Interview With Victim Of Stalking English Language Essay

Stalking is a phenomenon perceived by some as portion of domestic force. Basically it is a insistent sequence of behaviors undertaken by an aggressor to do a province of legitimate concerns about the safety of the victims or their household by a persecuted individual. Stalking is repeated torment, which has assorted relentless signifiers of misdemeanor of personal freedom and privateness of another individual. It is frequently doing persecuted in anxiousness, embarrassment, physical and mental uncomfortableness, a figure of wellness jobs – physical and mental, troubles in interpersonal, and legitimate concerns about personal safety. Stalking consists of: intrusive physical or practical reaching the victim against her will through relentless torment phones, text messages or electronic mail, observation, tracking, occupy the topographic point of abode or in work, boring and unwelcome handed or sent gifts or flowers, menaces, there could be besides marks of violent behavior, devastation of belongings and assorted signifiers of action to the hurt of a individual who, in this context becomes a victim. ( Brookman et. Al. 2010, 367-368 )

Following an interview with the victim of a stalker, I decided to concentrate on this phenomena. I would wish besides to reply the inquiries, who are the victims of still hunt, and how they are harassed by their oppressors. Another of import issue is how to forestall ourselves from go a possible victim of stalker. Harmonizing to Home Office Study ( 2000 ) stalking victim could be anyone – both adult females and work forces. In most instances victims are a former spouse, who has ended the relationship with spouse, who subsequently became a stalker, but the victim may besides be a individual rather foreign to the tormentor, even inadvertent, for which the stalker has created an fanciful emotional relationship. ( Budd 2000 ) .

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For the intents of researching undertaking, I have arranged a individual qualitative interview with Joanna WolaA„ska, who was persecuted by her friend, about five old ages ago. The interview was conducted at Joanna ‘s place, on the 15th of January 2011, at 6.30 autopsy. At the beginning of our interview Joanna was a small nervous, because it was a new experience for her, she had to remember the events of that she still escapes. She was non pleased when I asked if I could enter our conversation, and finally refused interview in the presence of voice recording equipment. So I decided to compose down the conversation in my notebook. I chose that method of researching because specificity of these researching method is considered in direct contact between the interviewed individual and the research worker. Both individuals can concentrate on the subjective experiences of the research. The interview is regarded here as an confederate of the research procedure. While making the interview, interviewer can easy construe experiences of an interviewee and do an expertness. The timing of this trial depends on the demands of the topic and ranges from several to 10s of hours, so there is no clip bound limitations. During the interview research worker can acquire information about:

a ) the features of the respondent ; merely a affair of wide personality traits and character, for illustration, held values, what seems of import to him, manner of seeing the universe and themselves, accomplishments and abilities, feelings and emotions ;

B ) the facts on current events, or those that occurred in the yesteryear ;

degree Celsius ) the relationship of the single events and phenomena in their immediate milieus and what is go oning in the environment farther ;

Main disadvantages of the chosen method:

Primary and indispensable status for transporting out a good interview is to set up contact with the respondent. The nexus should be on two degrees: the rational and emotional. The first consists of the fact that the construct and significance of look for both parties are clearly legible. he duty for this contact shall be borne by the individual carry oning the interview.An interviewer duty is to care for the manner of look, control, understanding words and constructs ; every bit good as attention for a positive emotional conversation clime, if it was non unpleasant for the respondent. Achieving these ends depends mostly on the interviewer, by his gestures, words, facial looks, it sets the ambiance of the conversation. The footing for success in the interview is to make a clime of security. It may be hard to carry through these conditions, particularly when questioning for the first clip. It is hard to obtain dependable, comprehensive, personal information ‘s from interviewee, when interviewer has non raised his assurance. Respondent has many grounds to experience misgiving of people tilting to give sometimes considerable part of clip and attempt to react to sometimes hard, awkward inquiries. Lack of assurance can take to stamp down certain information, the statements flight, brief, contrary to what one thinks and feels, and in utmost instances – to decline. ( Ruane, 2005, 16-29 ) .


Harmonizing to the Mullen and co-workers ( 2009 ) , The broad form of behavior – characterized by stalking – consists of naming, directing messages ( text and electronic mail ) having unwelcome gifts and flowers, menaces every bit good as an aggressive behaviour, following measure by measure, changeless observation and injury. Behavior forms, which might be described as stalking- they are intended, cause fright ( anxiousness ) , lasts at least 30 yearss, there is at least 10 Acts of the Apostless within 30 yearss, cause negative effects on psycho-relational ( anxiousness, sleep upsets, the demand to alter the phone figure occupations, lodging ) , tormentor attempts to acquire information about the victim from her household members, friends, familiarities, co-workers.

