Analysis Of Ted Hughes Poems English Literature Essay

As the rubric suggests, this verse form is about air current and the destructive effects that it has on both the landscape and people that live in a stray house. The storyteller tells us how the dwellers of the house battle against a powerful and violent conditions. However, in malice of the attempts no homo is strong plenty to defy the utmost forces of nature. Therefore the relationship between Man and Nature ‘s power is the cardinal subject in ‘Wind ‘ .


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‘This house/ has been / far out/ at sea/ all the dark ‘

Many verse forms have precise forms to follow as rime and metre. But Hughes does n’t follow any form since he wants to make the sense of pandemonium as the utmost conditions does in the verse form. Then composing in a free poetry he rejects all the conventional poetic regulations. Likewise is necessary to take a expression to how the beat influences the verse form ‘s significance. Harmonizing to this we can see that he uses an iambic pentameter because we can detect five beats in each poetry with jumping atonic and tonic syllables. This iambic pentameter creates an intermittent beat giving a verve to the verse form that emphasizes the air current ‘s characteristics. Besides he uses initial rhymes such as ‘wind wielded blade-light ‘ ( 6 ) that reminds the blow of the air current and at the same clip suggests that the air current could strike at any clip. There is more initial rhyme in the line ‘black back gull set like an Fe saloon easy ‘ ( 16 ) that conveys a slow reading that reflects in some manner the oppressing whiff of the air current.

The verse form ‘s linguistic communication is full of words with a peculiar sound form. He uses words wich denote strength to depict the power of the air current such as ‘bang ‘ or ‘flung ‘ that turns the air current into a atrocious and violent nature force, unlike for case the words ‘quivering ‘ and ‘cry ‘ used to the people ‘s description and which give to them a intension of failing.

4. Structure

‘Wind ‘ has a additive narrative construction in which each of six stanzas conformed by four lines each one. The construction of the verse form seems rather simple, but if we pay attending to the terminal of the poetries we can see that some of them deficiencies of punctuation. The punctuation is one of the formal facet that makes easier the apprehension of a text, avoiding equivocal significances and troubles to construe it. Therefore I think that in ‘Wind ‘ the poet breaks all the formal conventions get downing the lines with capital missive and utilizing the punctuation as he wants in order to stress the effects of the air current. He alters the punctuation conventions arousing upset, confusion and pandemonium as the air current does in the landscape and people of the verse form.


Imagery and figures are singular techniques that must be highlighted in this poesy essay. They can be found through the whole verse form in order to increase the strength of the air current and they help the reader to conceive of every event in a more realistic manner.

In the first stanza he is talking about the devastate force of the air current. He uses in this stanza many metaphors and personifications stressing the extraordinary power of nature. In the first line of the verse form ‘this house has been far out at sea all dark ‘ ( 1 ) we can see the metaphor of the house ‘far out at sea ‘ as it was a boat lost in the center of nowhere fighting against the sea as the house struggles against the air current.

The 2nd stanza shows an apparent contrast with the first 1. After the emphasized usage of personification to heighten the power and pitilessness of the air current, he portrays a still countryside with an ‘orange sky ‘ ( 5 ) . Following with the same line ’till twenty-four hours rose ‘ ( 5 ) , we can detect that he is giving to the twenty-four hours human attributes one time once more.

The 3rd stanza the poet uses the first individual narrative. He uses this device to make acquaintance in the reader. For case when it says that he ‘scaled along the house side ‘ ( 9 ) we can conceive of the adult male confronting with nature and we put ourselves in his topographic point feeling empathy for him.

In the 4th stanza he portrays the landscape as being fearful of the air current as he says ‘the Fieldss quaking, the skyline a face ” ( 13 ) bodying ‘fields ‘ and ‘sky ‘ in order to stress upon the sense of power of the air current. The line ‘The air current flung a magpie off and a black chump set like an Fe saloon ‘ ( 15 ) is another part to the sense of power of the air current because it can even fling a magpie off. In the undermentioned line he uses a simile to depict the air current strength stating that it can ‘bend a black chump like an Fe saloon ‘ ( 16 ) .

The 5th stanza speaks about the house in footings of failing depicting it as ‘fine green goblet ‘ ( 17 ) under the ferocious air current, while the Black Marias of dwellers are ‘gripping ‘ and they try to confront the elements, but they are so frightened that even ‘ can non entertain book, thought or each other ‘ ( 20 ) .

The last stanza ‘feel the roots if the house move ‘ ( 22 ) can hold a dual significance, at first glimpse we can believe that the air current is so strong that can even travel the house, but besides it can be related to the roots of the household, his heritage and tradition. The house that so much attempt they employed to construct it and where all the household traditions and values were settled. The verse form ends with the ‘cry ‘ of the rocks, intending that something so strong and about unbreakable as a rock is besides fearful because of the storm.

6. Decision

There is a great control of linguistic communication and imagination in this verse form. Through his consummate usage of figures and images clearly related to its subject and construction he gives to the air current the personality of an tremendous and powerful animal devising this poem a breathtakingly verse form. Hughes captures the power of the air current in phrases full of a wild and insatiate energy accomplishing a great power of look in every line of the verse form.

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