The Story Of To Kill A Mockingbird English Literature Essay

The narrative is set in the ( late ) mid-thirtiess, while it was written in 1960. So the clip the narrative was set in, is in the yesteryear. The day of the months are ne’er precisely mentioned in the book, but at a certain point, Adolf Hitler is discussed. They mention the things Hitler does ( at that specific minute ) , and if it ‘s a bad thing. So from this, I gather that this is go oning in the late mid-thirtiess.

The narrative takes about two and a half old ages. You ca n’t precisely state how long it took, but we know Scout ( the chief character ) ended up in the 3rd class, while at the beginning of the book, she was in the first.

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The topographic point the narrative is set in, is a small town called Maycomb. Maycomb lies in Alabama, in the US. In Maycomb ( and all over Alabama that clip ) there was a immense difference between the colored people, and the white folks. They lived separate, had different types of work. And besides that, the white folks thought the colored folks were trash ( although non everybody was like that ) . A batch of the colored people were working for the white folks, as nurseryman, or to look after their kids. The sort of occupations, you do n’t desire yourself.

Jem and Scout Finch are the kids of a attorney Atticus. They are a welrespected household in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama. Jem and Scout are populating the ordinary live of immature kids. But a major alteration appears when their male parent, Atticus, agrees to support a adult male called Tom Robinson. Tom Robinson is a Black, accused for the colza of a immature white miss. Most of the white folks of Maycomb do n’t wish the fact that a white adult male, defends a coulered, so the household Finch are n’t welrespected any longer.

Atticus does n’t win in liberating Tom Robinson, and Robinson is send to a workfarm. There, Robinson tries to get away, and is shot in the dorsum. The accuser of Robinson, Bob Ewell ( the male parent of teh raped miss ) , is still non satisfied. One dark, he tries to slay Jem and Scout, when they are on their manner back place. Arthur “ Boo ” radley saves them, and Ewell is stabbed in the thorax with a knife.


Jean Louise Finch ( Scout ) : Lookout is the chief character of the narrative. In fact, she ‘s the 1 who is stating us the narrative. She ‘s six old ages old, at the beginning of the narrative. She rather infantile ( which is wholly normal for person her age ) , but this gives us a infantile expression on the narrative.

Lookout is besides rather boylike ; she likes to have on overalls, and is n’t scare dof a fisticuffs. She has rather a good relationship with her brother, Jem, until Jem reaches pubescence.

It ‘s besides rather obvious why she ‘s a chief character. It ‘s her narrative, she stating the storyaˆ¦

Jem Finch is our 2nd chief character. Jem is short for Jeremy. Jem is Scouts brother ( he is four old ages her senior ) , and he ‘s a spot like a guarding angels for Scout.

Jem ‘s a normal child, he likes playing football, likes to hang out with his friends ( altough he has n’t got many ) , and does n’t listen to his instructors. He ‘s besides rather fond of Atticus, who is a kind of theoretical account to him.

Jem is chief character, because he is an of import portion of the narrative. He ‘s rather frequently together with Scout, so hence, he ‘s a chief character.

The minor characters of the narrative are: Atticus Finch, Aunt Alexandra, Miss Maudie, Calpurnia, Dill and Boo Radley ( although his appearence is merely approximately 3 pages ) .


This book is about racism, but besides about the development of a kid. Actually, it ‘s a mixture of those two. The narrative tells us that non all Blacks are bad, and non all white people are good. It besides says you ca n’t convict people who are guiltless, and that that ‘s a wickedness ( in this instance Tom Robinson )

But you besides acquire a good expression at the artlessness of a kid, and what certain experiences can make to a kid ( how it can alter their mentality ) .

I think Lee wrote this book strictly for amusement. That does n’t intend that there ca n’t be a hidden message in it. I think “ to kill a mocker ” is the most of import metaphor in the book. They say that killing a mocker is a wickedness, and in the narrative, a mocker is a metaphor for Tom Robinson. So in a manner, it ‘s a wickedness to convict Robinson, what would take him to his decease.

Atticus mentioned this to Scout. They discussed killing mocker with their new rifles, and that it ‘s a bad thing. Then the connexion with Robinson was made.

