A Critique of Stephen Ambrose’s ‘Band of Brothers’


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What is a brother? A brother is a individual who is ever there for you. A brother is your best friend no affair what. A brother is person who will ever hold you back. A brother is person who is willing to put down their life for you, merely to salvage yours.Band of Brothersis a book about Easy Company, 506ThursdayRegiment, of the 101stAirborne division. The work forces of this company went through midst and thin together. They went through snake pit on Earth and were banded together through brotherhood. The writer Stephen E. Ambrose portrays a book of action, escapade, and horror. Whether it’s an action scene during a fire battle against the Germans or an escapade seen when easy company took the Eagle’s Nest, Adolf Hitler’s most prized ownership. Easy company faced horrors like when soldiers were terrified to contend because they didn’t want to confront decease.Band of Brothersis relevant to the existent universe because it changed history. This was during World War II when America went to war against the Axis powers. It affected people’s lives in American, adult females went to work to assist construct supplies needed for the war while the work forces were off contending the war. The universe as they new it so anarchy. The Nazi party was seeking to take over Europe and the U.S. and the Allied forces were seting a halt to it. Easy company was in the center of it all the combat for the United States of America.

Plot Maping

The work forces of easy company who are still alive today are the work forces who helped Ambrose compose this book. They gave him great elaborate information to assist the reader experience as if they were at that place excessively. One scenery were the work forces were subscribing up for which subdivision they were fall ining. There was a group of recruiters naming out things such as, “who would wish to subscribe up for the foot? Or who would wish to subscribe up for the armored combat vehicle nucleus? Who would wish to subscribe up for this or that? ” Work force volunteered for which they wanted so it came about to the airborne recruiter and he said, “Who would wish to volunteer for the Airborne? ” The work forces were confused and asked him “what’s the Airborne? ” he so explained to them, “The airborne is where you acquire parachutes and you jump out of an aeroplane and fight the enemy.” The work forces were similar forget that, we aren’t making that. The recruiter so said, “But you get paid 50 dollars more! ” that doubled the money they would’ve made in any other subdivision. So that convinced them to fall in the airborne. That is when Easy Company, 506th Regiment, of the 101st Airborne division was formed. They all had different backgrounds, they were from different parts of the state. They had different expertness and businesss. Some were hapless, some were in the in-between category, and some were rich school male childs from Harvard and Yale. There were a few from UCLA every bit good. That is what easy company was made of. They were headed to Fort Benning, a Jump School for the Airborne. They would be developing and acquiring ready for the invasion into Europe to contend Hitler and the Axis powers. Once they finished their preparation, the work forces were on a ship to England. They would fix and set together the secret plan we know today as D-Day, which is when we invaded Europe. Easy company was ready to contend, they were ready to take on the Germans. The twenty-four hours of the invasion came the soldiers were nervous. The soldiers were scared. They were afraid of deceasing and confronting all the other horrors that war had to offer them. They loaded onto their 747 aircrafts to wing to occupy Europe. As they flew to Europe they waited to leap out of a plane into gun fire and into enemy district. Some work forces prayed, some work forces slept, and some work forces went into daze because they were so frightened. But the company had great leaders and they helped their work forces overcome that fright and helped them be good soldiers. There were two visible radiations in the plane. They were located at the door were the work forces were to leap from. A ruddy visible radiation and a green visible radiation. When the ruddy visible radiation came on it was clip to leap the work forces readied themselves and got in line. When the green visible radiation came on the work forces had to leap. One by one they jumped from the 747’s. They were undergoing fire from anti-aircraft guns and planes were being shot down or hit up. Most the work forces were able to do it out. Now it was clip to associate up and happen the mass meeting point. But everyone was scattered approximately and non dropped in the right topographic point so the work forces linked up with as many work forces as possible. They headed for the mass meeting point. It was dark clip and it was difficult to state truly where they were. They waited for twenty-four hours clip and had to mouse past the Germans and made it to the mass meeting point, but easy company merely had 15 of five 100 work forces. The remainder were scattered about still seeking to happen the mass meeting point or they were already killed. The 15 work forces were ordered to take four 88’s which are large cannons that can make a batch of harm and it was maintaining the armoured armored combat vehicles from progressing off of Omaha beach. There were four of them and fifty work forces guarding them and easy company merely had 15s of their work forces. But they did it with easiness, destructing the guns and the work forces who were involved were awarded Ag stars. That started the long journey in front for easy company. They were trusting for the war to be over by Christmas, but little did they cognize it would last three more old ages.

