The Evidence Of The Resource Curse Economics Essay

Nigeria and Kenya are highly good illustrations of dazes being hard to pull off ( Collier, 2007 ) . Kenya in the 1970 ‘s bring forthing java and Nigeria exporting oil in the 1980 ‘s both experient important roars and flops. The job was cited as the states disbursement far excessively much in roars and so drastically cutting investing when the monetary value of the trade good crashed. Nigeria besides borrowed to a great extent and when oil crashed in 1986 it left the state with immense debts that the Bankss were now demanding back. The subsequent period saw living criterions halved. Nigeria so launched the structural accommodation plan ; it worked and saw end product grow in other sectors other than the oil industry. Unfortunately these little additions were overshadowed by the immense autumn in oil.

Evidence of Dutch Disease

Maddock and Lean ( XXXX ) explain the first marks of this job that occurred in the 1850 ‘s Australian gold haste. The paper focused on supply side dazes, the population increased quickly and the monetary value of non-tradable and their exports rose significantly as labor shifted. More modern illustrations of the Ducth Disease exist in OECD states and less developed states, these illustrations will be examined here.

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Oil was discovered in the Netherlands in the late 1950 ‘s, extraction began in 1963. The find transformed the Netherlands into an oil exporter and in the eelier yearss of the resource roar, during the 60 ‘s and 70 ‘s, the state benefitted, Ellman ( 1981 ) . However, during the 1970 ‘s the gulden appreciated comparative to other currencies and the subsequent knock on consequence meant a diminution in the traditionally strong industries in the state such as fabrics, metal, mechanical technology and building ( Stijns, XXXX ) . Corden ( 1984 ) draws back to his belief that the grosss created were the cause of the Dutch Disease job as the authorities spent money of societal services at an unsustainable degree. However, non all writers adhere to being of the Dutch Disease job in the Netherlands, Barker ( XXXX ) and Kreers ( XXXx ) both suggest that the diminution in fabrication can non be attributed to the find of oil as many other resource hapless states were enduring a similar diminution. Stijns ( 2004 ) shows how both France and Germany had similar diminutions and rises in fabricating relation to the Netherlands.

United Kingdom

The UK suffered a similar diminution in the fabrication sector and a deep recession in the late 1970 ‘s and early 1980 ‘s. However, Ross ( 1986 ) is speedy to indicate out that the recession had already begun by the clip extraction began in 1976. As seen in the Netherlands, the existent exchange rate appreciated, in this instance by 51-55 % between 1977 and 1980. This triggered a diminution in fabrication of 4 % between 1973 and 1979 and by 14 % between the periods of 1979 and 1982, Stijns ( 2004 ) . However, uncertainties have been raised as to whether the lbs grasp was due to the find of oil or other factors such as the high nominal involvement rate and the tough pecuniary stance. There is besides the theory of the lb being a safe oasis as it became a petrocurrency.

Biuter ( XXX ) and Miller ( XXXX ) both in that labour productiveness in the UK began to lift significantly in the 1980 ‘s. Although possibly the rise in productiveness was small to make with the find of oil and ore to make with the Thatcher authoritiess tolerance of unemployment, Sachs and Brandon ( 1983 ) . It is besides recognised that in the UK the authorities spent far excessively much of the gross from oil and hence exacerbated the job, hence Forsthy ( 1985 ) states that the effects are impossible to mensurate. Stijns ( 2004 ) once more provides a utile comparing and while exports in fabrication did autumn, other European states such as France, Germany and the Netherlands, suffered a similar diminution, although, the UK does look to hold suffered the most and this perchance reflects the direction of grosss that she gained from the natural oil.

Less Developed Countries

Much of the literature on the Dutch Disease phenomena in LDC ‘s discoveries small grounds of its being, Gelb ( 1988 ) . However, it does look that resource rich authoritiess are able to keep counterproductive policies for far longer than they otherwise would be, Auty ( 1993 ) . Documents by Gelb ( 1988 ) , Spartfora ( 1999 ) and Warner ( 2001 ) analyse the public presentation of oil rich states and all find that the positive footings of trade dazes surely do hike non-tradable end product, nevertheless all writers besides concede small grounds for the Dutch disease.

Roemer ( XXXX ) examines developing oil dining states such as Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Nigeria, Mexico and Venuzleala and found that exchange rate grasp followed the find and that this would has caused contractions in industry. However Romer ( xxx ) besides indicates that the growing of fabrication within these states was at a similar rate to the growing in non tradable and hence is non diagnostic of the Dutch disease job. Indonesia is highlighted as a good illustration for sing the Dutch disease job. Through a policy of commanding the exchange rate they successfully avoided the job and now have their currency pegged. Trade protection can besides switch manufactured goods into non traceable.

Although it seems small of the literature supports the Dutch disease theory, Stijns ( xxx ) finds strong grounds for the Dutch disease consequence after commanding for the endogeneity of trade good exports to fabricating trade. He uses a gravitation theoretical account and finds that a 1 % addition in the monetary value of a trade good will take to a autumn in fabricating exports by 0.6 % in a net energy exporting state that has experienced a roar.

