Theories of Economic Growth and Production

Despite the fact that poorness is still an issue for some states, it is clear now that other states from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East are emerging to fall in the prima economic systems globally. Robert B. Zoellick, president of the World Bank stated that as in the 80 ” s we saw the terminal of the “ Second World ” with communism, so 2009 saw the terminal of what is known as “ Third World.

The emerging markets were non affected by the planetary fiscal crisis but instead, these economic systems are really the pillars for the planetary economic recovery from the crisis. Looking into the grounds behind that we realize that these economic systems were in portion decoupled from the Western ( developed economic systems ) , the authoritiess had controls over capital flows whether in or out of the state every bit good as over the currency rating, and eventually the fiscal system inside those states was non good developed therefore was non exposed to the “ advanced ” fiscal merchandises of the developed state ‘s Bankss.

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Surveies have shown that in the following 50 old ages, Brazil, Russia, India and China, the BRICs economic systems, could go a much larger force in the universe economic system. And in less than 40 old ages these economic systems together could be larger than the G6 in US dollar footings. The cardinal premise underlying such projections is that the BRICs maintain policies and actions that support such economic growing. It ‘s besides of import to observe that each of the BRICs faces important challenges in maintaining development on path. So the inquiry is: Can these developing states sustain their economic growing over clip?

In this paper we would analyze some economic growing theoretical accounts, suggest a more sustainable one by taking two instances from the BRIC ‘s ( Brazil and China ) , study their current economic theoretical accounts and the challenges confronting them, and how can we prolong their economic development

Ch.1: Sustainability

First, we would specify “ Sustainability ” . And when delving deeper into the construct, we realized that it has been dealt with among different subjects and with different definitions. Even though it ‘s one of the most handled subjects today, but it ‘s still a complex and confounding construct. We will analyse the construct chiefly in four subjects: Economy, Ecology, Sociology and Biology.

Sustainability was a point of treatment in relation to economic and societal issues, at the International Conference for Rational Use and Conservation of the Biosphere, organized by the ( UNESCO ) in 1968, without explicitly saying what was understood by the term.

In 1972, the Stockholm Conference addressed economic and ecological sustainability issues taking to constitution of the United Nations Environment Program ( UNEP ) . UNEP Mandate: To act upon the attitudes and actions of all members of society so as to better their quality of life without compromising that of future coevalss.

Pirages ( 1977 ) and Coomer ( 1979 ) provided their perceptual experiences of a sustainable society. Pirages ( 1977 ) states that sustainable economic growing “ means economic growing that can be supported by physical and societal environments in the foreseeable hereafter ” . Coomer ‘s ( 1979 ) sustainable society is a society “ that lives within the self-perpetuating bounds of its environment ” .

THE SUSTAINABILITY OF “ SUSTAINABILITY ” NIELS FABERa?- , RENE JORNAaˆ and JO VAN ENGELEN, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management

Pirages, DC ( 1977 ) . A societal design for sustainable growing. In The Sustainable Society –

Deductions for Limited Growth, DC Pirages ( ed. ) . New York: Praeger.

Pezzey, J ( 1992 ) . Sustainable Development Concepts ( Rep. No. 11425 ) .Washington, DC:

The World Bank.

Coomer, JC ( 1979 ) . The nature of the pursuit for a sustainable Society. In Quest for a

Sustainable Society, JC Coomer ( ed. ) . New York: Pergamon Imperativeness

In 1983 the United Nations founded the universe committee for environment and development. Its authorization was to bring forth a study on the positions of long term, sustainable and environmentally friendly on a universe graduated table by 2000 and after. Four old ages subsequently in 1987 the committee published its study on the hereafter, “ Our Common hereafter ” , which came to be known as the “ Brundtland Report ” . It was so the initiating factor for the Earth acme in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The committee defined sustainable development as the development that meets the demands of the present without compromising the ability of future coevalss to run into their demands.

In 1990 ‘s Robert Costanza and Bernard Patten defined it in the paper “ Defining and foretelling sustainability ” as: “ A sustainable system is one which survives and persists ” . And said: ” Biologically, sustainability means avoiding extinction and life to last and reproduce. Economically, it means avoiding major breaks and prostrations, fudging against instabilities and discontinuities ” .

In 2002, Dr J Morgan Williams, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, in his study “ Creating our hereafter ” provinces: “ Sustainability is an intuitively attractive construct, which has no individual agreed significance. ” And “ Sustainable development can be described as the journey towards the elusive end towards sustainability ” . Both footings have become widely recognized and liberally used, but yet seem ill understood. They are meaningful but non specific, bespeaking an ageless pursuit to better the quality of our lives and milieus, and to thrive without destructing resources and life back uping systems on which we and future coevalss depend. ”

There are three ends enshrined in most definitions of sustainable development: economic growing, environmental protection and sweetening, and the well-being of the human Population ( societal, economic and environmental ends ) ( Theobald, Global Tourism 2005 ) .

