Journal Entries Of Crime And Punishment English Literature Essay

Entry 1: The novel opens with the debut of the novel ‘s supporter, Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, who is a fine-looking immature pupil in St. Petersburg during a bad heat moving ridge at the minute. Because of his pupil debt, he is in debt to his landlord ‘ therefore why he is traveling to see a ‘pawnbroker ‘ ( fundamentally pawn store ) , be aftering to slay the pawnbroker, named Alyona Ivanovna, in malice of the fact that perpetrating such a offense is revolting to him. Afterwards, he visits a tavern, why he meets a drunken clerk, Semyon Marmeladov, who rambles drunkenly to him. In chapter three, we are introduced to the seamy status of Raskolnikov ‘s place. While his house disgusts him, it besides serves him the isolation that he so desires. His female parent has sent him a missive regarded his sister Dounia, who has been introduced by Marfa Petrovna to Pyotr Luzhin, a adult male who wants an honest married woman. Raskolnikov ‘s female parent goes on to explicate to the matrimony will be in St. Petersburg and that she and his sister will shortly be in town shortly, and wants him to be Luzhin ‘s spouse in jurisprudence. He is angered by this chance. In the 4th chapter, he decides to interrupt off his sister ‘s nuptials, seeing as it seems that his female parent is traping the hopes on Luzhin. Because of his anxiousness, he decides to see Razhumikin, who is one of his few friends from the university he went to.

* Why does Raskolnikov want isolation so much?

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* Why does Raskolnikov resent Luzhin?

* What does the word ‘scaffolding ‘ mean?

* What is a Titular Councilor, and what do they make?

* What are ‘the strong beliefs of the younger coevals ‘ that Peter Petrovich references on page 33?

Entry 2: Raskolnikov decides to detain his visit to Razhumikin until he murders the pawnbroker. Soon, he has a dream about his childhood about sing his female parent ‘s grave. On the manner to gravesite, they encounter a waggon full of people, the driver of which is brutally crushing the old Equus caballus who can non draw the cart. Raskolnikov takes his dream as a mark of how to slay the pawnbroker, and finds out when her sister will be out of the flat, go forthing Alyona Ivanovna entirely and vulnerable. In chapter six, Raskolnikov weighs the options on the slaying, and decides that 1000s of good workss will account for one slaying and feels that the pawnbroker has caused nil except bad workss to society. He is confident he will non be caught and that this is non genuinely a offense. Despite his old strong beliefs, he is in a rampaging craze by the clip he reaches the flat. He attacks Ivanovna, hitting her in the caput twice with the blunt terminal of an ax, killing her. He so searches the flat for her keys and the money, but he discovered by Lizaveta, her sister, and in his terror, he kills her excessively by hitting her once in the caput with the crisp terminal of the ax. He escapes shortly after and returns place. Upon waking up, he is ferocious with himself for non locking his door and concealing what few things he did steal, and frights being discovered as a consequence. His amah arrives with a constabulary officer, who gives him a biddings to look at the local constabulary station. Raskolnikov sees this as a fast one to acquire him to squeal, and mocks the adjunct overseer at the station. It turns out to be a biddings to subscribe an IOU for the money he owns his landlady. He faints after catching a conversation about the slayings he had committed, and after he awakens, is terrified of being suspected of being the liquidator.

* What is the true significance of Raskolnikov ‘s eccentric dream?

* Why is Raskolnikov so captive on slaying the pawnbroker?

* Why is he convinced that the slaying would non genuinely be a offense and he wo n’t be caught for it?

* Why are n’t the constabulary suspicious of his unusual behaviour?

* What ‘s a horn comb? ( p. 75 )

