Braille And Coding English Language Essay

Recently, Technology detonation was effected positively at the addition of the human perceptual experience, particularly for the 3rd and 2nd universe states. Braille system is one of the systems that have become of import to the humanity, where a batch of immature blind people may take part at increasing the scientific growing and going an effectual member in this universe. Therefore, the sightlessness limited their ability.

This chapter discusses some issues about Braille ; the history of Braille, Braille in English character, Braille in Arabic character, techniques that have been developed and some related Braille application systems.

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The Quran is the Islam Holy God Book for humanity. It was passed to us by angel Gabriel in a concatenation get downing from the Almighty Himself to the Prophet Muhammad at 40 old ages old. For 23 old ages, the Quran was transmitted to the Prophet Muhammad in pieces till his decease at 63 old ages old. The Quran was translated for many linguistic communications, but the original text was revealed to the Prophet in Arabic linguistic communication, ( Malik 2007 ) .

Jawi Language

Jawi is an Austronesia linguistic communication spoken in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei and Thailand, 18 million the Malayan whom are talking Jawi, Addition to 160 million people who speak Indonesian, which is formed from Malay linguistic communication. The first appeared for the Malay lettering was at 684 Ads in southern Sumatra and the island of Bangka. First, it was Indian book until fourteenth century where the Islam arrived at South and E of Asia and the Arabic book became the chief authorship linguistic communication for the Malay linguistic communication. In the early for seventeenth century, the Arabic letters were replaced under the power of the Dutch and British to Roman book ( Bowern 2005 ) .

Preview at Braille Code

Braille codification is the haptic ( Touching ) reading manner that depending at the fingertip and assisting the visually impaired individual to be portion of the societal, educational, and cosmopolitan life. Braille codification created to be great invention that traveling the blinds people from their dark to the visible radiation of the life.

Since 1820 Braille codification was advised, improved, certified, produced, published and modified to be a cosmopolitan linguistic communication that functioning the blinds and doing them sighted people by their head, Braille is get downing in Gallic and stoping at Earth ( Whole World ) .

History of the Braille Code

Louis Braille is the unsighted 11 old ages old male child, he innovated the lettering codification ( Braille Code ) . Louis derived his thought from a secret codification was given for the Gallic soldiers ; he developed and refined the military codification until it became relational points that represented a new blinds linguistic communication. Braille codification was fast spread and became broad assortment comparing with the other methods. Braille codification uses independently by the ocular impaired individual, whereas it is a fingertip acknowledgment method that easy to read and compose for the unsighted people.

The original military codification was 12 point cells that represented at six rows and two columns of points, they called it the dark composing codification, and it was used after dark as a communicating manner between the soldiers were the point or relational points represent a character, sound or a specific mark.

Louis Braille improved the codification and made it easy and fast reading codification, where the soldiers were faced trouble at reading the letters and marks that represented by 12 points. The six Louis points were easier than the 12 military points where it could embrace by the fingertip, the new codification had accepted as a cosmopolitan communicating manner between the blinds people and the universe around them, it translated for most linguistic communications, and became the World blind linguistic communication, ( CINB Vision Health 2006 ) .

Through the clip, Braille codification was modified, and became has contractions for the letters by adding abbreviations for some words that appear often in a linguistic communication. The bettering for the Braille codification made the reading for Braille faster ; it reduced the size of Braille books and made it less dearly-won. This survey is doing some modify at the Braille system and symbols to do it suited with the Quran reciting.

Braille Code and Foreign Languages

Today, the original Gallic six point form is genuinely a cosmopolitan system that spread widely over the sea, where it was simple and persuasiveness more than other representation symbols as the line or New York point. By the difficult worker for the research worker and the assortment international conference, blind people in most states are being able to bask the benefit of read Braille codification independently. As a cosmopolitan book ; the ocular impaired used Braille to compose and larn all the universe languages.

In 1949 ; under the backing of UNESCO, universe Braille Pr, ject proposed a unify codifications for the different linguistic communications around the universe, to include the linguistic communications that composing from left to/ right as English, French, Germany, Spain and others, or from right to go forth as Arabic, Jawi, Persian, Urdu and others. The codifications were easy to larn and utilize for both of them ; blind and seeing individuals, Manocha et Al ( 2009 ) .

