Okun ‘s Law ; an Empirical Test across States
BSc Economicss
Okun ‘s Law postulates an opposite relationship between the alteration in the unemployment rate and the difference between existent and possible existent end product. The relation has proven to be an influential empirical model in supply-side economic sciences. This paper sets out to through empirical observation prove whether or non Okun ‘s Law holds and how it varies across the UK, US and Japan during the clip period 1976-2006. The quarterly informations sets are analysed via both OLS Regression appraisals over the whole sample period and Rolling Regression appraisals over 18 separate subsamples, with the position to deduce how stable the relationship has been over the last 30 old ages. In add-on, we find that in the short-term the unemployment rate responds unsymmetrically to enlargements and contractions in end product when the concern rhythm is considered. There is a considerable sum of grounds that supports the utility of Okun ‘s Law as an empirical relationship.
Okun ‘s Law is defined as the ‘relationship between the alteration in the unemployment rate and the difference between existent and possible existent end product ‘ . The relationship has had a significant influence in macroeconomics in so far that the Law is widely used in macro-models every bit good as supplying the theoretical edifice blocks to lend to other empirical relationships such as the Aggregate Supply curve and the Phillips Curve. For this ground, Okun ‘s Law is an of import characteristic of supply-side economic sciences.
Okun ‘s Law besides gives policymakers and economic experts ‘ an indicant of how the economic system is executing in respect to both the labor market and the goods market. Additionally, cardinal Bankss, chiefly pecuniary policy, use Okun ‘s Law as a prediction tool to foretell alterations in the construction of the economic system. Its effectivity as a tool is slightly combative, since the relation is designed to be utilised as a benchmark or guideline to judge the public presentation of the economic system against, instead than as a stringent policy regulation. The relationship is often used to accomplish an optimum growing rate ( without inauspicious effects on the unemployment rate ) every bit good as more significantly – mensurating the cost of high unemployment which is regarded as both socially unwanted and a waste of human capital.
This survey specifically attempts to prove, utilizing the dynamic version of Okun ‘s Law, whether or non the relationship holds in the UK, US and Japan and how the relationship varies across these states over the period 1976-2006. This will be tested via OLS arrested development analysis. The cardinal research inquiry of this survey is to deduce from the consequences how stable the relation i.e. Okun ‘s Law been over the last 30 old ages for the UK, US and Japan? This will efficaciously captured by the sensitiveness of unemployment alterations when end product growing deviates from its equilibrium degree, viz. the Okun coefficient ( The ? term in the relation ) .
Most documents assume a symmetric relationship between end product and unemployment. As a secondary aim of the survey, an effort will be made to prove whether or non Okun ‘s Law characterises an asymmetric relationship, in so far that enlargements and contractions in end product have a different absolute consequence on alterations in the unemployment rate, an issue pursued by many writers in the extroverted literature. In add-on, the consequences can be used to construe to what extent policymakers can foretell the public presentation of end product and unemployment in an economic system hence the utility of Okun ‘s Law as a prediction tool, one time instability of the relation is taken into history.
The survey returns as follows ;
Section 1 nowadayss a theoretical background to Okun ‘s Law and its significance as an empirical relationship.
Section 2 nowadayss a reappraisal of the bing empirical literature on Okun ‘s Law along with treatment of any relevant skips and contradictions of the several writers ‘ findings.
Section 3 uses Blanchard ‘s ( 1998 ) methodological analysis as a footing for the building of Okun ‘s Law every bit good as supplying the necessary accounts of the variables used in the theoretical account and version of the relation used. The methods of informations aggregation and the restrictions of the methodological analysis employed will besides be outlined.
Section 4 nowadayss some preliminary informations analysis including descriptive statistics, trials for Stationarity, Heteroskedasticity, Serial Correlation and Chow Test for structural stableness.
Section 5 presents the empirical consequences and the subsequent analysis of the techniques used to construe Okun ‘s Law. Namely, OLS Regression Analysis over the whole period, Rolling Regressions over 18 subsamples, Stability Tests, and Dummy Variable analysis based on its usage in the theoretical account and how the empirical consequences integrate with the capable affair raised in the literature. The deductions of the empirical consequences for macroeconomic policymakers, the goods and the labor market are besides briefly discussed.
Section 6 nowadayss a opinion on the overall findings from the analysis of the information every bit good as supplying a critical assessment of Okun ‘s Law and its utility as an empirical relation across states. In add-on, possible recommendations will be discussed in the context of how the survey and/or the theoretical account can be improved for farther research.
Background Theory
Okun ‘s Law – the opposite relationship between unemployment and end product is regarded as ‘’one of the most dependable empirical regularities of macroeconomics ” . In recent times, there has been a considerable sum of research into the empirical significance of Okun ‘s Law. Policymakers are interested in prolonging end product growing and accomplishing a low unemployment rate and the relationship is seen as giving a reasonably good indicant of this every bit good as economic public presentation. The type of unemployment that will predominate depends on how labour supply and demand evolve over clip and is the premier ground why Okun ‘s coefficient has reduced over clip. The deficiency of empirical testing in this country is a major restriction of dependable Okun coefficients.
In 1962, Arthur Okun, an American economic expert, formulated and interpreted this relationship. He suggested a negative relationship between the alteration in the unemployment rate and the growing of existent end product. Many economic experts till this twenty-four hours, position Okun ‘s Law to be a really utile relation in measuring macroeconomic public presentation. Okun estimated that in the US ; end product growing of 3 % below equilibrium for one twelvemonth, leads to an addition in the unemployment rate of one per centum point ( rearward instance besides applies ) . However, more recent surveies have shown that in fact, a 1 % addition in end product leads to a decrease in the unemployment rate by 2 % .
