Review Of Test Suite Augmentation Techniques

Arrested development proving [ 4 ] is the activity of retesting a plan so as to guarantee that no new mistakes have been introduced into the antecedently tested codification. However this activity does non affect rebroadcasting the full trial suite but choosing merely a few trial instances that exercise the alterations. Suppose there is a plan P and P! is its modified version the arrested development trial suite so selected must be able to uncover the differences between P and P! that would assist the developer discover mistakes caused by alterations. More and more accent has been laid on placing the arrested development trial suites and telling them. However less focal point have been laid on the effectivity of arrested development trial suite in response to alterations. While executing arrested development proving we besides need to look into that whether the bing trial suites are sufficient for managing the alterations that are introduced and if they are non equal supplying a counsel for making the new trial instances that would be aiming the changed behaviour of the plan. This job is called as trial suite augmentation. Many trial suite augmentation techniques have been proposed in this respect. The chief purpose of this paper is to explicate the construct of trial suite augmentation and reexamine all the techniques.

Keywords-Test suite augmentation, Matrix, Directed Test Suite Augmentation

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One of the cardinal activities during package development is regression proving. Regression testing is the proving the modified package to guarantee that the changed parts of the package behave as it is intended to act and to guarantee that no new mistakes have been introduced as a consequence of these alterations. This activity nevertheless does non affect rebroadcasting the full suite but choosing a subset of it that exercise the alterations.

More and more accent have been laid on majorly three activities viz. : arrested development trial choice, trial suite decrease and trial suite prioritization. Regression trial choice fundamentally identifies trial instances that we do non necessitate to rebroadcast on the modified version of the package. Test suite

decrease on the other manus takes a standard into consideration and consequently eliminates excess trial instances in a trial suite. Test suite prioritization is a construct related to happening the defects before by telling trial instances in a trial suite. However small attending have been paid to finding whether the bing trial suite adequately exercises the modified package and if non supplying a suited counsel for making new trial instances for the same. This job is called as trial suite augmentation job.

This research is divided into three subdivisions. The first subdivision describes about trial suite augmentation. In the following subdivision we would be explicating the techniques proposed for work outing the trial suite augmentation job and chiefly focuses on placing the affected parts [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] [ 12 ] .In the following subdivision we would be concentrating on other techniques for trial suite augmentation that chiefly focuses on trial instance coevals [ 13 ] along with augmentation algorithm.

Section I


See a plan P and allow P! be its modified version. Let T be a trial suite for P. Regression testing is concerned with formalizing P! and to ease this applied scientists frequently begin by recycling T. On the other manus Test Suite augmentation is non concerned with recycling the trial suite instead concerned with two basic undertakings. First of all it is used to place all the affected elements that is parts of P! for which new trial instances are needed. Secondly it is besides concerned with making or supplying a suited counsel for making trial instances that exercise these affected elements.


In this subdivision we describe some of the augmentation rudimentss that we need to see while executing augmentation. We chiefly we consider three factors:

Coverage Standard: Largely augmentation techniques operate on specific codification coverage standards. Largely focal point has been on subdivision coverage and it is more likely to scale to larger systems.

.Identifying Affected Elementss: Test suite augmentation techniques involve placing the affected elements that is any subdivision in P! that is non covered corresponds to affected component.

Ordering Affected Elementss: This factor besides affects the augmentation techniques that is the order in which the affected elements are considered.

Section II

This subdivision discusses the augmentation techniques used to work out augmentation job. We will be discoursing the techniques in item that has been proposed by assorted research workers:

A Matrix:

Care Oriented Testing Requirements Identifier and Examiner [ 1 ] is an augmentation technique that combines dependance analysis and partial symbolic rating that is used to place the affected elements and so it creates a set of proving demands based on the information. The technique involves assorted stairss. First, the technique uses information about the differences between the old plan ( P ) and the new plan ( P! ) , along with functions between matching statements in them, to place braces of matching statements in P and P! . Second, the technique uses symbolic rating to calculate, for statements that could be executed after the changed statements in P and P! a path status and a symbolic province. Third, the technique compares path conditions and symbolic provinces of matching statements in P and P! and defines proving demands based on the comparing. Fourth, the technique instruments P! to measure, during arrested development testing, the extent to which a trial suite satisfies these proving demands. Finally, the set of unsated testing demands provides counsel to the examiner for the development of new trial instances.

