Few econometric journals


In this paper we try to reexamine few econometric diaries to research the construction and subjects covered by the articles included in these diaries. We try to cast some visible radiation on the information beginnings and types used in the researches, every bit good as the methodological analysiss and theoretical accounts exploited to analyse the information. By planing through the diaries, we besides try to detect the alteration in form of the articles composing from decennaries back till recent clip. Finally, we spot country of involvement for future perusal and farther researching.


  1. Econometrica
  2. Economica
  3. Journal of Financial Econometricss
  4. Quantitative Selling and Economicss
  5. Econometric Reappraisals

Diaries Scope and Review

Econometrica is one of the taking econometrics diaries that aim at covering a broad scope of economic sciences subjects ( micro & A ; macro ) . The diary started in 1932 with its first volume, making its 77th volume in 2009. Each volume has six issues that cover two months. Econometrica includes research surveies that introduce new theory that adds up to the econometrics organic structure of cognition every bit good as surveies that farther look into bing economic theories. The research included in the diary has both, the quantitative and qualitative constituent of the research. Almost all of the research subjects start off by presenting the qualitative facets of the research and so travel towards the quantitative analysis via statistical theoretical accounts. Through our reappraisal of the diary, we noticed that the diary covers cross-sectional & A ; clip series analysis. There are many articles that have cross-sectional and clip series analysis combined. ( Econometric Society, 2009 )

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The purpose of Econometrica is to convey the theory and experimental sides of surveies and unify them together. Econometrica is non constricted to one subject or facet ; nevertheless, it covers a broad scope of subjects runing from research practiced by a assortment of research workers, different theoretical facets of many issues, to productive surveies constructed in econometrics. It is good known to move as a anchor to many of the research done and is trusted to be a really good and back uping diary with sound history. It helps bring forth the best of the best in econometric research and development of assorted subjects to keep the highest criterion in the entry of diverse surveies related to econometrics.

Another taking diary of economic sciences is Economica. It foremost began at around the twelvemonth 1933, and it contains 76 volumes published annually. In add-on, each volume contains from one to four issues with quarterly publications. Economica provides researches in assorted facets of economic sciences in both experimental and theoretical surveies constructed by assorted world-wide research workers with a great focal point on quantitative analysis and econometric related subjects. ( London School of Economics, 2009 )

A 3rd diary that we came across was a reasonably recent diary that was established in the twelvemonth 1998: The Econometrics Journal. The intent behind set uping this diary was to suit international publications related to econometrics, from all facets, whether macro, micro, or finance-related econometrics. This diary ensured maintaining the same criterion that was antecedently shown in the past well known econometric-related diaries. All documents that were to be published in The Econometricss Journal were exhaustively examined and really closely inspected to do certain that really high quality publications were merely included. ( Royal Economic Society, 2009 )

The Econometrics Journal is really alone in the sense that it offers members of the Royal Economic Society, who ab initio established this diary, along with over three 1000 users the opportunity to instantly hold entree to publications online, unlike other diaries that delay on-line publications. ( Royal Economic Society, 2009 )

Furthermore, another article we found was the Journal of Financial Econometrics which consists of six volumes and each volume contains from one to four issues. This diary is aimed at going one of the top leading Diaries amongst subject-related diaries. It focuses on making a nexus between econometrics and finance through both theoretical and experimental ways. The focal point in this diary is tie ining hazard direction and plus pricing with the field of econometrics in order to cover issues raised by the fiscal industry. ( Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2009 )

The 5th diary we in our reappraisal is the Quantitative Selling and Economics Journal, which consists of seven volumes with each volume incorporating four issues. This diary is considered one of the recent diary since it is merely dated back to the twelvemonth 2003 where the first volume came out. The journal aim is to bond Marketing, Economics and Statistics research together to associate any similarities between them. This journal attempts to explicate selling constructs in a quantitative affair because, as known, selling is really wide in definition and can be linked to about all constructs and countries that houses deal with. That is from consumers ‘ behaviours, consumers ‘ picks, penchants, to branding, pricing, publicity, placement, etc. These constructs are used in this diary to make a nexus with both economic sciences and statistics, therefore the quantitative side of it. The QME diary uses both primary and secondary informations to come up with the research conducted by the authors. ( Selling, 2004 )