The simpleness of Okun ‘s Law, affecting the usage of cardinal economic variables ( end product and unemployment ) makes it a dramatic empirical relationship to analyze. However, there are a figure of signifiers or versions that Okun ‘s Law can take. The prevailing versions of Okun ‘s Law are ; the difference version, the dynamic version, the spread version and the production-function version. This survey will utilize the dynamic version of Okun ‘s Law since it is both widely used by economic experts and takes into history divergences of end product from some equilibrium degree, which finally creates a more plausible probe.
Although the magnitude of the lessening seems to be worsening and with widespread credence of the relationship being permeant, structural differences in an economic system ‘s merchandise and labour markets coupled with the trouble that national authoritiess face in pull offing the economic system, highlights the demand to rigorously investigate Okun ‘s Law still farther.
Literature Review
This subdivision examines the bing empirical literature refering Okun ‘s Law and the most important findings in this country. The intent of this subdivision in peculiar is to measure the utility of Okun ‘s Law as an empirical relation against a figure of standards. Extra focal point will be placed on the different methodological analysiss and techniques used in the literature to supply the foundation for the present survey.
Using the original preparation of Okun ‘s Law Equation ( 1 ) Blanchard ( 1998 ) estimated the relation across the United States, the UK, Germany and Japan during 1960-2003. ( 1960-1980 and 1981-2003 ) . Harmonizing to the studies, as expected, the jurisprudence does keep in all of these states. The econometric techniques used by Blanchard in building these consequences involve the usage of standard arrested development analysis. It was brought to our attending that the US had the highest response ( -0.39 ) , whilst Japan the lowest ( -0.12 ) . This is in portion explained by the differences in construction within each state ‘s several labor markets. The survey made 2 plausible yet restrictive premises. The first being that ‘’Output moved one for one with employment ” . This is an of import point to observe since economic theory suggests that an enlargement in an economic system ‘s end product, ceteris paribus ( an addition in productive capacity ) will necessitate an equal addition in the sum of labor ( workers ) needed to bring forth that extra end product. The 2nd premise is that of ‘’A changeless labor force ” . This premise follows on from the first in that alterations in employment are reflected in opposite alterations in unemployment. A major review of these premises is the fact that in absolute footings, the rise/fall in the unemployment rate may non be relative to the rise/fall in the employment rate due to labor force engagement. Blanchard besides brought to our attending that in the Medium Run the relationship may differ due to both equilibrium values of end product and unemployment returning to their natural degrees. This accommodation of the variables means that certain macroeconomic policies can non act upon end product growing or unemployment rates. However, earlier preparations assumed any addition or lessening in the unemployment rate relation to the rate of end product growing to be in equal absolute proportions. The revised equation ( below ) rectifies this simplistic premise by affecting the existent divergence of end product growing from its equilibrium, where the Beta coefficient measures the reactivity of unemployment rate alterations to divergences of end product from equilibrium end product.
Uracilt –Uracilt-1= -? ( gyt– gY) ( 1 )
Potential Rate of Output Growth
Unemployment rate at t-1 periods
Output Growth at T periods
Unemployment rate at T periods
Sogner, L and Stiassny, A, ( 2000 ) investigated Okun ‘s Law for 15 OECD states to infer whether structural instability originates from the demand or supply-side of the economic system. The Keynesian point of view was found to keep small empirical cogency in contrast to that of the neoclassical 1. This is in portion down to the ‘’assumption of fixed monetary values and rewards. ” This is unrealistic to presume peculiarly in a universe where rising prices is everyplace a pecuniary phenomenon. Although houses do alter their end product programs harmonizing to alterations in growing, both alterations in rewards and monetary values will find the implicit in unemployment rate and any estimations based on such premises will deduce wrong consequences. Economic agents expect certain activities to happen in the hereafter based on either past or current activities. The most important determination of this paper is that the continuity in the unemployment is strongest in states that have a extremely protected labor market. Although this is inconclusive in contrast to other surveies, it implies to a certain extent that fluctuations in existent end product merely have a little consequence on employment degrees. This needs to be accounted for particularly in the instance where alterations of the relation are considered.
Most Okun ‘s Law judicial admissions tend to presume a symmetric relationship between unemployment and end product growing. In other words, end product growing for case, produces the same absolute consequence on unemployment. Harris and Silverstone ( 2000 ) managed to prove this premise utilizing hypothesis trials for New Zealand over the period 1979-1999. They discovered that Okun ‘s Law does keep by agencies of arrested development analysis over this period. The most indispensable penetration which can be extended across many states if demand be, is the Okun coefficient which they estimated based on their arrested development consequences. In New Zealand, ‘’a one per centum alteration in end product growing is associated with a 0.4 % alteration in the unemployment rate. ” This is in fact due to alterations in labour force engagement, labour hours and capital use. The strength of this peculiar survey was the usage of labour supply analysis which contributed in back uping Okun ‘s Law and its function on the supply side of the economic system. The writers do nevertheless, wrongly presume a symmetric premise throughout the paper and this is non plausible, particularly in the long-run.
