As a slave proprietor in Uncle Tom ‘s Cabin, Augustine St.Clare ‘s attitude to bondage is non that clear and obvious. This paper focuses on his disposition and indorsement of Anti-Slavery. By looking into the inside informations of his attitude toward bondage, Northerners, human race and other things, by analysing the concrete actions and attitudes he does to his ain slaves and by demoing his alteration in positions and actions in the terminal, his interior belief can be known.
Anti-Slavery in Augustine St. Clare
In Uncle Tom ‘s Cabin, when challenged by Ophelia ‘s inquiry that “ do you believe slavery right or wrong? E® , Augustine St.Clare ne’er trys to reply it clearly with the stating that “ I am one of the kind that lives by throwing rocks at other people ‘s glass houses, but I ne’er mean to set up one for them to stone.E® He seems to wish happening holes of others ‘ theories but ne’er sets up his ain or defines his place. It is arguable to specify his place since he is a slave proprietor and a non-religious cat. This paper intends to take one side to stand for his disposition of Anti-Slavery by analysing his attitudes and his actions.
The Attitudes
To slavery, St.Clare admits that it is non a humanist thing but the violation of human rights because when slave proprietors buy a slave, they treat him like a commercial merchandise or like an animate being by “ looking at his dentition, checking his articulations, and seeking his gaits and so paying down for him, — holding speculators, breeders, bargainers, and agents in human organic structures and soulsE® , which is surely non a human like thing in the alleged civilised society. Meanwhile, he ca n’t stand that “ every brutal, gross outing, mean, low lived chap was allowed by the Torahs to go absolute tyrant of as many work forces, adult females and kids, as he could rip off, steal, or gamble money sufficiency to buyE® . Therefore, Augustine has expressed his condemn for this inhumane affair: “ Talk of the maltreatments of bondage! The thing itself is the kernel of all maltreatment! … For commiseration ‘s interest, for shame ‘s interest, we would contemn to utilize the full power which our barbarian Torahs put into our handsE® . Using jurisprudence volitionally to warrant bondage for him is by no means a baronial action in the progressing universe. The whole state is dark and he would wish to drop with it if that could “ conceal all this unfairness and wretchedness from the lightE® , and he has been ready to “ cuss his state, to cuss the human raceE® , outpouring his strong expostulation for the misdemeanor of human rights in bondage and discontent at the awful interventions of slaves. .
Knowing good about the Northerners ‘ typical attitudes toward bondage, he points out aggressively that Northerners like Ophelia loathes slaves as they would a serpent or a frog, yet they are incensed at slaves ‘ wrongs. Northerners normally would non hold slaves abused or insulted, but they do n’t desire to hold anything to make with the black slaves themselves as Ophelia refuses to learn or touch Topsy at the beginning. What they like would be to “ direct those inferior retainers to Africa out of their sight and odor, and so direct a missional or two to make up all the self-denial of promoting those low animals compendiouslyE® . Targeting at the coldness and lip service of the northern folks, St.Clare is meant to warn the danger of such positions, to force Ophelia to confront forthrightly to her failing and improper bias and to name for more just interventions toward slaves. For his portion, Northerners who are advocator of democracy and are against bondage do non move more nobly or right than the slave proprietors. Protesting that “ We are in a bad place. We are the more obvious oppressors of the Black ; but the unchristian bias of the North is an oppressor about every bit severeE® , he scolds the deep-seated prejudice of the Northerners and represents the same kernel of handling slaves both in the North and the South. His existent intent does n’t look to warrant the bondage but likely shows his choler and dissension to the equivocal and unsound attitude in the North. At this point, he is against bondage.
