Referential Cohesion In The Construction Of Magazines English Language Essay

Texts are categorized harmonizing to different genres, which are placed within a context. For illustration, articles in magazines are arranged in a manner of coherency so that readers are able to construe from what is being read. Yet, there are statement in footings of the word ‘text ‘ and ‘discourse ‘ . Like ‘cohesion ‘ and ‘coherence ‘ which needed to be distinguished, the incompatibilities of both footings have brought upon much confusion in surveies done. Some research workers claimed to be making text analysis but alternatively, have provided a survey on discourse analysis albeit the footing of differentiation of ‘text ‘ and ‘discourse ‘ as defined by Widdowson ( 1973 ; extracted from Widdowson, 2002 ) ; are the construction of sentences and use of such sentences, severally. But Widdowson ( 1978 ; Ibid. ) himself did non keep his definition and claimed subsequently on, that ‘discourse ‘ consists of sentences with belongingss such as coherence and coherency. Much confusion led to many research workers to reason that ‘text ‘ is merely used to mention to “ physical agreement of lingual signals on paper ” ( Tadros, 1981 ) , whereas ‘discourse ‘ is used to mention to every probe on the construction ( supra-sentential ) of any scope of spoken or written linguistic communication. Otherwise, this differentiation is deemed unneeded.

Coherence and coherency are analyzed based on single texts and ergo, need to be distinguished. Cohesion correlates with the open semantic dealingss whereas coherency trades with the relationship facets of semantics, every bit good as pragmatics, within the text which are explainable against the readers ‘ anterior universe cognition ( de Beaugrande & A ; Dressier 1981 ) . In other words, coherence trades with the surface degree of text, whilst coherency serves as the “ implicit in phenomenon ” in the text. Coherence is otherwise known as texture, features the combination of semantic constellations which is made up of registry and coherence. Coherence, being the chief focal point of Halliday and Hasan ‘s work, is said to be a show of bing ties, between a presupposed point and a presupposing point that occurred in the text ; therefore doing the text cohere. That said, “ Coherence does non concern what a text means ; it concerns how the text is constructed as a semantic edifice. ” ( 1976:26 ) . Cohesion, therefore contributes to the “ connection of the surface elements in the text ” ( Berzlanovich, 2008 ) , and builds the construction of the text in signifier of consistent sentences ; which in the instance of this paper, coherence will be analyzed in the context of a local manner magazine ‘s article.

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The manner coherence revolves around the text besides depends on the assortments of discourse. Discourse here refers to “ verbal communicating in its situational and societal context ” ( Ibid. ) . Since the functions of both coherence and coherency occur interdependently with the type of genre, in some articles like academic discourse ; it is found that concurrence is favored more as a cohesive nexus between sentences. Besides, register-specific vocabulary in the text seems to be denoting as a primary factor for stronger cohesive consequence, instead than general vocabulary ( Teich & A ; Fankhauser, 2005 ) . As for narrative structured articles like those from the manner magazines, old surveies have found that the dominant characteristic typically found in narrative texts is referential coherence particularly when participant ironss, anaphoric links, temporal and spacial patterned advance are being investigated ( Fox 1987, Berzlanovich, 2008 ) . Lexical points are necessary in the organisation of a discourse in order to see its significances semantically and whether those sentences are in association with the intended significances in the text. Therefore, lexical points are categorized into two groups: ‘grammatical coherence ‘ and ‘lexical coherence ‘ ( Table 1, Appendix 1 ) . Grammatical coherence encompasses mention, permutation, eclipsis and concurrences, whilst lexical coherence is classified into two types which are reduplication and collocation ( Halliday & A ; Hasan, 1976 ) .