Entry 3: Raskolnikov, believing that he may shortly be caught, is hallucinating with terror. He hides the booty stolen until a big stone, and is giddy after making so. He decides to eventually do his visit to his old friend Razhumikin and instantly regrets it, who though he is offered a interpreting occupation, which he refuses. His craze is declining, and begins hallucinating. When he reaches place, he believes that he hears a police officer crushing his landlady, even though his amah, Nastasya, insists that no such thing occurred and he shortly lapses back into unconsciousness. Raskolnikov is enduring from a febrility and had forgotten about the slaying. ‘ A adult male comes to see Raskolnikov with 35 rubles from his female parent. ‘ He ab initio refuses it, but shortly takes it. ‘ Raskolnikov is non certain that he ‘s to the full witting and decides to put low until he knows the full state of affairs. ‘ He is afraid that Razhumikin and the others know he is guilty, and considers get awaying to America. ‘ Razhumikin shows him that he has recovered the IOU and cryings it up, so leaves to purchase Raskolnikov some new apparels. A physician, Zossimov, and an research worker named Porfiry Petrovich pay him a visit, where Razhumikin discusses the slaying with the physician. The local painters are being accused, and Razhumikin has most of it sorted out ‘ except that Raskolnikov is the liquidator, who is excited by this conversation. Zossimov sees his exhilaration, but mistakes it as a mark that he is retrieving from his unwellness. Luzhin comes to see Raskolnikov, who openly dislikes him, but Luzhin ignores it. ‘ Luzhin is remaining with Lebeziatnikov and has made bad life agreements for Dounia and Pulcheria Alexandrovna. ‘ The conversation turns to the slayings and Raskolnikov learns that all people who had left pledges with the pawnbroker will be examined. ‘ Razhumikin remarks that the liquidator must hold been a novitiate who escaped by fortune. ‘ Raskolnikov accuses Luzhin of merely desiring Dounia to experience indebted to him, doing Luzhin to impeach Pulcheria Alexandrovna of beliing him. ‘ Raskolnikov threatens Luzhin if he of all time mentions his female parent once more, and is offended. ‘ Razhumikin and Zossimov notice that Raskolnikov seems to care merely about the slayings.

* What is incorrect with Raskolnikov?

* If Raskolnikov is so guilty about perpetrating the slayings, why is he so aroused by the exchange between Zossimov and Porfiry?

* Why is Raskolnikov still so hostile to Luzhin?

* Does the heat and rain symbolize something, possibly?

* What are ‘roubles? ‘

Entry 4: Despite his unwellness, Raskolnikov leaves his flat, make up one’s minding that life, no affair what, is better than decease. He goes to the Crystal Palace ( Palais de Cristal in the book ) and requests the newspapers of the hebdomad, while making so he meets Zametov, who is a police officer and a friend of Razhumikin. He tells him that an amateur must hold committed the slayings. Raskolinov asks him if he thinks that he committed the slayings. Zametov is at first frightened and confused, but so decides that he ca n’t be the slayer. Still slightly hallucinating, he decides

to eventually squeal to the constabulary and caputs for the constabulary station. On the manner at that place, he runs into Marmeladov, who had been run over by a passenger car after drunkenly faltering in forepart of it. Raskolnikov takes him back to his flat, where he dies. Some think he is traveling insane, and he returns place to detect that his female parent and sister are waiting for him. Raskolnikov declares that he wo n’t allow Dounia and Luzhin ‘s nuptials to go on. Both are grateful for Razhumikin for taking attention of Raskolnikov while he is sick.

* Why is Raskolnikov inquiring the constabulary officer about himself in respects to the slayings?

* Why make his female parent and sister show up out of the blue at his flat? Are they leery?

* If he is so afraid of being caught, why leave the flat and be out in the unfastened the manner he is?

* Why does he experience that leaping off a span would non be a dignified sufficiency of a decease for him?

* Why does Zametov believe that Raskolnikov can non be the liquidator?

Entry 5: In the following chapter, Razhumikin is crushing himself up for playing to Dounia ‘s emotion. Meanwhile, physician Zossimov says that Raskolnikov is something called a ‘monomaniac ‘ ‘ but he is non insane. Razhumikin goes to see Raskolnikov ‘s female parent and sister, surprised to happen that she is non angry with him, and tells them Raskolnikov ‘s life from the past two old ages that they have known each other, so they show him a missive from Luzhin bespeaking Raskolnikov ‘s absence at their first meeting. Dounia and Pulcheria Alexondrovna ( his female parent ) visit him, where he fakes being sentimental. His female parent is afraid of him, and he sees that. Raskolnikov is in a deep province of desperation and terror because he feels that he can ne’er talk freely once more without the hazard of uncovering the offenses that he has late committed. He so tells Dounia that he believes she is selling herself for money and forces her to take between him and Luzhin.

* What is a ‘monomaniac? ‘

* Why had Luzhin requested in his missive that Raskolnikov non be present at the first meeting?

* Why does Raskolnikov forge being ‘sentimental ‘ at his female parent and sister ‘s reaching at his flat?

* Why does Raskolnikov experience that Dounia is selling herself off for money? Better yet, why does he suggest an ultimatum?

* Is his female parent afraid of him because of his unwellness, or does she feel something more sinister?

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