Turkey in the EU



EU’s accession for Turkey would present another 65 million people into the European Union. Of this 65 million 99.8 % are Muslim and.02 % and Christian and Jewish. The linguistic communications spoken are Turkish, Kurdish, Armenian, Arabic, Georgian and Greece. There are presently around 3 million Turkish immigrants populating in the EU with the largest population life in German, France and The Netherlands [ arg1 ] . Because of the deficiency of economic chance in Turkey, one would anticipate the migration to the EU would increase in the short term, particularly in those states where the largest populations are already populating such as German and France. If we are to follow old tendencies in migration of this group we could anticipate that work forces will come foremost, followed by there household members one time they have achieved some economic stableness. We would besides anticipate that they would be populating in antecedently established cultural communities mostly because they have shown a old deficiency of ability to get the hang the linguistic communication accomplishments of their host states because of their spiritual differences and because Turks have had really small cultural co-existence with Europeans. However, with in addition in economic chances within Turkish after accession to the EU and with freedom of motion across boundary lines one can besides anticipate that many of these migrators will return to Turkey to take portion in new economic system in the long term.

In comparing, Polish migration into West Europe before the autumn of the Fe drape, was purely controlled. Polish in-migration to Western Europe [ arg2 ] was restricted to those who could track the physical and political barriers. After the autumn of the Fe drape in the late 1980’s most of those migrating from Eastern Europe were cultural Germans and spiritual minorities chiefly Jews. These migrators had both cultural and spiritual connexions to the European community and integrated good into the society. Again Germany remained the preferable state of migration.

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Unlike Polish immigrants to West Europe who have in common their faith and cultural co-existence, it can be postulated that in the hereafter cultural Turks will go on to segregate themselves in already established Turkish communities.


Since the constitution of the Customs Union in 1995, Turkey exports to the EU have mostly been concentrated in the fabrics and industrial goods. Public sector procurance and agribusiness have non as yet been included in this understanding, nevertheless the parties are negociating on these issues and finally there will be a free trade understanding will be established. The EU is presently ranks figure one for Turkey’s exports at 54.6 % and imports from the EU markets represent about 44 % . In add-on to the Customs Union, Turkey has signed free trade understandings with most of the Eastern European states.

In comparing to the trade dealingss between Poland and the EU, trade with Poland has mostly been between Germany and Poland. Imports and exports have been concentrated in the workss and machinery vehicles, and base metals to Germany. Likewise Germany exports workss and machinery vehicles, chemicals and plastics to Poland. Germany represents about a 33 % of Poland’s trade dealingss with the EU followed by France, the Czech Republic and the United States. Germany is besides to a great extent invested in the Polish economic system.

Clearly Turkey has much more to offer the EU as a whole in footings of trade than Poland. Turkey’s market for imported goods from the EU greater and their exported goods will include agricultural goods and public sector procurance in the hereafter. In add-on Turkey’s natural resources include developed coal, steel, Cooper.


Tobacco, cotton, grain, olives, sugar Beta vulgariss, pulsation, citrous fruit ; livestock are the major agricultural merchandises in Turkey. However, agribusiness in Turkey is mostly based on traditional methods. Still Turkey remains a state that is wholly self-sufficing with respect to its nutrient demands. It besides has more land than any state in West European that can be used for farming. It presently uses merely 36 % of its available land for farming. More than 45 % of the population is engaged in farming activities.

The proliferation of agribusiness is expected to increase with the completion of the Southeastern Anatalian Project. This undertaking will make several dikes and hydroelectric power workss, which will increase irrigation capacity to the more distant country of Turkey.

In this respect the benefits of EU accession of Turkey into the European far outweigh the agricultural resources of Poland. Agribusiness represents merely 3.6 % of Poland’s GDP. Poland ‘s agricultural sector is badly hindered by substructure jobs and a deficiency of new frontiers to be exploited.


While Poland decidedly has both cultural and political commonalty with the traditional EU states, Turkey brings a wealth of economic chances to the EU. While one can anticipate an initial addition in migration from Turkey into the remainder of the EU after admittance, this will likely diminish over clip as the Turkish economic system develops. One might even anticipate that many of those Turks who have immigrated in the past to return to Turkey and take portion in its new political and economic development.


Internet Beginnings

United NATIONS POPULATION INFORMATION NETWORK ( POPIN ) UN Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, with support from the UN Population Fund ( UNFPA )

Typology & A ; geographics of European mass migration

hypertext transfer protocol: //www.un.org/popin/confcon/milan/plen3/3rdplen.html

hypertext transfer protocol: //www.ethnopolitics.org/archive/volume_II/issue_1/dietz.pdf

1European Institute for Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Cooperationwith the support of the European Commission

hypertext transfer protocol: //www.medea.be/ ? page=10 & A ; lang=en & A ; doc=339

Bilateral Trade RelationsTurkeyAugust 2002

hypertext transfer protocol: //forum.kusadasi.biz/thread359.html

The CIA World Factbook

hypertext transfer protocol: //www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/tu.html

hypertext transfer protocol: //www.deik.org.tr/bultenler/2003320153817sectors-agriculture-june02.pdf

hypertext transfer protocol: //www.poland.pl/

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