Previous surveies have been published in copiousness sing textual coherence and its devices. Nevertheless, so far to my cognition, none of them has considered manner magazine articles as a genre for analysis in the principal of lingual research, albeit many surveies had been done in the country of linguistic communication and gender but non from the linguistics aspect. Hence, an article from a local manner magazine ( Cleo ) will be analyzed in relation to grammatical coherence on one of its components- mention, which will be detected via the three dimensions as aforementioned: personal pronouns ( deciding, genitive ) , demonstratives and comparatives ( Appendix 2 ) . Other dimensions of grammatical coherence and lexical coherence will be considered for future plants, whilst in this paper referential coherence is chosen to detect the linkage between sentences within the text, with the context in being. The significance of this paper underpins the double aims. First, it is hoped that this survey will be able to supply better understanding sing the usage of referential links in the manner a cohesive text is constructed on the surface degree of sentences. Second, the frequent usage of cohesive links with maps and intents, within sentences will assist us derive penetrations in the assistance of the readers ‘ reading of the text based on the type of genre examined ( magazine article ) . As a consequence, the survey on coherence will assist to set up with effectual reading and composing wholly with word picks and paragraphing in texts and discourses. Finally, the present survey provides a surface-leveled analysis of grammatical referential device ; employed in the use of English in this informal context.

Literature Review

Halliday and Hasan ( 1976 ) have provided the cardinal model in the functional grammar surveies ; a batch particularly on the surveies of coherence in many research conducted in this field. Although, other research workers like Werlich ( 1983 ) and Brinker ( 2005 ) have besides made parts in this field of survey. Yet, none has offered detailed and distinguished distinction in footings of coherence and coherency. Halliday & A ; Hasan ( 1976 ) merely uses ‘cohesion ‘ whereas Werlich ( 1983 ) emphasizes in ‘coherence ‘ whereas Brinker ( 2005 ) points out that the differentiation between coherence and coherency is non necessary. On the other manus, research workers like de Beaugrande & A ; Dressier ( 1981 ) offers account on the surface for both footings, and others followed suit. Most of their categorization of cohesive devises subdivisions out, chiefly, into grammatical and lexical coherence ; in which the former will be the topic of concentration in this present survey, chiefly on ‘reference ‘ .

Apart from that, Halliday besides claims from the position of a functionalist in grammar ; that linguistic communication construction “ is explained by derivation from ” map and that he and Hasan has established a diversified functional/ text integrity, largely on structural elements like lexical repeat, lexical inclusion and many others which have contributed to the surveies of coherence.

Harmonizing to Halliday and Hasan ( 1976 ) , grammatical coherence is divided into four different devices as follows ( Querol 2004, Mohamed-Sayidina, 2010 ) :

Mention: one component of the text is related to another 1 as aforementioned for its reading, with the usage of pronouns ( personal, comparative and demonstrative )

Semantic relation is required in this mechanism. It in the subsequent sentence refers to being normal.

E.g. : “ Look at what being normal involves in this civilization. A batch of it is what the remainder of the universe aspires to- aˆ¦ ”

Substitution: the replacing of an point with another word to replace a word or sentence. ‘Others ‘ here is used to replace ‘some countries ‘ from being repeated.

E.g. : “ Besides, we have our ain set of abilities and endowments ; in some countries, we ‘ll be above norm, while in othersaˆ¦ ”

Ellipsis: the caput noun, chief verb, or even the whole clause is later omitted in the undermentioned sentence. See this statement, whereby the devising of forfeits is omitted from the line that continues. Purportedly ; “ Peoples who have extraordinary lives frequently have to do forfeits that many of us would n’t see worthwhile ( of doing the forfeits ) ” .

E.g. : Peoples who have extraordinary lives frequently have to do forfeits that many of us would n’t see worthwhile.

Concurrence: an invariableA grammatical atom to link two words, sentences, phrases and clauses to make dianoetic connexions. There are several types of concurrences viz. organizing, correlate and subordinative concurrences.