The current version of the technique works on a individual alteration at a clip and portions symbolic executing ‘s current

restrictions. However this technique gave the counsel for making new trial instances but it did non really created the new trial instances.


This is another trial suite augmentation technique for an evolving package given by Raul Santelices [ 5 ] . This is an betterment of Matrix technique as this technique improves it by placing all the alteration extension waies. Furthermore this is besides a technique for that handles complex and multiple alterations. This technique besides provides with a tool that to the full implements the technique. This is an attack that combines dependance analysis and partial symbolic executing. This technique is based on two chief intuitions. The first intuition is that trial standards for changed package must necessitate trial instances to make potentially affected countries of the codification along different, relevant waies Therefore, attack requires that specific ironss of informations and control dependances be exercised. The 2nd intuition is that trial demands for changed package must account for the province of the package and the effects of alterations on that province. This attack limits its analysis to a given distance from the alterations considered.. A trial suite that satisfies the trial demands generated by this attack for a set of alterations is guaranteed to exercising, up to a given distance, the effects of those alterations along relevant waies.

given a plan P, its modified version, P! the set of alterations between P and P! , a trial suite T for P, and a distance vitamin D, this attack performs four chief stairss:

Computes all ironss of dependances from the alterations to statements at distance up to d from the alterations.

Computes the conditions under which the statements in the identified ironss behave otherwise in P and P!

Expresss both ironss and conditions as trial demands

Assesses the extent to which T satisfies ( i.e. , screens ) the identified demands. The computed coverage indicates the adequateness of T with regard to the alterations between P and P! .

We now give a brief description of control and information dependences and besides give an debut to symbolic executing.

Control and Data Dependences [ 5 ]

The effects of a alteration propagate to other statements through control and informations dependances. Informally, statement s1 is control dependant on statement s2 if s2has at least two surpassing control borders, and for at least one but non all of these borders, every way covering that border besides covers s1.Statement s1 is data dependant on statement s2 if ( 1 ) s2 defines a variable, V, ( 2 ) there is a definition-clear way from s2 to s1 ( i.e. , a way that contains no redefinition of V ) , and ( 3 ) s1 uses v. We represent a information dependance as a three-base hit ( a, B, V ) , where statement B is dependent on statement a for variable V.

A plan dependance graph ( PDG ) represents both control and informations dependances: nodes represent statements and borders represent control and informations dependances.A sequence of two or more dependances forms a dependance concatenation if the mark statement of one dependance is the beginning of the following dependance in the sequence.

Symbolic Execution [ 9 ]

Symbolic executing analyzes a plan by put to deathing it with symbolic inputs along some plan way. Symbolically put to deathing all waies in a plan to a given point ( if executable ) efficaciously describes the semantics of the plan up to that point. Symbolic executing represents the values of plan variables at any given point in a plan way as algebraic looks by construing the operations performed along that way on the symbolic inputs. The symbolic province of a plan at a given point consists of the set of symbolic values for the variables in range at that point.

Explanation of technique:

Merely as proving demands are necessary for package as a whole, specific testing demands are besides necessary to prove alterations. We call these specific demands change-testing demands. This trial suite augmentation technique is inspired by the PIE theoretical account of mistake extension, in which the

proving standard for a mistake should guarantee that the mistake is executed ( E ) , that it infects the province ( I ) , and that the septic province propagates to the end product ( P ) . The end of this technique is to supply demands to accomplish such a extension for all possible effects of a alteration. In general, nevertheless, bring forthing such demands is impracticable, and even if executable in peculiar instances, it is non practical due to the detonation in the figure of restraints as the distance between alterations and end product grows.

Section III

This subdivision explains the chief augmentation algorithm and besides includes trial instance coevals algorithms along with it. The disadvantages of the old techniques was that it did provided a counsel for making new trial instances for affected elements but did non really created the trial instances for those elements.


