The Process Of Encoding And Decoding English Language Essay

The chief intent of any schoolroom instruction in English is to better the communicative abilities of the scholars. To better the communicative abilities, the schoolroom instruction has to be needfully skill oriented. English linguistic communication is widely used for communicating intents and so competency in linguistic communication accomplishments has become necessary to better the communicative abilities specially listening, speech production, reading and composing ( LSRW ) .

Among these four accomplishments, both listening and reading are called as receptive accomplishments or inactive accomplishments and the other two accomplishments, viz. talking and composing are called as productive accomplishments or active accomplishments. It is of import to observe that these accomplishments are interconnected in order to accomplish the overall aims of communicating. Every thing takes topographic point and develops within the lingual, cultural and societal boundaries of the concerned society in which the peculiar linguistic communication is spoken. It is the course of study, course of study ; text book, learning methodological analysiss under the efficient operation of the instructor in the schoolroom, those pupils are shaped in communicative competency.

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2.4.1 Listening Skills

Listening is the capacity to treat information coming from an aural beginning. Such information is foremost filtered by the perceptual procedures of the hearer and absorbed into the short-run memory. Selected information is so stored into the long-run memory for retrieval at a ulterior phase, if and when required.

Listening is the first and first linguistic communication manner that kids get which provides the footing for the other linguistic communication humanistic disciplines ( Lundsteen, 1979 ) .

The activity of listening dramas an of import function in the procedure of acquiring/learning linguistic communication whether it is first or 2nd linguistic communication.

The lingual points like phonemes, morphemes, lexical points, grammatical points, sentence structure and semantics are taught to listen in order to develop other manners of linguistic communication – viz ; speech production, reading and composing.

Listening is a witting act. It is a complex, multi measure procedure by which spoken linguistic communication is converted into significance in the head ( Lundsteen, 1979.1 ) Wolvin and Coakly ( 1985 ) have identified three stairss in the procedure of listening which are having, go toing and delegating significance. In the first measure, hearers receive the aural stimulation or the combined aural and ocular stimulations presented by the talker. In the 2nd measure, hearers focus on or go to to choose stimulations while disregarding other deflecting stimulations in the schoolroom. In the 3rd measure, hearers assign intending to or understand the talker ‘s message.

The Procedure of Encoding and Decoding

An act of communicating requires encoder- the talker and decoder- the hearer. The talker encodes the construct or message through a set of codification. The hearer decodes the construct or message from the set of codification used by the talker. That is, on the one manus, the act of encoding involves hearing the sounds into words, words into sentences, sentences into discourses. On the other manus, the act of decrypting involves placing the sounds, understanding the vocalizations and their significances, and acknowledging the prosodic characteristics like tone, modulation, pitch, emphasis etc. used by the talker.

Listening comprehensive procedure

Richards ( 1990 ) draws two manner procedure of listening comprehension ; top-down and bottom-up processing. In top-down processing, the hearer gets an overall or general position of the text. This is facilitated in the hearer ‘s scheme allow him/her to hold appropriate outlooks of what he/she is traveling to come across. In bottom-up processing, on the other manus the hearer focuses on single words and phrases and achieves understanding by seting the elaborate elements together to construct up a whole ( Harmer 2001 ) . Harmonizing to Harmer it is utile to see Acts of the Apostless of listening texts as interactions between top-down and bottom-up processing.

The Speaker-Listener Polarity

For the effectual exchange of information, both the talker and the hearer are expected to be equipped with the competency of the linguistic communication which is used. That is, the same degree of competency is expected from the hearer and the talker every bit good. Any short- approach in the lingual competency of the hearer or the talker would impact the communicating. So, both the mutual oppositions should be more or less every bit equipped with the lingual competency of that linguistic communication for effectual and efficient communicating.

Types of Listening

Cralvin ( 1985 ) ( as cited by Chidambaram, ( 2005 ) has identified eight classs of listening with due general intent.

Translational listening-learning new information ( addresss, arguments, political conventions ) .

International listening-recognizing personal constituent of message ( new pieces of address, study ) .