E.g. : “ aˆ¦But when most of us wake up, life is much more matter-of-fact, so we wonder what we ‘re making incorrect. ”

Specifically, ‘reference ‘ as defined by Halliday, is a “ participant or circumstantial component ” which is being introduced within the text at one point ; either as a mention point preceded for the undermentioned phenomenon, or maps as a footing for comparing. Referential coherence can be realized in three ways: personal pronouns ( deciding, genitive ) , demonstratives and comparatives ( Appendix 2 ) . But in the in-depth analysis of referential coherence, it does non merely affair that these points exist in the text. It besides matters if they ( personal pronoun, A demonstrativeA orA comparative ) refer frontward ( anaphora ) or backward ( cataphora ) to itemsA withinA the text ( endophora ) orA outsideA the text ( exophora ) . Then once more, readers might meet some jobs in relation to vague mention point, which neither refers to earlierA orA laterA itemsA withinA the text nor to entitiesA outsideA the text, even if confined within the context. Therefore, self-referential occurs when readers interpret the text based on their cultural or universe cognition. This state of affairs is besides known as homophora. All these may map as clue points to supply more information to words and phrases ( Muto, n.d. ) . But in the instance of this paper, the chief concern of the survey is entirely to observe the frequent usage of referential cohesive links in order for the text to flux from one reading to the following ; personal pronouns ( deciding, genitive ) , demonstratives and comparatives are the focal point analysis. Hence, the present survey does non include in-depth analysis on coherence elements like anaphora, cataphora, endophora and exophora, or even other elements like eclipsis, permutation and concurrence are omitted, because this current survey trades entirely on the surface degree of referential cohesive links ( mention ) although it is suggested that future surveies should looked into those facets aforementioned. For future surveies, M.A.K Halliday ‘s range on mentions encompasses a broad scope of facets to be looked into particularly in the field of systemic functional grammar where more detailed, proficient plants of grammar categorization could be done in relevancy to this current survey.

From lexical coherence to grammatical coherence, there are many research conducted in the field of coherence and coherency, linguistically ( Oliveria, Klebanov & A ; Shamir 2006 ) or pragmatically ( Kruijff-Korbayova & A ; Wolska 2008, Taboada 2004 ) ; yet, surveies in this country are sensitive towards types of discourse, genre and text organisations ( Berzlanovich, 2008 ) . The survey of this subject provides many helpful mentions and even lend to the educational field ( Muto, n.d. , Mohamed-Sayidina, 2010 ) , whereby analysis on lexical coherence has been done on legion pupils ‘ plants. Besides, the survey on coherence has led a group of research workers explicating a package called WordNet, to observe synsets ( set of equivalent word ) . As a consequence, more quantitative surveies are conducted in the country of linguistics with the usage of WordNet ( Teich & A ; Fankhauser 2004, 2005 ) . Consequently promoting assorted method amongst the research done in analysis or application of the device. In the analysis of coherence, the survey is presented either in systemic stock list of coherence or cases of coherence in texts ( Kunz 2008 ) . Then, fluctuations besides play a portion in the finding of the intent of survey. There are four types of fluctuation which are fluctuation over clip, across registries, across linguistic communications, and across masters and interlingual renditions. All the analysis can be done via theoretical and example-based analysis, in-depth text analysis or empirical analysis. In the present survey, the cases of coherence are analyzed from the text in a peculiar fluctuation of a registry ( manner magazine ) ; in respects to how frequently the distribution of referential coherences occur, via the method of surfaced text analysis per Se.


Data Collection

An article was extracted from the local manner magazine, viz. Cleo. One article was adopted because it was due to pure purposes to simply observe the frequence of referential cohesive links throughout the text. In add-on, these links are observed in footings of its happening in text apart from its connectivity within sentences. Fashion magazine was chosen because non many research have been done in this country of informal discourse, peculiarly in the characteristic of referential coherence ; most of the surveies reflect on the academic ( Mohamed-Sayidine 2010, Muto, n.d. ) , intelligence ( Oliveria et. al. , n.d. ) , and officially written articles in magazines. No comparings amongst genres were intended in this research ; hence explains the ground for one article. Albeit comparings amongst frequence of cohesive links used in assorted genres could take to more future surveies to be done.

The research worker analyzed the article to observe types of referential coherence based on an version of methodological analysis from Querol ( 2004 ) and its frequence of happening for each of the component- personal pronouns ( deciding, genitive ) , demonstratives and comparatives, in order to detect the forms of sentence building with these cohesive elements. First, personal pronouns will be observed from the determiner and genitive signifiers severally. Then, demonstratives will be divided into specific demonstrative and non-specific demonstrative. Last, comparatives will be in footings of general and peculiar comparatives. The consequences are listed in Table 2, 3, 4 and 5 severally.