Making merriment of faith is another manner for St. Clare to throw rock at bondage. Religion to him is what “ can flex and turn, and descend and ascend, to suit every crooked stage of selfish, worldly societyE® and what “ is less scrupulous, less generous, less merely, less considerate for manE®0. “ Revivals of faith and resurgences in the slave-trade spell manus in manus together… The traders in the organic structures and psyches of work forces erect their base in the pulpitE®1 since “ Planters, who have money to do by it, — reverends, who have plantation owners to delight, — politicians, who want to govern by it, E® may “ falsify and flex linguistic communication and moralss to a grade that shall amaze the universe at their inventiveness ; they can press nature and the Bible… into the serviceE®2. The Bible can be interpreted in assorted ways and everyone would mean to happen the parts beneficial for his workss and warrant what he does by citing philosophies from it. That ‘s what slave proprietors normally do. As Augustine says, “ It ‘s pretty by and large understood that work forces do n’t draw a bead on after the absolute right, but merely to make aboutE®3. Trusting on the unfairness and misunderstanding of Scripture for bondage for him is rather dubious and groundless: “ Suppose that something should convey down the monetary value of cotton one time and everlastingly, and do the whole slave belongings a drug in the market, do n’t you think we should shortly hold another version of the Scripture philosophy? E®4. When the state of affairs goes the other manner, those who support bondage would alter the manner of understanding the Bible for their involvements. By reasoning that “ When I look for a faith, I must look for something above me and non something beneathE®5 he represents his expostulation to utilizing the Bible to warrant bondage.
To transport the affair farther, he renders the position in the kernel and the category of human existences and the whole universe. “ Looking at the high and the low all the universe over, and it ‘s the same narrative since the lower category used up their organic structure, psyche and spirit for the good of the upper.E®6 His brother Alfred reckons that “ there must be a lower category, given up to physical labor and confined to an carnal nature ; and a higher one thereby acquires leisure and wealth for a more expanded intelligence and improvementE®7 but St, Clare is does n’t believe in those theories and he “ was born a democratE®8to advocator of the equality of human race. Indicating out that “ Our system is educating them in brutality and ferociousness. We are interrupting all humanising ties, and doing them beastly beastsE®9, Augustine accuses of the whole system that has been set up for old ages to dehumanise a race and, “ if they get the upper manus, E® the state of affairs would be turn around like the rebellion of the people of Hayti. They would happen the autonomy themselves and “ They will lift, and raise with them their female parent ‘s race.E®0
“ One thing is certain, — that there is a mustering among the multitudes, the universe over ; and there is a dies irae coming on, Oklahoman or subsequently. The same thing is working in Europe, in England, and in this state. E®1 St.Clare shows his avowal and hope toward the twenty-four hours when the unfair and barbarous things all over the universe would has its concluding judgement. “ My female parent used to state me of a millenary that was coming… Sometimes I think all this sighing, and groaning, and stirring among the dry castanetss foretells what she used to state me was coming. E®2
Admiting the inhuman of bondage, throwing rocks at the lip service of the Northerners toward slaves, happening mistake with the readings warranting the bondage in the Scripture, reprobating the corruption in the human race of spliting the lower and upper categories, and aiming at the common coldness and bias of the whole state and even the whole universe, Augustine as a slave proprietor expresses small support for the system, shows his disdain for those who brag of bondage and denounces the corruptness of the human existences to mistreat the inferior. Since he understands good about the state of affairs of bondage in the state and the troubles of work outing the jobs, he holds the belief that the concluding twenty-four hours of stoping bondage and all those wretchednesss brought by it and merely delaies for the concluding judgement.
The Actions toward Slaves
St.Clare has indicated of his dissension and discontent of the position quo of bondage. Merely when he matches his words with his workss can he take his place clearly and show his attitude explicitly. Detecting his actions toward slaves AIDSs to perforate into his bosom.