Braille Code in English Fictional characters

National diethylstilbestrols Jeunes Aveugles institute in France adopted Braille as official communicating method for the blind people at 1854 ; Switzerland was the first state that adopted the Braille codification outside France in visually impaired school was called “ The Asylum for the Blind ” . A overseer of unsighted school was visited Europe and was amazed by Braille system and decided to convey a Braille book to United State at 1866. In England, Braille system was popularized and the Royal National Institute for the Blind institute in London was established at 1870 ( Jolley 2006 )

By the terminal of the 19th century English linguistic communication was translated to Braille in the United Kingdom, Australia and many other states. Braille became official blind linguistic communication in United States at 1932. Since that, there were five haptic systems used for blinds people at American, British, and Australia, ( Keller 1987 ) .

The market-leader in commercial interlingual rendition merchandises is produced by the Duxbury Company in the USA ( Holladay 2001 ) . They provide many maps, including translating, word-processed, paperss and field text, integrating with other applications, bulk interlingual rendition and graphical interfaces. There are versions for single users, integrated with the Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh desktop runing systems, every bit good as large-scale volume transcribers. They are feature-rich, invariably updated but comparatively expensive. Some 14 linguistic communications are supported.

Another system designed for desktop computing machines is Win Braille. This is produced by the Index Braille company ( Vikman 2001 ) , which manufactures embossers and therefore produces a free text-to-Braille merchandise to promote Braille usage. This supports 18 linguistic communications in a Wysiwyg word-processor manner, leting Braille codification to be edited straight. It is designed to bring forth end product for the Index embosser. It uses a rule-based interlingual rendition system, and the regulations can be edited by users for local fluctuations. It besides supports classs of interlingual rendition, consecutive character or abbreviation.

Grade in Braille Code

The Braille codification that equivalent the English letters was had enhancement through the last old ages, by using new regulations at the original Braille symbols to go called Grad1 before the alteration, and Grad2 after it.

Grad1 is Braille linguistic communication without usage any abbreviations and contractions. Easy to larn and memorise for the unsighted individuals particularly for the novice. However, this signifier takes up a batch of infinite, which makes Grade1 Braille books much bulkier than print books.

In ( Partington, 2003 ) , the distinctions between Grad1 and Grade 2 clarified that Grade 2 is salvaging a infinite and cost comparison with Grad1. Grade2 of Braille is utilizing regulations for the linguistic communication that has abbreviations and contractions to do it more efficient in term of cost or books size. For illustration, ‘Braille ‘ is written as ‘brl ‘ . Rate 2 is the most popular signifier of Braille. Most of the linguistic communications utilizing Grade I Braille and each linguistic communication have its ain functionary.

Braille Code in Arabic Fictional characters

The Arabic linguistic communication is one of the of import linguistic communications in the universe ; it is the chief linguistic communication for the Quran in the Islamic faith. “ The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Braille Press for the production of the Holy Quran ” was ab initio established in 1973, they have committed in printing a manual Quranic Braille System. Educational books of Braille were bring forthing by utilizing old Braille equipment, which were incapable to publish the sanctum Quran.A The period between 1985 until 1986 was the Begin for bring forthing Braille Quran in Saudi Arabia by “ Particular Education Press of the Ministry of Education ” so following that the fatwa to bring forth the first Quran by Regional Bureau Press, ( Binbaz, 1987 ) .

Text Understanding Problems

Word sense disambiguation

It ‘s the procedure of placing the sense of a word ( holding a figure of distinguishable senses ) which is used in a given sentence. A word sense is one of the significances of a word. Word sense ambiguity is popular at most linguistic communications, where there are many words at the linguistic communication have more than one significance. For case, the English word “ good ” can intend “ good “ or “ ground topographic point for H2O ” . In Ramarkrishnan et Al ( 2004 ) ; the context of the word is determined the right sense for the equivocal word, the word sense disambiguation job is defined the best significance that suited within the context for the word and avoid the other suggestions.