Datas Analysis

Table 2 presents the sum of happenings of 74 for personal pronouns which include determiners and genitives ; every bit good as 50 and 10 for demonstratives and comparatives, severally.

Referential coherence

Entire happenings ( Percentages )

Personal Pronouns ( deciding and genitive )

74 ( 55 % )

Demonstrative pronouns

50 ( 37 % )


10 ( 8 % )

Table 2: Sum of happenings harmonizing to types of mention.

Then, in 2nd topographic point with sum of 22 happenings is calculated for deciding you/ yourself, preceded with deciding we /us, hiting the highest with a sum of 24 happenings. Determiners such as they / them and it scored moderately lower than the others with 9 and 10 happenings severally, whereas genitives pronouns like their/ theirs ( 3 happenings ) and its / our/ ours ( 6 happenings ) barely occur throughout the text.

Personal Pronouns


( No. of happenings )


( No. of happenings )

You/ yourself


She/ Her

He/ Him

They/ them




We /us




Their/ Theirs


Its / our/ ours


Table 3: Sum of happenings for Personal Pronouns ( Determinative, Possessive ) .

As for Table 4, specific demonstratives such as this, these, here, those, that are found rather common ( 27 happenings ) within the text if compared to non-specific demonstratives like it and the ( 23 happenings ) . Otherwise, the consequences for entire happenings of demonstratives ‘ are rather consistent throughout the text unlike personal pronouns ‘ .

Demonstrative pronouns


( No. of happenings )


( No. of happenings )

This, these, here, those, that, there


It, the


Table 4: Sum of happenings for Demonstratives ( Specific, Non-specific ) .

The same scenario with about equal consistence of consequences is besides applicable to comparatives ; with 4 happenings for general comparatives ( otherwise, apart from, alternatively of, besides ) whilst peculiar comparatives scored somewhat higher with a sum of 6 happenings for words like much more, as many of, better than, reasonably great / good and it ‘s better to. Therefore, from the findings it is outstanding that the highest signifier of happenings falls on the personal pronoun class with about half of the text ( 55 % ) building is conformed to this peculiar referential nexus.



( No. of happenings )


( No. of happenings )


Apart from

Alternatively of



Much more

As many of

Better than

reasonably great / good

It ‘s better to


Table 5: Sum of happenings for Comparatives ( General, Particular ) .

Summary of Findingss

Different types of mentions will give assorted consequences depending on the intent of building within the sentences. Discussion in this subdivision of paper will be based on analysis of the highest happenings per Se from findings of each tabular array ( Table 2, 3, 4, and 5 ) . As can be seen in Table 2, the highest sum of happenings is scored by personal pronouns ( deciding and genitive ) ( 55 % ) , followed by demonstratives ( 37 % ) and in conclusion, comparatives ( 8 % ) . Personal pronouns are defined as the pro-form which areA used to replace the nouns. These pronouns are divided into determiners ( besides determiner as the word qualifier that determines the type of mention a noun/noun group has ) and genitive ( demoing ownership ) , albeit personal pronouns could sometimes work as a determiner but non in all instances. In the instance of this survey, the determiners for personal pronouns are you/ yourself, she/her, he/him, they/them/ it, we/us. There has been much confusion which lies in differences of pronouns and deciding to the extent that some linguists viewed both of it to be closely related and that pronouns are in fact clinchers without a noun / noun phrase. Nonetheless, a clear differentiation between pronouns and clinchers can be made with three chief characteristics that set the clincher apart from pronoun. A pronoun may be a clincher but a clincher can non be a pronoun in the instance of labeled inquiries.

Examples ( extracted from the Cambridge Grammar of the English Language )

This is delightful, isn’tA this?