One of the chief grounds behind this conceptual ambiguity is the boundaries among the different subjects which differ in their elements of ratings, and how they evaluate them. ( Bryan Norton and Michael Toman-Sustainability: ecological and economic position ) , ( Sustainability: Social and Ecological Dimensions-Sabine U. O’Hara ) .

After looking into the different definitions we can now state that sustainability is bettering the quality of life of the present coevalss without major breaks and discontinuities for the present and the future coevalss. These breaks might be environmental, societal and economical.

Ch.2 Economic Growth

What is it?

Economic Growth is normally referred to as the addition in the GDP ( gross domestic merchandise ) per capita. And the rate of alteration in GDP is the index to cognize whether an economic system is turning or shriveling. If it ‘s positive so the economic system is turning, while if it ‘s negative we say that the economic system is shriveling or is in a recession.

The chief concern for economic experts is how to do an economic system grow and maintain such growing. However, in the early 80 ‘s there has been turning concerns about the sustainability of the economic growing, its effects on the environment, the sovereignty of the state and on the societal harmoniousness. The latter has been a chief concern in earlier old ages with the surveies of Karl Marx and others. And this brings us to look into some of the economic growing theoretical accounts and theories briefly, which in bend would assist us hold a better image of a more sustainable economic theoretical account.

What Makes the Economy Grow?

Theories of Economic Growth and Production:

Economists have ever tried to place the beginnings of growing and supply a theoretical account for it. Beginnings of productiveness and sustainability appeared foremost in the literature of the classical economic experts as Adam Smith and David Ricardo.

Theories depicting the interaction of the assorted macroeconomic forces were the chief focal point in the 20th century. Contemporary theories on economic growing are dominated by the neoclassical growing theoretical account as developed by Solow ( 1956 ) .These theories are besides referred to as exogenic growing theoretical accounts, and more late, endogenous growing theories are developed.

However, another group of economic experts were chiefly concerned in happening new alternate growing theoretical accounts other than the Solow theoretical account and its extensions. These economic experts were analysing the effects of the Human capital, societal capital, rational belongings and entrepreneurship on productiveness and on the GDP as a whole. Sometimes these factors are besides merged together under “ Institutional Approach to Economic growing ” , which has four cardinal determiners of economic growing:

Institutions ( rational belongings and market equity )

Geography ( like nature and clime ) .

Culture ( faith, societal norms, values where societal capital is portion of ) .

Luck ( which means being at the right topographic point and at the right clip ) .

Factors of Production ( a historical overview )


Classical economic experts ( like Adam Smith and David Ricardo ) focused more on the physical resources in specifying factors of production:

Natural resources – like H2O, air, and minerals that are used in the production of goods.

Labor – which is the human attempt, whether mental or physical that is put into production. It besides includes proficient and selling expertness.

The capital stock – ( or means of production ) which are used in the production of other goods. These include machinery, tools and edifices.

“ Capital ” nevertheless was non considered as a factor of production since it is non used to straight bring forth any good. But the return of a loaned money or capital stock ( tools etc. ) was considered as involvement and net income.

Harrod-Domar theoretical account ( simplified theoretical account )

Sir Roy F. Harrod in 1939 and Evsey Domar in 1946, each independently developed this theoretical account. The Harrod-Domar theoretical account was the case in point to the exogenic growing theoretical account.

In this theoretical account we merely have two factors of input in the production map, the capital stock, and Labor. Economists refer to Labor by the figure of workers, presuming that each worker is working a fixed figure of hours per twelvemonth and has the same accomplishment.

This theoretical account assumes that the lone manner to raise the life criterions is by increasing the figure of hours worked or the labour force. If mean figure of hours worked additions per individual it ‘s non clear that the criterion of life additions. In most developed states the mean hours are diminishing and non increasing.

Another of import premise in the theoretical account is that investing ( capital ) is merely affected by production ( end product ) , and this is now widely believed untrue, for there are a batch of different grounds that affect investing like profitableness, hazard ( like political instability or fiscal clang ) , clip of investing and clip of the return on investing etcaˆ¦


Harmonizing to Marx the production factors are:

Labor ( “ work itself ” )

The topic of labour ( natural resources and natural stuffs, including land )

The instruments of labour ( or means of production ) .

Marx distinguished the existent work done “ Labor ” , and the person ‘s ability to work “ Labor power “ . Labor is frequently referred to presents as “ attempt ” .

Labor, non labour power, is the cardinal factor of production and the footing for Marx ‘s labour theory of value. The hiring of labour power merely consequences in the production of goods or services ( “ use-values ” ) when organized and regulated ( frequently by the “ direction ” ) . How much labour is really done depends on the importance of struggle or tensenesss within the labour procedure.

Marx besides discussed the effects of the accretion of wealth or capital. And as it increases, the inequality between societal categories would increase every bit good, therefore more the “ Alienation of the Worker ” is. First they are alienated from the merchandises of their labour, and since the merchandises do n’t belong to them so the more they produce the more they are alienated. Second, they are alienated from the labour procedure when labour is forced, becomes a agencies and does n’t fulfill the worker. Third, the workers are alienated from other workers and societal relationships.

