Terminology And Description Of Human Movement English Language Essay

If you have of all time gone to the physician ‘s with an injured articulation or musculus, you will detect that physicians use a particular nomenclature. When mentioning to the patient, for illustration, they might describe “ limited scope of gesture ” or “ patient can non flex forcefully ” or “ capable studies hurting during abduction of the humerus. ” This scientific or medical type nomenclature has been developed over 100 ‘s of old ages to let really precise and concise description of motion of human organic structure parts. When used right it allows one to wholly understand a motion form without really being able to see it, but more significantly, it allows for right describing of human motion. This same nomenclature is besides used in the field of exercising scientific discipline and kinesiology to depict the motions in athleticss, games and hurts. In this chapter we will take a elaborate expression at the linguistic communication and footings used in human motion nomenclature.

As we aforementioned, this specific nomenclature is besides used in the exercising scientific discipline field and throughout all healthcare professions. This specific nomenclature, besides called terminology, may sound a small proficient, but it helps guarantee that we know precisely what person means and there is small room for disagreement. For illustration, one could state the association football participant was singing her leg. By this we could intend singing forepart to endorse or side to side whereas if we say flexure and extension of the thighbone we would recognize this meant singing from forepart to back. There is a comprehensive list of motion nomenclature that fundamentally allows us to depict every motion in our organic structure and we even have specific footings that are used merely with peculiar organic structure parts. For illustration, our pess and custodies have specific nomenclature such as plantar flexure and ulnar divergence. We will look at this nomenclature in item to let us to be able to to the full depict the huge bulk of basic human motions. However before we consider the inside informations of specific motion nomenclature let us look at some related gesture nomenclature.

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Forms of Gesture

Virtually all human motions are a combination of motions happening in different waies. In the following subdivision we will see that these waies are really referred to as planes and there are three central planes, viz. , sagittal, frontal, and transverse. Our motions are in fact rather complex since we have multiple actions lending to any motion. In other words, we seldom perform an stray motion with one limb that is confined to a peculiar plane. Our motions besides involve both ‘straight ‘ and ‘rotational ‘ motions which we refer to as additive and angular gesture. Therefore our motions unite both additive and angular gesture constituents. Both additive and angular are “ pure ” signifiers of gesture in their stray province but most of our motions are non isolated. Therefore, since our motions require multiple articulations and limbs to move together we besides refer to a combination term as general motion.

The basic definition for additive gesture is “ gesture along a consecutive line or a curving line with all organic structure parts traveling in the same way at the same velocity. ” If you think about this you ‘ll recognize this would be rather hard because when a human tallies, their weaponries and legs are singing back and Forth and the bole merely moves frontward. Therefore, we use some other footings to depict gesture.

Rectilinear: gesture a long a consecutive line. Imagine a skater gliding on the ice. All organic structure parts are traveling at same velocity through same scope of gesture.

Curvilinear: gesture along a curving line. Imagine the flight way of a javelin after release.

Angular: gesture affecting rotary motion around a fixed point. This is really the type of gesture that most of our limbs go through as we move. The difference between angular and curvilineal is that with angular gesture any point on the revolving organic structure is ever the same distance from the axis of rotary motion.

General: this is a combination gesture affecting any two or more of the above types of gesture.

Review Questions: Types of gesture

1. Supply a one-word definition and supply two illustrations of the followers ( seek to utilize different illustration from those antecedently used, or that I gave you ) :

a. Gesture along a consecutive line:

B. Gesture around a central/fixed point:

c. A complex combination of additive and angular gesture:

d. Motion along a varied way:

2. Fit the following into gesture classs:

a. A planing rock on the lake: Curvilinear

B. A javelin throw ( be careful ) : Curvilinear

c. Skater gliding on the ice: Rectilinear

d. A auto speed uping on the main road: Rectilinear

e. A auto slowing on the main road: Rectilinear

f. A plane taking off: Curvilinear

g. A 10M platform honkytonk: General

h. A association football boot: Angular

3. In your ain words provide a definition for each type of gesture we discussed.

Basic Terminology

In order to right depict a motion form and stop up in a specific place, there needs to be an agreed upon get downing place for all basic motions. This agreed upon get downing place is referred to as the Anatomical Reference Position.