Besides, pronouns can non look anyplace else except in between the verb and atom for phrasal verbs whereas clinchers could be placed after a atom ( illustration A ) . In add-on, pronouns are said to be in the signifier of “ distinguishable possessive ” but clinchers are non ( illustration B ) .

Example A:

pickA itA up ( correct ) choice upA it ( incorrect )

choice this up OR pick up this

Example B:

This is mine/yours/theirs.

*This is all ‘s.

Personal pronouns reached the highest figure of happenings ( 74 ) as compared to demonstratives ( 50 ) and comparatives ( 10 ) . The dislocation of the tabular array into several types of coherence shows a higher reading by and large in deciding ( particularly for we/us: 24 happenings ) , alternatively of genitive. Such consequences are likely due to the type of genre and mark audience which the text is focused upon. Hence the stylistic authorship could be the pick of words used to pull strings readers ‘ head. It shows solidarity and common evidences in footings of word usage of we/us ; which connotes the thought that readers and authors understand the state of affairs and have common background cognition for the context ( de Beaugrande & A ; Dressier 1981 ) . Sometimes, the ‘we ‘ pronouns could be inclusive or sole if the author wishes to include or except the audience from the text.

Extract # 1:

“ The force per unit area to be anything but normal starts out immature when we ‘re told how of import it is to acquire good classs, and by the clip we ‘re in our mid-twentiess, we ‘re all of a sudden experiencing that we should be better paid, better looking and better travelled than our peers-in fact, better peers best. ”

Extract # 2:

“ A batch of our fright of normalcy comes from a misplaced impression that we should be stand outing in all countries of our life, otherwise we ‘re neglecting. One issue is that frequently what we think are our ends are n’t really our ain dreams-they ‘re what we believe society wants us to achieveaˆ¦ ”

Hymes ( 1967 ) one time created the ‘Model of interaction of linguistic communication and societal scene ‘ and categorise speech state of affairs into eight constituents: viz. puting, participants, signifier and content of text, purpose and consequence of terminals, key, genre, medium, and interactive norms, which it is besides stated that the text is formed besides as a portion of address state of affairs.

Subsequently on, research workers ( Halliday, McIntosh and Strevens ) offered another account for derivation of characteristics from a state of affairs in a text. Three chief headers are proposed: Field, Mode and Tenor which describes how a context is able in its map to find the intended significances from the text conveyed. The Field is the overall event which includes subject-matter as portion of the component in order to map as a text in whole raw with the ‘purposive activity ‘ of the audience. The Mode is “ the map of the text in the event ” , that means of its genre and types of discourse to be taken into consideration. Then, the Tenor is the type of “ function interaction ” in which the participants are involved in with the text whether it ‘s relevant or non. These characteristics could assist explicate the state of affairs in which the reader experiences with the text. Halliday ( 1976 ) besides noted that the association of lingual characteristics with “ constellation of situational characteristics ” as mentioned above ( field, manner and tenor ) forms a registry in the text. Since the construct of coherence as defined by Halliday ( 1976 ) is supported with registry, the both can be efficaciously combined to represent a text. Therefore, when the author tries to organize a purposive interaction with the reader based on the subject-matter of the text ( Field ) with relevancy to its map and rightness ( Mode ) , he or she tries to link and convey the message to the populace ( Tenor ) via the text read.

As for demonstratives in the present survey of text analysis, they are employed into sentences when the significance of the context is dependent on other things instead than the comparative physical location of the readers at the case. This is besides known as the discourse deixis and in other footings “ verbal pointing ” . This, these, here, those, that are specific demonstratives whereas it and the are non-specific demonstratives. Demonstrative pronouns, in table 4, have shown an about equal reading of frequence ( 27 for particular ; 23 for non-specific ) . Although, it seems that specific demonstratives is used more frequently throughout the text if compared to its opposite number. Wordss like this, these, here, those, that are evident throughout the text compared to it and the. Yet, there has been much confusion in footings of the usage ‘it ‘ . Here, ‘it ‘ could be perceived as either a demonstrative or pronoun, depending on the semantic intent of text. If ‘it ‘ is a pronoun, it refers to the object of unknown gender or neuter. But if ‘it ‘ maps as a demonstrative, the significance of the word needs to fall back on the logic behind the text. For illustration, “ But, someway, it ‘s become a proverb for mundane and prosaic. ” Of class, ‘It ‘ in this sentence does non mention to a human being but the state of affairs mentioned in the preceding sentence. The reader can non merely follow with the significance of word without mentioning to the context. The ‘it ‘ substitutes a noun and this replaced noun is besides known as the pronoun ‘s ancestor. In instances of anaphora, ‘it ‘ becomes unclear without its context and therefore the procedure of finding the intended significance of ancestor. In add-on, ‘it ‘ might besides be dummy pronouns, which mean that none of the semantic dealingss are needed in relation to the context. For case, “ It ‘s an apprehensible force per unit area to experience underaˆ¦ ”

