Kite Runner And House Of Sand And Fog Analysis English Literature Essay

The book House of sand and Fog is a fresh written by Andre Dubus III in 1999, it is about Colonel Massoud Amir Behrani who was a rich adult male in his state, Iran and now is a fighting immigrant who has many occupations and wants the best for himself and his household. Kathy Nicolo is an alcoholic, who lives in a house that is everything her male parent left. Colonel Behrani decides to put in a belongings and plans to sell it for a higher monetary value. Making this, he will guarantee the hereafter of Esmail, his boy. At the same clip Kathy is evicted from her house by error and she finds shelter in a motel. During the traveling procedure Kathy meets Sheriff Lester Burdon who falls in love with her. Colonel Behrani goes to see Mr. Walsh where she explains to him that Kathy did n’t owe her revenue enhancements and the San Mateo Country had made a error but he refuses to give the house. He decides to state his boy his personal businesss and Esmail says he feels sorrow for the adult female who lost her house and the Colonel explains to him he had bought the belongings lawfully and if they could sell the house, if they were lucky plenty, they would do a big sum of money that would be utile for his university but he needed to maintain the secret because of his female parent ‘s wellness. One twenty-four hours, Kathy goes to imbibe and being intoxicated Parkss her auto in forepart of her house. Colonel sees the auto and discovers Kathy is about to hit herself. Colonel sees the auto and discovered Kathy is about to hit herself. Colonel Behrani and Nadi wait for Esmail who arrives and the Colonel explains him what had happened so Esmail sees the gun and his male parent explains to him what he can make with it. Lester realized that Kathy was in her house. He enters the house with his gun. Behrani ‘s household is scared and Lester leads them to the bathroom where they stay until Kathy wakes up. In the forenoon, Colonel Behrani tells Lester he will sell the house and they drive to the section to legalise the documents but before Lester takes out every slug from his gun so Nadi could be calm. Behrani tells Lester he wo n’t make anything without his boy and gets off the auto. Suddenly, Esmail reaches the measure of Lester and threatens Lester but surprisingly the constabulary arrive and they shoot Esmail. At the infirmary the Colonel is told his boy is decease and he drives back place. He offers tea to his married woman and toxicants it, after that she passes off and the colonel puts his uniform on and self-destructions by smothering. Kathy feels bitterness for holding caused that harm.

In these books, the lives of four male childs are presented, Amir, Hassan, Sohrab and Esmail, all of them had different dreams like all kids and adolescents do, but some of their dreams were spoil by factors as: raping, slaying and societal struggles in their states. First I will analyse the familiar relationships as a deciding factor in the motive of the kids and the societal struggle in their states that spoil their dreams.

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In House of Sand and Fog, Esmail of merely 16 was diffident and taciturn but he had a dream ; he wanted to go to the university and go person of import, person who could make full his male parent ‘s outlooks. Colonel Berani looked frontward to purchasing a house and affording his boy ‘s surveies so, Behrani had to go forth place really early and travel back place about at midnight.

Hassan, the boy of Baba ‘s retainer, besides had dreams to carry through. When Hassan was a small kid he wanted to larn how to read and compose, something non allowed for Hazaras who were merely employed as retainers. Hassan and Amir used to pass much clip together and Amir used to read books for Hassan who attentively listened to him and ever encouraged him to maintain authorship. Hassan admired Amir, because he considered him a friend and a baronial kid. Hassan was Baba ‘s boy, but he was ever considered as the boy of Ali, a Hazara and a discriminated race. In that clip, being a Hazara or a Patchi made a large difference, he did n’t hold the right to travel to school and nor to be educated. He was raped and cipher could support him because he did n’t hold the right to inquire for justness. Hassan ‘s artlessness lured him to be abused many times, his goodness and pureness made him person unable to support himself. However, Hassan was full of love and he had even been raped and accused of stealing but he ne’er felt bitterness.

Hassan learned to read and compose and he besides taught his boy. Hassan wanted his boy to ne’er populate what he had lived when he was a male child but after his decease, Sohrab suffered more than he, he suffered entirely, without a female parent or a male parent and with an huge fright.

Reading and composing narratives, Amir found his existent endowment and he wished to be a great author, but Baba ne’er considered the composing a existent profession. Baba ever hesitated about his boy ‘s accomplishments. The lives of Amir and Hassan were about similar, they grew up in the same house sharing everything, and genetically they were similar, Amir wanted to be a author and Hassan wanted to larn how to read and compose. I think, if Hassan had received the instruction Amir had, Hassan would hold become an first-class author excessively. It is of import to province the adulthood of Hassan, because he was more mature than Amir in many facets. That ‘s why, when Amir accused Hassan for holding stolen the ticker he understood he did n’t desire him to populate in his house. Old ages subsequently, when they got married, they wished for a babe. Amir and his married woman could n’t hold a babe but Hassan and Hazara did.

In the instance of Esmail, he had his female parent but she was sort of immature, the same as the Colonel, they wanted to cover the visual aspects in order to maintain their position. Colonel ne’er told his married woman and his boy what was truly go oning with the house so, Esmail at the first chance took retaliation and tried to hit Lester, because he felt the duty of supporting his household.

