An Analysis Of Ted Hughes The Wind English Literature Essay

Ted Hughes wrote his verse form ‘The Wind ‘ in 1966, like many of his plants it is a verse form mostly focussed on nature. In peculiar, this verse form represents the force in the natural universe and leaves the reader experiencing slightly disturbed by its imagination and the significance that it may connote. In ‘The Wind ‘ Ted Hughes is depicting a storm, through the strength of the imagination that he creates, he gives a sense that the conditions is alive and hence the storm has a personality of its ain. There is a big contrast between the conditions and the people sheltering in the house in ‘The Wind ‘ , this contrast passes the possibly larger message that Hughes is seeking to portray. The people seem defenseless and little in comparing to the force of ‘The Wind ‘ and moreover the natural universe. That being said, ‘The Wind ‘ is centrally a verse form about relationships ; the relationship between people and the natural universe.

The verse form begins with the upseting metaphor “ This house has been far out at sea all dark ” , giving the feeling that the house is like a boat lost at sea. After the initial storm, the feeling of devastation continues “ Rang like some all right green goblet ” this instantly gives the feeling that the storm is alive, and leaves the reader visualizing it as monstrous. The people “ Now deep in chairs ” appear delicate in comparing to this force and “ clasp ” their Black Marias conveying the image that they are frightened of the natural universe. Furthermore, the metaphors depicting “ The forests crashing through darkness, the booming hills ” gives the thought that even the house has been attacked all dark, as if by powerful moving ridges of this metaphorical sea on which it is forcefully being sailed through. The personification on “ The forests crashing ” and “ air currents stampeding ” besides continues the imagination that the forests and air currents are alive and have a personality. The later, “ That any 2nd would shatter it ” portrays the thought that the house is threatened by nature, and hence the people can non support themselves from its powerful force. This thought is further enforced by the people “ seeing the window tremble to come in ” in the sense that the house wants to give up to the storm, and hence the nature is a force far more powerful than worlds, this sets the image of the air current being like a elephantine in comparing to the people.

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Furthermore, the upseting imagination becomes more evident when even the morning does non convey peace and the storm continues “ Till twenty-four hours rose ” . Personification on the word “ rose ” here besides gives the feeling that nature is alive, as though it is acquiring out of bed. The farther usage of initial rhyme of “ air current wielded ” echoes the sound of the air current, and the simile of it “ Flexing like the lens of a huffy oculus ” carries on the go oning personification that air current has a personality ; the air current is wild as though it is huffy. The thought of the air current being angry is once more highlighted “ Through the brunt air current that dented ” , giving the image that it is a menace to the storyteller and could destruct them. Even the hills are no lucifer for the air current as “ The collapsible shelter of the hills drummed and strained its guyrope ” , this description of the hills being like a collapsible shelter makes them look weak, holding the possible to be blown off by the strength of this storm. Hughes continues to body the milieus with “ The Fieldss quaking, the skyline a face ” , doing a stronger sense of fright as if the air current is a monster in which the universe can non take on. The on-going thought that the air current is alive is extended one time once more when “ The air current flung a magpie off ” doing the imagination go more distressing, in the sense that the air current deliberately threw the bird and therefore its personality becomes even more evil.

‘The Wind ‘ is structured in six stanzas of four line pairs ; each stanza continues the personification of the air current being alive. However, with every stanza we read this subject becomes more evident through the usage of strong imagination, and hence more disturbing as the verse form unfolds. Although this verse form appears to be centrally about the relationship between people and the natural universe being portrayed as negative, Hughes besides uses a metaphor of the people watching “ the fire blaze, And experience the roots of the house move ” , in this case the people are cleaving to natural things, possibly in an effort to salvage themselves from the force. Furthermore, the fact that the people are utilizing the house and fire as comfort from the air current could convey the thought that the universe is being brought together under the power of the storm.

Ted Hughes was married to the American poet Sylvia Plath, Sylvia “ gassed herself in her kitchen following his matter with another woman.. ” [ 1 ] . Hughes confessed that “ Plath ‘s decease “ was complicated and inevitable, she had been on that path most of her life. ” [ 2 ] . That being said, ‘The Wind ‘ has been described as an drawn-out metaphor about Hughes ‘ relationship with his married woman [ 3 ] if she was on that path most of her life, so the failing of the people and the house could in fact represent her deficiency of emotional stableness. In this sense, the return of the coloring material “ green ” could stand for enviousness or green-eyed monster that may hold been existent in their relationship. Furthermore the breakability of the hills, the house and the Windowss could be a metaphor for how delicate their relationship was. This thought continues with the subject of nature, nevertheless, in this instance it would mention more to human nature.

Ted Hughes ‘ ‘The Wind ‘ uses a batch of strong imagination and through its uninterrupted personification of the air current being alive we become more disturbed by the nature of the storm in the verse form. This verse form appears on surface to be a description of the force of the natural universe and its relationship with worlds. However if we look into its significance in more deepness, although we will ne’er to the full know this without confirmation from the poet himself, ‘The Wind ‘ could in fact be a metaphor for the relationship between Hughes and his late married woman Plath. Like nature can non be altered, human nature can non be prevented.

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