Extract # 3:

“ It ‘s the bright, glistening minutes that we feel like broadcast medium, so it ‘s easy to acquire the feeling that person ‘s life is fantastically fast-paced and exciting, but that ‘s because it is merely interesting to document that thrilling fraction. ”

The reading of the text relies on the mention points within sentences, which can be interpreted in two ways ; either the point is identified with referent “ in inquiry ” or it is being implicitly compared to a referent. When designation is involved with the reading of the text, the mention point must ever be specific and deitic ( Halliday & A ; Hasan, 1976 ) because the identifying map for cohesive intents must besides be specific. Hence, this, these, here, those, that are more normally used throughout the text. These demonstratives could work as qualifier and caput of the sentence. Based on Extract # 4, there in the sentence, “ There ‘s some sort of Hollywood ideal out thereaˆ¦ ” maps as the Head of the former word, whereas the latter at that place works as a qualifier for out. Apart from that, these words could use anaphorically to intend the old things which have been said or mentioned before between the interactions of the speaker/ author and interlocutor/reader ( Extract # 5 ) .

Extract # 4:

“ Dr. Chris Day, psychologist and writer of 52 Secrets of Psychology ( Dennis Jones & A ; Associates ) , says that many immature adult females feel that a normal being is n’t good plenty. “ The force per unit area to be populating this merriment ideal life, cognizing astonishing people, making astonishing things. There ‘s some sort of Hollywood ideal out at that place that adult females aspire to. But when most of us wake up, life is much more matter-of-fact, so we wonder what we ‘re making incorrect. ”

Extract # 5:

“ Look at what being normal involves in this civilization. A batch of it is what the remainder of the universe aspires to-sun, lifestyle, healthy nutrient, friends, tonss of public vacations, travel. Normal here is reasonably good. ”

Finally, comparative comes in the signifier of adjectival or adverb, largely to denote the belongings and grade of quality in which it is either greater or less in comparing of both entities. It is used in the context of subordinating concurrence ( e.g. than, as..etc ) . Besides, in comparatives, peculiar comparative occurred more frequently ( 6 ) compared to general 1s ( 4 ) . Particular comparatives refer to comparison in regard to measure or quality. It is besides expressed with AIDSs from adjectives or adverbs. Examples of peculiar comparatives throughout the text are much more, as many of, better than, reasonably great / good and it ‘s better to.

General comparatives include both similarity and differences in comparatives, in footings of similitude and unlikeness whereby comparing of such is irrespective of any peculiar belongings. Such general comparatives take signifiers in phrases like otherwise, apart from, alternatively of and besides. Since comparatives are used to do comparing of the grade in both entities, it is rather common in narrative and expositive Hagiographas. Sing the text chosen for this survey, albeit its construction seems more alike an expository ; but there is a party ( psychologist Dr Chris Day ) whom narrates and advises on the pertinent affair. Thus the text is written in a narrative manner. Using more comparatives to do distinction of pros and cons, phrases like apart from, alternatively of, much more, etc is evident throughout the text.