Productivity additions and the construction of the labor market play a critical part to the result of any relationship between unemployment and end product. Walterskirchen ( 1999 ) proposed this statement to his survey. This peculiar survey generates differing positions to those posed by both Harris and Silverstone ( 2000 ) and therefore varies greatly in footings of the empirical consequences. The writer does back up Blanchard ‘s position refering the being of a ‘’strong positive correlativity between GDP growing and alteration in the employment rate. ” However, the extra accent placed by Walterskirchen is that of productiveness additions of labour supply and demand in the context of each state ‘s single labor market. The fact that the writer cites demographic influences every bit good as economic is critical to the edifice blocks of empirical consequences and whether or non they are consistent with economic theory. The writer carried out this peculiar focal point of the survey through two prevailing methods ; Time-series informations analysis for each single EU state and cross-country informations analysis for the period 1988-1998. In both methods at that place appears to be a strong negative correlativity between end product growing and the ensuing alteration in the unemployment rate. Walterskirchen highlighted the trouble in the computation of possible end product in order to gauge Okun ‘s Law and therefore disregarded this method in his empirical analysis, concentrating alternatively on the alteration in the rate of end product and unemployment. He did nevertheless, effort to rectify another ambiguity in that the relation overlooks the ‘’influence of investing activity and proficient advancement on labour productiveness. ” The consequences clearly show the rate of productiveness to be about 2 % in the EU, stand foring a changeless figure. In times of high unemployment, Okun ‘s coefficient will be given to besides be high ( 1980 ‘s ) . In contrast, demographics explain the part of the rise in population growing on the employment rate. It was found that an addition in population growing puts considerable force per unit area on employment to increase and as a effect labour productiveness diminishes. This is relevant since ‘’employment will merely turn if economic growing rates are surpassing productiveness ” . This adds farther weight to the claims of productiveness on the supply-side of the economic system and the function it plays in finding the rate of unemployment. ‘’The higher the Okun coefficient ( normally 0.3 to 0.5 ) , i.e. , the snap of unemployment rates with regard to GDP growing, the better the opportunities for cut downing unemployment through growing and demand policies ” . This facet of the survey is of great importance to policymakers. The writer ensured that the significance of Okun ‘s Law at the authorities degree was non disregarded and therefore plays a function in the effectivity of policy at the macro degree.
Okun ‘s coefficient is capable to many dazes and fluctuations across states irrespective of how stable the relationship between unemployment and end product is. Perman and Tavera ( 2007 ) tested the presence of convergence of Okun ‘s Law coefficient ( OLC ) with regard to several groupings of European economic systems. The motive being this survey was to analyze how the cross-country discrepancy of OLC evolves over the grouping by agencies of both Rolling Regression estimations and a Vector Auto Regressive Model ( VAR ) . In footings of the methodological analysis, the writers find that the absolute value of the OLC varies from state to state even though the opposite relationship between unemployment and end product remained rather stable. This consequence highlights a new position in respect to the belongings of Okun ‘s coefficient non investigated by other literature in this country. The fluctuations and therefore the rejection of the hypothesis of medium-term convergence of the OLC is to a big extent based on state specific perturbations such as authorities policies, penchants and market rigidnesss. This empirical consequence has deductions for the effectivity of disinflation policy which the writer successfully draws attending to based on the construct of the Sacrifice Ratio. Although the nature of the alteration in the ratio is non specified the paper does give an original penetration into OLC convergence.
Okun ‘s Law can be used to deduce estimations of tendency end product growing but more significantly to concentrate on whether to utilize the tendency rates derived in building steps of the end product spread. Schnabel ( 2002 ) investigated this peculiar impression. He pointed out the troubles of gauging tendency end product, largely in portion to the legion methods which can do ‘’biases and jobs of reading ” . This is regarded as a major defect of Okun ‘s Law and Schnabel emphasizes this in his survey. The interesting facet of his econometric methods to prove for the Okun coefficient was by usage of Rolling Regressions for the G7 states he intended to gauge. This technique aimed to prove how the existent coefficients alteration or vary over clip ( many sample periods ) , in order to capture the moral force alterations which an economic system undergoes over a shorter clip skyline. The writers ‘ estimations involve the G7 states every bit good as the US, Japan and Canada, with each state ‘s coefficients being significantly different than those of the following. Schnabel found out that the full sample had similar coefficients with that of the sub sample. This indicates that the relationship was comparatively stable and accurate with the existent rates supplying a sound benchmark to be compared against. A singular add-on to the overall theoretical account was utilizing concern rhythm phases as steps against the obtained tendency values. This allowed the writer to prove the significance of the coefficients within different phases of growing, recovery or depressions. This is straight attributable to the instance of UK, which had robust coefficients of 2.2 for growing an estimation taken from the period 1980-1990. During the 1990 ‘s labour market flexibleness played vital a function in increasing engagement rates within the labour market. This would propose that every bit possible end product grows, existent positive end product growing exists. This is non a feasible position since cyclical unemployment is non changeless in all states. The writer, from the consequences, cited that sophisticated econometric techniques by usage of filters may bring forth more accurate consequences and less ‘’shifting of parametric quantities which are non deemed to be changeless ” . In add-on, the tendency rates obtained should ‘’not be interpreted as the rates of growing compatible with stable rising prices ” . By presenting rising prices into these estimations would perplex the appraisals since such alterations are reflected in the strength or fluctuations in the concern rhythm, which the writer right cites as a major restriction of his survey.
In their 2nd survey, Harris and Silverstone ( 2001 ) examine the direct impact of cyclical upturns and downswings on Okun ‘s Law. A trial which detects how unemployment and end product growing react ( proportionately ) to alterations in the concern rhythm is known as Asymmetry. Earlier, Blanchard made the position that Okun ‘s Law is symmetrical and many economic experts make this wrong premise. The accommodation procedure in the existent universe follows different waies and involves many complex factors. Both Harris and Silverstone appreciate the demand to prove for dissymmetry and ignoring this would see the hypothesis that there exists an opposite relationship between end product and unemployment, rejected every bit good as legion prediction mistakes being made in the determination doing procedure that policymakers go through. Output growing ( yt ) was found to be weakly exogenic and this was true for all the OECD states tested. Co integrating Trials ( were undertaken through Engle-Granger Two-Step method and Johansen Procedure ) were calculated by Harris and Silverstone in an effort to detect how the coefficients differed unsymmetrically when the stage of the concern rhythm was considered. It was discovered that accommodations to disequilibrium are non prevailing in the downswing stage of the concern rhythm but in the upturn stage they are more volatile due to the nature of both the goods and labor market which is consistent with economic theory. This is non the instance for the UK and Japan since consequences indicated that they in fact move in opposite waies. Although, non explicitly stated the writer manages to foreground the importance of this trial as a benchmark for other dealingss such as the Philips Curve, AS curve and Taylor-Rule apparently besides beef uping the instance for prosecuting more in deepness survey of relationships and their responses in different states.
