Understanding Of Freud And Jung English Literature Essay

There are many different tools and techniques used to near guidance and psychotherapeutics theories. One of those techniques is dream analysis. When researching dream analysis, two cardinal figures laid its foundation, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.

Dreams give penetration into a individual ‘s unsolved jobs. Dreaming provides a window to the unconscious ( Time-Life Books, 1990, 56 ) .

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Dreams may function as a tract to repressed stuff, but they besides provide an apprehension of clients ‘ current operation ( Corey, 2009, 76 ) .

Dream analysis began with Freud ‘s The Interpretation of Dreams. His book was foremost published in 1900 and went through eight editions. In it, he Freud discusses how dreams are manifestations of pent-up desires, normally sexual in nature. Freud sees dreams as the “ royal route to the unconscious, ” for in them one ‘s unconscious wants, demands, and frights are expressed ( Corey, 2009, 76 ) . You ‘re giving Freud as your beginning but mentioning Corey. Is this a 2nd manus commendation? If so, you need to clearly province it as such.

In Freud ‘s position, the intent of dreams is to “ let us to fulfill in phantasies the instinctual impulses that society Judgess unacceptable ” ( Lewis, 1995, 95 ) . You ‘re giving Freud as your beginning but mentioning Lewis. Is this a 2nd manus commendation? If so, you need to clearly province it as such.

Harmonizing to Corey ( 2009 ) , there are two degrees of content in dreams, latent content and manifest content. Latent content consists of hidden, symbolic, and unconscious motivations, wants, and fright. Because these motivations, wants, and frights are so painful and endangering, they are transformed into an acceptable manifest content. This manifest content is the existent dream that the dreamer experiences ( 76 ) .

Dream work refers to the procedure that dreams go through in being represented as manifest content. The end of dream work is to forestall those motivations, wants, and frights from come ining a individual ‘s witting. Lewis identifies that Freud had five procedures that happen during dream work: “ condensation, supplanting, symbolisation, projection, and secondary alteration ” ( Lewis, 1995, 95 ) .

Condensation is a procedure that disguises a certain idea, impulse, or emotion into a brief dream event or image. Freud notes “ sometimes the reading of a really simple dream image leads to a whole array of complex significances ” ( Bulkeley, 1997, 19 ) . You ‘re giving Freud as your beginning but mentioning Bulkeley. Is this a 2nd manus commendation? If so, you need to clearly province it as such.

Supplanting allows for the true significance of dreams to be hidden. This is where impulses are repressed and directed onto another object or individual. The centre of emotional strength has been moved from its original topographic point to a apparently unimportant location within the dream ( Bulkeley, 1997, 19 ) .

Symbolization is where latent ideas are put into ocular images or acted out in a symbolic mode. Male genitalias may be represented in dreams by images of knives, guns, sticks, towers, serpents, and any other long pointed object ( 20 ) .

Female genitalias and the act of sexual intercourse can besides be interpreted in images. Female genitalias may be symbolized by images of boxes, ovens, suites, ships, and vass of assorted sorts. Symbols of sexual intercourse include winging, mounting stepss, and any image of up-and-down or back-and-forth motions ( 20 ) .

Projection refers to the inclination of the head to project our pent-up desires onto other people ( Lewis, 1995, 95 ) . Lewis gives an illustration that alternatively of dreaming of a out sexual spouse, there might be a dream of holding a same-sex sibling as a sexual spouse ( 95 ) .

The secondary alteration smoothes out the unsmooth borders of the manifest dream by make fulling in the spreads and doing minor alterations and add-ons ( Bulkeley, 1997, 20 ) . Harmonizing to Lewis ( 1995 ) , the secondary alteration reorganizes the otherwise eccentric constituents of a dream so that it has a comprehendible surface significance ( 95 ) .

Another influential dream psychologist is Jung. He and Freud were close associates, but they subsequently parted ways over their positions of pent-up sexual jobs and whether dreams deliberately disguise their significances. Jung believed that “ dreams are messages communicated through the unconscious head. Alternatively of concealment, the intent of a dream is to pass on something to consciousness ” ( Lewis, 1995, 142 ) . You ‘re giving Jung as your beginning but mentioning Lewis. Is this a 2nd manus commendation? If so, you need to clearly province it as such.