When Augutine sees Adolph after coming back from, he “ offers his manus to himE® and says “ how are you, boy? E®3 in recognizing. This action shows St.Clare dainties Adolph as a human being with his regard for the basic human right. Detecting that Adolph is have oning his waistcoat, St. Clare does n’t call on the carpet him and seems careless for Adolph ‘s alibi. What seems to other slave proprietors unbearable is excusable for Augutine and he has his theory: “ As to Dolph, the instance is this: that he has so long been engaged in copying my graces and perfectionsE® and “ what ‘s the injury of the hapless Canis familiaris ‘s wanting to be like his maestro ; and if I have n’t brought him up any better than to happen his head good… why should n’t I give them to him? E®4 To liberate Adolph from the ailment of Marie, St. Clare takes the incrimination by admiting his encouragement and indulgence for Adolph to adumbrate himself. His penalty for Adolph is little: “ I have been obliged to give him a small penetration into his mistake.E® and “ I had to speak to him like a male parent, to convey him roundE®5. Never does he take Adolph ‘s errors earnestly. Alternatively, he even encourages and hopes Adolph to act like a normal human being and live a better life like his maestro.
The same instance goes for Dinah. Paying small attending to Ophelia ‘s ailment of Dinah ‘s hapless agreement of a clean and ordered kitchen, Augustine once more blames himself for non being the oppressor but “ the laden ownerE®6 who has no badness for the slaves and merely “ allow things travel merely as they doE®7 instead than call on the carpet the indolence of Dinah. Besides, he shows avowal for Dinah ‘s work: “ she gets up glorious dinners, makes brilliant java ; and you must judge her as warriors and solons are judged, by her success.E®8 In malice of the pandemonium in the kitchen like “ the rolling-pin is under her bed, and the nutmeg-grater in her pocket with her tobaccoE®9, harmonizing to St. Clare, eventually “ Dinah gets you a capital dinner, — soup, ragout, joint poultry, sweet, ice-creams and allE® and that is “ truly empyreal, the manner she manages.E®0What Ophelia ca n’t bear is a non a large trade for Augustine and he normally tends to happen out the positive side of his slaves.
Tospy, the slave miss whom Augustine saves for he is “ tired of hearing her shriek, and them crushing and cursing at herE®1, is handed over to Ophelia by St. Clare as a manner to prove his cousin ‘s faith and philosophy. When Ophelia is ferocious about Topsy ‘s incorrect behaviours, Augustine asks her to flog the slave miss, cognizing that the cilium which he ne’er does by himself wo n’t work on Topsy for she “ is used to that manner of operationE®2. Harmonizing to St. Clare, “ Whipping and maltreatment are like tincture of opium ; you have to duplicate the dosage as the esthesias declineE® and that merely do “ the proprietor turn more and crueler, as the retainer more and more callousE®3. That represents his discontent and expostulation of the tannings and violent penalties for slaves. Meanwhile, St. Clare frequently calls Topsy to divert himself, and gets her to “ reiterate the piquing passagesE® as a manner to mock the unfairness of faith and annoys his cousin. Topsy, whenever her brings her into problem she ever takes safety behind St.Clare ‘s chair who “ in one manner or other, would do peace for herE®4. Clearly, St. Clare is sympathetic with Topsy, tolerant of her incorrect making and utilize her to expose the immorality of bondage and incorrect instruction of the faith.
Appreciating Tom ‘s aid for salvaging Eva and purchasing him at the will of Eva, St.Clare at the beginning takes Tom as the other slaves like Adolph and warns him non to imbibe excessively much a hebdomad, which hurts Tom ‘s feeling. But bit by bit, Augustine is “ smitten with Tom ‘s soundness of head and good concern capacityE® and confides in him more and more “ till bit by bit all the selling and supplying for the household are in sure to TomE®.5Never does Augustine cover his esteem for Tom, with the compliment that “ Tom, is a hero to Eva… his vocals and Methodist anthem are better than an opera, and the traps and small spots of rubbish in his pocket a mine of gems, and he the most fantastic Tom that of all time wore a black skin.E®6 Convinced by Tom ‘s capableness, touched by Tom ‘s trueness and struck by Tom ‘s piousness to God, St. Clare realizes Tom is rare and finally takes Tom as a friend and a good helper instead than a slave, swearing and depending on him greatly. Augustine feels loath to portion with Tom and does “ non like it that Tom should be so ready to go forth himE®7 when he decides to liberate Tom.