B. Your sentiment:


The two characters I liked most, were Atticus and Jem. They were both really protective towards Scout, particularly Jem. Jem was ever at that place for Scout ( merely at school clip he was with his other friends ) , ever watching for danger. A good illustration is when Scout and Jem are attacked by Bob Ewell ; even when Jems arm is severely broken, he still tries to contend Ewell, to protect his small sister.

Atticus, on the other manus, is highly nice towards everybody, even people who have profoundly insulted him.He ne’er wants to hear a bad word about anybody. For illustration: Cunningham had the intend to harm/kill Atticus. Still when Scout says she ‘ll crush up Walter Cunningham ( Cunningham ‘s boy ) , Atticus said she could’t, because they are nice people.


I disliked aunt Alexandra and of class Bob Ewell. Alexandra is the type of individual that ever tells you what to make, even if it ai n’t her ain kids. She ‘s really fond of herself, and kinda thinks the universe ‘s all about her. But I besides think that she ai n’t got a bad bosom. When Atticus needs her most, and the kids need her most, she was at that place.

Bob Ewell does hold a bad bosom. He beats up his ain kids, while impeaching person else for it. Then he makes a case out of it, merely to see a Black go to gaol. When whole of the town knew he lied ( although Robinson was convicted ) , he tries to kill two guiltless kids, merely because their male parent defended a Black. I think it ai n’t really difficult to dislike a individual like this.


I felt disgusted by the manner some people behave towards Blacks. Everybody knew Robinson was guiltless, but still they convicted him, merely because a Black ca n’t win a case from a white adult male. That ‘s merely cruel.

On the other manus I was astonished by the manner the book was written. I thought it was great ; al the small metaphors, amusing small gags, and an beautiful manner Lee told the narrative through the eyes of a kid.


“ When I pointed to him his thenar slipped somewhat, go forthing oily perspiration runs on the wall, and he hooked his pollex in his belt. A unusual little cramps shook him, as if he heard fingernails scraping slate, but as I gazed at him in admiration the tenseness easy drained from his face. His lips parted into a timid smiling, and our neighbour ‘s image blurred with my sudden cryings.

‘Hey, Boo, ‘ I said. ”

This is the point where Scout eventually meets Boo Radley. At summertime, Jem, Dill and Scout are seeking to acquire Boo Radley out of his house. Boo Radley is a adult male, who ne’er comes out of his house, because he is mentally sick. The 3 kids are kinda frightened of him, but it gives them a haste to seek to acquire him out. Of class, they do n’t win.

I think this is the emotional flood tide of the book. After all of the atrocious, chilling things Scout seen, this is the bound. She is n’t scared of Boo any longer, and she understands why he stays in. Besides that, as a reader you to the full understand the state of affairs, and why this is so of import to her.


What Lee wanted to state us, is that killing a mocker is a wickedness. She makes this quite clear, and so I to the full agree with her statement. She wrote the narrative at a beautiful manner, something that surely helps in conveying person. So yes, she did convey me.

At portion A5 I precisely wrote how the author made this message clear.

I do believe this is an of import message. Nowadays, it is still a greatly discussed topic. But by now, all people are equal, and that clip, they were n’t. But I think it ‘s of import that all people are equal.


If I would got the award to run into Mrs. Lee, I would inquire her lone one thing: Why did she name the book “ To Kill a Mockingbird ” ? I think this is excessively obvious. I do n’t truly like the books who got a literally rubric. That ‘s kinda drilling.

C. The sum-up:

To Kill a Mockingbird is chiefly a fresh about turning up under extraordinary fortunes in the 1930s in the Southern United States. The narrative covers a span of three old ages, during which the chief characters undergo important alterations. Scout Finch lives with her brother Jem and their male parent Atticus in the fabricated town of Maycomb, Alabama. Maycomb is a little, closely knit town, and every household has its societal station depending on where they live, who their parents are, and how long their ascendants have lived in Maycomb.

A widowman, Atticus raises his kids by himself, with the aid of charitable neighbours and a black housekeeper named Calpurnia. Scout and Jem about instinctively understand the complexnesss and intrigues of their vicinity and town. The lone neighbour who puzzles them is the cryptic Arthur Radley, nicknamed Boo, who ne’er comes outside. When Dill, another neighbour ‘s nephew, starts passing summers in Maycomb, the three kids begin an obsessional – and sometimes parlous – quest to entice Boo exterior.