Syntactic ambiguity

It represents multiple ways to deduce the implicit in construction of an full sentence. It arises non from the scope of significances of individual words, but from the relationship between the words and clauses of a sentence, and the sentence construction implied thereby. In [ 19 ] when a reader can reasonably construe the same sentence as holding more than one possible construction, the text is ambiguous and meets the definition of syntactic ambiguity. For illustration, see the undermentioned sentence with two prepositional phrases:

Put the block in the box on the tabular array.

This has two readings:

( a ) Put the block [ in the box on the tabular array ]

( B ) Put [ the block in the box ] on the tabular array.

Text cleavage

It procedure of spliting written text into words or other similar meaningful units, such as sentences or subjects. The subject boundaries may be evident from subdivision rubrics and paragraphs.

Text cleavage can be defined as the automatic designation of boundaries between distinguishable textual units ( sections ) in a textual papers. The purpose of early cleavage research was to pattern the discourse construction of a text, therefore concentrating on the sensing of powdered subject displacements, at a clausal, sentence or passage/ subtopic degree, [ 20 ] .

Text classification

Text classification is the undertaking of sorting paperss to a pre-defined set of categories without human aid. The undertaking is rather similar to a subtask of capable cataloguing in traditional libraries.

Text classification is a conventional categorization job applied to the textual sphere. It solves the job of delegating text content to predefined classs. As the volume of text content grows continuously online and in corporate spheres, text classification, moving as a manner to form the text content, becomes interesting non merely from an academic but besides from an industrial point of position, [ 21 ] .

Text summarisation

Text summarisation is the creative activity of a sawed-off version of a text where it still contains the most of import points of the original text. A sum-up is a text that is produced from one or more texts, that contain a important part of the information in the original text ( s ) , and that is no longer than half of the original text ( s ) , [ 22 ] .

Information Extraction

Automatically extract structured information from text, as Names, companies, etc. Information extraction ( IE ) is the undertaking of make fulling in template information from antecedently unobserved text which belongs to a pre-defined sphere. The resulting database is suited for formal questions and filtrating. IE systems by and large work by observing forms in the text that help place important information, [ 23 ] .

Text Mining

NLP is a critical portion of text excavation. The utilizations of NLP techniques enable text excavation tools to acquire closer to the semantics of a text beginning. This is of import, particularly as text excavation systems begin to turn to the end of `explaining ‘ the mined information.

Text excavation is a burgeoning new field that attempts to reap meaningful information from natural linguistic communication text. It may be slackly characterized as the procedure of analysing text to pull out information that is utile for peculiar intents.

Witten, I.H. ( 2003 ) , say in [ 24 ] “ text excavation is the procedure of analysing text to pull out information that is utile for peculiar intents ” , In [ 25 ] Nahm and Mooney describe text excavation as “ looking for forms in unstructured text ” , in [ 26 ] Doore et Al. state “ text excavation applies the same analytical maps of informations excavation to the sphere of textual information, trusting on sophisticated text analysis techniques that distill information from free-text paperss ” , whereas in [ 27 ] Tan describes text excavation as “ the procedure of pull outing interesting and nontrivial forms or cognition from text paperss ” .

Compared with the sort of informations stored in databases, text is unstructured, formless, and hard to cover with algorithmically. Nevertheless, in modern civilization, text is the most common vehicle for the formal exchange of information. The field of text excavation normally deals with texts whose map is the communicating of factual information or sentiments, and the motive for seeking to pull out information from such text automatically is obliging even if success is merely partial.

Text excavation is frequently confused with informations mining with some people depicting text excavation as a simple extension of informations mining applied to unstructured databases ” . In [ 28 ] Hearst disputes this by stating that information excavation is non `mining ‘ at all but merely a ( semi ) automated find of patterns/trends across big databases that help in doing determinations and that no new facts are established during this find procedure. She describes text excavation as the procedure of mining cherished nuggets of ore from a mountain of otherwise worthless stone. She calls text mining the procedure of detecting heretofore unknown information from a text beginning.

