The Effects on Children of Absent Fathers and Divorced Fathers
The Effects on Children of Absent Fathers and Divorced Fathers
The household image has had a enormous alteration from the manner it was in the yesteryear and the manner it is today. There are several beginnings that talk about the different state of affairss within the relationships of the female parent and male parent and the effects that the relationships have on their kids. In Children of Gay Fathers, writers Robert Barret, and Bryan Robinson talk about the effects on children’s behaviour whenever there is a homosexual adult male rearing while raising his kids or kid. They besides talk about how difficult it is for homosexual work forces to come out with their kid or kids and the reaction of others environing their kids. The Ballad of a Single Mother Lynn Olcott tells her narrative about the battle as a individual female parent without the male parent of her kids in the image ( 446 ) . In Absent Fathers: Why Don’t We Ever Talk About the Unmarried Men? written by Rebecca Blank, she talks about the single male parents and why they are absent and the impacts that they have on their kids or families. The chief issue that these writers argue about is the male parent figures in children’s lives can impact the kids in a positive or negative manner depending on what is traveling on.
The one thing that all the essays portion in common is the fiscal trouble that happens when the two parents split up, the female parent or male parent. In Absent Fathers: Why Don’t We Ever Talk About the Unmarried Men? , Blank negotiations about the fiscal problem that individual adult females go through either because the male parent is: in gaol, abandoned the female parent, or the female parent has gotten a divorce and child support is non being giving to back up the kids. Blank provinces that when male parents leave that there is a fiscal load put on the female parent to take attention of her kids ( 440 ) . “The rise in individual parenting has non merely led to an addition in the figure of kids who physically live with and are chiefly raised by their female parents. It has besides meant monolithic fiscal abandonment of these kids by their male parents. This is a major ground as to why the adult females who raise kids on their ain are so likely to be poor.” said Blank ( 442 ) . Blank provinces that many adult females with low accomplishment working chances statistically have kids with work forces that are in the same state of affairs as them and therefore both parents can non supply for the kid like they should financially ( 443 ) . Similarly, Olcott talks about the fiscal jobs she went through without a male parent for her kids present in her narrative, “The Ballad of a Single Mother” . Olcott besides mentions how when she was working that money was besides an issue and how she was being underpaid like other female parents that were individual and had to care for their kids by themselves with no fiscal support ( 446 ) . She had to work a batch in order to take attention of her kid so she had really small clip to take attention of her kid most of the yearss. She even picked up another measure which was a daycare measure in order to do certain her kid was kept in order to work the full clip occupation to supply for her kid.
Olcott and Blank have stated that there will be a job in the close hereafter with the absent male parents and individual parenting and they don’t see it being figured out. Olcott wishes that she could pass more clip with her kids and have less fiscal jobs and she says that she does non believe that her girls or their girls will non be able to remain place and foster their ain kids without holding a kid every bit good. Olcott believes that there isn’t traveling to be a twenty-four hours where individual female parents could merely easy give up their occupations to take attention of their childs like in the yesteryear ( 447 ) . Blank thinks that it may be impossible to state work forces to acquire a occupation to back up their households in today’s society. “Though their behaviour may non be excusable, telling them to acquire a occupation and/or wage more in child support may non be as easy accomplished as in old ages past” says Blank ( 444 ) .
There are several differences in these essays every bit good. Spaces negotiations about the deficiency of information individual female parents fail to describe about the male parents. Most adult females know who the male parents are but merely neglect to admit who they are when the babe is born on the birth certification. She asserts that the actions of absent male parents are inexcusable ( Blank 444 ) . In contrast Olcott radius of her fiscal adversities non out of self-pity or sorrow, but as if she is proud to hold overcome the battles of non holding the support of her children’s male parent ( 447 ) .The parents of kids who have divorced or ne’er been married can hold a negative impact with the parents and kids. In Children of Gay Fathers, Barret believes that when parents go through divorces and the father’s gender alterations that the kid might go stressed because of cognizing their father’s gender. He besides says that the people that surround the kid, friends, might distant themselves from the kid or move different around the kid because of the friends happening out that the male parent is cheery may besides set emphasis on the kid doing them to distant themselves off from the male parent. Barret besides states that divorce itself puts emphasis on kids ( 410 ) . In Absent Fathers: Why Don’t We Ever Talk About the Unmarried Men? Blank agrees that the absence of a male parent in the family puts emphasis on the individual female parent and kid, and many times the kid has no relationship with their male parent. “For every individual female parent there is a male parent who is non populating with his children” says Blank ( 440 ) . In The Ballad of a Single Mother Olcott tells about the tests and trials that her and her kids had to travel through without their male parent being in their lives. She besides admitted that she had missed out on some events in her children’s life because she worked full clip. While working a full clip occupation she was non able to portion in these particular times with her kids, damaging their emotional relationships. One of her narratives is about her boy giving up association football because her financess began to acquire tight and she couldn’t afford for her boy to go on to play association football. She continues to state how a group of work forces who managed the conference assisting him to go on playing in the conference by paying the fees. She sort of relates these work forces to being that male parent figure that her boy ne’er had and shows that if the male parent was present that she wouldn’t have to worry about an issue like this one.
The manner American households are today is wholly different from within the yesteryear. It seems that holding an absent male parent is the new norm. In many households, you see many individual female parents raise their kids on their ain and battle to do terminals run into most of the clip. Most of the clip adult females have to hold authorities aid in order to supply for their kids. There are several beginnings that talk about the different state of affairss within the relationships of the female parent and male parent and the effects that the relationships have on their kids. In the three essays I chose, the writers portion a common land. They truly speak on the positive and negative effects that absent male parents can hold on non merely the kid but besides the household as a whole. The female parent struggles and the kid stresses because of divorce or because of the gender of the male parent and fright of what society might believe about the kid and parent. Some people say that a male parent being absent is inexcusable and experience sorry for the adult females to hold to travel through what they do or did and you have some adult females who are really glad that they went through the battle and get the better of it at the same clip like Lynn Olcott references in her narrative about being a individual female parent. You besides have some writers that agree with each other stating that they don’t think that individual rearing adult females will be able to give up their occupations all the manner and raising a kid at the same clip without fighting to make so. What are your ideas on individual female parents and absent male parents or individual male parents rearing?
Plants Cited
Barret, Robert, and Bryan E. Robinson. “Children of Gay Fathers.” Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric for Academic Writers. 7th erectile dysfunction. Eds. Mary Lynch Kennedy and William J. Kennedy. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2012. 409-414. Print.
Blank, Rebecca M. “Absent Fathers: Why Don’t We Ever Talk About the Unmarried Men? ” Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric for Academic Writers. 7th erectile dysfunction. Eds. Mary Lynch Kennedy and William J. Kennedy. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2012. 439-444. Print.
Olcott, Lynn. “The Ballad of a Single Mother.” Writing in the Disciplines: A Reader and Rhetoric for Academic Writers. 7th erectile dysfunction. Eds. Mary Lynch Kennedy and William J. Kennedy. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2012. 446-447. Print.