 45 pupils being dismissed and another three holding their grades revoked. ( U.Va. Plagiarism 2004 )

Harmonizing to the Ray Thomas website hypertext transfer protocol: //, he found that his web site information on history of his place metropolis of Bristol, England was a really popular portion of his site and is used as a beginning for local history surveies by several schools. He stated that in December 2002, he received and email from a instructor who ‘d set assorted categories essays in local history. Out of the 60 essays she received, around a 3rd had scandalously plagiarized his work frequently by merely copying and gluing full subdivisions of it. Therefore around 20 pupils got zero points for the essay

Above reappraisal of Ray Thomas addresses the cyber plagiarism from diverse facet such as types of cyber plagiarism, factors impacting to cyber plagiarism, examine the methods and package to observe it, paper Millss, and issues of the punishments on cyber plagiarism and Level of cyber plagiarism impact on classs.

Harmonizing to the Canadian Library Association ‘s article on Cyber-Plagiarism: Plagiarism in a Digital World, Rebecca, M. defined the footings plagiarism and cyber plagiarism. Harmonizing to that there are four distinguishable types in plagiarism such as “ fraud, spot authorship, failure to mention and failure to cite. ” ( Canadian Library Association 2002 ) .

This article addresses the types of cyber plagiarism, factors impacting to cyber plagiarism, examine the methods and package to observe it. Although, it ignores the issues of the punishments on cyber plagiarism and Level of cyber plagiarism impact on classs

“ Cyber-plagiarism or film editing and gluing stuff from the cyberspace alternatively of composing in one ‘s ain words is a new turn on the age old job. Learners give a figure of different grounds for plagiarising. Preventing plagiarism requires that module pupils may hold more and different chances to rip off. Educating crafting of assignments, following award codifications, and taking appropriate action upon detecting plagiarism can restrict pupils ‘ ability to prosecute in academic dishonesty and therefore advance academic unity in the schoolroom and in the establishment. “ ( Jones 2007 ) .

Harmonizing to ( Jones 2007 ) he identified some factors impacting to cyber plagiarism, discussed about the sensing methods as and sensing services as His survey chiefly based on turn toing the list of actions on minimising the plagiarism. This article besides ignores the issues of the punishments on cyber plagiarism and how those punishments impact on pupils ‘ classs.

Harmonizing to the Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education 2009, this resource reappraisal discussed merely about the characteristics of in different angles.

Definition of footings



Cyber plagiarism


paper Millss


The survey made the undermentioned premises.

The selected participants will react professionally, openly, and candidly to each inquiry asked of them.

It is possible to generalise from the selected instances.

The questionnaire constructed to roll up informations is valid and dependable. To corroborate this, the research worker conducted two pilot surveies.


Scope of articles identified different types of cyber plagiarism as fraud, spot authorship, failure to mention and failure to cite, rephrasing etc.

Most common factors impacting to cyber plagiarism were laziness, cunctation, hapless clip direction, hapless ego regard, deficiency of involvement, deadlines, household duties, their authorship or research accomplishments are non up to a needed criterion etc.

Some of the articles discussed sing the paper Millss such as,, etc.

Many articles found that as a winning plagiarism sensing service and some web sites identified WCopyfind and Viper as dining cyber plagiarism sensing package. Because, these package are freely available and can downloaded from the cyberspace. Indeed viper recognized as anti-plagiarism scanner instead than cyber plagiarism sensing package.

Most identified punishments or actions against plagiarism were cut downing Marks/Grades/GPA, warning, resubmission, non credence of class work, suspension from the survey, revoked from the degree plan etc.

Several the articles tackled with cyber plagiarism in different angles such as types of cyber plagiarism, factors impacting to cyber plagiarism, examine the methods and package to observe it and punishments, Although, most of them ignored the degree of cyber plagiarism impact on classs. There were merely few surveies associating to that facet. Therefore researcher addressed the above issue throughout the research.

Chapter 3


The chief purpose of this survey is to analyze the prevalence of cyber plagiarism among undergraduates of 617 pupils from 2 higher instruction institutes. To accomplish the chief aim, there are some specific aims such as

To analyze the extent of cyber plagiarism among undergraduates.

To understand the types of cyber plagiarism among undergraduates.

To acknowledge the factors impacting to cyber plagiarism.

Impact of cyber plagiarism on classs of the undergraduates

Chiefly to turn to the issue of RQ1 – What is the extent of the cyber plagiarism among undergraduates?

To happen an reply for the above inquiry sample of 617 pupils from 3 higher instruction institutes selected as the sample and provided them an online survey assignment related to their capable and inform them to subject it with softcopy. After the deadline of the assignment relevant lector and research worker collected the softcopy of the assignment. There after distributed them a questionnaire to make full. That is helped to place the plagiarize paperss and portion II and III of the questionnaire used to observe the extent of cyber plagiarism and types of cyber plagiarism. Part IV of the questionnaire helped to place the outstanding factors impacting to cyber plagiarism among undergraduates. Then harmonizing to the responses from the pupils ‘ distributed questionnaire filtered the plagiarize paperss. Then these pupils ‘ softcopies use to observe the cyber plagiarism rate of single assignments utilizing the free online package called “ Viper ” Anti plagiarism scanner. It used to observe plagiarism rate on single assignments of pupils by fiting synonymous overall content and direct quotation marks of the assignment. Harmonizing to Viper web site, it scans the papers against over 6 billion web pages, every bit good as against all work antecedently submitted to Viper Company. Viper ‘s study identifies content in the pupil papers that matches these beginnings.