Peoples besides tend to confound text excavation with Information Extraction ( IE ) . Information extraction trades with the extraction of facts about prospected entities, events or relationships from unrestricted text beginnings. One can believe of information extraction as the creative activity of a structured representation of choice information drawn from text, [ 29 ] . E.g. , labeling all the cistron names in a aggregation of text is an information extraction undertaking. There is no impression of freshness involved because lone information that is already present is extracted, and hence IE can non be classified as text excavation.

Text Mining Approaches and Techniques

Text excavation systems use a wide spectrum of different attacks and techniques, partially because of the great range of text excavation and attendant diverseness of systems that perform it.

cognition technology attack

The chief end for the cognition Engineering is truth of the consequence ; it is necessitating a comparatively high degree of human expertness, a human expert who knows the sphere, and the information extraction system, good plenty to explicate high-quality regulations. Explicating good regulations is a demanding and clip devouring undertaking for human experts, and involves many rhythms of formulating, proving, and seting the regulations so that they perform good on new informations [ 30 ] .

Token designation

Text cleavage or term tokenization is one of the cardinal undertakings in natural linguistic communication processing ( NLP ) . Tokenization, or dividing the text into words or characters, it is an of import measure to cover with apostrophes and dashs, capitalisation, punctuation, Numberss, alphameric strings, whether the sum of white infinite is important, whether to enforce a maximal length on items, what to make with non-printing characters, and so on. It may be good to execute some fundamental morphological analysis on the items, taking postfixs [ 31 ] or stand foring them as words separate from the root, which can be rather complex and is strongly language-dependent.

In Cavnar & A ; Trenkle ( 1994 ) and Majumder, et Al ( 2002 ) , N-grams are divided into sequences of characters or sequences of words that extracted from a text. The value for “ N ” at N- gm is the set of consecutive characters or words that are needed for processing at the text every procedure. The “ N ” size may be 1, 2, 3, or more than that. If “ N ” size is equal 1 ; it called “ unigram ” , size 2 is called “ bigram ” , size 3 is “ trigram ” and more than 3 is merely called an “ N-gram ” . The below illustration is clarified the different between the N-gram size for the consecutive characters in “ Braille ” word, where the infinite is stand foring by “ _ ” symbol.

Size of “ N ”


Example: “ Braille ”



B, R, a, I, cubic decimeter, cubic decimeter, vitamin E



_b, Br, Ra, Army Intelligence, Illinois, ll, lupus erythematosus, e_



_ _ B, _br, bandeau, rai, garlic, ailment, lle, le_ , e_ _

Knowledge Representation ( KR )

The KR Hypothesis [ 32 ] , states that any intelligent procedure contains structural ingredients which perceivers of course take to stand for the cognition that the procedure exhibits. Therefore, any intelligent system has a cognition base, which knowledge is manipulated by an illation engine. Example: adept systems ( most celebrated: Global positioning system of Newell and Simon ) .

A figure of cognition representation strategies have been developed over the old ages ; some have been borrowed from field research, other from psychological science every bit good as computing machine scientific discipline. Some strategies are used to back up analysis, while others are used in existent cryptography.

KR utilizing for Analysis

Semantic Networks

The basic thought of a semantic web representation is really simple: There are two types of primitive, nodes and links or discharge. Linkss are unidirectional connexions between nodes.

Nodes correspond to objects, or categories of objects, in the universe, whereas links correspond to relationships between these objects [ 33 ] . The major job with semantic web is the deficiency of operational cognition and the significance of node may be equivocal.

Decision Tree

A Decision tree is a hierarchically arranged semantic web and is closely related to a Decision Table but it enduring from the deficiency of the information in the tree format that might bespeak what other combinations of conditions could be included, this is where the determination tabular array is utile [ 34 ] .

Decision Table

In [ 35 ] , Smith defines the determination tabular array. It is more like a spreadsheet, divided into two parts: ( 1 ) a list of status and their respective, and ( 2 ) a list of decisions. The assorted conditions are matched against the decisions. Decision tabular array is a powerful certification tool for understanding and keeping the certification, and utile in verifying the regulations.