Anatomic Reference Position ( AP )

This AP is an erect ( unsloped ) standing place with pess about shoulder width apart and the thenar of the manus confronting frontward. All organic structure parts are confronting frontward in the AP place ( Please see figure 1. )

If you assume this standing place you will detect it is non a natural, relaxed standing place as you must turn your thenars outwards. You will detect that you palms of course want to turn inwards towards your thighs. If you stand in this place with your custodies forward it is referred to as the “ cardinal standing place. ” It is basically the same as the anatomical mention place except the thenars face inwards. ( See figure 2. ) When our organic structures are in the anatomical mention place, we consider our articulations and organic structure parts to be in the impersonal or zero grades place. Therefore, any motion from this AP constitutes a rotary motion around some joint. The motion off from the AP is so classified or named suitably. All of the gesture that occurs will happen in one ( or a combination ) of the planes of gesture we described earlier in the chapter, i.e. , sagittal, frontal, or transverse. Therefore, we can larn organic structure motions harmonizing to the plane of gesture in which they occur. For illustration, any extension motion normally occurs in the sagittal plane, abduction or adduction motions occur in the frontal plane and rotational motions occur in the transverse plane. There are legion types of motion. Let ‘s take a expression at these motions harmonizing to the plane in which they occur and so we can look at some motions with alone footings due to their peculiar association with a specific articulation.

Cardinal Reference Airplanes

Now that we have an agreed get downing place we need to look at spliting the organic structure into subdivisions or sections. Some of these sections, such as upper and lower organic structure, will be reviewed subsequently in the chapter. We divide the organic structure into sections so that we can more accurately depict the way of motions or actions. In the human organic structure we refer to these as central mention planes. These planes are all fanciful lines. A plane is a two dimensional surface with orientation defined by spacial co-ordinates. Each plane has a corresponding axis around which motions in that plane take topographic point. Having this agreement allows us farther lucidity in depicting motions.

There are three planes in the organic structure that correspond to the three dimensions of infinite. The orientation is such that each plane is perpendicular to the other two. There is besides a relationship between the intersection of these planes and the centre of gravitation of the organic structure. Since each plane bisects the organic structure, it hence must go through through the centre of gravitation. Therefore, the centre of gravitation is defined as that point where the three planes intersect each other. The line of gravitation which is somewhat different from the centre of gravitation is merely a perpendicular line that passes through the centre of gravitation.

Insert figure of planes. Note: All planes could be shown in same figure.

A plane is merely a level surface that divides the organic structure into two parts. All planes are besides fanciful lines that divide the organic structure.

The sagittal plane is an fanciful line that divides the organic structure vertically into right and left halves of equal mass. This plane is besides sometimes referred to as the anteroposterior plane. The fanciful line tallies from the forepart ( anterior ) to the dorsum ( buttocks ) and besides from the top ( superior ) to the underside ( inferior ) of the organic structure. ( Please see figure 3. ) If you can conceive of cutting a beigel in half so you have two semi-circle halves, this would be a sagittal plane cut. Certain motion types, such as flexure and extension motions, are illustrations of motions happening in the sagittal plane. These motion forms will be discussed in more item subsequently.

Sagittal Plane Motions

Extension – a straightening motion ensuing in an increased articulation angle. Boness move apart.

Flexion – a bending motion that consequences in a reduced articulation angle. Boness move nearer together.

Hyperextension – a straightening motion where articulation extends beyond get downing or impersonal place.

Unique Sagittal Plane Motions

Dorsi Flexion – flexure motion of the mortise joint where the top of the pes moves toward the anterior shinbone.

Plantar Flexion – extension motion of the mortise joint where the toes travel off from the organic structure ( indicating your toes ) .

The frontal plane divides the organic structure vertically into forepart and back halves of equal mass. This plane is besides sometimes referred to as the sidelong or coronal plane and runs side to side spliting the organic structure into anterior and posterior parts. ( See figure 4. ) If you can conceive of sliting your beigel in half to set in the wassailer you would do the cut along the frontal plane. Certain motion types, such as abduction and adduction motions, are illustrations of motions happening in the frontal plane. These motion forms will be discussed in more item subsequently.