Critical listening- measuring logical thinking and grounds ( intelligence broadcast ) .

Recreational listening- nearing random or integrated facets or event.

Listening for appreciation- information, doing critical favoritisms or choice.

Selective listening- Choosing certain characteristics at a clip ( phonic characteristics )

Intensive listening- for inside informations ( vocabulary, grammar )

Extensive listening- ( general thought narratives, rimes, vocals ) .

Relationship between Speaking and Listening

Talking and listening are mutualist procedures. The activity of speech production requires at least a hearer, an person or an audience. The talker speaks maintaining certain aims in his or her head. That is, talking involves conveying intending utilizing a codification and listening involves understanding the significance with the aid of codification the talker used. If it is a dealing, one manner hearing, the talker does non have feedback, but if it is interaction, two- manner listening the talker receives feedback for the hearer. In transactional or colloquial discourse, sending-receiving and receiving-sending are alternate phenomena.

Purpose of Listening

While listening to assorted texts, one applies different accomplishments to treat the text, depending on the intents for which one is listening.

Listening is the lone medium through which one entree the sounds of a linguistic communication and all the supra segmental characteristics of the linguistic communication, such as tone, pitch, emphasis, intermission, etc. Hence, hearing is a pre-requisite for speech production and at a ulterior phase, for reading.

Without cognizing how a linguistic communication sounds, one can non prosecute confidently in speech production in the linguistic communication, and without cognizing how the sound forms of the linguistic communication map, reading its artworks serves small intent. Teaching discriminatory hearing helps the scholar to grok the linguistic communication.

Listening can be a major beginning of pleasance and relaxation. Listening to the sounds in nature can be really soothing. Listening to person reading narratives aloud or poem is a enjoyable activity.

Listening is besides an of import societal accomplishment. Peoples listen to let a talker to speak through a job. Children, every bit good as grownups, serve as a systematic hearer for friends and household members.

Sub-Skills of Listening

Each accomplishment of linguistic communication comprises a big figure of sub accomplishments, whose value and relevancy vary from one state of affairs to another. Rosts ( 1990 ) has distinguished two sorts of bunchs of micro accomplishments of listening. ‘Enabling accomplishments ‘ ( those employed in order to comprehend what the talker is stating and to construe what they intended to intend ) and ‘Enacting accomplishments ( those employed to react suitably to the message ) .

Enabling Skills


Acknowledging prominence within vocalizations, including:

Discriminating sounds in words, particularly phonemic contrasts.

Discriminating strong and weak signifiers, phonic alteration at word boundaries.

Identifying usage of emphasis and pitch ( information units, accent, etc ) .


Explicating content sense of vocalization, including:

Deducing the significance of unfamiliar words.

Deducing inexplicit information.

Deducing links between propositions.

Ordaining Skills

Making an appropriate response including:

Transcoding information into written signifier.

Identifying which points need categorization.

Integrating information with other beginnings.

Supplying appropriate feedback to the talker ( Adapted from Rost, 1990. 152 – 153 ) . ( As cited by Chidambaram, 2005 ) .

Difficult Factors in Listening

There are five major factors that research workers believe affect listening comprehension.

Text features ( Variation in a listening transition / text or associated ocular support.

Interlocutor features ( Variation in the talker ‘s personal features.

Undertaking Characteristics ( Variation in the intent for listening and associated response ) .

Listener Characteristics ( Variation in the hearer ‘s cognitive activities and in the nature of the interaction between talker and hearer ) .

Teaching Listening Comprehension

Listening comprehension involves a figure of linguistic communication accomplishments, though the hearing may be the specific focal point. Teaching hearing can be categorized into two manners. The first 1 is learning lingual niceties like phonemic fluctuations, favoritism of similar sounds in words, acknowledging word boundaries, acknowledging morphemes, separating grammatical and lexical points in a sentence, etc. The 2nd 1 is learning how to listen to a context, how to infer intending for an unfamiliar word, how to acknowledge them over a discourse. These two manners are of import and inseparable for learning of listening comprehension. If any defect is found in instruction of either of this manner, its effects will be seen in other accomplishments of linguistic communication.

