Dickens explores the construct of societal category from the gap chapters and emphasises how it has a profound consequence on the cardinal characters in the novel. The first sentence in the novel is important in that Pip has named himself as a consequence of his inability to articulate his existent name ; ‘I called myself Pip and came to be called Pip ‘ . Pip ‘s inability to articulate his existent name, referred to in the opening sentence of the novel, signifies his initial deficiency of instruction and reflects his societal category. Furthermore, as the novel develops, Dickens highlights Pip ‘s chase of going a ‘gentleman ‘ by delegating a different individuality to him as he ascends the societal ladder ; Herbert Pocket re-names him ‘Handel ‘ , which suggests that now Pip has left behind his working category background ; he must now follow a new character, albeit a character that has a really superficial mentality. This clearly indicates Dickens ‘ desire to exemplify the societal category divisions possibly non merely in the novel, but besides in Victorian England and accordingly how it has the possible to change a individual ‘s individualism.
Another illustration of the societal category divisions within the novel are farther indicated by Joe ‘s reaching at Pip ‘s deluxe flat, when he has been exposed to his ‘great outlooks ‘ . Pip is however, despondent by the intelligence of Joe coming to see ; ‘I had the sharpest sensitivity as to his being seen by Drummle ‘ . This one time once more is emphasized in demoing the developing contrast in societal position amongst the two characters. However, non merely does Pip handle Joe otherwise, Joe besides treats Pip otherwise, this is due to their now more evident societal division. Joe refers to Pip as ‘sir ‘ , which merely adds to the already awkward ambiance that Dickens creates to portray the societal divisions that now exist between the brace and which finally affect the characters ‘ personalities. Furthermore, the conversational linguistic communication used by Joe throughout the novel and in the transition ; ‘life is made of of all time so many farewells welded together… Diwisions among such must come… ‘ underscore his working category background and his deficiency of instruction. Additionally, the metaphor that he is a common blacksmith and Pip is a goldsmith nowadays the difference in societal category had how it finally brought upon their separation. Similarly, a connexion between the contrasts in societal position is illuminated in, ‘The image of Dorian Gray ‘ with Dorian ‘s reaching at the opium lair. Wildes ‘ presentation of the opium lair ; ‘a tattered green drape that swayed and shook in the gusty air current… Greasy reflectors of ribbed Sn backed them, doing quaking phonograph record of visible radiation ‘ , reveals the contrast between Dorian ‘s blue life style and the slums of the opium lair. The adjectives included in the transition, such as ‘Greasy ‘ , ‘tattered ‘ and ‘quivering ‘ create the image of poorness and societal discouragement. In add-on to this, Dorian ‘s enunciation and tone towards the other characters can be interpreted as degrading and bespeak his hierarchal attitude in that it signifies his belief of that those of a lower societal position are basically inferior.
Whereas Dickens highlights the societal category divisions between the supporter and Joe, he every bit draws close attending to the similar divisions amongst the inmates, Magwitch and Compeyson. The accent placed on societal category is once more stressed through the inmates ‘ test, both work forces are arrested for the same offense but Compeyson finally escapes penalty entirely because of his societal position. Here, a clear comparing can be made with the character of Dorian Gray in Wilde ‘s novel. In the same manner that Dickens uses the inmates to portray the differing positions and perceptual experiences amongst the societal categories, Wilde concentrates on Dorian and his socialites. Despite Dorian ‘s of all time declining repute and influence on others in society and Basil ‘s warning of his name and repute being questioned, Lord Henry and his ‘group ‘ ne’er ostracize him. As Lady Narborough provinces to Dorian ‘you are made to be good, you look good ‘ , bespeaking how he remains a respectable and popular person, albeit strictly down to his elegant visual aspect. This reiterates the importance placed on societal category and the superficial nature of society during the period that the two novels were written in. The authors are possibly foregrounding the challenges confronting society during that period, in peculiar the laterality and power of the hierarchal society that existed.
The character Pumblechook is a direct contrast to the really evident working category background of Joe and Biddy likewise. Whilst these characters are really cognizant of their position in society, they are nevertheless content. Pumblechook nevertheless, has no existent societal individuality. Pumblechook can be seen to be following a different character depending on his company. For case, at the start of the novel, Dickens presents Pumblechook as placing himself with Mrs Joe ‘s ailments of conveying up Pip. This is shown by reminding Pip, on legion occasions to be ‘grateful to them who brought you up by manus ‘ . As the novel unfolds, Pumblechook takes recognition for Pip ‘s rise in societal position. Additionally, his congratulatory mode towards Pip when he hears that he is to go a ‘gentleman ‘ is emphasised through his perennial handshaking with Pip. Consequently, Dickens manages to one time once more, make a societal contrast between the characters to portray the difference between the ‘honest ‘ working category, who are proud of their heritage and the instead substituting self-identity of Pumblechook. In Wilde ‘s novel, Dorian Gray drives past in a passenger car ; noticed by Sybil but unobserved by James Vane. Here, Wilde is stressing the contrast between the societal standing in that Dorian is siting in a epicurean and munificent passenger car, while Sybil and James walk the inexorable streets of the metropolis. Furthermore, this contrast between his epicurean passenger car and the foul streets is possibly a resemblance to the kind of life he has now adopted.