KR utilizing for coding


A frame is construction or a representation strategy for forming cognition through old experience. It handles a combination of declaratory and operational cognition, which makes it easier to understand the job sphere [ 36 ] .

A major drawback of frames is their degree of complexness which makes them much slower than alternate strategies, where it goes through a series of frames before it can happen the frame that has the value needed. Frames do non easy depict heuristics that are more readily represented with regulations.


Rules represent the major elements of a modular cognition representation strategies. Rules are conditional statements that are easy to understand and compose ; express relationship between parametric quantities or variables.

The ( IF aˆ¦ Then ) construction, of the regulation linguistic communication is represented by Premise and Action clauses or statements. The Premise is a Boolean ( Yes/No, True/False ) look that must be evaluated as true for the regulation to be applied, it composed by one or more statements separated by connections ( AND, OR ) . The Action portion of the regulation is separated from the Premise by the keyword ( THEN ) , the Action clauses consists of series of statements separated by ( AND ) or commas ( , ) and it executed if the premiss is true [ 37 ] .

NLP Techniques

The ultimate end of natural linguistic communication processing ( NLP ) is to make package that will enable computing machines to understand and bring forth linguistic communication used of course by worlds. NLP is a critical portion of text excavation. The utilizations of NLP techniques enable text excavation tools to acquire closer to the semantics of a text beginning. This is of import, particularly as text excavation systems begin to turn to the end of `explaining ‘ the mined information.


Parsing ( syntactic analysis ) is the procedure of analysing a sequence of items to find grammatical construction with regard to a given formal grammar. A parser is therefore one of the constituents in an translator or compiler, where it captures the implied hierarchy of the input text and transforms it into a signifier suitable for farther processing ( frequently some sort of parse tree, abstract sentence structure tree or other hierarchal construction ) and usually cheques for syntax mistakes at the same clip [ 38 ] .

Dynamic scheduling ( DP )

Dynamic scheduling is a method for expeditiously work outing a wide scope of hunt and optimisation jobs which exhibit the features of overlapping, bomber jobs and optimum infrastructure [ 39 ] . DP means that optimum solutions of bomber jobs can be used to happen the optimum solutions of the overall job.

Through this survey, we will non utilize DP, because the text excavation and interlingual rendition jobs that we face, it will non hold sub jobs to pull out solution for the chief job, or in another significance, it non overlapping job.

Probability theory

The cardinal objects of chance theory are random variables, stochastic procedures, and events. It ‘s concerned with analysis of random phenomena. One of the of import stairss you need to do when sing the chance of two or more events happening is to make up one’s mind whether they are independent or related events. [ 40 ]

Finite State Machine

Finite State Machines ( FSMs ) are a common presence in digital circuits ‘ design. However, they can be really utile for package developer. Actual runing systems and application package are event-based and communicating issues play a large function, and these Fieldss can be powerful because they follow simple regulations and be easier handled with package based on finite province machines, package that is simpler and easier to plan, understand, verify, implement, debug and modify [ 41 ] .

To depict a Finite State Machine 4 elements are required:

Set of possible provinces.

Set of possible inputs.

Set of possible passages from a province to another.

Set of actions performed to each passage.

There are more possible representations of FSMs but two of them are really intuitive – State Diagrams and State Transition Tables. State Diagram is a really simple description of a Finite State Machine. States are represented with circles or ellipses, arrows represent possible passages from one province to another and over each passage ‘s pointer are placed associated input values and actions ( see Figure 3.5 in Chapter 3 ) .

Another simple representation of FSMs is possible with State Transition Table. This determines the following province based on the current inputs and province ( see Tables 4.20 and 4.21 in Chapter 4 ) .

State diagram is easier to understand at first expression but province passage tabular array is more utile for programming because it describes FSM in more strict manner. To implement a FSM in package undermentioned resources are required:

Global variable for current province

Timer for originating passages

Decision tree associated with timer event for choosing following province harmonizing to current province and input constellation

Set of actions modus operandis

Extended Finite State Machine

Extended Finite State Machine Model ( EFSM ) is an enhanced theoretical account based on the traditional finite province machine ( FSM ) , it is applied before in computing machine scientific discipline, reactive systems, doctrine, linguistics, logic and mathematics.