Testing listening accomplishments

Listening undertakings should take at assisting pupils arrive at the significance of words and arousing an scrutiny of the given stuff. The trial points include: Dialogue, intelligence, railroad proclamation, sentence, words, word braces, Numberss, telephone Numberss, old ages, yearss were used to prove listening comprehension of the pupils understudy. These trial points aim at measuring the ability and accomplishments of listening such as: foretelling text based on information, infering significance of unfamiliar words, acknowledging prominence with in vocalization including: Discriminating sounds in words particularly phonemic contrasts, phonic alterations, infering the significance of unfamiliar words, acknowledging grammatical mistakes in sentences, acknowledging word boundaries, etc, .


Here, the accent is on the importance of turn toing the differences between spoken and written texts in the instruction of listening accomplishments. It is merely when scholars are cognizant of the alone features of reliable hearing input that they can be equipped with the accomplishments to manage existent life communicating.

2.4.2 Speaking Skills

Language is the basic signifier of communicating between human existences and in a society. As human existences, they ever need communicating to show their thoughts to make everything ; what ‘s more as pupils or scholars they have to talk to show their thoughts to their instructor every bit long as larning procedure takes topographic point.

Address is the first and first signifier of communicating. It occupies a prevailing place in edifying the heads of the people. Information is understood and processed easy through address instead than composing. Speech is biologically endowed behavior of human existences.

Spoken linguistic communication has wider scope of maps to execute than the written linguistic communication. They start from insouciant self-generated conversations stoping with formal addresss and so on. Written linguistic communication tends to function instead specialised maps at the formal degree.

In the procedure of larning spoken manner of 2nd linguistic communication, learner brushs troubles because of inter and intra-lingual factors, linguistic communication daze, cultural daze and so on. However, troubles and jobs are inevitable in the procedure of larning spoken or written manner of the L2.

Procedure of Communication

Communication is a procedure of interchanging verbal and non-verbal messages. It is uninterrupted procedure. This procedure can be termed as human communicating or unwritten communicating. The activities of the communicating maintain eco-balance, co-operation, and tolerance and convey the people in a common line.

The complete communicating procedure is the hierarchal agreement of the assorted constituents of communicating. They are as follows:

Intended message




The standard message


Message is the cardinal thought that the transmitter wants to pass on. Messages can be abstract thoughts and feelings of talker who wishes to pass on. Encoder is a individual who sends the message in the signifier of words and gestures. Signal is a agencies used to interchange or convey the message in the signifier of the mechanical urge. Channel is the medium through which a signal travels. Decoder is a individual for whom the message is intended/aimed. Decoder receives communicating signals into significance and thoughts. Received message is the consequence of decrypting communicating signals. Feedback helps the transmitter in corroborating the right reading of message by the decipherer. Psychologically talking after having the message, the nervous system of the receiving system is activated and later interpreted and appropriate significances are assigned to the received codifications to do the communicating procedure complete.

Communicative Competence

The term communicative competency is coined by the anthropological linguist Dell Hymes ( 1967, 1972 ) . Light ( 1997. 63 ) has described communicative competency as “ Being able to run into the altering demands and to carry through one ‘s communicating ends across the life span. Communicative competency is the ability to direct messages which promote attainment of ends while keeping societal acceptableness.

The term ‘all manners of communicating ‘ ( Hymes, 1962 ) can farther be explained as the linguistic communication competency that has entire comprehension, and entire verbal expounding in all manners of society, which includes group interactions – inter-personal interaction affecting different dialectal countries. As it is apparent from the above, one thinks of two different types of competency, viz. grammatical competency and communicative competency.

Grammatical competency is the ability to acknowledge and to bring forth typical grammatical constructions of a linguistic communication and to utilize them efficaciously in communicating. Whereas, the communicative competency can be achieved by exposing oneself both to the construction of the linguistic communication every bit good as the societal behavior which pivots around certain conventional regulations as put Forth by the society.

