Studying The War Poet Wilfred Owen English Literature Essay

Wilfred Owen was a war poet who fought and died in the trenches of France. He dedicated his plants to uncovering the atrociousnesss and adversities of war, which the British authorities had tried to maintain hidden from the British populace. One of Owen ‘s more powerful plants, “ Dulce et Decorum Est ” , depicts the dismaying conditions in which the soldiers of World War 1 fought under, and is written so skilfully, that every reader is left with legion grotesque images embedded in his or her head.

The three stanzas in the verse form all serve a different intent, each beef uping the influence the verse form has on readers, and developing the message in a different manner. The verse form illustrates the disgusting decease of a adult male who loses his life during a gas onslaught and would hold made quite an feeling on wartime readers, to whom such atrociousnesss were unknown.

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The verse form makes such a strong feeling because of the effectivity of each stanza and how successfully they integrate with each other. The first stanza is dedicated to set uping in the reader ‘s head merely how awful the soldiers ‘ milieus were, how hopeless their state of affairs was and how close to decease they were. Owen ‘s usage of similes and words such as “ trudge ” , “ marched asleep ” and “ Drunk with weariness ” stresses the fact that the soldiers were no longer strong, vigorous and healthy immature heroes, but were now tired and wretched psyches more appropriately compared with “ old mendicants under pokes ” . This stanza makes for a startling and attending catching get downing to the verse form.

Having established in the readers ‘ head how impossible the soldiers ‘ state of affairs was, Owen suddenly changes his manner of composing from descriptive to active. This about face in manner ‘jerks ‘ the readers ‘ head to attending, pulling him into the verse form and stressing how at any clip the soldiers ‘ state of affairs could go lifelessly. His usage of the word ‘ecstasy ‘ when depicting the ‘fumbling ‘ which finally leads to the decease of a adult male is unusual, but because the word is usually associated with the heightening of emotions, it is rather suited to depict a life or decease state of affairs. The exhaustion and fatigue of the first stanza is obliterated by the usage of the word ‘ecstasy ‘ . It stresses the epinephrine that rushes through the soldiers when their lives are put in danger and besides creates a curious kind of confusion for the reader. “ Flound’ring like a adult male in fire or calcium hydroxide ” and “ As under a green sea, I saw him submerging. ” describe how rapidly the mustard gas engulfed and consumed the adult male, like a huge ocean overpowering its victim and submerging him.

Owen ‘s 3rd and concluding stanza is likely the most powerful and confronting of the verse form. In it, Owen is trying to rectify the people promoting immature work forces to contend in the war by stating that it is sweet and suiting to decease for one ‘s state. He relates the experience of walking behind a waggon being used to transport the organic structure of a dead adult male who had “ blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs ” , and holding to “ watch the white eyes wrestling in his face ” in an improbably successful effort to convert his audience that most work forces ‘s deceases during war were non epic but hideous. To set up a connexion between the reader and his authorship, Owen makes usage of the reader ‘s senses to guarantee that the concluding stanza makes a existent impact on the reader.

“ If in some suffocating dreams you excessively could gait

Behind the waggon that we flung him in,

And watch the white eyes wrestling in his face,

His hanging face, like a Satan ‘s sick of wickedness ; ”

In this phrase, the poet is doing usage of the reader ‘s sense of sight, trying to engraft in the reader ‘s head some of the sickening sights which he bore informant to. Owen besides uses the same technique for hearing and gustatory sensation.

The verse form ‘s intent is rather simple. The poet is trying to do it clear in people ‘s heads that war is non pleasant, and that promoting immature work forces to travel to war is both incorrect and hideous. To make this, he describes the grotesque and hapless death of a soldier whose decease was non ‘sweet ‘ ; nor was it glorious. The adult male was non and would ne’er be considered a hero ; his decease did non assist the war attempt ; he was non happy to decease and during his decease did non experience or move like a hero. Throughout the verse form Owen depicts the deplorable and monstrous conditions the soldiers fought in, how exhausted war had made them, and how close to decease they all were at all times. In his concluding stanza, the poet draws together all the images which he has embedded in the reader ‘s head, and twists them all into an statement against the manner his society was encouraging immature work forces to travel to war. Then, in his concluding sentence, Owen assures the people promoting kids to decease for their state, that if they had experienced the atrociousnesss he had, they would non be able to convey themselves to state anybody that a decease during wartime is ‘sweet ‘ and ‘fitting ‘ .

It is Wilfred Owen ‘s usage of similes and metaphors and his pick of words that makes “ Dulce et Decorum Est ” such an influential verse form. His words are simple but improbably powerful and blunt capturing the blunt and unsafe nature of warfare.

“ Work force marched asleep. Many had lost their boots

But limped on, blood-shod. All went square ; … ”

“ Blood-shod ” is a really basic word, but one that creates a strong image really merely. It makes the reader experience the hurting of the soldiers ‘ pess, holding to walk without any pes protection. “ Dulce et Decorum Est ” is adorned with words merely every bit effectual as ‘Blood-shod ‘ , so effectual in fact, that Owen is able to pull strings the reader ‘s head, doing the reader feel as if he is really sing war for himself. Owen reinforces the power of his words through his incredibly skilled usage of similes and metaphors. “ And flound’ring like a adult male in fire or calcium hydroxide ” is a superb simile, giving an image of a adult male thrashing about with no hope of endurance as he is overwhelmed by mustard gas. It is the metaphors and similes such as,

“ Obscene as malignant neoplastic disease, piercingly as the rechewed food

Of vile, incurable sores on guiltless linguas ”

Which bring to life the awful atrociousnesss of war, and embed unpleasant and monstrous images in readers ‘ heads. The verse form does hold rhyme throughout, nevertheless it does non hold much consequence on the verse form, and would likely travel unnoticed by most readers.

Owen ‘s intent in “ Dulce et Decorum Est ” is to deter immature work forces from traveling to take part in World War 1, and this message may be a small dated at the present clip. However, the verse form is non made irrelevant because of this. Alternatively of being read as a warning against take parting in war, it can now be read as a warning to ne’er allow war set up itself and one time once more wreak mayhem on our society. Or it could be read merely to set up in a individual ‘s head that war is far from glorious, and that war should be avoided at all costs.

The usage of similes and metaphors, words and cagey construction of “ Dulce et Decorum Est ” makes it a powerful and improbably facing verse form which I would urge to anyone. This truly is a dateless chef-d’oeuvre, which I do non believe could of all time go out dated. I believe that our society is going more relaxed about war.

Peoples are fall backing to violence more readily than seeking to work it out and verse forms such as “ Dulce et Decorum Est ” are now needed to remind people of the atrociousnesss of war and what its force consequences in. I besides believe that young persons today do non hold a great apprehension of war, and that if they continue to travel uneducated about wars ‘ desolation and badness, than they are more likely to go involved in war.

“ Dulce et Decorum Est ” and other war verse forms could supply this instruction.

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