Racism, slaying, inhuman treatment, hatred, societal favoritism and poorness are features that Negroes populating in Mississippi identified with in 1950 ‘s ( Moody 402-408 ) . Anne Moody was born in1940, in poorness afflicted Wilkinson Country, Mississippi. Anne and her female parent worked as amahs for assorted white households, gaining every bit small as a dollar per twenty-four hours to back up their life. She graduated from high school in 1950 ‘s and attended Natchez Junior college on basket ball scholarship before reassigning to the extremely respected Historically Black College of Tugaloo College in the State Capital. She worked as a voluntary in Congress on Racial Equality, participated in Mississippi Freedom Summer and worked with many civil rights leaders. Her book, Coming of Age in Mississippi is an autobiographical book on life in Mississippi, the battle for Negroes, the racism, poorness, slaying and troubles faced by black kids and adult females in America ( Wynn ) .
Events in Chapter Ten
“ Everybody speaking about that 14 year- old male child who was killed in Greenwood by some white work forces. You do n’t cognize nil that ‘s traveling on besides what ‘s in them books of yours, huh? ” ( Moody 402 ) . This chapter begins with barbarous violent death of 14 twelvemonth old Emmet Till by white work forces. An event which reminded Ann of how she lived in fright of an ‘Evil Spirit ‘ that had killed a Negro some old ages back and would kill her excessively if she was non a good miss ( Moody 402 ) . Faced by hungriness and poorness, Anne had no societal life, no 1 to state her about racism, hatred, societal favoritism, slaying and all other cold activities in Mississippi. She utilized the small clip she had after school working at Mrs. Burke ‘s house to supplement household income. Her female parent had apparently given in to racial favoritism and wanted Anne to populate like any other black kid in Mississippi. She warned her non to speak about the male child ‘s killing lest she got herself into problem ( Moody 404 ) . Frightened by the male child ‘s violent death, Anne ‘s jitteriness at Mrs. Burke ‘s house was apparent. She broke several disks and became even more nervous when Mrs. Burke flatly told her that she could besides be killed like the male child because she was black. Consequently, Anne developed the worst fright of all, the fright of being killed because she was black ( Moody 405- 406 ) . Her female parent ‘s suppression and Mrs. Burke ‘s menaces did non impede her from happening out about NAACP ( Moody 408 ) .
Significance of the Events to Development of Anne ‘s Character to Adulthood
Anne ‘s childhood in a poorness afflicted household with a individual female parent who invariably struggled to last despite the fact that she was terrified of the inhuman treatment, racism barbarous violent deaths and societal favoritism faced by Negroes gave her finding to seek for the truth suppressed and hidden from her by her female parent ( Moody 143 148 ) . The changeless menace from her female parent to be a good miss lest the ‘Evil Spirit ‘ putting to deaths her, to maintain quiet about the male child ‘s violent death and non to advert anything about NAACP merely strained her relationship with her female parent. Anne seemed to deduce her inspiration to seek for truth about racism, inhuman treatment and force from her female parent ‘s warnings. This made her an independent free mind and Godhead of her ain thoughts. Her female parent represents the old coevals of Negroes, resistant to alter, cook to travel through racism, frightened by white people whom she views as superior existences with right to kill Negroes. She had to work for them despite the small wage and encouraged her girl Anne to make the same. This is clearly explained in this text,
“ Mama, did you hear about that fourteen-year-old Negro male child who was killed a little over a hebdomad ago by some white work forces? ” I asked her. “ Where did you hear that? ” she said angrily. aˆ¦ Eddie them better watch how they go about here speaking These white folks git a clasp of it they gon na be in problem, ” she said. “ What are they gon na be in problem about, Mama? People got a right to speak, ai n’t they? “ , ” You go on to work before you is late. And do n’t you allow on like you know nil about that male child being killed before Miss Burke them. Merely does your work like you do n’t cognize nil, ” ( Moody 404 ) .
This negatively affected Anne ‘s relationship with her female parent, which became progressively strained as she grew older and her skylines broadened. Anne viewed her female parent as an obstruction impeding her from being a free mind. She desired to dispute the system of inequality and racism. She hated Whites for their racism, force and societal disinclination towards the inkinesss. She besides hated inkinesss for giving in to mistreatment by the Whites ( Moody 408 ) .
Anne lived a life of poorness, her desire to cognize the truth about racism, societal favoritism and ferociousness faced by inkinesss in Mississippi was invariably suppressed by her female parent and other people like Mrs. Burke.However, their menaces merely acted as a motive to her. Finally the truth made her to detest the Whites for their ferociousness and racism towards the inkinesss and besides to detest inkinesss because they gave in to mistreatment.