Romeo And Juliet Is Just A Tale Of Hatred English Literature Essay

To half the extent is what I believe the fact that its is a passionate narrative of hate and force instead than state a love narrative to what ectent is this true, I think really it is more about love serious and how force is involved in it. Shakespearee used it because it creates a great contrast such as the fact I it is love and its exact oppoistie hatred. It is every bit reuired in Romeo and Juiliet because this is what provides the contrast, the force and hatred accentuates the love narrative. The drama really begins with a prologue, even in the prologue the metion of ancienty score between two households comes before the star crossed lover spot, pg 18.

Shakespeare ‘s celebrated drama Romeo and Juliet is about a malevolent feud fuelled by an “ ancient score ” tangled with a tragic narrative about two immature lovers. Although his intent in making the concept is wholly debateable, it was ( PROBABLY ) created to enchant the audiences ‘ heads with play by working and researching subjects of force and hatred and love. While both facets had a strong influence in the drama, the subject of force and hatred was used to a greater extent. He emphasises this importance by utilizing it often throughout the drama.

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In the prologue, Shakespeare talks about force before love but he besides seemed to advert a batch about their love compared to force. The force and hatred accentuates the love narrative. Even though there are reference and actions of love scattered around the reference of “ a fued caused by an ancient score between two households ” comes before the “ star crossed ” lover spot, this could be sign that Shakespeare wanted to present force foremost into the drama and besides do it a cardinal point, pg 18. ( FIX QUOTE )

The first scene begins with a wrangle, this emphasises the importance of force in the drama. It besides shows that in Shakespeare ‘s concept he wanted to set force and hatred before love. ( QOUTE NEEDED ) The wrangle finally escalates into a public bash ensuing in hurts and decease. pg 25 – 26.

This shows a jokey type of hatred where a simple and stupid wrangle rapidly escalates into public bash ensuing in hurts and decease. This shows the stupid nature of wrangles and hatred. Shakespeare likely had this to demo the audience another position of force.

Act 2 Scene 2: scene 2: The whole scene is a love scene where they exchange their vows of love towards each other and they agree to get married each other. this is scene which has the most kernel of love in the whole drama. ( But non existent love more like infatuation like thing ) . pg 57 – 60. in this scene a great complication is introduced to the feud. Two equaling familes have people falling in love with each other. This love is certain to do more jobs. here Shakespeare uses love to stress his narrative about force and hatred while besides researching another subject ( love ) . He shows that love is really undescriptive and brainsick. And people do foolish things when they are in love.

Act 3 scene 1: Full moon of force and choler. It has Physical manifestations of choler and hatred and the ultimate degree of force and retaliation two deceases. pg 83 – 85. After Tybalt enter 21 – 35 Tells about how Mercutio winds Tybalt up and wants to contend him. Romeo so enters and there is the incident of refusal considered as abuses and Mercutio battles lines 35 – 60. Then Mercutio dies to take retaliation Romeo gets and allows himself to be wholly controlled by rage and ends up in force. lines 85 – 97. This shows the dark side of force and retaliation caused ( initiated ) rage ( hatred ) . It besides means the love was at that place so more force could be created. It seems Shakespeare is utilizing love to make force and that love can accidentally make force.

ACT 5:

Scne 3: portion 1

Mercutio and rome battle and Paris dies. lines 35 – 55. pg 141.

talk about love and decease Rome drinkis toxicant. pg 142. .

This once more proves one thing Shakespeare uses love as a method to stress and increase the effectiveness of the force and hatred displayed by either doing the it by love or by increasing its effects or strength by adding the factor of love into the drama. The besides shows how violent love can be. It besides explores and different type of love than what we saw earlier in act 2 scene 2. Here we see deadly/fatal love.

Shakespeare ‘s chief intent in Romeo and Juliet is to state a passionate narrative of hate and force instead than state a love narrative. This intent was at hand throughout the drama. Although force and hatred was used to a greater extent, love was still used to stress the force. The complication of love about adds an extra dimension/depth and develops involvement to the narrative ; it helps him farther improve and helps him in his intent to demo to his audience a narrative about force and hatred.

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