One of the of import factors in the male childs ‘ lives was their cultural background. In 1970 Iran and Afghanistan society began enduring countless maltreatments by the authorities and other political associations, so many people immigrated to other states specially the United States. Baba had to fly from the Soviet invasion and Coronel Behrani because of the unfairnesss of the SAVAC in Iran. Baba and the Colonel Benrani who one time were of import, affluent and well-know work forces, knew, their lives were traveling to alter wholly and they were non traveling to be affluent any longer. Populating in United States, Colonel Behrani had the American dream and wanted Esmail to complete his surveies, colonel knew they could n’t travel back to Iran for the political battle and they needed to maintain their position in a new state no affair how he had to work. Amir, every bit far as he was concerned, finished his surveies and formed a household. He reached his dreams even though his male parent was non at that place to see his success. Meanwhile, when Hassan was alive he wondered about Amir ‘s life in the United States, so far from Kabul where everybody lived in danger. Hassan was murdered by the Talibans and they took his boy to an orphanhood where the narrative was repeated. Sohrab suffered multiple maltreatments in that atrocious topographic point.

I think, the relationship between male parent and boy influenced on the male childs ‘ personalities, In the instance of Esmail, he was influenced by his male parent ‘s desires, Coronel Berani wanted to maintain the house no affair if the house was auctioned by error. Esmail, kept really attentive to his male parent actions and he even felt shame for Kathy Nicolo, Esmail felt the necessity to protect his household and his house. Coronel Bernai, felt despair after seeing his boy ‘s organic structure covered by blood and puting on the floor, he is fustrated for holding involved his boy onto his personal businesss.

Even Hassan wanted the best for his boy and did everything to alter his boy ‘s life but Sohrab was raped by Assef and by the Talibans. He was every bit guiltless as his male parent but ever abused by others and this is a barbarous fact, a low and good psyche is ever perturbed by evil existences. In this instance we have the artlessness of another kid who after these difficult experiences was taken to United States. He was entirely at that place, merely with an uncle that did n’t cognize him and who wanted to give him love, but how? he was n’t able to have love.

The loss of a relation is ever difficult and specially for a small kid. Sohrab experienced that with the violent death of his male parent and female parent, Amir with the absence of his female parent and the bitterness for allowing his friend get raped and Colonel Behrani ‘s mistake for holding involved his boy in his personal businesss. If Coronel Berani ‘s had told his boy about the auctioned house and the proprietor, his boy would n’t hold died. But, Children take the illustration of their parents even if they act in a incorrect manner.

Baba as a male parent ne’er accepted Hassan as his boy, because he had had an matter with a Hazara and this was non good for his societal place. However he treated Hassan more as his boy than Amir. He knew that, in deep in him, he had something of him, something that made him his boy. Sometimes Amir realized and ever thought it was unjust that Hassan had the esteem of his male parent and he was considered merely a eldritch kid for him. Person of import was Baba ‘s friend who ever encouraged Amir to compose and he used to explicate to him why his male parent ‘s Acts of the Apostless were like that. He gave him a notebook for his narratives and it was him who took the function of his male parent and non Baba. With this wages Amir began composing and found his call.

Now, the inquiry is why Amir could acquire everything in his life? He was a rich kid in his state and even, his male parent, at the get downing ne’er seemed to be interested on what he wanted to be and make. He became a author and he was married with a beautiful and nice adult female. In the instance of Hassan, he could read and compose but he ne’er could be in peace because of the battles in his state. If Hassan as Amir had escaped when the Soviets took Afghanistan, Hassan with his endowment would hold become every bit successful as Amir.

Nowadays kids around the universe suffer this sort of unfairnesss and to be specific hapless kids suffer more, they are raped, they are exploited even by their parents and they are killed by stupid wars. Millions of kids around the universe dream, I have heard kids stating they want to be professionals, like, physicians, ecologists, authors, vocalists, creative persons, vocalists, etc, they dream and hope this life will supply them everything to accomplish what they want, but, some of them are disappointed, they have suffered a batch and they do n’t hold any dreams, they live as grownups working without instruction and without love, they do n’t woolgather because cipher has told them they can woolgather and they can alter their lives. They do n’t wait and they do n’t trust for anything, they are like visible radiations turned off. This is really sad because Children are the new coevals, they will be the hereafter of M & A ; eacute ; xico, the United States and all the states in the universe. They have to woolgather and they have to accomplish their dreams and as grownups we need to promote them. we need to actuate them to be great adult females and work forces. We need to avoid struggles ; we need to avoid wars that merely spoil dreams. It is of import to cognize that kids come with artlessness and the lone thing kids need is love. they need to be accepted, it doesn ‘ affair what race, it does n’t count what colourise their tegument is, I does n’t count where they are, from a mountain, a large metropolis, Oaxaca, Kabul or Vietnam. They have the right to be listened, the right to be loved. It is really selfish from our behalf that we merely think about our ain involvements, it is perfectly selfish that powerful states are merely contending and doing wars for economical involvements and they have to kill 1000s of kids. The artlessness in the universe is diminishing because the force against kids is increasing. Some kids have lost their legs because of landmines in the Middle-East, many kids do n’t hold anything to eat while large companies keep turning. But the sadest thing is that kids are enduring because their parents do n’t understand each other, it is sad that they, holding their parents have to implore love. some of them do n’t hold manner out, they are abandoned and they live in orphanhoods seeking to happen something that motivates them to woolgather and to alter their lives. Children around the universe demand to accomplish their dreams, they need to be happy and free.

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