With Pip ‘s lift within the societal pyramid, his nature can be seen to be transformed from an guiltless immature kid to a indurate ‘gentleman ‘ . This dramatic transmutation is a consequence, in the chief portion, of Estella, who is the adversary along with the assistance of Miss Havisham in basically perverting Pip ‘s character. The societal category of both Estella and Miss Havisham is in itself of import in that Dickens portrays them as oblique and cheerless human existences whose chief aim in life is to bring down wretchedness upon work forces. This emphasises how Dickens is seeking to bespeak that does societal position does non needfully reflect a individual ‘s character. Satis House is symbolic, in that it represents the darkness and decay of Miss Havisham ‘s character. The stopped redstem storksbills throughout the house ; ‘There was a clock on the outer wall of this house… Like Miss Havisham ‘s ticker, it had stopped at 20 proceedingss to nine ‘ , symbolise that whilst Miss Havisham may be of high societal position she surely does non populate a satisfied life. Thus, Dickens reveals how societal category does non compare to happiness- Joe and Biddy are premier illustrations of this. Furthermore, the darkness and dust associated with Satis house is captured by imagination which is exemplified in transitions depicting Satis House ; ‘old brick and dismal, and had a great many Fe bars to it ‘ . Dickens includes the black description perchance to stand for the lives of its residents and to organize the general mentality of upper category society. In add-on, Dickens uses hapless false belief often to connote that a dramatic event is about to unfold and to make a particular ambiance. For case, when Pip travels through the mist on his journey to London, the mist may non merely stand for the air of uncertainness that surrounds the new progress in Pip ‘s life but may besides predict serious effects. In this visible radiation, Pip may good hold been better off if he were to stay with Joe and keep his working category values. Equally, Wilde ‘s usage of hapless false belief: ‘the dark was cold and dazed ‘ foretells Dorian ‘s formidable slaying of Basil Hallward, where Dorian displays ‘the huffy passions of a hunted animate being ‘ .
Ironically, Estella ‘s flush upbringing does non ensue in contentment throughout the balance of her life. Alternatively, she is exploited by members within her really ain societal division. Rather than being raised by Magwitch, her baronial male parent, Estella is raised by Miss Havisham, who through her ain selfish desires, corrupts Estella to the point where she is unable to interact with others and show her ain feelings efficaciously. The reader is repeatedly reminded of this construct by her legion warnings to Shoot that she has ‘no bosom ‘ . Similarly, Estella ‘s determination to get married Drummle, a bitter and apathetic character, finally consequences in Estella taking an stray and suffering life for many old ages. This once more reveals that societal category is non needfully an indicant of contentment. In position of this, Dickens is possibly satirizing the Victorian society in an effort to do us laugh at a civilization that puts great accent on societal standing and wealth but basically overlooks ostentation and the defects of the legal system. This thought is besides articulated in Wilde ‘s novel through the contrast in personalities between the supporter, Dorian Gray and the character of Sibyl Vane. The artlessness and pureness in which Sybil Vane possesses are important in relation to her labor background. Likewise, Dorian ‘s progressively selfish and hardhearted behavior perchance indicates the nobility that existed in Britain and the consequence it had upon society.
The superior attitude Estella shows towards Pip is cardinal in uncovering the intolerance shown towards the characters with a working category background. This is explicitly illustrated through Estella ‘s salutation towards Pip, mentioning to him as “ male child ‘ so frequently, and with a sloppiness that was far from complimentary, she was of about ( Pip ‘s ) my ain age ” . The salutation, devoid of any emotion, and the general air of high quality in which Estella expresses towards Pip, uncovers the category prejudices that encompass the novel. Estella ‘s pick of linguistic communication in her salutation towards Pip topographic points accent on her belief that because of Pip ‘s proletarian background, it finally signifies his lower status. On the contrary, it may be argued that Pip ‘s esteem towards Estella is non minimally down to her beauty ; money, position and prestigiousness that embrace her life may besides be a factor. Consequently, the reader is left with the impression that because of Estella ‘s image and character being so closely ascribed with position ; Estella is more a symbol of superior societal position than a figure of love affair.