The concluding diary that we came across was the Journal of Econometric Reviews. This diary is really broad in the sense that it consists of 20 eight volumes with each volume holding from one to six issues, the first volume get downing in the twelvemonth 1982. The Journal of Econometric Reviews purposes at supplying limitless resources related to econometric affairs. It offers readers top quality articles and publications on several subjects in econometrics every bit good as it provides a taking editorial board who bring together universe category experts and professionals to come up particular editions of articles and documents for those who are interested. ( Econometrics Reviews, 2008 )

Data & A ; Data-Sources of the Diaries:

Through shoping the diaries, we ‘ve came across many subjects that involve significant informations assemblage. The informations ranged from publically available informations ( GDP, involvement rates etc… ) to proprietary informations that was collected through specialised information agents ( day-to-day gross revenues informations in a supermarket, figure of client foot-fall through the aid of scanning devices etc… ) . Some illustrations of the informations that we came across include:

  • For a research that measures the deductions of gross revenues and consumer demand, informations refering to gross revenues and stock list degree were gathered through Information Resource Inc. for the period of June 1991 to June 1993. The information was gathered by puting scanners in 9 supermarkets to roll up information about the merchandise, monetary value, measure purchased, client info etc… ( Hendel & A ; Nevo, 2006 )
  • Data related to employee compensation for a survey in France from 1993 to 2000 about the pay dickering theory between the employee and employer. The informations used are collected via the Gallic National Statistical Institute INSEE. Furthermore, the research uses DADS ( D & A ; eacute ; clarations Annuelles de Donn & A ; eacute ; es Sociales ) as a information beginning that is used to derive labour costs at the house degree for all sorts of employee endowment. ( Cahuc, Vinay, & A ; Robin, 2006 )
  • A research paper that surveies the consequence of communicating on trust and cooperation gathers informations by holding unrecorded feedback from the participants. The Sessionss of the survey were conducted in the University of California where the participants ( 24-36 per session ) were seated in groups. The Sessionss besides included the experimental teachers who administered the session for the informations assemblage. Examples of the informations collected can be seen below in figure 1. ( Charness, & A ; Dufwenberg, 2006 )
  • A research about the labour mobility and the growing of the service sector gathers data on employment, wits, sector end product and capital through the Bureau of Economic Analysis from 1968 – 2001 ( Lee, & A ; Wolpin, 2006 ) . Samples of the informations are shown in figures 2, 3 & A ; 4 below:


Reviewing the diaries, we have noticed a quite common manner in structuring the articles and a major dependance on utilizing hypothesis proving format. Depending on the deepness and range of the research, most articles are quantitative in nature seeking to understand and associate existent happenings of incidents to major econometric theories, whereby informations is tested via theoretical accounts to turn out significance and place relationships that lead to better apprehension of the dependant variable and pave the route for calculating future happenings.

The general stairss in carry oning econometric researches involve the followers:

  • Formulate a theoretical account
  • Gather the informations
  • Estimate the theoretical account
  • Capable the theoretical account to hypothesis proving
  • Interpret the consequences

Initially, most articles start by reexamining some econometric literature prior to continuing with the empirical work. Previous articles and theories are studied and discussed and analyzed with mentions to modern-day theories and hypothesis that might be the footing for the writers to transport on their research and construct on others findings and decisions.

In add-on, there are few other articles with a qualitative base aimed at analysing other researches and articles already published in a logical, scientific and rational attack. These articles tend to utilize logical methodological analysiss to object or back up other findings and hypothesis in contention. They can be in the signifier of indicating out struggles or consistent parts of the economic literature to the issues and subjects under research.

There is besides a general tendency among big articles to hold a preliminary empirical and statistical analysis of the informations in their ownership. Some of the chief methods used to carry on early phase look intoing include:

  • Box secret plans,
  • Checks for the presence of outliers,
  • Drumhead statistics such as mean, standard divergences, coefficient of fluctuation
  • Correlation matrix etc…

Conducting a preliminary analysis normally guide the writer to the theoretical account and methods to be used in researching his informations. Early articles published during the 1970s and 1980s tend to trust on individual equation methods theoretical account, where a individual variable is used as a map of one or more explanatory variables. This method was criticized in some articles for possessing hapless statistical belongingss or may non retrieve the consequence desired. Whereas, more modern-day articles tend to utilize coincident equation methods that use discrepancies of instrumental variables to do the estimations.