EFSM is a powerful theoretical account for confirmation and trial derivation ; it is composed of provinces, passages and actions. In a conventional FSM, the passage map is associated with a conditions and a set of end product Boolean maps, where as the EFSM theoretical account, the passage can be expressed by if statement. The FSM different end products are distinguishable, but in EFSM different operations may bring forth the same end product. The passage is fired, if the conditions are satisfied, so the specified information operations are executing and the focus-check is passage from the current province to the following province.

EFSM theoretical account was used earlier at many researches at testing,

Related Research

Theirs many research done before to interpret the natural linguistic communications to Braille symbols. In this subdivision, there examples at researches are used Finite State Machine, Decision Table and govern base system, as techniques to interpret the English, Nipponese and Arabic linguistic communications to Braille symbols, and to use some regulation at the grad1 of Braille symbols to go grade2.

Text and Braille computing machine interlingual rendition by ( Alasdair King )

( King, 2000 ) is concerned with the interlingual rendition of text to and from Braille, by utilizing the matching of left and right contexts of the interlingual rendition Windowss, with finite province machine to manage classs of Braille within the same linguistic communication and to let a individual set of regulation to duple as interlingual rendition to and from Braille for a linguistic communication, determination tabular array controls the operation of the finite province machine, and simple list of character interlingual rendition regulations that can be edited straight by non-technical users.

A System for change overing print into Braille by ( Paul Blenkhorn )

The UMIST interlingual rendition system ( Belkhorn, 1997 ) , is one of the few published of work on text and Braille interlingual rendition in recent old ages. Where the engine province controlled by a finite province machine, utilizing the contents of the determination tabular array, and regulates which subset of the linguistic communication interlingual rendition regulations can be used. The interlingual rendition engine can utilize any linguistic communication regulations table, so any linguistic communication can be translated to or from Braille codification if the linguistic communication regulations tabular array is constructed.

Rule- and Case-Based Adaptive Knowledge Base and Its Application to Japanese-to-Braille Translation

As preprocessing for interpreting the Nipponese linguistic communication to Braille, the system ( Ono… etc, 2007 ) analyzes the beginning papers written in assorted Nipponese and makes foremost bill of exchange, their no infinites between the words in the Nipponese linguistic communication so that ; a cleavage procedures are done for the Nipponese text and a infinites added between words. The Nipponese characters are change overing to Kanji – Kana characters depending at tabular array of regulations because Braille characters Nipponese coincide merely to kana, the regulations and instances for interpreting procedure are incorporating operator, properties of morphemes and designation Numberss that handle the root regulation.

Towards a computerized Arabic Braille environment by ( AbdulMalik Al-Salman )

In ( Al-Salman and Al-Khalifa 2002 ) , Arabic Braille environment ( ABE ) system is a word processing solution for visually impaired people that designed with a speech production map for the typed characters to ease for them the interaction with computing machines.

The ABE system has many characteristics that reached it the quality of outstanding systems as printing, copying text from any other word processor, ability to open multiple files coincident and it is holding Arabic user interface for easy entree by sighted Arabian people.

The Existing Braille Systems

Duxbury Braille Translation ( DBT ) Software

DBT is window-based package system that provides a reading for the unsighted people by utilizing cells are reading by regular print where the raised points at the cell reflex the symbol [ 14 ] . It provides word-processing installations straight in the Braille manner and the user can utilize the keyboard without the demand for Perkins machine to type Braille text. The package can interpret Arabic text to Braille. It is give the user the ability create and edit natural Arabic text utilizing Microsoft Word ( Arabic version ) , by import the text change overing the file into Arabic Braille utilizing the DBT package. English text may besides be intermixed, and both linguistic communications may combination. Despite DBT have many characteristics it has little bug, where the interlingual rendition of Arabic linguistic communication is non 100 % correct and Identical to the Arabic character set supported by Windows 95/98/NT/2000. DBT does non has any installations make the blind inter act with the system straight.