Tolerant of Adolph and Dinah ‘s errors and piquing behaviours, sympathetic of Topsy ‘s experience, confident of Tom ‘s module and morality, Augustine can ne’er be harsh on his slaves. “ His ain good sense taught him that such a preparation of his retainers was unfair and dangerous.E®8 but he is careless about the problems and incommodiousness brought by his manner of handling slaves. “ He passed lightly over the most serious mistakes, because he told himself that, if he had done his portion, his dependants had non fallen into them.E®9The narrative that he forgives Sciopo ‘s flight and gives his freedom deriving the black ‘s trueness and friendly relationship testifies his attitude of being a merciful proprietor. Whenever he hears of Marie ‘s denouncements of slaves ‘ selfishness and indolence, he is careless and dry to repeat her words, diverting and opposing to her positions with the stating that “ it ‘s entirely inexcusable in them, in the visible radiation of the illustration that Marie and I set them, — this laziness.E®0 For St. Clare, it ‘s the maestro who is responsible for slaves ‘ seeming incorrect and piquing behaviours since “ from the female parent ‘s chest the coloured kid feels and sees that there are none but underhand ways open to itE® and so “ Cunning and misrepresentation become necessary, inevitable wonts. It is n’t just to anticipate anything else of him.E®1 From Marie ‘s ailments that “ He says their mistakes are all owing to us, and that it would be barbarous to do the mistake and penalize it tooE®2 the reader can state St.Clare really stands by slaves and backs up the weak. For their interest he truly does many concrete and practical things to do them populate better and to gain their good services and trueness. His manner of covering with slaves as mercifully and indulgently as he can, if non wholly demo his denial of bondage, at least, tells the readers that he is decidedly inclined to take slaves ‘ sides and resists against the inhuman treatment and penalties within bondage.
What is hard for St.Clare is to liberate his slaves, whom he is dependent on mostly and loath to give up, since he is “ really much temptedE®3 to hold all the comfortss they offer. “ St.Clare, whose propinquity to this salvaging muliebrity gives him the limited moral strength E®4 and ca n’t defy the enticement with more moral power. The ground he gives to Ophelia why he ca n’t put them free is that he ca n’t “ keep them as tools for money-makingE® and maintain them to “ assist pass moneyE®5, besides, that ‘s the belongings he inherits from his parents. By stressing that his slaves “ All were good satisfied to be as they wereE® and that “ everybody in this universe of all time does what they do n’t believe is rightE®6, he seems to hold some sensible and proper statements to keep his slaves. He knows precisely that what release means to break one’s back even though they have a kindhearted proprietor. When Tom is told about Augustine ‘s program to give him liberty, “ the sudden visible radiation of joy casted on Tom ‘s face as he raised his custodies to heaven and stress E»Bless the Lord! E?E®7. To hold freedom Tom would “ instead hold hapless apparels, hapless house, hapless everything, and have them hisE®8. Smart plenty to cognize that simple truth, Augustine still ca n’t set it into pattern for he is within that system and the failing of a human being is overwhelmed by the force of the outside universe. Learning about Prue ‘s suffering decease, St.Clare can merely province that: “ There would be no usage in interfering ; there is no jurisprudence that amounts to anything practically, for such a instance. The best we can make is to close our eyes and ears, and allow it entirely. It ‘s the lone resource left usE®9, which expresses his weakness and infirmity towards those cold interventions. What he chooses to make is merely to close his eyes and indurate his bosom since he ca n’t “ purchase every hapless wretch and ca n’t set about to right every single instance of incorrect. E®0The “ leave-things-alone ” attitude is his usual manner to get away the complexness and hardness of work outing jobs though he can precisely separate the right and the incorrect.