Frontal Plane Motions


Abduction – motion off from the organic structure

Adduction – motion towards the organic structure

For illustration – executing a jumping back would necessitate both of these motions


Lateral flexure of the bole right/left

Radial/ulnar divergence ( carpus )

Elevation/depression ( shoulder blade )

Inversion/eversion ( subtalar – pes )

The transverse plane is the concluding plane and divides the organic structure into top ( superior ) and underside ( inferior ) halves of equal mass. It is sometimes referred to as the horizontal plane and runs from side to side and anterior to posterior. Most actions that involve rotary motion of the whole organic structure ( or portion of it ) occur in the transverse plane. For illustration, throwing a discus or put to deathing a tennis service are illustrations of motions in the transverse plane. Other specific motions besides exist. Certain motion types, such as supination and pronation motions, are extra illustrations of motions happening in the transverse plane. These motion forms will be discussed in more item subsequently.

Transverse Plane Motions


Internal ( median ) rotary motion

External ( sidelong ) rotary motion


Right/left rotary motion ( caput, cervix and bole )

Supination/pronation ( forearm and whole organic structure )

Horizontal adduction/flexion ( shoulder articulation )

Horizontal abduction/extension ( shoulder articulation )

Note 1: All sagittal planes are perpendicular to all frontal planes which, in bend, are perpendicular to all cross planes.

Note 2: One can do many sagittal plane, or frontal plane or transverse plane dissections through the organic structure, but merely those that dissect the centre of gravitation or the mid-point are referred to as central planes.

Cardinal Axes

Any clip a joint moves it moves in a peculiar plane or combination of planes. At the same clip the joint in inquiry is besides revolving around an axis. The axis refers to the type of motion of the joint and is straight related to the plane of motion. So, the central axes refer to lines that are perpendicular to a peculiar central plane. Therefore a motion that occurs in a peculiar plane ever occurs in the same axis, so it is a good thought to larn planes and axes in braces.

The transverse axis is ever associated with the sagittal plane. Imagine an axis running perpendicular to the sagtittal plane. It sometimes helps to visualise motions. For illustration, if person were to execute a leg extension exercising, this motion would be in the sagittal plane. If you were to infix a saloon through the articulatio genus and still let the gesture to happen it would hold to be placed in the anteroposterior axis, in other words, inserted from the side. This would let the perpendicular axis to be performed. ( See figure? . ) Other footings used for this axis include sidelong, median, or somerset axis.

Using the same logic we can now find the placement of the axis for the frontlet and transverse planes.

All frontal plane motions occur in the anteroposterior axis. ( This is sometimes called the sagittal, or cartwheel axis. ) Using our ocular and a cartwheel, we can see the wheel rotates around an axis that would travel through the belly someplace from forepart to endorse. ( See figure? )

All cross plane motions occur in the longitudinal axis ( or perpendicular or twist axis ) . This axis runs from top to bottom or the length of the organic structure section. Again utilizing the visual of a figure skater making a pirouette, the pirouette takes topographic point in the transverse plane with a longitudinal axis. Therefore the axis runs through the organic structure from top to bottom. ( See figure? )

Try these pattern jobs

Airplanes of Gesture

1. Identify three simple motions that occur preponderantly in each of the undermentioned planes:

a: sagittal

B: frontlet

degree Celsiuss: transverse

2. Identify three different motion actions that occur in each axis:

a: transverse

B: anterioposterior

degree Celsiuss: longitudinal

3. Give the names of the planes and axes in which the undermentioned gestures occur!

a. Steping up a measure? – Sagittal, cross axis.

B. Side measure with the right leg? – Frontlet, s anteroposterior axis.

c. Shaking your caput “ no ” ? – Transverse, longitudinal axis.

d. Straight sit-up? – Sagittal, cross axis.

e. Side bending of the bole? – Frontlet, anteroposterior axis.

f. Cartwheel? – Frontlet, anteroposterior axis.

g. Throwing a discus? – Transverse, longitudinal axis.

h. Throwing a dart? – Sagittal, cross axis.

The Plane-Axis Relationship

So retrieve, if we learn our planes and axis in brace we will easy retrieve that:

All sagittal plane motions occur in the transverse axis!

All frontal plane motions occur in the anteroposterior axis!

All cross plane motions occur in the longitudinal axis!

This consistent relationship between planes and axis allows you to retrieve planes and axis more easy. If you can place either the plane or the axis for a peculiar motion so you will automatically hold figured out the other ( provided you remember the coupling ) . For illustration, if one evaluates the motion plane and axis of the bicep coil you might easy find that the motion plane is sagittal. If you identify this right so the axis of rotary motion is automatically the transverse axis.