IBSAR [ 43 ] is Braille translate system ( IBSAR ) was developed by Al Alamiah, KSA. It is utilizing MS-Word as a platform. The unsighted people are non handling with IBSAR straight. IBSAR is interpreting tow linguistic communications which they are Arabic and English linguistic communications.

Printing System with Braille Software

The Kuwait establishment for scientific research has developed package called printing system with Braille [ 33A ] . It is a window-based application that is oriented for the sighted people to change over Arabic text to Braille ( one manner interlingual rendition ) . The package supports multi-level contractions every bit good as the transition of Holy Quran files into Braille.

WinBraille Software

WinBraille is free Braille editor package. It has been developed for widows 95, 98, 2000/NT, ME and XP and can manage most Windowss compatible editors and browsers. Major characteristics in the package include Braille key-in from a standard keyboard, interface to all Windowss word-processing plans, easy redaction of a translated papers, and support for cyberspace and electronic mail. The new version of WinBraille ( version 3.0 ) supports Arabic interlingual rendition besides other great characteristics. Even though WinBraille is a taking industrial criterion presents, it is non oriented specifically to the Arabic speech production community. It does non hold an Arabic user interface. [ 14 ] .

Sensus Braille Software

Sensus Braille was developed by Sensus ApS in co-operation in Denmark and International Braille governments. It is window-based package that automates the interlingual rendition of English and Danish text into Braille and vice-versa. However it does non back up the Arabic linguistic communication. [ 44 ] .


Measurement lies at the bosom of many systems that govern our lives. Economic measurings determine monetary value and wage additions. Measurements in radio detection and ranging systems enable us to observe aircraft when direct vision is obscured. Without measurement engineering can non work [ 45 ] .

The measuring captures information about properties of entities. An entity is an object or an event in the existent universe. An property is a characteristic or belongings of an entity. Thus its incorrect to state that we measure entities or that we measure attributes ; in fact we measure properties of entities. When we describe entities by utilizing properties, we frequently define the properties utilizing Numberss or symbols, where by specifying the Numberss and symbols ; we try to continue certain relationships that we see among the entities.

In general the measuring divide to two chief measurings, direct measuring and indirect measuring. Direct measuring of an property of an entity involves no other property or entity. For illustration, length of physical object can be measured without mention to any other object or property. On the other manus, denseness of a physical object can be measured merely indirectly in term of mass and volume, or the velocity of a traveling object is most accurately measured indirectly utilizing steps of distance and clip. Therefore direct measuring forms the edifice blocks for our appraisal, but many interesting properties are best measured by indirect measuring.

In [ 46 ] , Norman E.fenton gives many illustration at the two measuring as followers: direct steps as: Length of beginning codification, continuance of proving procedure, figure of defects discovered during the proving procedure and clip programmer spend on a undertaking. While the undermentioned steps are considered as indirect measuring: coder productiveness, theoretical account defect denseness, defect sensing efficiency, demands stableness, trial effectivity ratio, and system spoilage.

Critical Analysis

As a reference before, the researches that have been done before for Braille codification are a few, the Alasdair King and Paul Blenkhorn are translated the English linguistic communication to Braille symbols by utilizing Finite province machine and Decision tabular array techniques. The techniques were used to cover the spread between the Grad1 and Grade2 for the English linguistic communication. Satoshi Ono introduced a system that translated Japanese-to-Braille, Ono proposed an adaptative cognition base ( AKB ) that combined tow knowledge representations ; regulation and instance. Ono used the Kanji – kana symbols and interlingual rendition regulations to change over the Nipponese symbols into Braille symbols.

The Arabic linguistic communication research at Braille was introduced by AbdulMalik Al-Salman in ABE system ( Arabic Braille Environment ) . ABE system is interpreting the Arabic linguistic communication to Braille symbols and contrary. It is limited for the Arabic linguistic communication without utilizing abbreviation or quivers. The Holy Quran is the sphere of this research, where it has a reciting regulations that should be applied by whom recite it.

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