The Determination
Understanding good the immorality of bondage but wavering to take existent actions, Augustine is a merciful slave proprietor but non an emancipationist. However, Eva ‘s decease is so striking a blow to him that he becomes more determined to take some step. When asked by Eva if there is a manner to stop bondage at her last clip, Augustine answers that “ There ‘s no uncertainty that this manner is a really bad one ; I do myself I heartily wish that there were non a slave in the land ; but, so, I do n’t cognize what is to be done about it! E®1. This shows clearly his hate of bondage, sincere desire to acquire rid of it every bit good as the failing of his power. Then, after Eva ‘s decease, St. Clare becomes “ in many respects, another adult male. He read his small Eva ‘s Bible earnestly and candidly ; he thought more soberly and practically of his dealingss to his servantsE®2. Now he puts his insouciant attitude aside, attempts to cognize more about the philosophies of the Bible likely to happen out what is profitable for the slaves, scrutinizes his relationship with his retainers and contemplates on the job of bondage more earnestly. The brave and large measure he takes is to “ get down the legal stairss necessary to Tom ‘s emancipationE®3.
St.Clare attaches himself to Tom more and more and even asks Tom to read the Bible. Touched by the poetries of Lord that “ In every bit much as ye did it non to one of the least of these my brethren, ye did it non to meE®4 directing to the common people who do non demo any clemency to those necessitating aid, Augustine reads it twice as if he is “ go arounding the words in his mindE®5. For a piece, he says to Tom that “ these folks that get such difficult step seem to hold been making merely what I have, — populating good, easy, respectable lives ; and non disturbing themselves to ask how many of their brethren were hungry or hungry, or ill, or in prison.E®6 Admiting his wickednesss of non making something practical to alter the state-being of the slaves, he begins ponder on the job more unfeignedly and his head undergoes great testing and battle.
Finally, he tells Ophelia his decision that “ non making positive good includes every possible harm.E®7 With deep feeling, he implies to Ophelia he is the individual “ whose ain bosom, whose instruction, and the wants of society, have called in vain to some baronial intent ; who has floated on, a dreamy, impersonal witness of the battles, torments, and wrongs of adult male, when he should hold been a workerE®8. His argument with Ophelia “ becomes an juncture for him to repeat the denunciatory testimonies of antislavery.E®9 He is braver than he was and determines to take up his responsibility by “ get downing with my ain retainers, and, possibly, at some future twenty-four hours, it may look that I can make something for a whole category ; something to salvage my state from the shame of that false place in which she now stands before all civilized nations.E®0 This represents his house determination to set his words into pattern and his far-sighted position to the hereafter of bondage and the state. Furthermore, he is smart plenty to indicate out the jobs will be encountered and faced when all the slaves are emancipated and it will non be a easy undertaking to cover with when the racism is common all over the state. Questioning Ophelia that “ If we emancipate, are you willing to educate? How many households, in your town, would take a negro adult male and adult female, learn them, bear with them, and seek to do them Christians? How many merchandisers would take Adolph, if I wanted to do him a clerk… ? E®1, Augustine attempt to transport the action farther, to delve deeper into the job and to do the emancipation more valuable, utile and good to the slaves. He represents his inclination of going an existent Democrat and a practiser bit by bit even if his decease ends all the purposes.
With the words that “ Was I non merely stating you I despised it? E®2, Augustine shows his protest against bondage by size uping the defects of Northerners, the Bible, the human race and rights, the whole state and even the whole universe. What he wants is non to disown all of those things but to extinguish the negative parts within them and to do them relevant to each other to work out the job together. Standing by the slaves, covering all their errors and being sort adequate to them, St.Clare adopts actions to bespeak his dissents and loathe of the inhumaneness and ferociousness in bondage. For the ground that he is within the system and really tempted by the benefits of it, he ca n’t take a further and more brave measure to give autonomy to all his slaves, which tells his lip service and vacillation. Changes is taking topographic point after Eva ‘s decease and he makes up his head to set some ideas into pattern from himself such as puting Tom free. Although he does n’t transport it out exhaustively for the accident, his anti-slavery place and inclination to stop bondage is shown more clearly.