The Kite Runner Friendship And Survival English Literature Essay

Friendship is the province of being a friend ; association as friends. It is a relationship between two or more persons that portion a common bond of trust and liking every bit good as committedness and personal feelings and experiences, which allows them to profit from each other. In William Golding ‘s novel, the male childs need to make everything to last the island, to make this they have to lodge together and assist each other. Similarly, the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, they needed to lodge together and back up each other to last the rough life in Afghanistan. Both novels, The Lord of the Fliess and the Kite Runner both rely on friendly relationships and bonds that hold them together to a great extent. These novels display friendly relationship and endurance by standing up and supporting each other, contending for what is right, and by swearing and esteeming each other.

Both novels display friendly relationship and endurance by standing up and supporting each other. Since the get downing the strong male childs bully the weak. The male childs bullied the whiny, rational Piggy whenever they needed to experience powerful and of import. Jack was one of the toughs who bullied Piggy whenever he wanted to. As he bullies him more and more, Ralph have had enough of him and stood up for Piggy and told Jack to halt strong-arming him so much. Piggy felt truly happy when he saw Ralph standing up for him, this shows friendly relationship because Ralph is standing up for Piggy and protecting him from the bully. They had to stand up for each other and protect each other to last in the island, because if they did non they would merely stop up killing each other. “ Ralph wept for the terminal of artlessness, the darkness of adult male ‘s bosom, and the autumn through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy. ” ( Golding, 202 ) These lines show how much Piggy and Ralph became truly close friends by the terminal of the book, they realized how they were saved from decease on the island, and that when they get back it would ne’er be the same because of everything that happened in the island and their experiences. Piggy and Ralph trusted each other and believed that they would last the island ; they both stood beside each other and defended each other from problems. In the same manner, Hassan was Amir ‘s loyal friend and retainer. They did everything together except travel to school. After Hassan ‘s colza by the toughs, Amir was experiencing guilty of non stating anything to him. In a despairing attempt, Amir hides his expensive ticker among Hassan ‘s properties. He accused Hassan for stealing his ticker, instead than Tells on Amir, and defends himself he lets Amir ‘s male parent, Baba, that he stole the ticker. Hassan and his male parent moves off. This type of trueness shows love to Amir and how much he respects and attentions for him. Hassan would instead accept the shame himself. “ A male child who wo n’t stand up for himself becomes a adult male who ca n’t stand up to anything. ” ( Hosseini, 24 ) This quotation mark was directed to everyone in the book and even the readers, if you can non stand up for you self you can non stand up for anything unless you try.

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Both novels display friendly relationship and endurance by contending for what is right. In Lord of the Flies, Piggy ‘s spectacless are valuable for get downing fire and became of import ownership after the folk splits. In order to last in the island, the male childs needed fire to warm themselves or either cook nutrient. After the tribe splits Jack wanted to take the spectacless off from Piggy in Ralph ‘s folk. He ordered his male child to travel at dark and take his spectacless from him in order to construct fire. The spectacless are important because they represent the rational side of humanity. Piggy ‘s spectacless besides represent the hope of being rescued, every bit good as the word picture of Piggy. His seeing was weak, and he needed those spectacless to see. Even though his seeing is weak, his penetration is really strong. “ What you goin ‘ to make, Ralph? This is jus ‘ talk without make up one’s minding. I want my spectacless. ” ( Golding, 170 ) This states that Piggy truly wanted his spectacless back that Jack stole from him. He needed the spectacless because it was his object for him to be able to see anything or anyone. They besides wanted it back to get down a fire for nutrient or either a signal fire so that they would be saved. Similarly, Amir is standing up for what we think is right when he tried to take back Sohrab off from General Sahib, he wanted to take attention of him and follow him. Amir was standing up for Sohrab, and protected him. This shows that he truly cared for Hassan and owes him back for the times that he disrespected him and treated him truly ill. “ You see, General Sahib, my male parent slept with his retainer ‘s married woman, and she bore him a boy named Hassan. Hassan is dead now. That boy sleeping in the other room is Hassan ‘s boy. He ‘s my nephew. That ‘s what you tell people when they ask. And one more thing, General Sahib: you will ne’er once more refer to him as “ a Hazara male child ” in my presence. He has a name, and it ‘s Sohrab. ” ( Hosseini, 361 ) What Amir said to General Sahib was traveling and Teachs everyone to stand up for what is right, Amir protected and cared for Sohrab truly profoundly and would make anything to owe Hassan back, by making the best he can to take back Sohrab off from General Sahib.

Both novels display friendly relationship and endurance by swearing and esteeming each other. Trust and regard are difficult things to gain from a individual. Trust is the relationship in which one individual holds title to a belongings or assets for the benefit of another individual. It is the confident outlook of something ; hope. Trust is the bases of leading, without trust all the male childs would non be able to last. When Ralph trusted the littleuns to work without him or anyone ‘s counsel, he was demoing regard for them that they will work for their end to last. But alternatively of working, the littleuns played around alternatively which cost Ralph ‘s trust in them, the littleuns were non to be trusted to be left entirely to make work by themselves, they need person to learn them and state them what to make, if non they would merely play about and non make work. Ralph trusted Jack, but this cost his life and the other male childs ‘ life, for illustration Jack slapped piggy on the face, and besides when Jack raided Ralph ‘s cantonment and stole what they had such as nutrient, wood for fire, and particularly Piggy ‘s spectacless. Trusting one another is really of import if you are seeking to last from something, you need to work together as a squad and regard and trust each other. Trust issues were a job in Lord of the Flies, a batch of people trusted each other but at the terminal they would merely divide into another group and steal their old friend ‘s properties. Similarly, Amir is truly close friends with his retainer, Hassan. While Hassan was acquiring raped with by the vicinity toughs, Amir had a opportunity to salvage Hassan but the manner he acted affected their lives which led them to follow two separate waies in life. As old ages base on balls by and everyone got older and older, an aged and wise Amir struggled with the picks that he made as a immature kid that finally altered the friendly relationship with Hassan. Hassan truly was loyal and trusted Amir a batch even after the incident that Hassan had with the bully, he still loved Amir as a friend. No affair what Amir does, Hassan will still care for him and be his friend no affair what, even if Amir hides his ain ticker in Hassan ‘s properties and accuse him of being a stealer, he still cared about Amir. After Hassan died, Amir truly felt guilty about what he could hold done better for him. “ There is a manner to be good once more ” ( Hosseini 226 ) So he decided that he need to refund Hassan back for all the good that he has done for him, even though he knew that cipher could populate up to the trueness and trust that Hassan gave him. Amir loved Hassan and wanted to refund him in every bit many ways as possible ; Hassan would hold done anything for him if he was still alive today… “ A 1000 times over ” ( Hosseini, 2 )

The Lord of the Fliess and the Kite Runner, both display friendly relationship and endurance by standing up and supporting each other, contending for what is right, and by swearing and esteeming each other. Each individual in the novel had their ain function for standing up for what is right, swearing and esteeming each other and besides demoing a batch of trueness and love to another individual. Both novels showed enormous loving and friendly relationship, they all needed this for them to last in the island or the rough times in Afghanistan. Friendship is a relationship between two persons that portion a common bond of trust and liking every bit good as committedness, personal feelings and experiences, which allows them to profit from each other. Friendship is in our nature to construct relationships with one another. It is a demand that ca n’t be denied nor ignored

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