Furthermore, fiscal econometric theoretical accounts had important developments in the last decennary. With figure of articles lifting well than earlier times, due to the rapid growing in fiscal industry and increasing edification of fiscal methodological analysiss. The toolkit of fiscal econometrics has grown in size and deepness, including techniques like:

  • Nonparametric appraisal,
  • Functional cardinal bound theory,
  • Nonlinear time-series theoretical accounts,
  • Artificial nervous webs,
  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods.
  • GARCH procedures
  • Normal Inverse Gaussian distribution etc…

For case, an article named “ A Bayesian methodological analysis for at the same time observing and gauging government alteration points and variable choice in multiple arrested development theoretical accounts for marketing research ” in the Quantitative Selling and Economics diary used a Bayesian alteration point multiple arrested development methodological analysis. This is thought to enable the research workers to gauge the coefficients of the variables i.e. location of alteration points/regimes and their corresponding subset per government, every bit good as the associated governments ‘ arrested development parametric quantities.

While in the Journal of Financial Econometrics, the writers of “ Bias-Reduced Appraisal of Long-Memory Stochastic Volatility ” used a stochastic volatility theoretical account with possible nonstationarity in the volatility procedure to gauge the memory parametric quantity in volatility.

Similarly, the maximal information method was used in “ Optimal Portfolio Diversification Using the Maximum Entropy Principle. ” of the Econometric Reviews Journal, in order to oppose the average discrepancy ( MV ) attack that frequently leads to portfolios being extremely concentrated on a few assets and therefore leads to hapless out-of-sample public presentations.

Besides, in a paper titled “ Least Squares Model Averaging ” , Econometrica, that considers the job of choice of weights for averaging across least squares estimations obtained from a set of theoretical accounts, the Mallows theoretical account norm ( MMA ) calculator was used to accomplish the lowest possible squared mistake in a category of distinct theoretical account mean calculators.

Time Series Methods

Most clip series articles are common while analysing economical and fiscal issues. Majority of documents mentioning to pricing theoretical accounts, consumer public-service corporation theoretical accounts and other macroeconomic instances are studied with informations collected over clip and hence clip series methods were used.

However, recent volumes and issues on most econometric diaries, particularly in the last four old ages, have used a combination of statistical methods. Some used clip series theoretical accounts across a scope of variables and so used transverse sectional methods to compare between them. Normally documents with panel informations beginnings utilizations such a blend of methods.

Time series methods were rather common among early articles of the sixtiess and 1970s every bit good as in most finance and accounting based articles. It is noticeable that the usage of cross sectional methods dominated in the last decennary articles. Most recent articles tried to utilize panel methods to unite both types and took advantage of the benefits of both to better explicate the theoretical accounts in treatment.

We have besides noticed that most macroeconomic quantitative researches were performed with clip series methods. Probably it can be justified as most informations was collected over clip. Whilst, most clients linked articles and instance surveies of companies used transverse sectional analysis methods. This is besides justified due to the demand that arised to compare informations across a broad scope of points and its consequence on the theoretical account used.

Fiscal Econometricss

One of the most active countries of research in econometrics that deserves a particular consideration is fiscal econometrics. The demand for fiscal econometrists by investing Bankss and other fiscal establishments has ne’er been greater, which rationalizes the rapid growing in the edification and complexness of theoretical accounts and tools used in such researches. This is apparent in the development of the articles throughout the ‘Journal of Financial Econometrics ‘ and the increasing figure of fiscal articles in the latest issues of most econometric and economic diaries.

Many of the early 1970s writers have referred to the method of Least Squares in their articles as it was the chief econometric tool used to analyse issues such as efficient markets, trials of the capital plus pricing theoretical account or arbitrage pricing theory, and stock returns prognosiss. This is late become unequal to run into the new demands of fiscal econometrists. The singular transmutation in such techniques to more sophisticated 1s can be attributed to three chief grounds widely believed among writers of fiscal econometric articles:

  1. The set of discoveries in the quantitative mold of fiscal markets.
  2. Contemporaneous set of discoveries in information engineering.
  3. The rapid development in calculating demands and methods.

The fiscal system has become more complex over clip. The big enlargement in the participants ‘ base and the big sums involved has exerted force per unit area on the manner fiscal researches were conducted and modeled. In the recent old ages econometricians continued to do serious and substantial parts to the three pillars of finance: plus pricing, portfolio allotment, and hazard direction as identified by Francis X. Diebold in his publications. Such parts have set the foundations to all modern quantitative fiscal analysis.

The 2nd factor is related to the progresss in information engineering, including hardware, package, and informations aggregation. The processing velocity encouragement has provided a really effectual computational medium for researches to utilize more algorithmic numerical and simulation methods. As described earlier, methods were such as: Bayesian econometrics utilizing Markov concatenation Monte Carlo methods, bootstrap methods for illation, and theoretical account choice via intensive database hunt.