Some utile illustrations are given by Collier ( XXX ) to exemplify. Nigeria in the 1970 ‘s is a authoritative illustration of the Dutch Disease, as oil grosss escalated other exports dropped such as peanuts and chocolate as they became unprofitable.

Gelb ‘s ( XXX ) empirical survey on the Dutch Disease job high spots that displacements of labour towards resource sectors does non go on in all instances and it seems that fabricating sectors have been surprisingly unaffected by export roars. Benjamin et Al ( 1989 ) conducted a CGE theoretical account on Cameroon and found, interestingly, that the fabrication sector was unchanged by the find of oil and may even spread out, this was due to the fact many of the tradable goods may non be perfect replacements. With respects to the agricultural sector it seems the “ Dutch Disease ” consequence is a job and that the find of oil will hold an inauspicious consequence.

Evidence for Governance Issue

Much of the bing literature of the resource expletive and Dutch disease job has now turned its attending to political accounts and the empirical surveies seem to be divided in two types of surveies. Stijns ( 2003 ) reinforces that two signifiers of surveies have been conducted by bookmans and research workers. The first is with respects to de-industrialisation of OECD states and examines monetary value and structural alterations. The 2nd focal points on resource roars in developing states and examines more closely the issues with respects to rent-seeking and corporate administration. One can province the latter is more concerned with de-agriculturalisation and the consequence on the societal and political model of the state.

However much of literature in this country focuses on the direction of grosss and authorities policy, Daniels ( 1986 ) states that slacks and roars depend largely on authorities policy.

Ross ( Xxxx ) highlights the deliverance rich Latin America ‘s failure to maintain up with resource hapless East Asiatic states growing in the 1970 ‘s and 1980 ‘s as the most normally sighted illustration of the social theory. Latin America was loath to give up the import-substituting industrialisation ( ISI ) as they employed subsidies from the resource sector. On the other manus East Asiatic states had fewer groups that profited from ISI and therefore could advance export enlargement. Problems Ross ( XXX ) references are that foremost that are many other differences between the two countries other than resource wealth.

Prior to 1979 Nigeria had been run by a military absolutism, and so there was a period of democratic regulation until 1983. This period of democratic regulation was tarnished as it was driven by backing with restraints and cheques and balances nonexistent. One of the first Acts of the Apostless was to remember a dike undertaking that had been awarded prior to democratic regulation. The undertaking was so rewarded and the cost rocketed from $ 120 million to $ 600 million. Collier ( XxXX ) explains that this was to reimburse some of the cost devoted to patronage.

Another illustration in Nigeria was when the 2nd unit of ammunition of military absolutism that ended in 1998 when Olusegun Obasanyo was elected. In 2003 he re-elected and introduced some cheque and balances. Collier cites the illustration of presenting competitory command for public investing undertakings. After this was introduced the cost of public investing undertakings was reduced by 40 % .

Resource rich states that are ethnically diverse do non profit from autarchy as the support for the leading may be less strong, Collier ( XXXX ) . China is an obvious illustration where an autarchy has led to high growing but it is non an illustration of an ethnically diverse state. Iraq, where Sadaam Hussein was a Sunni Muslim, besides led over the Shi’ites and Kurds. These two groups were to endure under the government as by and large the tyrant will redistribute income to their ain group.

Therefore in states that are diverse, such as Nigeria, Iraq and Sudan, democracy that has threading electoral competition and restraints is required.

Botswana is an illustration where the resource wealth in diamonds that were discovered in 1967 has led to sustained growing. The state had the universe fastest growing rate for a period of clip and is now a in-between income state. The World Bank ( 2005 ) explains the rare success of Botswana. The state had constabularies designed to avoid financial shortages. The authorities used the Sustainable Budget Index ( SBI ) , this measured the ratio between ingestion outgo and non-resource gross, if the ratio was less than one so no ingestion in the natural resources rents was taking topographic point. The development has non been perfect as countries of public investing have gone into low growing countries such as agribusiness and crowded out private investing. However, the scheme has allowed Botswana to avoid inordinate disbursement. Collier ( xxxx ) attributes this success non to electoral competition but due procedure. Botswana has ensured all public investings met a certain standards in footings of rate return, the excess in foreign exchange is an indicant of the success Botswana has had.

Auty and Gelb ( 2004 ) discourse the type of political model frequently seen in resource abundant developing states. There usually exists a factional province that is either democratic or oligarchic ( a powerful group within a democratic model ) . The focal point of authorities is normally divided between two cardinal countries for development, economic growing and equality or redistribution of income. The treatment the bends to countries which have been perceived to hold consensual democracies and the authorities appears to be taking into history as many sentiments as possible before making policy decisions. Examples of this are Botswana and Malaysia. Other illustrations exist such as Latin America where a factional oligarchic province was common and the publicity of inequality seemed to sabotage growing public presentation. One would believe with an country such as Sub Saharan Africa where there is a diverse mix of categories and civilizations that consensual democracies would reflect through, nevertheless, this is non the instance as many form marauding provinces. Auty and Gleb ( 2004 ) property this to the rent seeking behaviors encouraged by cultural diverseness that slows growing. Rent seeking behavior besides has a negative effectual on investing and societal capital.

