Analysis Of Angels In America English Literature Essay

Angels in America focal points on two troubled twosomes. One cheery twosome and one consecutive twosome. The two twosome ‘s destinies become rapidly intertwined when Joe stumbles upon Louis shouting in the bathroom. The two rapidly strike up a conversation and Louis is leery that Joe is cheery. Harper and Prior besides meet one another. Harper ‘s panic and Prior ‘s unwellness both grow worse. It goes into deepness about defeat, human griefs and negotiations about loss, alteration, love, gender, illness, empathy, and calamity.

The defeats of the drama can be seen through Joe, Louis, Harper, and Prior ‘s inability to demo their sexual individualities. Frustration is something that we can all easy relate to and Angels in America successfully shows this. They feel frustrated because they are unable to come out and demo their sexual individualities. They feel frustrated because they are unable to comfortably demo their ain sexual desires. Sexual defeat is a frustrating emotion and we can all experience their defeats as audiences of the drama.

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Frustration can besides be seen through cheery people ‘s choler to the mainstream reaction to AIDS that became interlinked with political defeat. This was a consequence of the conservative recoil that began in the late ’70s which hindered homosexual rights. Political defeat was rampant around this clip because

Human griefs were besides traveling throughout the drama because they all feel grief. Human grief is one of the most hard strivings to cover with. Human grief is one of the most hard strivings to cover with because of the emotions that it brings out in us. Human grief is a really powerful emotion. We all trade with human grief otherwise. Human grief is difficult because it is related to love. Prior ‘s unwellness grows worse which causes bosom aching, Harper ‘s panic grows worse which causes grief, and Joe ‘s defeats seeking to demo his true sexual ego besides conveying about bosom aching to the audience. As Prior ‘s unwellness grows worse the audience feels the hurting and we want to be able to assist him in some manner. As Harper ‘s panics grow worse, we feel his hurting and want to assist him in some manner. And last, Joe becomes more and more defeated we want to be able to assist him in some manner. We see human grief through Prior ‘s unwellness, Harper ‘s panics, and Joe ‘s defeats.

Second, loss is seen through Prior ‘s unwellness. Loss is a strong emotion and we all trade with loss otherwise. Some trade with loss through unhappiness and desperation while others deal with loss in a different sort of manner. Grief is a large portion of loss. Grief is such a large portion of loss because it is a really complex, misunderstood emotion. The individual must travel through the five phases of heartache in order to successfully mend. The first phase of heartache is, “ this is non go oning to me. ” We deny the fact that something like this is really go oning to us. The 2nd phase of heartache is anger. “ Why is this go oning to me? ” The 3rd phase of heartache is dickering. We attempt to do trades with our partner before go forthing. The 4th phase of heartache is depression. We feel acrimonious, self commiseration, hopeless. The 5th phase of heartache is acceptance. We accept that we no longer hold this and we are stronger. We are able to accept our ain feelings and able to successfully mend. Prior is ill so the people around him are covering with loss and experience for him.

Third, alteration in the drama is seen through puting alteration. The drama shows the scenes quickly altering from offices to sleeping rooms, from infirmary wards, to the fanciful South Pole. The drama truly makes rapid scenic alterations throughout the movie and we can truly see the alterations in the characters as the scenes alteration. Joe is a different character in the office so he is in the sleeping room so he is in infirmary wards than he is in the fanciful South Pole. We see all these alterations rather quickly. In amount, alteration in drama is seen through puting alteration.

Love is seen throughout the drama in Joe, Louis, Harper, and Prior ‘s relationship. We see love through all these relationships because they all love each other. They all love each other in different ways and their relationships turn from friends to lovers or lovers to friends. Louis and Joe rapidly meet one another and rapidly go friends. They rapidly go friends because Louis is leery that Joe is cheery. Bing cheery himself, he can easy place when another individual is gay. Turning from lovers to friends is possibly a small more hard. This is so really hard because once you are romantic with person it takes a piece to travel through the healing procedure and successfully mend from being lovers to friends.

Sex can besides be seen through Joe, Harper, Louis, and Prior ‘s relationship because they are all fighting homophiles seeking to come out. Sex is such a large thing in our society because we all trade with sexual issues otherwise. Sexuality is a really large thing in our society because homophiles are viewed otherwise from straight persons. Homosexuals are traditionally viewed to be against the norm and straight persons are traditionally viewed as the norm. Homosexuality is something that is ever questioned and considered against the norm. All in all, gender can be seen through Joe, Harper, Louis, and Prior ‘s relationships.

Illness can be seen through Prior ‘s unwellness. Prior gets really ill at one point in the drama and we can truly see his illness come out. Illness is frequently really hard for one to cover with and we all trade with illness in different ways. Some get saddened by illness, while others react a small spot otherwise to sickness. AIDS is a immense subject in this drama. AIDS is such a large portion of this drama because AIDS is considered to be the “ cheery disease. ” Characters in this drama are characterized so easy as holding AIDS, distributing AIDS, or being portion of the AIDS epidemic. The drama truly allows the audience to inquiry AIDS and the spreading of AIDS. Sickness is something that we all most come to understand because illness environments us every twenty-four hours.

Empathy can besides be seen throughout the drama in the sense that we are able to see the other individual ‘s feelings. We are able to see the other individual ‘s feelings because we are able to understand another individual ‘s feelings or motivations. We are able to understand another individual ‘s feelings or motivations through Harper, Prior, Joe, and Louis ‘ relationship. Joe feels empathy for Louis about instantly. He understands what he is traveling through. When he becomes leery that Louis is cheery, he instantly starts to go empathic. We see this passage from friends to lovers as the two begin to understand each other. Empathies can be seen throughout the drama because we able to experience the character ‘s hurting throughout the drama.

Calamity is besides seen throughout the drama because the chief characters are fighting homosexuals. It is looked at as tragic because they are all unable to demo who they truly are. All the first instances of AIDS were diagnosed to gay work forces around this clip. Gay ‘s choler can be looked at as tragic because a batch of them were classified as being “ homosexual ” and holding dispersed AIDS. Many of them did non really dispersed AIDS but it is looked at as tragic because they are being unsuitably judged. We can see calamity through the fighting homosexuals throughout the movie ; they want to come out but they are unable to successfully come out.

In decision, the drama Angels in America goes into deepness about defeat, human griefs, loss, dependence, love, gender, illness, empathy, and calamity. We see frustration through sexual defeat. We see human grief through all the characters love. We see dependence for the character ‘s inability to alter. We see love through all their relationships. We see sexuality through the homophiles in the drama. We see sickness through Prior ‘s unwellness. We see empathy throughout. And we see tragedy throughout every bit good. All these feelings leave permanent feelings on the audience as a whole.

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