Much research can be done on the analysis of fluctuations across linguistic communications, registries and even original articles and interlingual rendition 1s. In this current survey, merely general text analysis is conducted whereby the writer decides to exclude the theoretical and empirical analysis due to clip restraints and lacked of sufficient resources. The writer is besides restricted in footings of systemic functional grammar cognition ; therefore planned to look at a more generalised grammatical coherence as her footing for the survey. For suggestions, a more detailed and in-depth text analysis on systemic functional grammar positions could be conducted in another survey for mention in the hereafter. Besides, the analysis would non be precise because merely the writer herself is analysing the text. Probably, another individual could assist in 2nd analysis of the same text to do comparings between both findings ( figure of happenings ) . Besides, no package is used to observe the readings ; neither SPSS nor WordNet is applicable to this survey due to the nature of this survey, partially due to the major clip restraints that the writer decides on a simpler signifier of method for analysis. Apart from that, more articles are needed for a significant analysis to warrant the substantial issues on grammatical coherence.

Possibly, more than one genre ( magazines, newspapers, etc ) and different facets of coherence could be looked into ; including the elements of anaphora, endophora, exophora and others to call a few. Not merely that, such article from an informal context of pure reading pleasance could ensue in a more informal stylistic authorship. Furthermore, the quality control of the article besides depends on the publication company ; which is critical in this instance of the survey. An mistake has been detected during analysis- note that in paragraph 10 of the text- the sentence should read as “ happier than those jetsettingaˆ¦ ” alternatively of “ happier that those jetsetting ” . This could impact the reading of frequence if mistake non detected, reflecting the undependability of the text.


Whilst the present survey is focused simply on the grammatical facet of referential coherence, other dimensions of this survey could be considered in footings of fluctuations, analysis and types of discourse. In add-on, the focal point on mention in this survey could besides be expanded for future surveies since the range is widely ranged in this subject of linguistics. Methods could besides be diversified with the aid of package such as WordNet and even SPSS for quantitative attack. Textual forms, linkage, ties and ironss could be observed from assorted positions either from a formal or informal context.

Fashion magazine was chosen because non many research have been done in an informal context of reading pleasance ; most of the surveies reflect on academic, intelligence, study and officially written articles. Apart from ‘cohesion ‘ , ‘coherence ‘ could besides be distinguished from the former with more surveies done in assorted discourses, non to advert on the facet of lexical coherence as good since both ‘cohesion ‘ and ‘coherence ‘ are of import features in outstanding texts ( Celce-Marcia & A ; Olshtain 2000 ) . Such survey on the manner coherence links from one sentence to the following might supply suggestions in the comprehension of effectual reading and authorship, apart from word picks at semantic degree in stylistic authorship. Nevertheless, consequences found in the tabular arraies as aforementioned have shown sensible happenings across the genre to better understand the coherence of text with aid from referential links, whilst the frequence of these links occurred within the text indicates that this peculiar type of genre-narratives-involves peculiarly a important usage of pronouns in the devising of the article. Ultimately, the apprehension of coherence provides a more comprehensive attack towards discourse analysis and text reading.

Appendix 1




Implies that the information is to be retrieved through the mention point is the referential significance ( pronouns and clinchers – personal, demonstrative and demonstrative )


Refers to the procedure of replacing one look by another ( e.g. Did Susie complete her prep in clip? – I do n’t believe so.


Designates the procedure of replacing something by nil ( e.g. How many murphies do you desire, Sir? – Four [ ] , please.


Screens the usage of adjunct-like elements to tag the semantic relationships ( e.g. He did n’t analyze much. However, he passed all his tests.






Suggests the lexical point is repeated


Relates lexical points which have the same significance


Constrasts between a term which is the antonym of another


Relates specific and general lexical points, such that the former is included in the latter


Relates parts and wholes

Table 1: Classs harmonizing to Halliday and Hasan survey ( 1976 ) ( adopted from Oliveira )

*Another device for lexical coherence called collocation, which involves equality, calling and gloss, has been systematized in Hasan ‘s later survey ( 1984 ) to counterbalance for the loss of lucidity, yet it has non been developed to the same extent as reduplication.

Appendix 2

( Extracted and scanned from Halliday & A ; Hasan ( 1976 ) ; Cohesion in English. )

Personal mention


Demonstrative mention


Comparative mention


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