It checks the overall content in the pupil papers that matches on-line beginnings divided by papers word count and obtains the per centum of that as the cyber plagiarism rate.

A positive lucifer does non needfully intend that pupil work is plagiarized. Lecturer ( Evaluator ) need to reexamine the study carefully and need to manually look into the undermentioned thing harmonizing to the viper.

Where there is fiting stuff, is at that place a sufficient sum to bespeak that the Writer has taken the stuff from a beginning, or is it merely a fragment?

If the Writer ( pupil ) has taken stuff from a beginning, have they decently referenced it?

If judge does non see a mention, look into the original papers in instance there is a footer that Viper has non detected.

Viper will demo a lucifer where there is a twine of 5 or more words that are the same as pupil work. So it will place fragments that match, which are non needfully plagiarism.

It is of import that Viper does non disregard these fragments as they draw evaluator attending to any sentences where the author has ‘rephrased ‘ parts of the original stuff ( maintaining the initial construction ) without giving due recognition.

Sometimes, Viper will place fiting stuff that is available on web sites, but which the Writer may hold really taken from someplace else ( and given proper recognition for ) . So the fact that the work has content which matches a peculiar web site does non intend the Writer has used that web site. They may hold obtained the stuff from another beginning.

Viper cheques for direct quotation marks – i.e. stuff included in citation Markss “ like this ” . It will give you an overall per centum of words it thinks are direct quotation marks. Clearly, this should non be excessively high as work that relies excessively to a great extent on other stuff is non ‘original ‘ . Evaluator should besides look into that all the direct quotation marks in author ‘s paper have really been referenced by the Writer.

Viper identifies some keywords as plagiarism. Hench judge needs to manually look into these boundaries and requires seting the cyber plagiarism rate.

Harmonizing to the Viper Anti Plagiarism Scanner: 2010 categorized the Plagiarism Rating as follows

“ Overall Plagiarism Rating

This is a general indicant of how much matching content the scan found in author work.

Overall plagiarism evaluation 6 % or lupus erythematosus:

Highly improbable to incorporate plagiaristic stuff. A careful cheque will merely be necessary if this is a drawn-out piece ( a determination of 6 % in a 15,000 word essay, for illustration, would be of greater concern )

Overall plagiarism evaluation 6 – 12 % :

Low hazard of incorporating any plagiaristic stuff. Most of the matching content will likely be fragments. Review the study for any subdivisions that may non hold been referenced decently.

Overall plagiarism evaluation 13 – 20 % :

Medium hazard of incorporating any plagiaristic stuff. There may be subdivisions that match websites – Evaluator need to do certain that the Writer has given proper recognition for these. The scan may non hold detected citation Markss or footers that the author has used ( for illustration, if they have used an gap citation grade but failed to shut it ) which could explicate the higher consequence. Check carefully.

Overall plagiarism evaluation 21 % + :

High hazard of incorporating plagiarized stuff. If the overall evaluation is this high, evaluator need to look into your study really carefully. Sometimes it may merely be that there are a batch of fiting fragments and the package has non identified all direct quotation marks ( for illustration, because the Writer has used unfastened inverted commas and non decently closed them, or has used an apostrophe instead than inverted commas for quotation marks. But you should travel through the study really carefully to look into that this is the instance. ” ( Viper Anti Plagiarism Scanner: 2010 )

Hence this is freely available package it has some drawbacks. This package is non a plagiarism sensing package, it is an anti plagiarism scanner. Sometimes plagiarism rate may misdirect the judge. As a consequence judges need to manually look into the beginnings with author ‘s mention list. And besides selected higher instruction institutes unable to afford high one-year fee for plagiarism sensing package, hence they have non a policy sing cyber plagiarism.

After analysing the overall synonymous and direct quotation marks of the pupils ‘ assignments, research worker comparisons those plagiarism rates with pupils ‘ Markss and obtains classs and mensurate the impact on classs to turn to the RQ4: How cyber plagiarism impact on classs of the undergraduates?

Classs were categorized in to five subdivisions.



Relevant Marks
















To turn to the undermentioned research inquiries

What is the extent of the cyber plagiarism among undergraduates?

What are the types of cyber plagiarism among undergraduates?

What are the factors affect to cyber plagiarism?

Researcher collected the information from questionnaires distributed to undergraduates and interviews with academic staff. Part II and III of the questionnaire used to observe the extent of cyber plagiarism and types of cyber plagiarism. Part IV of the questionnaire helped to place the outstanding factors impacting to cyber plagiarism among undergraduates. ( Refer Appendix 1 )

Secondary informations will be collected from document reappraisals, literature study of electronic articles, diaries and mention of books, to understand the types of cyber plagiarism, to acknowledge the factors impacting to cyber plagiarism.