Due to the impression that changes in production and employment are closely related, the consequence on unemployment and Okun ‘s Law can be significant. Kosfeld and Dreger ( 1992-2000 ) investigated the German Labour Market which accent placed on a certain degree of employment consistent with end product. This gave rise to the Threshold construct, which in basic footings refers to there being a finite sum of capacity both in the economic system and at firm-level. Any end product growing above this specified capacity will be given to make new occupations and a autumn in the unemployment rate over clip. This serves as an of import guideline to policymakers, albeit a different one to that specified by Walterskirchen. The thresholds in fact act as a determiner for both employment and unemployment. The writers ‘ application of Okun ‘s jurisprudence is from both the demand and supply-side although Okun ‘s jurisprudence is normally approached from the supply-side due to the operation of labor markets. Alternatively of back uping Walterskirchen ‘s position on demographics and other factors, the writers in this survey believe that they in fact weaken the relationship. This arose due to the complexness of structural developments in the economic system. The overall consequences followed on with the negative relationship between unemployment and end product bing in Germany. However the unemployment benefit system in Germany led to employment and unemployment reacting otherwise to alterations in end product. This response was detected in the 1990 ‘s by a method known as spacial correlativity equal to 0.2, which was regarded as comparatively weak. This method is regarded as unsatisfactory since the consequences derived do non do a believable part to the survey.
Huang and Chang ( 2005 ) proposed to measure the empirical cogency of Okun ‘s Law via structural alteration utilizing the threshold attack in Canada. This supports Kosfeld ‘s and Dreger ‘s old survey and line of intuition. The empirical theoretical accounts used are far accurate than old standard additive equations. This highlights the trouble in carry oning accurate Okun ‘s Law appraisals. The survey besides takes into history the presence of Serial Correlation and this is embedded into the undermentioned Autoregressive theoretical account ;
Uracildegree CelsiussT= ?0+ ? ?IUdegree Celsiusst-i+ ? Ydegree CelsiussT+ ªT
In order to obtain both the unemployment rate and existent end product growing ( GDP ) the writer has used the Hodrick-Prescott filter ( HP ) and the Band-Pass filter ( BP ) . Both filters are widely used and consequences of the survey show that Okun ‘s Law strongly holds, with consequences support the Law with high negative correlativities of -0.7967 and -0.8062.
However, the most important determination was that of a high Okun coefficient in the recession stage of the concern rhythm, this farther supports Harris and Silverstone ‘s impression that cyclical end product ‘s consequence on cyclical unemployment is asymmetric. A high Beta coefficient acts as a signal to policymakers that unemployment is extremely antiphonal to end product spread divergences and therefore provides a call for actions in the signifier of commanding the degree of AD in the economic system exciting labour engagement rates in the labor market.
Weber, C.E ( 1995 ) survey takes a similar way to that of Huang and Chang nevertheless, the component is more specific and therefore more precise. His intent was to prove Okun ‘s Law post-war USA, to see if the relationship has been stable after this period. The interesting facet of this peculiar survey is that there was an evident oil daze in the 1970 ‘s, which affects the supply-side of the economic system. Weber focused on the periods both after and before the oil daze. The econometric method used for this trial was preponderantly OLS estimations via some from of Chow Test, utilizing Dummy Variables ( below ) ;
Uracildegree CelsiussT =?1Ydegree CelsiussT+ ?2CalciferolTYdegree CelsiussT+ ?1t
The empirical consequences for the OLS appraisals were -0.314 which surprisingly turned out to be near to Okun ‘s original estimation of -0.32. However, parametric quantity stability was rejected due to the high fluctuation in the high t-statistic of -0.277 and -0.402. Weber did go forth range for farther hereafter developments with mention being made to the importance of the initial beginning of the daze ( supply or demand ) in the result of any alterations in cyclical unemployment/output.
On the footing of the bing literature, the general decision drawn is that Okun ‘s Law does keep across a figure of different states and clip periods, with both Blanchard ( 1998 ) and Schnabel ( 2002 ) doing a important part to the reading of Okun ‘s Law. The ability to deduce how stable the relationship is over both the long-run every bit good as the short-term proves critical in any empirical analysis undertaken. However, due to some of the constituents of the theoretical account being hard to gauge, viz. the end product spread, every bit good as other factors such as productiveness and rising prices impacting end product growing, uncertainties remain over the usefulness or dependability of Okun ‘s Law as a benchmark for policymakers.
Research Methodology
Modeling Economic Theory
This sub subdivision will supply the theoretical footing of Okun ‘s Law every bit good as the major implicit in premises of the theoretical account. In add-on, brief accounts of the techniques employed and the justification for their usage will be included.