Fictional character Analysis

Richard D. “Dick” Winters was an officer in easy company. He was a really adorned war veteran. He went into the war as a Lieutenant and at the terminal he was a Major. He was in my sentiment the greatest leader and the best commanding officer of Easy Company. Winters parachuted into Normandy with easy company on D-Day. He was a great leader and a great soldier. He went across Europe with easy company contending the Germans. Winters rose to command easy company. He commanded them until the Germans surrendered. His character was ever positive. He motivated and got his work forces through tough times. He did everything he could to maintain their morale up and in good liquors. At times it wasn’t easy, but he got the occupation done. When the Germans surrendered he treated there officers with regard. He didn’t set up with no dirt from his work forces. He would laugh and gag with his work forces. He would speak to them and animate them. He was all around the best leader he could perchance be and was the whole clip through the book. Richard Winters reminds me of Coach Todd John. They are both great leaders. When times get bad they keep a positive attitude and gave you the best advice to get the better of the state of affairs. They lead their work forces into conflict, made good calls, and so had a triumph. They ne’er let their cats down. Richard Winters and Todd John are both great leaders. Even though they both lead in different times. They did a truly good occupation at it. Even when it wasn’t easy.

Motifs and Themes

A major subject of the narrative would hold to be brotherhood or brothers in weaponries. War could be a subject of the book because they were contending in a war while this book took topographic point. The subject of brotherhood had to be grown over clip while these work forces went through preparation together. They lost friends together. They went through really tough times together. The lone people they had to turn to and look to was each other. That’s how they formed that brotherhood. They ne’er wanted to see something bad go on to their brother. But it was war and people died. The brothers died or were badly injured and they changed some of the men’s eyes towards the war. Some of them were ne’er the same after they lost one of their brothers. They helped each other through those tough clip. They were brothers in weaponries. The subject of war, well, that had everything to make with the narrative they were contending in a war that needed to be won. War is barbarous. War is snake pit. These work forces fought twenty-four hours in and twenty-four hours out. Sometimes they ne’er got any slumber at all and when they did it was really small. When they were in the Bulge or Bastogne it was stop deading cold and snowing. They didn’t have the proper vesture for it. They couldn’t acquire supplies because the Germans had Easy Company cut off. Thingss merely got worse and worse for easy company, but they overcame it all. The Germans surrendered and things got easier. They got to take the Eagles Nest, Hitler’s most prized place. It was a immense house at the top of a mountain in Austria. It had a solid gold judge. Thingss got better for easy company, but they still mourned their brother’s deceases. War is something that will ever be at that place with you. Every one of those work forces of easy company will retrieve that war for the remainder of their lives. That war will ever be a portion of them. The theme war doesn’t truly associate to my life. I hope it ne’er does. The subject brotherhood relates to my life perfect. I play football and my squad had a batch of brotherhood. The brotherhood inBand of Brothersand on my squad were really similar. We went through tough times, but we were ever able to get the better of those tough times because of our brothers.

Critique of Author

The intent of the writer composing this book was to speak about easy company and give a good narrative about World War II. He talked to the soldiers who were still alive from easy company to do it every bit existent as possible for the reader. The writer was informing and entertaining. He informed you of what went on over in Europe during World War II. He informed you of the soldiers everyday lives while they fought the war. He besides informed you about the brotherhood these soldiers had with one another and the tests they faced to go that set of brothers. He entertained you by the action and the escapade of the book. I personally enjoy war films and contending films and this book decidedly has a batch of that. The writer did a great occupation of entertaining and informing the reader of easy company and the brotherhood with one another. The writer was merely stating the narrative of easy company and he was demoing you how soldiers during World War II banded together as brothers and helped us win the war. The writer is a realist because he was existent about everything that happened. He took it straight from the work forces of easy company’s encephalons and put it on paper. They told him what happened and he wrote it down.

Analysis and Evaluation of the Book

The book was deserving reading. Any reader who reads it should bask it. I don’t urge this book for a female because it’s merely a book for a male. Any male who is interested in World War II or action and escapade books should read this. The book supports my ain beliefs on brotherhood. How when things get tough you ever have your fusss at that place for you to assist you through things. The book helped me larn more about World War II. I’m really interested in World War II and it taught me a batch that went on so. My personal experiences would be like I said earlier being on the football squad. We were all brothers merely like easy company was we both got through our tough times and overcame hardship.


The book truly didn’t have any failings. The writer did a truly good occupation of doing this book every bit good as he could. This book of brotherhood relates to all walks of life. Equally long as you have your brother at that place for you. You can acquire through anything. The work forces of easy company were a set of brothers and won the war because of that. I have no unreciprocated inquiries or unsettled points after reading this book. Ambrose did a good occupation of non holding those inquiries. Easy Company was a Company of war hero’s. They were aBand of Brothers.

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