Cultural DIVERSITY Bottom Billion p 49

The Case of Sudan

The find of oil in Sudan was in the seventiess. However, extraction of oil merely began in 1999. The oil extraction in Sudan has inevitableness encouraged big flows of foreign direct investing and with the terminal of civil war, extraction and investing have increased well in recent old ages.

This graph shows how production has steeply increased, ingestion has steadluily increased. This evidently means that exports have grown to a great extent since 1999.

Sudan Oil Extraction

Beginning EIA ( 2010 )

There have been many old illustrations of the resource expletive or so called Dutch disease in the yesteryear. I have described these in the literature reappraisal. The hypothesis is that with the natural resources comes a expletive that can take to political convulsion, civil war, corruptness and a disregard of other industries such as fabrication, and in Sudan ‘s instance, a disregard of the agricultural industry that promises immense potency. Sudan seems to be at a cross roads politically and economically, this undertaking will seek to analyze the menaces and possible that Sudan has. This has of all time increasing importance as Sudan ‘s known oil militias has increased in recent old ages:

Sudan ‘s known oil militias

Beginning EIA ( 2010 )

In a his latter book ‘the Plundered Planet ‘ Collier ( 2010 ) explains that in the OPEC states the undersoil worth per square stat mi is $ 300,000 where as in Africa it is a mere $ 60,000, this he explains, is non because of opportunity but instead that Africa is a much more undiscovered topographic point and that necessarily this border will diminish. With this it is likely Sudan ‘s militias will increase of all time farther. The important of this is that pull offing the resource windfalls becomes even more of import.

However, Sachs and Warner ( 1995 ) use a structural theoretical account to command for trade policy, authorities efficiency, initial income per capita and investing rates in order to prove if states with a high natural resource to export ratio experience lower growing rates. Using 1971 as the base twelvemonth they test several states for the period 1971-89, even excluding states seen as premier illustrations such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates due to hapless informations, the findings supported the hypothesis that states with high natural resource to GDP make in fact have lower growing. This graph published by the World bank ( 2006 ) illustrates absolutely the resource expletive.


Sudan is located in the North East of Africa and is Africas largest state. The state borders the Red Sea and portions boundary lines with nine other states.

The current population of Sudan is about 43 million, of which, around 23 million unrecorded in rural countries and 22 million work in the agribusiness sector ( FAO, XXXX ) . The population of Sudan has grown around over 25 % since 2000. The bulk of this growing has been absorbed by urban countries as the rural population has remained comparatively level. Eltayeb ( 2005 ) explains the displacement towards towns, since the 1980s, has been as a consequence of dearth and war in the South.

In footings of the geographical countries the North is prodomentltiy associated with husbandmans of harvests and raisers of cowss. In contrast the South is known for its hunting, fishing and cowss ( Eltayeb, 2005 ) . The state is besides extrenmely ethnically diverse with over 600 ethinic groups and over 400 dialetcs. The most common linguistic communication, and the linguistic communication of the province, is Arabic. In footings of faith the North is preponderantly Muslim and the South, Christian.

The clime of the state is besides diverse. Whilst the North is desert like cardinal countries are tropical with short summer showery seasons. The South is tropical moisture and dry with drawn-out rainy seasons ( Walsh 1991 ) .

History of Agriculture in Sudan

In 1900 the British needed a greater supply of cotton to fuel the Lancashire cotton industry. The British set about implementing a big irrigation system in Sudan. As Etlayub ( 2005 ) explains the field between the White Nile and Khartom was the country where the undertaking was focussed. The undertaking was launched in 1925 and proved extremely successful. The state was able to bring forth more harvests and cotton as a consequence of betterments like the Sennar Dam, which was the chief beginning of H2O Craig ( 1991 ) . As cotton demand increased further, due to deficits in Korea and Egypt, more pumps where installed and farther irrigation was put down.

In the 1930s efforts were made to exand production of Dura and Sesame in the showery parts of the South. Unforuntlaty these undertakings were handed to private investors who later exploited the land and focused develpoement on little countries that benfitted them, the husbandmans of the South found no signicant benefits ( Trilback, 1987 ) .

Since these early times the lone signiifacnt debvelpoemtn was in the aftermath of the 1959 Nile H2O understanding with Egypt. The Sudanese where now entitled to more H2O. The Eyptains besides built a Dam in Assan that subsequientlty flooded big parts of the North. Sudan was awarded compensation and used this to further develop the Norths irragtion. No farther important developments have been made and the agricauiltral landscape is similar to this twenty-four hours. As Eltayub ( 2005 ) explains, the south part has mostly been ignored and this imbanlace has contributed to regional and political issues present today.

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