The caption of Shelley ‘s work, “ The Modern Prometheus, ” certainly implies the content of the novel, conveying our heads the ancient Promethean myths. An analysis on the secret plan and the chief characters in the narratives, Prometheus and Dr. Frankenstein, may take us to the reply why Mary Shelley subtitled her bookA Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus.
A A After comparing Prometheus and Dr. Frankenstein, it becomes clearer why the caption of the book isA Or, the Modern Prometheus. There are evidently many similarities in the chief characters, Frankenstein and Prometheus. For illustration, both Prometheus and Dr. Frankenstein give life to animals and as a consequence of this they both suffer their effects. Their purpose of making a human being causes them great agony and finally learn them valuable lessons. Mary Shelley incorporates some of the traits of Prometheus, such as being ambitious and make bolding into Dr. Frankenstein. It is because of their similarities that Mary Shelley decided to subtitle her book in mention to Prometheus. Her creative activity of the character Dr. Frankenstein is a modern version of the Greek myth about Prometheus. She besides shows how Frankenstein learns his lesson and refuses to do another monster because he knows what the effects of his ignorance towards the Torahs of nature will be. Just like Prometheus refuses to take the creative activity of the adult female from Gods, Frankenstein refuses to make a female comrade for the monster. In decision, the book is subtitled Or, the Modern PrometheusA because the fictional character, Dr. Frankenstein, has many similarities in their mistakes and apprehensions to that of the Grecian character, Prometheus. In Prometheus and Frankenstein, the supporters are really likewise in many ways. They created life, stole and got punished for what they did.
Equally far as Kenneth Branagh ‘s film version of Frankenstein is concerned, the Monster ‘s concluding stoping is different than the fresh version. When Prometheus was punished, he was chained for 1000s of old ages. The other Gods begged Zeus to demo clemency and eventually Zeus offered Prometheus freedom on one status and subsequently broke the ironss that bound him. After his old ages of agony, Prometheus was free. In the book, after Victor Frankenstein has passed off, the Monster begins to arrant words of sorrow to his asleep Godhead and of choler towards himself. The Monster continues to talk of his wickednesss and so comes to the point that he will go forth the ship ‘s vas and seek the most northern appendage of the Earth and so finally die at that place. The Monster believes that the lone thing to make now is to dispose of himself. Soon after he is done speech production, he jumps out of the cabin window onto the ice raft that carries him off into the darkness and distance, stoping the narrative. The film follows most of the narrative but differs in the Monster ‘s going. In the film, Walton and his crew construct a stretcher for the asleep Frankenstein and keep a funeral for him. After the funeral the ice that the work forces are standing on interruptions off and they rush back to the boat for safety. Walton sees the Monster in the H2O and extends his manus and asks him to come on board with him but the Monster garbages and swims to the ice raft that his Godhead lies on. In the terminal the Monster is seen drifting off on the raft with his Godhead. The manager of this film decided to hold the Monster and its Godhead complete the narrative together unlike the book ‘s version of the Monster traveling away to decease on his ain. And by allowing the