The 3rd of import factor of the discernible hiking in fiscal econometrics is the forecasting portion of every academic research. Diebold references “ prediction is cardinal to dynamic economic sciences ” which is extremely comparative to the high kineticss and hardiness in modern finance. Almost all the articles related to fiscal quantitative analyses are aimed to ab initio understand and associate the variables in contention and so program to calculate and foretell future happenings.

Findingss and Recommendations

Reviewing the diaries has provided penetrations of economic sciences and econometric subjects and issues. Research workers are seeking chiefly to hold a quantitative analysis of existent universe informations in relationship with econometric theories and theoretical accounts in order to supply a systematic apprehension of the information happenings and its hereafter prediction.

In our sentiment, there are a assortment of subjects and aims in econometric articles that can be chiefly categorized into three tranches:

  1. Subjects that focus on analysing public informations to happen a scientific accounts and relationships with other independent information. Financial econometric researches are a popular member of this class. Normally, fiscal information, such as, involvement rates, stock monetary values, plus values, indices etc… are related to other factors like clip, GDP, other economic etc… in order to happen logical and statistical dependance and therefore, be able to analyse economic conditions, rhythms and crisis.
  2. Other subjects use a theoretical account or an econometric expression to extensively prove its characteristics and parametric quantities utilizing a broad scope of informations. Such articles relay on theoretical literature in order to explicate how the theoretical account should work and on empirical proving to compare the consequences with the adequateness of the theory. For illustration, a theoretical account might work efficaciously in the absence of noise, but when noise is introduced the theoretical account is biased.
  3. Further subjects pick an go outing research or hypothesis and seek to proof its inefficient or seek to add on to it as to do or more efficient and less vulnerable.

Our reappraisal of the diaries has besides revealed that researches with public dependable informations are most common and has utmost promotion. This is due to the immediate contemplation of these researches on the economic and professional environment and the costless informations sourcing methods, with fiscal econometric and economic information analyses at the top of the hot subjects list. While on the other manus, articles that present new theoretical accounts and equation and seek to turn out them, are the most hard and less reached among research workers, yet, these subjects can add the most to science and supply the maximal benefits to both academe and industry

We believe, that fiscal econometric has non been to the full undiscovered, and offer an chance to transport on surveies and researches to allow better apprehension of investings, finance and pecuniary activities.


We have explored few econometric and quantitative economic diaries to reexamine the subjects and topics covered by the articles included. A focal point was on the informations beginning that ranged from public information to explicit studies and the informations type such as clip series, transverse sectional and panel signifier. We have besides noticed the extended usage of clip series methods at earlier articles and diary issues, whereas, cross sectional and panel methods have gained high impulse in recent old ages. Furthermore, we have paid particular attending to fiscal econometric as the new development in the field of econometric and predicted abundant chances for farther researches.


  • Econometric Society, ( 2009 ) . Econometrica, Journal of the Econometric Society. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp? ref=0012-9682 & A ; site=1
  • London School of Economics, Initials. ( 2009 ) . Economica. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp? ref=0013-0427 & A ; site=1
  • Royal Economic Society, ( 2009 ) . The Econometrics Journal. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp? ref=1368-4221 & A ; site=1
  • ( 2009 ) . Journal of Financial Econometrics. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/jfinec/about.html
  • ( 2004, August 27 ) . Selling. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.springer.com/business/marketing/journal/11129? detailsPage=aimsAndScopes
  • ( 2008 ) . Econometrics Reviews. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/07474938.asp
  • Hendel, I. , & A ; Nevo, A. ( 2006 ) . Measuring The Implications of Gross saless And Consumer Inventory Behavior. Econometrica, 74 ( 6 ) , 1637-1673.
  • Cahuc P. Vinay F. & A ; Robin J. ( 2006 ) . Engage dickering with on-The Job Search: Theory and Evidence. Econometrica, 74 ( 2 ) , 323-364.
  • Charness, G. , & A ; Dufwenberg, M. ( 2006 ) . Promises and Partnerships. Econometrica, 74 ( 6 ) , 1579-1601.
  • Lee, D. , & A ; Wolpin, K. ( 2006 ) . Intersectoral Labor Mobility and the Growth of the Service Sector. Econometrica, 74 ( 1 ) , 1-46.
  • “ Econometricss: Retrospect and Prospect ” , Francis X. Diebold, 2001.

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