The research paradigm consists of intermixing methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis.


Population consists of Management pupils in two higher instruction institutes as follows

Higher Education Institute X


Higher Education Institute Y


( Sri Lanka University Statistics 2009 )


As the sampling technique research worker hope to utilize Simple Radom sampling.

Higher Education Institute X


Higher Education Institute Y


Sample size decided harmonizing to Krejcie, Robert V. , Morgan, Daryle W. , theory utilizing the tabular array of “ Determining Sample Size for Research Activities ” , Educational and Psychological Measurement, 1970.

Data aggregation

Following figure illustrates primary and secondary informations


Primary informations

Secondary informations

To understand the types of cyber plagiarism.



To acknowledge the factors impacting to cyber plagiarism.



To understand the extent of the cyber plagiarism among undergraduates


Examine whether the undergraduates plagiarize, whether the cyber plagiarism impact on classs and how it impacts on the classs of the undergraduates


Following figure shows the different types of informations aggregation methods used to carry through research inquiries and information demands.

O – Observation method

Q – Questionnaire

I – Interview method

Research Questions

Data demands

Data Collection Methods






What is the extent of the cyber plagiarism among pupils?

Students softcopies of assignments with the plagiarism sensing package and responses from the questionnaire of pupil




What are the types of cyber plagiarism?

Published articles, Responses from interviews with lectors, responses from the questionnaire of pupils





What are the factors affect to cyber plagiarism?

Published articles, Responses from interviews with lectors, responses from the questionnaire of pupils





How cyber plagiarism impact on classs of the undergraduates?

Relevant Markss and classs of the assignments of pupils. Identified plagiarism rate from the plagiarism sensing package



DR – Document Review method

Datas analysis

Methods of informations analysis will be done through utilizing SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Sciences ) package.


Troubles arise in literature study, due to limited figure of research related to cyber plagiarism in Sri Lankan Context. Data aggregations troubles arise due to inaccessibility of information such as merely few sections used the softcopies of the pupils ‘ assignments. Consequently to obtain a representative sample inform the relevant lectors to supply the pupils an online survey assignment related to their capable and inform them roll up them with softcopy. And besides there were some roll uping issues related to confidential information such as pupils ‘ Markss. It is non an easy undertaking to roll up information from pupil position, because pupils do non like to uncover their behavior on cyber plagiarism. Besides with the ethical issues such as selected higher instruction institutes did non like to uncover the name of the institute because they think that result of the research may negatively impact on good will of the selected institutes, the research arousing sensitive information misused by competitory organisations, if non protected. Consequently it is hard to disclosure the name of the higher instruction institutes taken as the samples.

Higher instruction institutes x, y unable to afford high one-year fee for plagiarism sensing package, hence they have non a policy sing cyber plagiarism. So that they use this free online anti plagiarism scanner called “ Viper ” to measure the extent of the cyber plagiarism among pupils ‘ assignments. Viper package has some restrictions such as this package is non dependable as paying package, because this package is non a plagiarism sensing package, it is an anti plagiarism scanner. Sometimes plagiarism rate may misdirect the judge. As a consequence judges need to manually look into the beginnings with author ‘s mention list and commendations. Evaluator need to reexamine the study carefully and need to manually look into the undermentioned thing.

Where there is fiting stuff, is at that place a sufficient sum to bespeak that the Writer has taken the stuff from a beginning, or is it merely a fragment?

If the Writer ( pupil ) has taken stuff from a beginning, have they decently referenced it?

If judge does non see a mention, look into the original papers in instance there is a footer that Viper has non detected.

Viper will demo a lucifer where there is a twine of 5 or more words that are the same as pupil work. So it will place fragments that match, which are non needfully plagiarism.

It is of import that Viper does non disregard these fragments as they draw evaluator attending to any sentences where the author has ‘rephrased ‘ parts of the original stuff ( maintaining the initial construction ) without giving due recognition.

Sometimes, Viper will place fiting stuff that is available on web sites, but which the Writer may hold really taken from someplace else ( and given proper recognition for ) . So the fact that the work has content which matches a peculiar web site does non intend the Writer has used that web site. They may hold obtained the stuff from another beginning.

Viper cheques for direct quotation marks – i.e. stuff included in citation Markss “ like this ” . It will give you an overall per centum of words it thinks are direct quotation marks. Clearly, this should non be excessively high as work that relies excessively to a great extent on other stuff is non ‘original ‘ . Evaluator should besides look into that all the direct quotation marks in author ‘s paper have really been referenced by the Writer.

This package takes some of the keywords as plagiarize words. i.e. recognition.

If a pupil transcript the text as image to the papers, it is non detected

( Viper Anti Plagiarism Scanner: 2010 )

Scope of the research limited to chief aim and specific aims of the research except different paper Millss and do cognizant about how to avoid from cyber plagiarism

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