Although, utilizing about the same methodological analysis as Blanchard ( 1998 ) the estimations may change well. First, the most important ground is that Blanchard ( 1998 ) tests Okun ‘s Law across a figure of different states including the G7 states. This survey looks preponderantly at the UK, US and Japan with the accent being placed on the former. Second, both surveies look at different clip periods and different frequence of informations. Blanchard ( 1998 ) tested the relationship from 1960-2003 utilizing monthly informations, while this survey will prove the relationship with a technique called Rolling Regressions, utilizing quarterly informations from 1976-2006, giving us a more up to day of the month appraisal of Okun ‘s Law. Another indispensable issue which could do the consequences to differ is the appraisal of possible end product ; needed to calculate the end product gap term in Okun ‘s Law. Although both surveies use this variable, the technique used to mensurate possible end product is different.
( 1 )
?UT= – ? ( YT– y )
( 2 )
UracilT= Ut-1– ? ( YT– y )
Pre-Analysis of the Data
Since specific informations will be used to construct an econometric theoretical account and trial whether the theoretical account has theoretical cogency, it is of import to find the belongingss of the variables in inquiry.
Description of Datas
To bring forth the theoretical account for Okun ‘s Law every bit good as trial for each state, ( UK, US, Japan ) this survey uses the 124 quarterly informations points obtained from DataStream, for the Unemployment Rate ( % ) , Real GDP and Potential GDP ( GDP ) for the period 1976-2006. The latter two are used to calculate the Output Gap term in Okun ‘s Law. To guarantee dependability whilst contrasting and analyzing clip series informations all the variables are logged.
Defects of the Data
The appraisal method of possible end product is an approximate when generated from the Hodrick-Prescott Filter and therefore the calculation of the end product gap term is non ever accurate. Many writers use the Band-Pass Filter and this may take to disagreements of the appraisals in this survey. There may besides be bias in the sample, since different states use different steps to find the unemployment rate. This survey has used per centum unemployment as per the Claimant Count, Bureau of Labour Statistics and Statistics Bureau.
Tendency Analysis
In Appendix A, a graphical history of each variable across the UK, US and Japan is given. It is evident that over clip Real GDP has an upward tendency which indicates an spread outing economic system, at the general degree.
This survey makes three important premises constructing on from similar premises made by Blanchard ( 1998 ) . First, we assume that alterations in end product lead to alterations of equal magnitude with alterations in employment degrees. Second, we assume that houses adjust their employment degrees in response to labour-productivity growing and this has no bearing on the rate of unemployment. In other words, higher induced labour-force engagement rates do non hold a damaging impact of the rate of unemployment, ceteris paribus. Third, we assume that end product in the long-run will turn at its implicit in rate. In other words y = y ( In equilibrium as the tendency rate suggests in Appendix A ) .
The relationship being estimated is the 1 between the unemployment rate and existent end product. Equation ( 2 ) is basically a dynamic version ( short-term ) version of Okun ‘s Law. The dynamic component stems from the fact that the economic system adjusts towards equilibrium over clip, therefore the usage of the end product gap term ( yT– yT) . The ? coefficient measures the reactivity of unemployment alterations to alterations in end product growing from equilibrium ( which is denoted by a subtraction mark in Okun ‘s Law due to the opposite relationship it implies ) . The equation ( 2 ) provides the model theoretical account which will be utilised throughout this survey. Economic modeling proposes that Equation ( 2 ) is non plausible under the conditions of presuming that last old ages ‘ unemployment rate and possible end product ( natural rate of end product ) do n’t alter. I.e. are observed into the changeless. To rectify this we introduce slowdowns into the theoretical account every bit good as presuming that possible end product is absorbed into the changeless. The added benefit to the inclusion of slowdown is that the reaction of aggregative supply and demand to the unemployment rate is allowed for over the quarterly periods. Under this new premise the unemployment rate is derived from the unemployment rate in the old period. The theoretical account therefore becomes ;
( 3 )
UracilT= ?0+ ?1Uracilt-1+ ?2YT+ ?T
In an spread outing economic system, existent end product additions at a stable rate, therefore seting force per unit area on the economic system ‘s idle resources. Okun ‘s Law therefore predicts that any additions in existent end product above some underlying tendency coincide with falling unemployment. Additionally, possible end product ( yT) is an unobservable variable. In order to deduce Okun ‘s Law ; an empirical appraisal of possible end product is needed. Potential end product ( yT) is generated from the Hodrick-Prescott Filter map in EViews. ( Appendix A ) .
Potential end product is regarded as the underlying tendency rate of end product. This efficaciously is the degree of end product that the economic system would bring forth if it utilised all of its resources. In order to let for this in the theoretical account for Okun ‘s Law we substitute the end product gap term ( yT– yT) into YTfrom Equation ( 3 ) .
This yields the undermentioned ;
( 4 )
UracilT= ?0+ ?1Uracilt-1+ ?2( YT– YT) + ?T
Policymakers are concerned with achieving expressed policy aims and in order to accomplish this they are interested in how the features of a variable have changed over the class of clip. In this survey, the key variable examined is unemployment, whereby accomplishing a low unemployment rate is desirable ; many national authoritiess prosecute this policy aim. The cardinal footing for Okun ‘s Law was detecting the cost of inordinate unemployment to an economic system when existent end product grows. In an ideal universe, the rate of unemployment would be low and an economic system ‘s growing rate to be spread outing at a sustained degree. Typically, unemployment is well unstable in the short tally which is clear to see in the graphical representation ( Appendix B ) of the unemployment rates of the several states ; The UK, US and Japan.