Movement Plane i? automatic i? Axis of rotary motion

Sagittal Transverse

Frontal Anteroposterior

Transverse Longitudinal

An extra manner to assist place planes and axis is to retrieve that certain anatomical motions are normally associated with a corresponding plane and axis. For illustration, flexure and extension motions occur in the sagittal plane around the transverse axis. Abduction and adduction occur in the frontal plane around the anteroposterior axis and eventually, rotational motions like pronation and supination occur in the transverse program around the longitudinal axis. We will look more specifically at these motion actions in the following subdivision.

Basic Movement Pattern Terminology

In each of the three planes several distinguishable motion forms occur. However, what is missing in these descriptive footings is any mention to way. In other words, if person performs arm flexure, we do n’t truly cognize the way. For that ground we have legion other footings that we refer to as “ anatomical directional nomenclature ” that provide us with more elaborate information about the orientation of a peculiar motion. These footings have clear cut “ word root ” beginnings. If you can larn these “ word root ” significances, you will be able to patch together the significances for most of these footings. There are some alone footings like ventral ( associating specifically to the belly or venters ) which you ‘ll merely hold to larn. The list below contains the relevant footings you you learn.

Anatomic Directional Terminology I

Can you make full in the significance of each term?

Anterior: Front

Anteroinferior: Front below

Anterolateral: Front side

Anteromedial: Front middle

Anteroposterior / Anterosuperior: Front rear/ front top

Contralateral: Opposite side

Distal: Away from beginning

Dorsal: Back

Inferior: ( infra ) Below

Ipsilateral: Same side

Lateral: side

Medial: Midplane

Buttocks: buttocks

Posteroinferior: / Posterolateral: Behind below/ behind beside

Posteromedial: / Posterosuperior: Behind inside/ behind upper

Prone: Face down

Proximal: Near beginning

Superior: Above

Supine: Face up

Ventral: Associating to the belly or venters ( can besides be use average ‘deep ‘ ) .

Anatomic Directional Terminology II

Below are some other footings that fall into a general class.

Lengthiness: forward motion of the shoulder deaden off from the spinal column.

Retraction: backward motion of the shoulder deaden off from the spinal column.

Horizontal abduction: motion of the humerus in the horizontal plane off from the midplane.

Horizontal adduction: motion of the humerus in the horizontal plane towards the midplane

Resistance of the pollex: diagonal motion of the pollex across the palmar surface.

Upward rotary motion: Superior motion of the shoulders.

Lateral flexure: sideways flexing.

Hyperextension: Extension beyond normal resting place.

Cervical rotary motion: turning your caput left or right.

Plane specific motions

Sagittal plane motions

Dorsiflexion: conveying the top of your pes towards your lower leg.

Plantarflexion: extending or seting your pes ( indicating your toes off from you ) .

Frontal plane motions

Elevation: traveling your shoulder girdle ( blades ) upwards/superior.

Depression: traveling your girdles downwards/inferior.

Eversion: revolving the sole of your pes outwards.

Inversion: revolving the sole of your pes inwards.

Radial divergence: revolving your manus at the carpus towards your pollex ( like thumbing ) .

Transverse plane motions

Supination: outward rotary motion of the forearm so palm faces outwards or upwards.

Pronation: antonym of supination where forearm rotates so palm faces downward or inwards.

Ulnar divergence: revolving your manus towards your elbow bone ( opposite of radial divergence ) .

Whole organic structure Movement Terminology

In this class we can see other footings that apply more by and large.

Circumduction: round motion of a organic structure section. Circumduction involves flexure, extension, abduction and adduction.

Decrease: a return to the normal resting place.