Neoclassic economic sciences

It is the current dominant school of economic sciences, which started with the classical factors of production and added a 4th one. There are some differences presently mentioning to this 4th factor:


In the twentieth-century two economic experts, Joseph Schumpeter and Israel Kirzner, refined the construct of entrepreneurship. Schumpeter emphasized that entrepreneurship brings alteration to the economic system by invention, whether the invention was by presenting new goods or new methods of production. He besides believes that entrepreneurship causes originative devastation, in which the debut of new merchandises consequences in the obsolescence of others. In contrast to Schumpeter ‘s position, Kirzner considered entrepreneurship as a procedure of find. Entrepreneurship to him is the find of antecedently unnoticed net income chances. These freshly discovered net income chances are so acted on in the market place until market competition eliminates the net income chance. Different from Schumpeter ‘s originative devastation, Kirzner ‘s entrepreneurship is an equilibrating force.

Human capital:

Human capital is normally referred to as the group of competences ; cognition, accomplishments, and personal properties needed to execute a occupation and add an economic value. These are normally acquired either by preparation, instruction or by experience. Hence, the most of import investings in human capital are instruction and preparation. Many surveies have shown that high school and college instruction greatly raise a individual ‘s income, even after sacking out direct and indirect costs of schooling, and even after seting for the fact that people with more instruction tend to hold higher IQs and better-educated, richer parents. Formal instruction in schools or colleges is non the lone manner of instruction but besides preparation can be attained on the occupation or by informal ways.

It besides has been proved that instruction and preparation has improved the labour ‘s productiveness. But instruction entirely is non plenty to increase productiveness, other factors are needed to make so which are discussed in more inside informations in the Human resources direction field that is frequently overlooked.

Intellectual belongings:

It is when the Intangible assets, the merchandises of the human head, are protected under Torahs ( whether national or international ) giving the proprietor sole rights over his rational work. Some types of rational belongings rights are: right of first publications, patents, hallmarks, industrial designs, and trade secrets.

Protection of rational belongings is necessary for it provides inducements and funding for invention, research and creative activity to go on, which in bend leads to economic, cultural and societal advancement. It compensates the hazard and uncertainness ( clip, money and human attempt ) that are normally generated during research and development, and makes it deserving to put in by holding a considerable return on investing. The consumer would have the benefit from a developed merchandise with more value added.

Social capital:

The term was foremost introduced by L.J. Hanifan, who shed the visible radiation on the importance of the societal construction to people, with a concern and economic sciences position. In malice of its importance it ‘s hard to happen an in agreement definition for it.

A starting definition is provided by Putnam, Leonardi, and Nanetti ( 1993 ) . They defined societal capital as the societal construction which facilitates coordination and cooperation. Others have defined it as connexions within and between societal webs.

Even though societal capital is so hard to mensurate, a batch of research has been conducted to mensurate it and mensurate its effects on the economic system. Guiso, Sapienza, and Zingales ( 2001 ) step societal capital utilizing a assortment of indexs like engagement degrees in associations, election turn-out, and other steps of civic engagement.

Ch.3 A More Sustainable Economic Model

After I have addressed some of the current economic theoretical accounts and the theory behind them I will seek to happen a more sustainable theoretical account with deeper analysis.

When thought of sustainable economic development I was seeking to analyse some factors and their impact on the economic system. These factors can be summarized by the followers:

Natural Capital


Social Capital

Government intercession vs. market economic system

Human development ( instruction, preparation )

Innovation & A ; creativeness ( researches )

Legal system and Intellectual belongings rights

Natural Capital:

It might be hard to conceive of an economic system to turn without holding a terrible impact on the environment. Despite the fact that many economic systems have been lending to the planetary heating and clime alteration, a great trade of research has been late conducted seeking to come up with solutions that might non harm the economic system every bit good as the environment, which might actuate states to follow such solutions.

It ‘s non adequate these yearss to command C emanations or to seek to cut down it, neither is recycling our wastes etcaˆ¦ All these solutions are merely cut downing the negative impact on the environment ; there should instead be programs for states to lend for a better environment in the hereafter.

Change is of import and the start has to be in the mentality of the people and authoritiess to understand nature as a capital and non merely as a minor sector that involvements the green partisans. One would inquire how we can see nature as a capital when we ca n’t measure it. Well this inquiry has been the surveies of some economic experts like Sir Nicholas Stern in his work “ The Economicss of Climate Change ” . And the Deutsche bank economic expert Pavan Sukhdev “ The Economicss of Ecosystems and Biodiversity ” , in measuring nature capital and including it in the GDP computation for he believes “ we merely value what we can mensurate ” .

Many surveies have been conducted in order to happen an accurate index for natural capital.

for payments for environmental services ( PES )

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