College Essay: Health Care as a Universal Value

Humanity with every step of its development becomes a more monolithic, whole organism, which is confirmed by the process of globalization. The interdependence of society and the individual is increasing, including in terms of health. The realization by people of public interests, the fulfillment of social tasks is largely determined by the state of their individual health. In turn, the health status of individuals directly depends on how healthy the society itself is.

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This interdependence allows us to talk about health not only as vital, but also as a social phenomenon. Due to the fact that health has such a value that determines all aspects of the life of both society and the individual (from their biological existence to preferences in satisfying spiritual needs), we can consider health as universal, fundamental, highest value, relevance of social philosophical, axiological study of which is manifested on three main levels.

essay on health care

In your health care essay, you can talk about the various diseases, symptoms, diagnoses, treatments, or methods that doctors use to help their patients, as well as their role in general.

The Concept of “Health”

The concept of “health” reflects one of the fundamental characteristics of human existence, its life form. Therefore, it, of course, is rethought every time when social life undergoes profound changes, be it changes in social relations or changes in the technical capabilities of mankind.

Consideration of the essence of individual health from the perspective of a systematic approach (the human body is an open biosocial system) involves a specific definition of its structure, material (biological) substrate. Since man is part of the biosphere, his health cannot be considered in isolation from those natural processes that occur in the universe, in the biosphere of the Earth. Based on a holistic (holistic) approach, we distinguish the following health levels:

    1. somatic, including genetic, biochemical, metabolic, morphological, functional;
    2. mental, including emotional, intellectual, personal;
    3. socio-spiritual, or moral.
  1. somatic health reflects the current state of organs and systems of the human body; the level of their development and functionality;
  2. mental health is an expression of a person’s mental sphere;
  3. moral health – a set of characteristics of the motivational and need-information basis of human life.

Today, the prevailing understanding of health is the absence of disease. From a phenomenological point of view, this is explained by the fact that the experience of experiencing health was not given to us initially, but secondarily. It is mediated by the primary experience of malaise, pain, ailment, weakness, and health itself is perceived as getting rid of these negative feelings.

People often try to circumvent dissatisfaction with such an understanding of health through the use of the term “practically healthy” as applied to a person. It allows not to pay attention to individual health-related disadvantages, to correlate health with a person’s age, to take into account his occupation, etc.

Basic Values in Health Care

Health is pleasure, and benefit, and glory, and beauty, and good, and happiness. And in this regard, health can be spoken of as universal value. Bearers of health, and, consequently, the subjects of value relations can be individuals, social groups, society as a whole. In this regard, individual health, social (health of the collective, social community, ethnic group, religious denomination, professional or age group, etc.) and planetary (universal) health are distinguished.

An individual’s health as a value is the significance of a measure of the possible implementation by a person of deliberate and conscious actions (limitation by inability to not count) without worsening one’s physical and spiritual condition, without loss in adaptation to the living environment.

The health of society (society) as a value is the significance for society of the degree to which the life-meaning capabilities of its members are realized. In its structure, health as a value includes two main components. The objective component is a set of opportunities that can be realized in the presence of full health. This may be a status role in society, a profession, occupation, life expectancy, etc. The subjective component of health as a value is the attitude of the subject to his health, expressed in preferences, value orientations, motivation in behavior in relation to health.

How to Write an Essay on Health

The purpose of this essay is to develop such skills as independent creative thinking and writing out your own thoughts.

The Structure

The structure is determined by the requirements of:

  • An author’s reflections on the problem are presented in the form of short summaries.
  • the evidence must be supported by evidence; therefore, the arguments follow the argument.

The arguments are facts, phenomena of public life, events, situations and life experiences, scientific evidence, references to the opinions of scientists, etc. It is better to give two arguments in favor of each thesis: one argument does not seem convincing, three arguments can “overload” the statement made in a genre focused on brevity and images.

Consequently, the essay acquires a ring structure (the number of theses and arguments depends on the subject, the chosen plan, the logic of the development of thought):

  • introduction
  • thesis arguments
  • thesis arguments
  • thesis arguments
  • conclusion

Understand what is required of you

The first thing you should do in the process of writing this essay is to make sure that you fully understand what you are being asked. There are key terms that need attention, which vary depending on the topic of the question. It is important that you give a critical assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of almost any problem.

You must decide whether you agree with the main topic of the essay or present your arguments accordingly. Understanding what you are asked to do will not only structure your essay, but also demonstrate the directions in which you should read in order to effectively answer the question about the essay.

Make a Research, Outline Major Arguments

Credible sources of research articles from peer-reviewed journals almost guarantee you a good grade. This ensures that the study is evaluated by the author directly. It is clear that this work is preferable to that which simply duplicates the previously expressed opinion, which can be easily found on the Internet.


In conclusion, as a rule, they summarize everything that was mentioned in the essay. The author, together with the reader, sums up the results. It is important that the conclusions are not far-fetched and do not arise “out of nowhere”. In conclusion – only what the reader should come to, having familiarized himself with the main part of your work.

Rewrite as needed

Of great importance when writing an essay is checking the first version. When writing a draft, your main task is to develop arguments, polish the main thoughts and arrange them in strict sequence, accompanying them with illustrative materials or supporting data, etc. Havin

It is not easy to decide what to write about when it comes to choosing one topic from a wide range of health essay topics. We’ve prepared the most discussed essay topics for you:

Interesting Health Topics

  • Causes of Eating Disorders and Obesity;
  • The Effects of Self-treatment: A Way to Harm or a Chance to Heal?
  • Is Your Sleeping Time Affect Your Health?
  • Should Health Care Services be Free?
  • Good Health Is a Secret of Every Happy Man
  • Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention
  • What “Wellness” Really Is

Diseases and Disorders Topics to Write about

  • Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
  • Psychological Diseases Behind Eating Disorders
  • Asthma Essay with Conclusions
  • Estimated cost of anorexia nervosa
  • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Nursing Essay Topics to Write about

  • Taking Care of the Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Self-care education as a Duty of a Nurse
  • Personal Reflection of a Nurse
  • I Want to Be a Nurse!
  • Personal Definition of Nursing
  • Career in Nursing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of nursing?

The main task of a nurse is to protect, take care of people of ethnic or religious origin and support them through health and disease. … defend the patient’s health and well-being. Monitor patient health and record signs. Administration of drugs and treatments.

What are the values ​​being treated?

The basic values ​​of care include altruism, autonomy, human dignity, honesty, honesty and social justice. Fundamental ethical values ​​are generally shared in the global community and reflect a human and spiritual approach to the nursing profession.

Why do we need nurses?

Nurses are the most reliable medical professionals. They stay with patients all their lives. Nurses are teachers, lawyers, tutors, critical thinkers and innovators. They care much more about people. His presence all day has changed his life.

What is the key to care?

The basic nursing concepts offer a comprehensive patient assessment, the nursing process, the communication between nurse and patient, cultural differences, functional health patterns and the general structure of nursing practice.