Algorithm 1 [ 6 ] controls the augmentation procedure, an initial set of bing trial instances, TC, an ordered set of affected elements ( aim subdivisions ) , Baffini, and an loop bound niter.The algorithm assigns Baffini to Baff ( line 1 ) , which henceforth contains a set of affected elements still necessitating to be covered. The chief cringle ( lines 3-16 ) continues until we can no longer increase coverage ( which may ensue due to making the loop bound in the trial instance coevals modus operandis ) . Within this cringle, for each subdivision bt ? Baff, if bt is non covered we call a trial instance coevals algorithm to bring forth trial instances ( line 7 ) . If the algorithm successfullygenerates and returns new trial instances this means that at least somenew coverage has been achieved in the plan ( although bt city manager may non hold been covered in the procedure ) .The algorithm is as follows:

Algorithm 1 [ 13 ]

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Input signal: set of bing trial instances TC, ordered set of affected

elements Baffini, and an loop bound potassium nitrate

End product: TC augmented with new trial instances

1 Baff = Baffini

2 NewCoverage=true ;

3 while NewCoverage do

4 NewCoverage=false

5 foreach bt ? Baff do

6 if NotCovered so

7 NewTests =AUGMENT ( TC, Baff, bt, potassium nitrate )

8 if NewTests! =Empty so

9 NewCoverage=true

10 terminal

11 if UseNew so

12 TC=NewTests ? TC

13 terminal

14 terminal

15 terminal

16 terminal

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

To suit our other factor of concern the mode in which bing and new trial instances are used we allow for the possibility of adding the freshly generated trial instances back into our set of available trial instances. If the Boolean flag UseNew is set to true, this causes the algorithm to unite the freshly generated trial instances with the original trial instances ( lines 11-12 ) , and so this freshly formed TC is used for the following loop of our algorithm. We following describe two different trial instance coevals algorithms that can be invoked at line 7 to bring forth new trial instances.


Familial algorithms [ 8 ] [ 10 ] for structural trial instance coevals Begin with an initial ( frequently indiscriminately generated ) trial informations population and germinate the population toward marks that can be blocks, subdivisions or waies in a plan. To use such an algorithm to a plan, the trial inputs must be represented in the signifier of a chromosome, and a fittingness map must be provided that defines how good a chromosome satisfies the intended end. The algorithm returns iteratively by measuring all chromosomes in the population and so choosing a subset of the fittest to copulate. These are combined in a crossing over phase where information from one half of the chromosomes is exchanged with information from the other half to bring forth a new population. A little per centum of chromosomes in the new population are mutated to add diverseness back into the population.This concludes a individual coevals of the algorithm. The procedure is repeated until a halting standard has been met. Algorithm 2 describes the familial algorithm. The algorithm accepts four parametric quantities: a set of trial casesTC, a set of affected elements Baff, an exposed mark subdivision bt, and an loop bound potassium nitrate. The algorithm returns a set of new trial instances NTC dwelling of all trial instances generated that covered any antecedently exposed subdivisions in P. Alternatively of utilizing random trial instances to organize an initial population, we take advantage of bing trial instances to seed the population. We run this algorithm for each mark subdivision bt. As the get downing population, we select all of the trial instances making method mbt, the method that contains bt ; this determines the population size. The algorithm is as follows:

Algorithm 2 [ 13 ]

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

Input signal: a set of trial instances TC, a set of affected elements

Baff, an exposed mark subdivision bt ? Baff, and

an loop bound potassium nitrate

End product: a set of new trial instances NTC

1 TCcur = TC // set of current mark trial instances

2 NTC = ? // set of new trial instances generated

3 TCbt = { trial instances in TCcur that reach method mbt, the

method incorporating bt }

4 Population = TCbt

5 one = 0

6 repetition

7 Population=CalculateFitness ( Population )

8 Population=Select ( Population )

9 Population=Crossover ( Population )

10 Population=Mutate ( Population )

11 one = one + 1

12 foreach technetium ? Population do

13 Execute ( technetium )

14 if tc screens new subdivisions in Baff so

15 Update Baff

16 NTC = NTC ? { technetium }

17 terminal

18 terminal

19 until one ? potassium nitrate or bt is covered ;

20 return NTC

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

The algorithm repeats for a figure of coevalss ( set by the

variable potassium nitrate ) or until bt is covered. The first measure ( line 7 ) is to cipher the fittingness of all trial instances in the population. Since the fittingness of a trial instance depends on its relationship to the subdivision we are seeking to cover, ciphering the fittingness requires that we run the trial instance. Next a choice is performed ( line 8 ) , which orders and chooses the best half of the chromosomes to utilize in the following measure. This population is divided into two halves ( retaining the ranking ) and the first chromosome in the first half is mated with the first chromosome in the 2nd half and this continues until all have been mated. Next ( line 10 ) a little per centum of the population is mutated, after which all trial instances in the current population are executed. If bt is covered or the loop bound is met we are finished ( line 19 ) , otherwise we iterate.