Lookout is a romp who prefers the company of male childs and by and large solves her differences with her fists. She tries to do sense of a universe that demands that she act like a lady, a brother who criticizes her for moving like a miss, and a male parent who accepts her merely as she is. Scout hates school, deriving her most valuable instruction on her ain street and from her male parent.

Not rather halfway through the narrative, Scout and Jem discover that their male parent is traveling to stand for a black adult male named Tom Robinson, who is accused of ravishing and crushing a white adult female. Suddenly, Scout and Jem have to digest a bombardment of racial slurs and abuses because of Atticus ‘ function in the test. During this clip, Scout has a really hard clip keeping from physically contending with other kids, a inclination that gets her in problem with her Aunt Alexandra and Uncle Jack. Even Jem, the older and more healthy of the two, loses his pique a clip or two. After reacting to a neighbour ‘s ( Mrs. Dubose ) verbal onslaught by destructing her workss, Jem is sentenced to read to her every twenty-four hours after school for one month. Ultimately, Scout and Jem learn a powerful lesson about courage from this adult female. As the test draws nearer, Aunt Alexandra comes to populate with them under the pretense of supplying a feminine influence for Scout.

During the novel ‘s last summer, Tom is tried and convicted even though Atticus proves that Tom could non hold perchance committed the offense of which he is accused. In the procedure of showing Tom ‘s instance, Atticus unwittingly abuses and offends Bob Ewell, a awful, lazy rummy whose girl is Tom ‘s accuser. In malice of Tom ‘s strong belief, Ewell vows retaliation on Atticus and the justice for defaming his already tarnished name. All three kids are bewildered by the jury ‘s determination to convict ; Atticus tries to explicate why the jury ‘s determination was in many ways a foregone decision.

Shortly after the test, Scout attends one of her aunt ‘s Missionary Society meetings. Atticus interrupts the meeting to describe that Tom Robinson had been killed in an flight effort. Scout learns valuable lessons about accomplishing the ideal of muliebrity and transporting on in the face of hardship that twenty-four hours.

Thingss easy return to normal in Maycomb, and Scout and Jem realize that Boo Radley is no longer an all-consuming wonder. The narrative appears to be weaving down, but so Bob Ewell starts doing good on his menaces of retaliation. Lookout is in the Halloween pageant at school, playing the portion of a jambon. With Atticus and Aunt Alexandra both excessively tired to go to, Jem agrees to take Lookout to the school. After abashing herself on-stage, Scout elects to go forth her jambon costume on for the walk place with Jem.

On the manner place, the kids hear uneven noises, but convince themselves that the noises are coming from another friend who scared them on their manner to school that flushing. Suddenly, a hassle occurs. Scout truly ca n’t see outside of her costume, but she hears Jem being pushed off, and she feels powerful weaponries squashing her costume ‘s poulet wire against her tegument. During this onslaught, Jem severely breaks his arm. Scout gets merely plenty of a glance out of her costume to see a alien transporting Jem back to their house.

The sheriff arrives at the Finch house to denote that Bob Ewell has been found dead under the tree where the kids were attacked, holding fallen on his ain knife. By this clip, Scout realizes that the alien is none other than Boo Radley, and that Boo is really responsible for killing Ewell, therefore salvaging her and Jem ‘s lives. In malice of Atticus ‘ insisting to the contrary, the sheriff refuses to press charges against Boo. Scout agrees with this determination and explains her apprehension to her male parent. Boo sees Jem one more clip and so asks Scout to take him place, but instead than escort him place as though he were a kid, she has Boo bodyguard her to his house as a gentleman would.

With Boo safely place, Scout returns to Jem ‘s room where Atticus is waiting. He reads her to kip and so delaies by Jem ‘s bedside for his boy to wake up.

The did n’t rather stop as I expected. It was a truly surprising, clip after clip. You could n’t foretell how it would stop, and what would go on, but that ‘s merely better. It makes the narrative more exciting.

I think I spend about 12-15 hours, reading the book. It was rather complicated from clip to clip.

I thought it was a truly gratifying book. It is attractively written, and the development of the characters is great. The narrative, told through the eyes of an guiltless kid, was astonishing. I could urge this book.

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