Teaching/Learning Talking

Effective communicating depends on one ‘s ability to show oneself in address clearly, accurately and fluently. The development of spoken linguistic communication involves the development of matter-of-fact use in add-on to the development of pronunciation, building words, phrases, sentences and discourses. Discourse in acquisition of 2nd linguistic communication plays a critical function.

The phases of larning the speech production accomplishments of L2 are same as acquisition of talking L1. The jobs encountered by the scholars in the procedure of larning elusive, and elaborate cognition, show the gradual development of spoken linguistic communication. The intent of larning the 2nd linguistic communication fulfills when the scholars use linguistic communication with the existent people for existent intent.

Communication Scheme

Zheng ( 2004 ) suggests that communicating schemes are executable and to some extent inevitable for linguistic communication scholars to utilize in their unwritten communicating. These schemes can heighten linguistic communication scholars ‘ assurance, flexibleness and effectivity in unwritten communicating.

Tarone ( 1980. 420 ; 1983.65 ) defines communicating schemes as a “ common effort of two middlemans to hold on a significance in state of affairss where needed significance constructions do non look to be shared ” .

In add-on, Canale ( 1983 ) and Bygate ( 2000 ) argue that communicating schemes are used non merely to get by with any linguistic communication related jobs of which the talker is cognizant during the class of communicating, but besides to heighten the effectivity of communicating even if there is no job or trouble involved in an unwritten communicating. Therefore, it can be said that communicating schemes are normally used non merely to bridge the spreads between the lingual and sociolinguistic cognition of the 2nd linguistic communication scholars and those of the middlemans in any communicating state of affairs but besides to maintain their talk fluxing within their available lingual cognition, and finally pull off their unwritten communicating. And besides the scholars adopt the schemes wherever they encounter jobs at all the degrees of linguistic communication like phonological, morphological, syntactical and discourse.

Cook ( 2001 ) says communicating scheme of L2 scholars will heighten the acquisition ; and the scholars ‘ scheme indicates that the scholars are meeting the lingual jobs in the procedure of larning. The scholars wittingly or unwittingly use the intra and inter linguistic schemes to convey their message to others. By utilizing the scheme they get satisfaction, guaranting that they have conveyed the significance wholly to the inquiries by the research worker.

Learning Strategy

Learning schemes are defined by Oxford and Crookall as “ Steps taken by the scholars to help the acquisition, storage and retrieval of information ( 404 ) .

Strategic competency is ‘the manner scholars manipulate linguistic communication in order to run into communicative ends ‘ ( Brown, 1994, 228 ) . It is the ability to counterbalance for imperfect cognition of lingual, sociolinguistic, and discourse regulations ( Berns, 1990 ) . With mention to speech production, strategic competency refers to the ability to cognize when and how to take the floor, how to maintain a conversation traveling, how to end the conversation, and how to unclutter up communicating breakdown every bit good as comprehension jobs.

The scheme of larning differs from scholar to scholar. However Oaˆ?malley and Chamot ( 1990 ) have defined three types of scheme used by L2 pupils:

Meta cognitive schemes which involve planning and believing about larning, such as be aftering one ‘s acquisition, supervising one ‘s ain address or authorship and measuring how good one has done.

Cognitive schemes which involve witting ways of undertaking larning, such as note pickings, resourcing ( utilizing lexicons and other resources ) and amplification ( associating new information to old ) .

Social schemes mean larning by interacting with others. Such as working with fellow pupils or inquiring the instructor ‘s aid.

Strategy – procedure

Language processing involves the retrieval of words and phrases from memory and their assembly into syntactically and propositionally appropriate sequences. Effective talkers need to be able to treat linguistic communication in their caputs and set in coherent order so that it comes out in signifiers that are comprehendible and convey intended significance.

Procedure being used with mention to the systematic series of stairss by which the scholar arrives at the same use overtime. Bialy Stock ( 1978 ) distinguishes procedure from schemes by the standards obligatory/optional. Similar standards are used by Fravefelder and Porqurer ( 1979 ) who classify procedure as cosmopolitan, schemes as optional mechanism employed by single L2 scholars. Other research workers besides defined procedure as go oning development affecting a figure of alterations.