Review Problems: Directional nomenclature

1. What is the term when one stands vertical with thenars confronting outward? Anatomic mention place

From this place what do you name the motion when you: –

2. Bend your cubitus from a to the full straight to a 90o set place? Elbow flexure

3. Keep the 90o cubitus set place, but turn your thenars down? Pronation

4. Keep the 90o cubitus set place, but turn your thenar up? Supination

5. Keep the 90o cubitus set place, maintain your cubitus touching your side, turn your arm out so your fingers are indicating straight off from your side? External/ sidelong ( outward ) rotary motion

6. Keep the 90o cubitus set place, maintain your cubitus touching your side, and turn your arm back so that your fingers are indicating straight frontward? Internal/ medial ( inward ) rotary motion

7. Straighten your cubitus? Extension

8. Travel your arm laterally off from your side until it is parallel to the floor? Abduction

9. Travel your arm back down to your side? Adduction

10. Turn your caput to the right?

11. Bend forward at the waist?

12. Return to get downing place?

Review inquiries: Synonym

Give the equivalent word that are used for mortise joint, spinal column, and carpus motions in the undermentioned list. Besides describe utilizing the regulation of three and place the primary central axis!


1. Dorsiflexion? Foot flexure

2. Plantarflexion? Foot extension

Spinal column

3. Flexure? Bending forward

4. Extension? Standing up

5. Lateral flexure? Bending to side


6. Radial divergence? Lateral divergence

7. Ulnar divergence? Medial divergence

8. Can you believe of any other anatomical motion equivalent word?

The Rule of Three: Motion – Bone – Joint

The regulation of three is a simple anatomical guideline for depicting a motion form. It allows us to depict a motion in a specific order sequence to let accurate motion. In the regulation of three we refer to the motion type foremost, for illustration, flexure or extension. Second, we refer to the bone that moves. Third, we refer to the articulation around which the action occurs. Hence, we refer to the motion in this sequenced order, i.e. , motion i? bone i? articulation. Using this attack truly helps with the elucidation of peculiar motion. Look at this illustration. If you asked your friend to widen their leg they could really make a twosome of things and still widen their leg. They could:

Raise their full leg straight out in forepart.

Push their full leg straight back.

Sit on a chair and unbend out the lower leg.

So you see there are several options and it can go confusing. If we use the regulation of three we can give really specific instructions. For this motion sequence we would actualy state, “ Widen your ( right ) leg at the articulatio genus, ” which would necessitate they execute a articulatio genus extension action described in # 3 above. This manner there is no deficiency of lucidity around which motion is needed.

You try the followers:

Let ‘s utilize the informations from above once more. Describe the undermentioned motions utilizing the regulation of three. The first 1 is done for you. Get down in the AP place. It might be a good thought to briefly specify the regulation of three here foremost.

From this place how make you depict the motion when you: –

1. Bend your cubitus from a to the full straight to a 90o set place? The correct reply is flexure of the forearm at the cubitus non flexure of the cubitus.

2. Keep the 90o cubitus set place, but turn your thenars down?

3. Keep the 90o cubitus set place, but turn your thenar up?

4. Keep the 90o cubitus set place, maintain your cubitus touching your side, and turn your arm out so that your fingers are indicating straight off from your side?

5. Keep the 90o cubitus set place, maintain your cubitus touching your side, and turn your arm back so that your fingers are indicating straight frontward?

6. Straighten your cubitus?

7. Travel your arm laterally off from your side until it is parallel to the floor?

8. Travel your arm back down to your side?

9. Turn your caput to the right?

10. Bend forward at the waist?

11. Return to get downing place?


In this chapter we have reviewed planes of gestures, axis of rotary motions, the regulation of three and some basic anatomical mention nomenclature. We have besides learned that when depicting motions we assume a cosmopolitan get downing place that is referred to as the anatomical mention place where one stands erect with manus by 1 ‘s a side and thenars confronting inwards. Humans move in one, or a combination of three planes of motion and they are the sagittal, frontal, or cross planes. Each motion in these planes is associated with the same axis of rotary motion, either transverse, anteroposterior, or longitudinal. There is a plane-axis relationship whereby each plane of gesture is ever associated with the same axis of rotary motion and this allows us to retrieve the planes and axis more easy. When we describe human motion we besides use what is called the regulation of three. In the regulation of three we describe motion utilizing the sequence of bone, motion, and joint. Using this attack a bicep coil would be ‘flexion of the forearm and the cubitus ‘ . Using this basic linguistic communication and the above guidelines we can ore accurately describe human motions.

You will detect that there is frequently more than one term to depict a peculiar motion. Over the old ages different nomenclature has evolved and it is wise to larn the different footings that imply the same thing. For illustration, external rotary motion is the same as sidelong rotary motion. In this text we provide you with the most accurate footings foremost but we will supply the alternate nomenclature where appropriate.

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