The primary job with running a arrested development over a whole sample period utilizing time-series informations is that the relationship does change in the short-term sometimes more frequently than the fluctuations in the long-run, something which is disregarded by standard OLS arrested development analysis. The importance of any empirical relationship is to account for alterations or fluctuations over clip, which history fells. In order to obtain more robust Okun coefficients every bit good as gaining control how the relationship evolves over many smaller subsamples we use a technique known as Rolling Regressions, ( besides known as a moving-window arrested development ) mirroring the survey carried out by Schnabel ( 2002 ) . Rolling arrested developments are highly utile in empirical surveies since they account for minute alterations in the coefficients over many different subsamples and in bend permit us to analyze Okun ‘s coefficients in the context of clip dependance. Furthermore, the part they make to whether a relationship is stable or non is comparatively accurate. Okun ‘s Law can be regarded as stable if the estimated coefficients for each subsample are similar from one subsample to the following.
This survey will gauge each Rolling Regression for the UK, US and Japan, based on 124 quarterly informations points. This survey uses 18 subsamples for each state with the first Rolling Regression get downing at 1976:1 until 1989:4 and the 2nd Rolling Regression traveling 4 quarters frontward – get downing at 1977:1 until 1990:4. This procedure is repeated for the UK, US and Japan in order to bring forth Okun coefficients in these subsamples. The concluding Rolling Regression estimation will be from 1993:1 until 2006:4.
The true relevancy of any relationship is one that is dynamic in nature. Okun ‘s Law is said to be asymmetric complete clip as the relationship evolves over different clip periods every bit good as different stages of the concern rhythm. The manner in which unemployment responds to alterations in existent end product growing tends to be different from that in contractions ( recessions ) compared to that in enlargements ( roars ) . Analyzing Okun ‘s Law in this manner gives us a more strict macroeconomic position of how the coefficient on unemployment responds to end product growing divergences from equilibrium over stages of the concern rhythm. Furthermore, this attack addresses the subject that most of the is literature discussed in footings of the being of an asymmetric relationship between unemployment and end product growing, and that it is non plausible to presume a symmetric relationship. This efficaciously means that upturns and downswings in the concern rhythm have a significantly different absolute consequence on the unemployment rate. The motive for proving whether recessions and enlargements have an impact on Okun ‘s Law is to prove whether or non the relation possesses any asymmetric behavior.
We achieve this by implementing dummy variables into the arrested development analysis in order to prove parametric quantity displacements for recessions and enlargements in the UK, US and Japan to account for any alteration in Okun ‘s Law during this period. Dummy variables can be equal to 1 or 0 up to the specific period of the event, enabling us to take into history such parametric quantity alterations.
During the period 1976-2006, the UK, US and Japan have experienced an upward tendency in existent end product ( Appendix A ) . This survey looks at the major or most important recessions and enlargements across the three states to infer ( in absolute footings ) to what extent each stage has on the unemployment rate. Harmonizing to the NBER a recession is a period where an economic system experiences ‘’a diminution in existent end product for a two or more consecutive quarters in a twelvemonth ” . Conversely an enlargement is a period where an economic system undergoes a rise in existent end product for two or more consecutive quarters. This survey will analyze the undermentioned stages of the concern rhythm ; The 2001 US recession, 1998 UK enlargement, 1984 US enlargement and 1992 Japan recession and the impact they have on Okun ‘s Law. First, we must re-estimate the theoretical account with a silent person variable. In the instance of the 2001 US recession we generate a dummy series with the figure 0 until the 3rd one-fourth of 2001 and the figure 1 after it, before presenting it into the theoretical account. This is repeated later for each state in footings of the day of the months. The theoretical account therefore becomes ;
( 5 )
UracilT= ?0+ ?1Uracilt-1+ ?2( YT– yT) + ?3vitamin D2001:3+ ?T
The drawback of this theoretical account in the probe of Okun ‘s Law is that the silent person merely allows the changeless to switch, whilst the other parametric quantities are deemed to be unaffected. To extinguish this premise it is logical to integrate the silent person variable with the other parametric quantities, viz. the lagged unemployment and possible end product. The theoretical account therefore becomes ;
( 6 )
UracilT= ?0+ ?1Uracilt-1+ ?2( YT– yT) + ?3vitamin D2001:3+ ?4Uracilt-1vitamin D2001:3+ ?5( YT– yT) vitamin D2001:3+ ?T
This theoretical account has the added benefit of capturing the displacement in the parametric quantities every bit good as the invariables which is far more plausible. The extra coefficients of ?4and?5gaining control the displacement in the coefficient on lagged unemployment after 2001 and the displacement in the coefficient on existent end product growing relative to possible end product growing, plus an error term, severally.
Statistical Methodology
Figure 1
This subdivision will discourse the diagnostic trials that will be used in the analysis of the theoretical account. Figure 1 below represents the tendency which the unemployment rates for the UK, US and Japan follow and some descriptive statistics for end product and unemployment across the 3 states. It is clear to see that the fluctuation in unemployment is far greater in the short-run than in the long-run where the rates seem to brace. The stableness in the unemployment rate in recent old ages characterises less continuity and to some extent the deceasing off of consistent dazes.
Table 1: Descriptive Statisticss
A variable is said to be stationary when it fluctuates around a changeless mean and discrepancy that is clip invariant. A unit root trial is a trial which assesses whether a variable is stationary or non. The construct of Stationarity is important in time-series analysis, since regressing non-stationary variables leads to ‘’spurious ” consequences. Econometricians and Analysts are confronted with this type of job often. An indicant of such consequences is a high R-squared or a low DW statistic ( although this is normally biased towards 2 ) . Since this applies to most economic variables, this highlights the sensitiveness and importance of non-Stationarity and its deductions in arrested development analysis. In order to set about appropriate empirical analysis the information must foremost be transformed into a stationary signifier. The clip series informations can be foremost differenced which would intend that the variable in inquiry becomes integrated of order one. I ( 1 ) .
We test Stationarity utilizing the Augmented Dickey Fuller trial ( ADF ) . The variables in inquiry have all been logged in order to account for nonlinearities. The general equation below can be applied to both the Unemployment Rate and Real GDP in order to execute the unit root trial.