Unlike Freud, Jung did non compose a systematic work on dreams. His treatments on dreams came from Two Essaies on Analytical Psychology and Memories, Dreams, Reflections ( Source? Page? ) .

Dreams appear unusual non because of the hocus-pocus of a fallacious censor but because our witting heads do non ever understand the particular symbolic linguistic communication of the unconscious ( Bulkeley, 1997, 30 ) .

Harmonizing to Jung, “ the unconscious is a multilayered construction that serves as a depot for all sorts of natural, unarticulated wisdom ” ( Time-Life Books, 1990, 73 ) . Is this another 2nd manus commendation? And which Time-Life Books series?

Time-Life Books Books do n’t province things, people do provinces that the surface degree is the personal unconscious, where single memories and repressions are stored. Then at deeper degrees, the unconscious becomes more generalised. At the underside lies the collec-tive unconscious ; this is where all humankind portions specific images and impulse ( 73 ) .

Jung believes that dreams serve two maps, one of them being compensation. Harmonizing to Bulkeley, compensation is where psychological wellness and development involve a progressive reconciliation of consciousness with the unconscious ( 30 ) .

Lewis ‘ illustration of compensation is an overly analytical individual who has emotionally charged dreams ( 144 ) .

The other map that Jung believes is that dreams provide prospective. Jung argues, “ dreams besides look frontward to expect the dreamer ‘s hereafter development ” ( Bulkeley, 1997, 31 ) . You ‘re giving Jung as your beginning but mentioning Bulkeley. Is this a 2nd manus commendation? If so, you need to clearly province it as such.

Dreams often suggest what might go on, what potencies and possibilities the dreamer ‘s hereafter might keep ( Bulkeley, 1997, 31 ) .

Jung distinguishes between two types of dreams, “ nonsubjective and subjective. Objective dreams image the dreamer ‘s day-to-day life and relationship with the external universe, while subjective dreams portray the dreamer ‘s interior life. The important histrions in such dreams are personifications of the dreamer ‘s ideas and feelings ” ( Lewis, 1995, 144 ) . Is this another 2nd manus commendation?

Harmonizing to Bulkeley, the reading of symbols in dreams was cardinal to Jung ‘s attack ( 33 ) . Although there are no fixed significances to any symbols, all dream symbols must be related to the dreamer ‘s alone waking life state of affairs. Yet there are dreams that contain archetypical symbols, whose significances are cosmopolitan, exceeding the dreamer ‘s single consciousness. Archetypes, are cosmopolitan psychic images that underlie and construction all human mental operation ( 34 ) .

Among the most common originals described by Jung are the character, the shadow, the anima and animosity, and the Self ( 34 ) . Harmonizing to Bulkeley, the character original represents the human demand to show ourselves favourably in society ( 34 ) .

A dream of being trapped in a party or a group of people might bespeak that the mask has become excessively tightly attached, that the dreamer can non divide societal visual aspects from his or her ain true individuality ( 34 ) .

The shadow original represents all those unconscious elements and energies of the mind that are ill integrated with the person ‘s consciousness ( 34 ) . This is the unconscious “ counter self-importance ” that challenges the consciousness. In some instances, it could convey to illume the positive facets of a individual ( 34 ) .

The anima original is the female facets of a adult male ‘s mind and the animosity original is the male facets of a adult female ‘s mind. Harmonizing to Bulkeley, Jung believes that “ all people carry witing them biological and psychological elements of the opposite sex ” ( 34 ) . The original of the ego represents the human potency to accomplish integrity and self-fulfillment, to unify all the psychological antonyms into a harmonious entirety ( 35 ) . Though seldom achieved, Jung says it exists to remind us that it is a echt potency within our mind.

Dream analysis is a tool that can assist people with self-actualization. The unconscious, if understood, can supply farther penetration into a individual ‘s witting and current operation. With different positions, Freud and Jung laid the foundation for this type of reading.

You need a clearly stated and good developed Summary or Conclusion that summarizes your research findings.

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