Testing Talking

In 2nd linguistic communication research, a great trade of attending has been paid to related country of communicative behavior. So, this portion of the chapter concentrates on communicating schemes of the L2 scholars. Here, it is a tactic followed by the scholars to hide a spread in their communicating. Hence, it is a trial given to place when and how the scholars make usage of such schemes in address.

2.4.3 Reading Skills

Human being has centered on the development of unwritten traditions and over the old ages, spoken linguistic communication as a tool of communicating has gained our importance. However, with the huge sum of information turning about, reading as a accomplishment and the ability to read for different intents has gained great importance.

Reading is an indispensable accomplishment and as a agency of communicating, it is every bit of import as speech production. More than merely utilizing any reading stuff as a tool for building cognition, it is importance to cognize how it is used. The pupils have to be trained to larn with the texts- a procedure via which pupils interact with the texts as they build their ain significance and cognition.

Education of a kid is uncomplete unless he/she is equipped with the ability to read, to decode, to construe and to understand decently the content of a reading stuff. The rational promotion of a kid is purely limited, if he/she is unable to read ( Yadov, 2002.45 ) . Reading plays a important function in linguistic communication learning/teaching because of its ability to feed one ‘s bing cognition in different ways.

Definitions of Reading

Reading is a complex accomplishment and witting activity utilizing the authors ‘ symbols intending and thoughts are obtained. However, the readers background cognition is necessary for complete understand of a text.

Reading is the procedure of building intending from written texts. It is a complex accomplishment necessitating the coordination of a figure of interconnected beginnings of information. ( Anderson et al. , 1985 ) .

Reading is the procedure of building intending through the dynamic interaction among: ( I ) the reader ‘s bing cognition ; ( two ) the information suggested by the text being read ; and ( three ) the context of the reading state of affairs ( Wixson, Peters, Weber & A ; Roeber, 1987 ) .

Reading is a complex procedure by which a reader reconstructs, to some grade, a message encoded by a author in a in writing linguistic communication ( Goodman, 1970 ) .

From the above definitions, it is clear that reading is a tool. It is comprehendible, construing and using textual stuff.

Importance of Reading

Peoples read for different grounds and intents. Reading is about the reader ‘s effort to detect what the author has produced and showcased in his or her text.

Reading is perceived as a manner to better one ‘s head and thought. Texts can teach, inform, entertain, motivate and inspire.

Widdowson ( 1979 ) says that “ reading is the procedure of acquiring lingual information “ via print ‘ through reading ; the information conveyed by the author through the print medium is retrieved by the reader. ” Written text non merely provides lingual significance but besides contextual significance. Linguistic significance involves represented information and this is called actual. Contextual includes the socio-cultural and knowing significance incorporated in the text. The efficient reader can merely recover both his/her actual and matter-of-fact significances from a text.

Psycho linguists and sociolinguists positions of Reading

Reading activity includes perceptual experience, acknowledgment, association, apprehension, organisation and happening significance in the text. So the procedure of reading is complex in nature and related to mental ability of the reader. Hence, reading is a psycholinguistic procedure. It starts with a lingual representation encoded by a author and ends up with significance, which a reader concepts. Therefore, it is an interaction between the linguistic communication and idea. The author encodes thought in the signifier of linguistic communication through the words.

Harmonizing to sociolinguists ‘ positions, the experience of the reader, involvement and attempts play a function in decrypting procedure. When a reader starts to read, he feels comfy, and he/she easy understands the significance.

The Reading Procedure

Reading is a complex cognitive procedure of decrypting symbols in order to build or deduce significance. It is a agency of linguistic communication acquisition, of communicating, and of sharing information and thoughts. It is a procedure of building intending from written texts. It is a complex accomplishment necessitating critical and originative thought processes to draw together a figure of interconnected beginnings of information.