?yT= a + gYt-1+ a2t+??I?yt-i+ ?T
( Where ?yTdenotes the first difference signifier of each variable ) There will be two separate equations, in which ?yTwill connote the unemployment rate and existent GDP ( The slowdown length N will be selected in conformity with the AIC or SBC standards ) . The consequences are shown in table 2 below ;
Table 2: Unit of measurement Root Test for Unemployment and Output
I ( 0 ) |
ADF ( 4 lags-Base Level ) |
T statistic |
5 % Critical Value |
S/N-S |
Variables |
With Intercept |
With Intercept |
With Intercept |
UK LUnemp |
-0.8719 |
-2.8856 |
Non-Stationary |
0.5504 |
-2.8856 |
Non-Stationary |
US LUnemp |
-2.1804 |
-2.8856 |
Non-Stationary |
-0.3635 |
-2.8856 |
Non-Stationary |
JP LUnemp |
-1.3871 |
-2.8856 |
Non-Stationary |
-2.6075 |
-2.8856 |
Non-Stationary |
I ( 1 ) |
ADF ( 4 lags- 1stDifference ) |
T statistic |
5 % Critical Value |
S/N-S |
Variables |
With Intercept |
With Intercept |
With Intercept |
UK DLUnemp |
-3.2404 |
-2.8856 |
Stationary |
-3.859 |
-2.8856 |
Stationary |
US DLUnemp |
-5.7907 |
-2.8856 |
Stationary |
-8.2416 |
-2.8856 |
Stationary |
JP DLUnemp |
-4.4134 |
-2.8856 |
Stationary |
-3.8997 |
-2.8856 |
Stationary |
For this peculiar trial the void hypothesis is H0: P = 0 whereby the variable is non-stationary and needs to be differenced. The alternate hypothesis is H1: P & lt ; 0 which signifies that the variable has a unit root and therefore does non necessitate to be differenced. The ADF trials above imply that existent unemployment and existent end product are integrated of order 1 ( 0 ) for each several state when the variables are lagged by 4 periods. The consequences clearly show that the variables are stationary after being differenced one time since the ADF t-statistic falls within the 5 % critical value for all the variables.
Although the theoretical accounts contain comparatively high coefficients of finding, there is a demand to analyze the remainders of the arrested development in order to carry on trials for Consecutive Correlation and Heteroscedasticity.
Since Okun ‘s Law is a dynamic theoretical account, the Durbin-Watson statistic will non be able to observe the presence of first order Serial Correlation. This is because the Durbin-Watson statistic is biased towards the figure 2 ( which would intend the presence of no Serial Correlation ) . For this ground we use a Correlogram of Residuals is assembled ( in EViews ) to observe whether Consecutive Correlation persists. Consecutive correlativity is of importance in these peculiar arrested developments since we wish to see whether or non there are unexplained forces/variables impacting unemployment which are non included in the theoretical account. The last 2 columns of Q-Stat and Probability give us an indicant to whether or non Consecutive Correlation is present. The void hypothesis of no Serial Correlation is accepted if the chance is greater than 0.05 and conversely is rejected if the chance is less than 0.05 ( accepting the alternate hypothesis of Serial Correlation ) . In the trial for Heteroscedasticity, we apply White ‘s Test ( cross footings conducted in EViews ) . The void hypothesis in this case is that of no Heteroscedasticity while the alternate hypothesis is Heteroscedasticity. The consequences are discussed in the undermentioned subdivision.
Once an appropriate signifier of the theoretical account has been established, we can set about the empirical analysis. The purpose of arrested development analysis is to detect whether or non the jurisprudence holds ( viz. an opposite relationship between the alteration in the unemployment rate and end product growing ) in the UK, US and Japan over the period 1976-2006 and to what extent it differs between the several states.
( 4 )
UracilT= ?0+ ?1Uracilt-2+ ?2( YT– YT) + ?T
Equation ( 4 ) above, is the Okun ‘s Law estimation that will be applied to the UK, US and Japan in both the arrested development tally over the whole sample period and over the 18 subsamples in the Rolling Regressions as stated in the methodological analysis. In building of the econometric theoretical account peculiar importance was given to non over-specifying the figure of parametric quantities. On the right manus side the end product gap term ( yT– y ) is the dependent variable every bit good as lagged unemployment rate of 2 periods ( which stresses the impact that the old two period ‘s unemployment rate has on the unemployment rate in the current period ) . The principle of set abouting arrested development in this manner is to detect how the coefficient in Okun ‘s Law differs between the three states every bit good as exposing the alterations in the relationship which yesteryear values tend to overlook in the instance of the Rolling Regressions.
In order to prove for structural stableness we use the Chow Test. ( Appendix B ) . The aim of this peculiar technique is to prove for structural stableness in the relationship over the sample period. Since the arrested development over the whole sample period will be run, the Chow Test ( after spliting the bomber sample in two ) will prove whether the Residual Sum of Squares over the whole sample is greater than the amount of squares over the two bomber samples. If this is the instance, the parametric quantities are deemed to hold changed. The breakpoints will be in conformity with the recession and enlargement day of the months stated in the research methodological analysis. If instability is discovered we allow for such alterations utilizing dummy variables as per equations ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) .