Concolic proving [ 11 ] ( concolic executing ) concretely executes a plan while transporting along a symbolic province and at the same time executing symbolic executing of the way that is being executed. It so uses the symbolic way restraint gathered along the manner to bring forth new inputs that will drive the plan along a different way on a subsequent loop, by contradicting a predicate int he path restraint. In this manner, concrete executing guides the symbolic executing and replaces complex symbolic looks with concrete values when needed to extenuate the rawness of the restraint convergent thinkers.

First, a random input is applied to the plan and the algorithm collects the way status for this executing. Following, the algorithm negates the last predicate in this way status and obtains a new way status. Naming a restraint convergent thinker on this path status outputs a new input, and a new loop so commences, in which the algorithm once more efforts to contradict the last predicate. If the algorithm discovers that a way status has been encountered before, it ignores it and negates the second-to-last predicate. This procedure continues until no more new way conditions can be generated. Ideally, the terminal consequence of the procedure is a set of trial instances that cover all waies. The imposter codification is as follows:

Algorithm 3 [ 13 ]

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

Input signal: a set of trial instances TC, a set of affected elements

Baff, an exposed mark subdivision bt ? Baff, and

an loop bound potassium nitrate

End product: a set of new trial instances NTC

1 TCcur = TC // a set of the current mark trial instances

2 NTC = ? // a set of all new trial instances generated

3 repetition

4 NTCcur = ? // a set of freshly generated trial instances in

the current executing of line 3 to line 23

5 TCbt

= { all trial instances in TCcur that reach bt }

6 if TCbt

= ? so

7 return ?

8 terminal

9 PCbt

= { way conditions obtained from put to deathing

trial instances in TCbt


10 foreach personal computer ? PCbt


11 foreach I = LastPos ( bt, personal computer ) to i ? niter+1 do

12 if one & A ; gt ; 0 so

13 pc? = DelNeg ( personal computer, I )

14 tcnew = Solve ( pc? )

15 if tcnew 6= UNSAT and tcnew screens

exposed subdivisions in Baff so

16 Update Baff

17 NTCcur = NTCcur ? { tcnew }

18 terminal

19 terminal

20 terminal

21 terminal

22 TCcur = NTCcur

23 NTC = NTC ? NTCcur

24 until NTCcur = ? ;

25 return NTC

Algorithm 3

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

Initially, the current mark trial instances TCcur ( from which new trial instances are generated ) are the old trial instances TC ( line 1 ) and NTCis empty ( line 2 ) . The start of the chief process resets the set of freshly generated trial instances NTCcur ( line 4 ) and selects trial instances that can make bt ( the paired subdivision of bt ) from among the current mark trial instances TCcur ( line 5 ) . If there are no such trial instances, the algorithm terminates ( lines 6-8 ) . If there are such trial instances, the algorithm obtains path conditions by put to deathing the mark plan with selected trial instances ( line 9 ) . From each obtained way status personal computer, the algorithm generates niter new way conditions as follows.

Suppose the last happening of bt is located in them the subdivision of personal computer. Then, the algorithm generates niter new way conditions ( lines 11-19 ) by contradicting bim, bim?1, .bim?niter+1 and taking all undermentioned subdivisions in personal computer, severally ( line 13 ) . If a freshly generated way status pc? has a solution technetium new ( a new trial instance ) ( line 14 ) and tc new screens exposed subdivisions in Baff ( line 15 ) , Baff is updated to reflect the new position of coverage ( line 16 ) , and tcnew is added to the set of freshly generated trial instances NTCcur ( line 17 ) .that determines how far back in a way status the augmentation attack will travel, and in bend can impact both the efficiency.


In this research we reviewed the construct of assorted augmentation techniques proposed so far. Section III discussed about the augmentation algorithm by clubbing it with coevals techniques. In future we try to analyze more such techniques for placing the affected elements and correspondingly coevals of trial instances for the same.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –

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