The Yellow Wallpaper Trapped In Society English Literature Essay

In Charlotte Perkins Gilman ‘s short narrative, “ The Yellow Wallpaper, ” the chief character has a sense of being trapped throughout the narrative. She suffers within herself the thoughts of being trapped and non acquiring out. She struggles with non making what she wants and carry throughing her responsibilities as a married woman and female parent. “ I meant to be such a aid to John, such a existent remainder and comfort, and here I am a comparative load already ” ( 722 ) . In the 19th century adult females were non allowed to make as they pleased. They were to make whatever their hubbies told them if they wanted to or non. They besides did non hold many rights to anything. In the narrative it portrays how adult females were trapped in there ain rights, even in there ain place.

In the 19th century adult females were non allowed to make or talk as they pleased. There end in life was to get married and hold kids. By non holding the freedom to make as they wanted a batch of adult females felt trapped in their ain places. Likewise, in the narrative the chief character is trapped in her room everyday and dark merely like the adult females were trapped in their places. They could non even show themselves the manner they wanted excessively. In the narrative the adult female would non allow others see her authorship because she was non allowed to make so ; it would be frowned upon from her hubby. Many adult females in that twenty-four hours felt the same ; they had to conceal what they wanted to make so they would non acquire talked about in society.

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The adult female in the narrative has a desire to be free but does non cognize how to make it herself. She is locked in a room twenty-four hours after twenty-four hours with hardly any company and wants to acquire out. Her hubby is allowed to make as he pleases and go forth and come as he wants, but she was non. Many adult females in the 19th century felt the same manner she did and had the same job. Women felt like they were in a prison with bars on the Windowss and a lock on the door. Not being able to make or experience as they wanted. Just like the adult female in the narrative who is locked in her room all twenty-four hours while her hubby is out. Work forces were treated really otherwise than adult females in this twenty-four hours. Work force were allowed to work and travel out while adult females had to sit at place and be given to the kids. Work force and adult females were non treated every bit because adult females were looked on as lesser than work forces. A batch of adult females were stuck in the same house all twenty-four hours while the work forces could go forth and make as they pleased.

While the chief character is trapped in her room all twenty-four hours she starts to acquire really irritated with the xanthous wallpaper. She starts to rupture the wallpaper off one piece at a clip to seek to acquire rid of all of it, “ I shook and she pulled, and before forenoon we have peeled off paces of that paper ” ( 730 ) . She was seeking to acquire out merely like adult females wanted to make in the 19th century. They wanted to make as they pleased and non hold anyone justice them for making so. They ne’er could because work forces would non let it. Women tried to acquire out of the life style they were populating but it was frowned upon from society, it was considered un-lady like to believe or make for yourself. The adult female in the narrative demo how adult females of the 19th century felt by all the regulations and ordinances they had in there ain place. Like the adult female in the narrative, the adult females in the 19th century kept drawing at their ain wallpaper but ne’er acquiring to the top of the wall. They tried to be considered equal to work forces but it ne’er worked out.

Womans were expected to make as they were told. They would hold to make jobs, take attention of the kids, or do charitable work, ne’er being allowed to make what they truly wanted. They were trapped in by the “ xanthous wallpaper ” in their ain places. The work forces were allowed to travel to work and make as they pleased go forthing the adult females home all twenty-four hours to be given to the kids and the jobs of the house. Besides, adult females did non hold a right to anything. When they got married anything they owned would be their hubbies. If they had money, the hubby would take it and command it. They could non have belongings and were non allowed to vote. Womans were supposed to listen to what their hubbies said and what society wanted from them. They were non allowed to hold an sentiment on things like how the house should run or political relations. They were trapped in what society idea was right merely like the adult female was trapped in by the walls of her room and society non accepting her.

Peoples may read this narrative and figure that the adult female is unstable and unable to care for her kid because of postpartum depression. They may believe she is locked in her room so she can acquire over the daze of holding the babe and holding to cover with it, and can non play the function society wants adult females to play in that twenty-four hours and age. She is left entirely in the room to acquire over her depression of holding the babe and non cognize what to experience. Her hubby could be concealing her off from society because she is non carry throughing her function as a female parent and a married woman like you were suppose to in that twenty-four hours. Womans were supposed to take attention of all the childs and obey what the hubby says. Others may believe she is merely unstable in general and is insane because she sees things in the wallpaper and starts to draw it off. But what the wallpaper represents is adult females drawing off what society expects from them and they going at that place ain individual.

Womans in the 19th century were ne’er considered equal to work forces. They had to maintain pulling at there ain wallpaper because they felt trapped in there ain place and society merely like the adult female in the narrative who was trapped in her room by Windowss that had bars on them. Womans were captives of their universe and did non like it, but could make really small to command it. They could non show how they felt to at that place conserve because they would non listen and believe it was incorrect for them to even hold an sentiment on the affair. The xanthous wallpaper represents the society for the adult females in the 19th century. They were trapped by their ain place and treated below the belt for many old ages. They were ne’er allowed to show how they truly felt and could non speak to others about it because it was unaccepted in society. They were trapped in at that place ain places and had to cover with the society handling them otherwise for many old ages.

Work Cited

Gilman, Charlotte. “ The Yellow Wallpaper ” . Exploring Literature Writing and Arguing about

Fiction, Poetry, and the Essay. Ed. Frank Madden. 4th Ed. New York: Person Longman,

2009. 496-501

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