Empirical Consequences
The arrested development end product of Okun ‘s Law in the UK over the whole sample period 1976-2006 ( Appendix C ) clearly shows that the relationship has empirical cogency. This is highlighted by the coefficient on the end product spread whereby a 1 % point addition in the end product gap term i.e. existent end product from possible end product causes the unemployment rate to fall by 6.702 per centum points. This contradicts the probe carried out by Blanchard ( 1998 ) who derived Okun coefficients of -0.69 for the UK from 1960-2003. Since this survey is three old ages up to day of the month, it can be claimed that Okun ‘s coefficient has in fact increased, intending that the UK ‘s unemployment rate has become more antiphonal to alterations in end product. The chance on the coefficient is undistinguished, nevertheless, the arrested development consequence is consistent with economic theory and factors such as outliers and unexplained variables ( dazes ) may be lending to this peculiar disagreement. The high Roentgen2( coefficient of finding ) of 0.82 implies the theoretical account is robust every bit good as the comparatively low standard mistake of 1.65 on lagged unemployment of 2 periods.
As expected Okun ‘s Law besides holds through empirical observation in the US, nevertheless the US differs greatly from that of the UK. Harmonizing to the arrested development end product, a 1 % addition in existent end product from possible end product reduces unemployment by 24 per centum points. Blanchard ( 1998 ) discovered an Okun coefficient of 2 % for the US economic system, which besides supports the methodological analysis employed in this survey. This besides signifies that the US has an unemployment rate that responds to alterations in end product more than the UK does, keeping all other things equal. This suggests that a difference may be between the construction of the labor markets in each state and the velocity at which they adjust towards equilibrium in the long-run. The moderate Roentgen2value of 0.51 implies that the theoretical account is non every bit robust as that of the UK and this could be one of the grounds why the coefficient on the end product spread is remarkably high.
Similarly, Okun ‘s Law as expected, besides holds in Japan. However, the unemployment rate in Japan responds less than to alterations in end product in comparing to the US. It is discovered that in fact a 1 % addition in end product relative to equilibrium end product leads to a 1.40 per centum point decrease in the unemployment rate. The coefficient on the end product gap term is undistinguished even after being lagged to 2 periods. Although this is the instance, the consequence is consistent with the Okun coefficient estimated by Blanchard of -0.12 which was besides the least antiphonal out of the states investigated. The standard mistakes on lagged unemployment are comparatively low and the Akaike info standard of -1.59 confirms that the arrested development is an equal estimation of the relationship. In add-on, the low DW trial statistic suggests that the relation is non miss-specified.
Heteroscedasticity is present in the arrested development theoretical accounts for both the UK and Japan, since the chance of the F-Stat is less than 0.05, so we reject the void hypothesis of no Heteroscedasticity. However, the arrested development for the US displays a p-value greater than 0.05 and hence we accept the void hypothesis of no Heteroscedasticity. In the two theoretical accounts where Heteroscedasticity is present, we can let for this in the arrested development and rectify it by look intoing the Heteroskedasticity consistent coefficient discrepancy. This does non impact the indifferent belongings of OLS calculators. Additionally, it prevents the arrested development estimates to be undependable or undistinguished. From the Correlogram of Residuals it can be concluded that the chances are greater than 0.05 and therefore the void hypothesis of no Consecutive Correlation can be accepted. This besides implies that the remainders in Okun ‘s Law will non be capable to any misspecification. Although the coefficients in the theoretical account have improved, there may ever be some partial correlativity, as in the instance for Japan ‘s remainders, whereby up to the 3rd lagged value of unemployment and beyond sees a chance less than 0.05 and as a consequence an credence of the alternate hypothesis of some Consecutive Correlation.
We now proceed to detect the stableness of the relation via Rolling Regressions ( displayed in Table 3 and diagrammatically in Appendix D ) as stated in the methodological analysis. The appraisal over the 18 subsamples indicates changing Okun coefficients over both the clip period specified and across the states. The unemployment rate in Okun ‘s Law was lagged in 8 periods in order to acknowledge the impact of old one-fourth ‘s unemployment rate on the current period, while in the procedure extinguishing Serial Correlation which nowadays in the whole sample arrested development. As we know, the larger the coefficient on the end product gap term in Okun ‘s Law the more responsiveness unemployment is. Therefore from the beginning, it is possible to infer that similar Okun coefficients imply comparative stableness in the relationship over clip. Conversely, big additions or lessenings in Okun ‘s coefficient indicate instability in the relation. It is of import to observe that although the mark on the coefficients are consistent with economic theory ( viz. an opposite relationship between end product growing and unemployment ) the magnitudes of the coefficients may be inaccurate due to unexplained phenomena and the deficiency of sophisticated econometric techniques in comparing to old surveies on Okun ‘s Law.
Table 3: Rolled Arrested developments Over 18 Subsamples Subsamples |
Okun coefficient UK |
Okun coefficient US |
Okun coefficient Japan |
1976:2-1989:4 |
-5.27 |
-4.56 |
-1.52 |
1977:1-1990:4 |
-6.36 |
-5.68 |
-1.54 |
1978:1-1991:4 |
-6.51 |
-5.45 |
-1.51 |
1979:1-1992:4 |
-6.33 |
-8.74 |
-2.15 |
1980:1-1993:4 |
-11.40 |
-8.73 |
-2.41 |
1981:1-1994:4 |
-8.85 |
-4.95 |
-1.18 |
1982:1-1995:4 |
-9.24 |
-8.75 |
-0.79 |
1983:1-1996:4 |
-8.70 |
-0.36 |
-0.82 |
1984:1-1997:4 |
-9.24 |
-1.34 |
-0.83 |
1985:1-1998:4 |
-8.94 |
-1.38 |
-1.49 |
1986:1-1999:4 |
-10.83 |
-2.38 |
-1.67 |
1987:1-2000:4 |
-11.61 |
-3.61 |
-1.34 |
1988:1-2001:4 |
-13.57 |
-5.64 |
-0.98 |
1989:1-2002:4 |
-13.72 |
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