In Flight Patterns the supporter William, from the really beginning of the narrative, faces internal struggle within himself about his household and work. He spends really small clip with them but he besides has to make his work. Before he leaves for his concern trip his married woman pleads with him to remain and though his desire is to remain, he can non. She urges him by stating “ Oh, the plane will be filled with other salesman. Let some other salesman sell what you ‘re selling, ” ( Alexie 38 ) . Despite her efforts to do him remain, Will says adieu to his household and leaves place. In many of Sherman Alexie ‘s narratives he talks about the battles of many modern-day Native American households ( Peterson 65 ) . Fekadu, his cab driver, starts stating him his life narrative and how he can non see his household. William realizes that he has a batch in common with the cab driver. Devastated by Fekadu ‘s narrative, William is rapidly drawn to the thought that he excessively may lose his household one twenty-four hours because he gave the feeling that planes were evil, besides the feeling if he left he would go forth his household in injury ‘s manner and he besides made him recognize that work was taking excessively much of his household clip and that is why he cancels his full concern trip to remain place with his household.
First, William decides to non travel on the plane because Fekadu has made a negative feeling of planes in his bomber scruples. Neither William nor Fekadu understand it but Fekadu ‘s narrative is subliminally stating him that traveling on the plane is a bad thought. In Flight Patterns planes represent a one manner ticket off from place. “ I [ Fekadu ] kissed my married woman and boies good-bye that forenoon, and I kissed my female parent and fatheraˆ¦.. I went to the base, got into my plane, and flew off ” ( Alexie 48 ) . William ‘s girl planted the seed to believe that traveling on the plane is bad because she thought terrorist would commandeer the plane and so Fekadu watered it by stating him he had to kill 100s of people because he was portion of the air-force. Fekadu besides tells him how he had to go forth his state, household, and all his ownerships behind and take his plane and fly to France ( Alexie 49 ) . Even though William is an active traveller, he has a bad image imprinted in his head about planes. Fekadu is feeding him dark ideas and that is determining his head to non travel on his flight. He is giving him the feeling of loss since he lost his household because of a plane and William might lose his excessively.
Second, William did non travel on the plane because he heard how Fekadu could non support his household and from that he concluded that go forthing his household would besides go forth them in injury ‘s manner. Fekadu stated, “ I could merely pray Selassie would go forth them be. He had ever been good to me, but he says me as unprompted, so I hoped he would cognize my household had nil to make with my flight. ” ( Alexie 49 ) Haile Selassie was an Emperor of Ethiopia. ( Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia ) . When Fekadu was stating him that he would drop bombs over metropoliss and kill many people, William had a vision of his “ married woman and girl huddling terrified in the cellar ” . ( Alexie 48 ) He is disquieted because he is non at that place to protect and be with them if they were of all time in that state of affairs. He could non forgive himself if anything bad happens to them. The lone manner for him to be at that place in times of demand is if he quits his occupation. William feels worse when Fekadu tells him of how he was non at that place to support his household. “ Fekadu left his married woman and boies 30 old ages before when he defected from Selassie ‘s absolutism by winging his military plane to France, where he received asylum. He ‘s ne’er seen them once more ” ( Wadsworth 1 ) . The lone manner for him to be at that place for them in times of demand is if he is with them and separated by work and this leads him to non travel on the plane.
Finally William decided non to travel on the plane because work was taking excessively much clip off from his household. Work is the ground why William ne’er gets to see his household. Work is the ground why Fekadu had to go forth his household. “ He hated to go forth but he loved his occupation, ” ( Alexie 39 ) . At the beginning of the narrative William was upset because he travels a batch and ne’er spends clip with his married woman and girl and after Fekadu told him his narrative Will ‘s foundation was shaken. Fekadu told him that because of the work he used to hold ; he can now ne’er see his married woman and kids ( Alexie 49 ) . William fears the same thing might go on to him. Fekadu ‘s narrative dealt with how he lost his household and had to cover with effects of his work ; William felt the same manner excessively. He has a difficult clip believing what Fekadu has to state but he does non desire to cover with what the individual he was depicting had to travel through and so he decided non to travel on his concern trip.
In decision William could non travel through with his concern trip because he was devastated by Fekadu ‘s life narrative. He used him as an illustration and learned from him and his relationship with his household. He realized that flight represented distance from household and if he was distant he might lose them. William could non travel through with his programs because he realized that if he is far off from the all the clip he would ne’er be able to protect them when they need his aid. He besides canceled his trip because work took clip away from his household. Since Fekadu ‘s relationship with his household was ruined because of his work William took it as a lesson to set his household before his occupation. “ By the terminal of their journey to the airdrome, the work forces have found common cause, laughed together and understood each other. And William has found the resoluteness to follow his bosom, ” ( Wadsworth ) . William decided non to travel because his bosom and head did non desire to go forth and after hearing Fekadu ‘s narrative William was encouraged to non go forth his household behind. As a consequence he cancels his concern trip and stays place with the household.