Reading is a transactive procedure in which readers negotiate significance or reading. During reading, the significance does non travel from the page to the reader ; alternatively, it is a complex dialogue between the text and the reader that is shaped by the immediate situational context and broader socio lingual contexts ( Weave, 1988 ) . The immediate situational context includes the reader ‘s cognition about the subject, the reader ‘s intent for reading, and other factors related to the state of affairs.

Bottom up and Top down Processing in Reading

In the instance of reading, as with other cognitive procedure, Psychologists have distinguished two sorts of treating. They are bottom up and exceed down procedures. Bottom up procedures are those that take in stimulations from the outside world-letters and words, for reading and trade with that information a small resort to higher degree cognition. With top down procedures, on the other manus, the update of information is guided by an person ‘s anterior cognition and outlooks. Teriman ( 2001 ) says that in most state of affairss bottom up and down procedures work together to guarantee the accurate and rapid processing of information.

Reading and Reading Skill

In the procedure of reading, the reader employs his/her reading accomplishment. The grade of reading accomplishment varies from individual to individual harmonizing to the lingual competency and background cognition he/she possesses.

Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the act of understanding what one is reading. It is improbably complex and multifaceted. Reading comprehension is an knowing, active, synergistic procedure that occurs earlier, during and after a individual reads a peculiar piece of composing. Reading is non merely a cognitive psycholinguistic activity but besides a societal activity. In the procedure of reading comprehension, the printed words are non merely decoded as they are, but decoded by a reader utilizing his lingual competency, socio lingual and bing cognition about the subject.

Effective Reading

A successful reader is a individual who can manage big sum of written stuff ; the followers are the features of a successful or effectual reader Berg, ( 1971.78 ) . A reader is one who

has intent

can concentrate

grok what he/she reads

has a good vocabulary, and

can read quickly, but with rate depending on the stuff.

Poor Reading

One ‘s reading capacity usually fails due to his/her inability of acknowledging words and infering its significance. Apart from word acknowledgment, the cognition about the author ‘s capable affair besides controls the reading ability of the reader. Berg ( 1971. 5 – 7 ) says that the followers are the causes of hapless reading wonts:

Lack of effectual techniques

Lack of effectual pattern

Insufficient background

Technical inside informations which demand a slower reading and

Ocular jobs.

Teaching / Learning Reading

They can non go an effectual or fluid reader every bit shortly as he / she enter into the school. The desire and ability to larn to read turn out of a kid ‘s initial wonder about how to compose letters and words. Consequently, the kid has to go through through several phases to go an effectual reader. By and large the phases of acquisition of reading are categorized into three phases. At the first phase, the scholar learns to read the alphabetic orders ABC upto XYZ. Then in the 2nd phase, he/she learns to read its combinations ( like h.e, s.h.e ) . In the 3rd phase, the scholar learns to read the words and its combinations with other words in a sentence and understand their significance. In the 4th phase he/she extends his/her reading ability at the sentence degree. In the 5th phase, he/she begins to grok the discourses. Merely at this phase, they use both lingual and socio lingual cognition for complete apprehension of the text.

Testing Reading Comprehension

As we know, the reading act itself stands at the really nucleus of any learning procedure ; trial is given for the reading comprehension ability. The points include uncomplete sentences, tabular, narrative, transition, word and telegraphic signifier.

Broadly two types of inquiries are asked. They are text based inquiries and cognition or competency based inquiries. Text based inquiries expected from the pupils ‘ replies of different types:

Choice of appropriate words from the given replies.

Deciding whether the statements given are true or false.

Framing the inquiries from the given text.

Knowledge based inquiries required the topic to acknowledge the parts of the sentences, to finish the uncomplete sentences and remembering vocabularies and grammatical information from their memory.


The benefits of effectual reading are manifold. It is of import for instructors to reenforce this skill every twenty-four hours. Reading accomplishment is non confined to the English category, but it is a accomplishment that every homo being demands in his/her existent life. The scholars need to accomplish both academic ends and achieve self-fulfillment as members of a society where the capacity to read is cardinal criterion of societal integrating.

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