During the interview my interviewee referred that she was being observed, followed, she received 1000s of text messages, which caused her to alter her current life style merely to liberate herself from her chaser. Joanna stated, that her stalker was a immature adult male, who she met on meeting in the pastoral ministry. Year subsequently she met him once more when she was go toing on extra lessons on the university. He proposed her to escort her to the pupils inn after the lessons. She agreed, because she had non even think it leads her to the border of interrupting down. Sometime ulterior Joanna started to hold a regular meetings with that immature adult male. After an about half a twelvemonth of their relationship, she started to see, that something is traveling in incorrect manner. Her adult male started following her everyplace, wanted to pass every individual minute with her, did non desire to give her even a small of privateness. Joanna has decided to complete the relationship, because as she stated during the interview “ he started to frighten me as he started following me step by measure, he did non understand that I do non desire to see him so frequently ” ( Appendix 1, q.5, l. 1-3 ) . She tried to understand the whole state of affairs, but she could non happen any hint about her fellow ‘s unusual behaviour. Some writers refers that stalkers may be either psychotic people, who have or have had mental upsets or schizophrenic disorder. Stalkers who are individuals without mental upsets, exhibit a assortment of personality upsets such as marginal personality upsets or egotistic personality upsets and behavioural jobs typical of depression or impaired version. ( Mullen et. Al. p. 84-86 ) Stalker has a distorted self-pride, strongly dependent on the individual who abandoned him. The rejection by the object of fondness cause feelings of shame and humiliation, which reduces his self-esteem. To counterbalance for this feeling and to accomplish the old position quo stalker is seeking to exercise control over the life of his victim. This leads to overlap and to seek uninterrupted contact with the individual subjecting the proposals, send letters, gifts, set uping meetings. Further contacts with the beloved allow him to retrieve the balance and return to the old degree of self-esteem. It should be noted that the stalker is non ever guided by considerations emotional, emotional, frequently the chief motive to come into contact with the victim is simply a desire to oppose the determination of separation, which took the other side. Termination of the relationship causes the idealisation of his relationship and the desire to reconstruct. Joanna stated, that her fellow did non desire to hold with her about an terminal of their relationship, he was directing her messages, seeking to carry her to get down their relationship once more. He arranged inadvertent meetings with her, doing her feel besieging and frightened of him. Joanna said “ . I stood in the corridor, he walked behind me, and so held my manus. He did non desire to give me peace ” ( Appendix 1, Q. 15, l. 4-5 ) , ( Heckels, Roberts ; p.366-378 )

Harmonizing to Heckels and Roberts in “ Handbook of Crime ” ( 2010 ) , everyone could go a victim of stalking. Stalking most frequently affects people linked by household ties or make an affiliate nexus. However, the victim can go anyone, and the stalker may be even a alien to the victim. The victim of stalking are largely people aged between 18-29 old ages old, because the people in this age are most focussed on happening the right life spouse. The consequence of these hunts is dividing up the relationships, which causes the opposition of those abandoned. Stalker is motivated by the fright of rejection, retaliation, strong belief of enduring unfairness. He does non accept the rejection and is continuously seeking to recover a spouse. When her narrative started, Joanna was 20 old ages old and she was “ ( aˆ¦ ) a reasonably sort of miss, ever smiling and self. I started relationship with him. I remember that I truly wanted person to be with me and I agreed because I thought that is nice to hold company and spend clip together. “ ( Appendix 1, q.2, l. 10-13 )

Harmonizing to the research published in “ Stalkers and their victims ” book by Mullen, Pathe and Purcell ( 2009 ) , The most common cause of stalking behaviour is to interrupt of the bing relationship by one of the sides, or a denial of its constitution. Rejected people will non accept this fact in the message, seeking all available agencies to recover the favour of his darling / lover. Stalking is besides a manner to “ countervail histories ” for their grudges and wounded pride. Persons persistently harassed by ex-partners ab initio decrease the importance of the job, so seek to acquire along with stalker. But that does non bring forth the coveted consequences, because the basic rule is the stalker ‘s, “ I want “ . The victim did non halt to believe what the following stalker ‘s move will be and how to avoid it. Make non travel out, quits his/hers occupation and avoids people. Exhaustion, and frequently depression starts to look. Harassed individual incrimination begins, builds up in the aggression and the desire to acquire rid of a stalker at all costs. ( p. 69-76 )

Harmonizing to an interview, and to reason it, I found some utile advice how to cover with stalker and how to forestall ourselves from being harassed:

If you do non desire to go on to run into that individual, say “ no ” every bit shortly as possible, cunctation can be read as an encouragement ; deficiency of involvement must be expressed in a clear and direct manner, in other manner stalker can construe your behaviour in an inappropriate mode ; avoid alibis like “ non now ” , “ give me some clip, ” I ‘m non ready, “ we ‘re merely friends ” – it will make the feeling that any relationship is a affair of clip or a affair of taking certain obstructions ; detach from the stalker with any contacts ; no alibis, do non take the incrimination, do non apologise that you can non reciprocate the feelings ; allow him/her understand that you expect a sensible response, if possible, seek to set up a state of affairs in which the other party feels that a determination about separation is being made by him/her. ( )


Stalking refers chiefly to people who know themselves. It can be assumed that with increasing figure of “ loose relationships ” , where dissolutions are more frequent, the figure of stalking Acts of the Apostless will increase. Well-functioning matrimony – particularly sacramental – seems to be natural redress for stalking behaviour. However, in the instance of disintegration of matrimony disturbed behaviour may besides take topographic point. Stalking can be besides seen as a dysfunctional relationship between fan and a star ( music star, movie star, athleticss star, etc. ) . We believe that demoing the internal mechanisms of stalking phenomena, should particularly stress the dependence ( emotional and affectional ) aspect from harrassed individual, and therefore bespeak the demand for intervention by the culprit.


Budd T. Mattinson J. Myhill A. ( 2000 ) “ The extent and nature of still hunt: findings from the 1998 British Crime Survey ” Home Office Research Study 210.

Heckels V. , Roberts K. “ Stalking and Harassment ” in “ Handbook on Crime ” ( 2010 ) , edited by Brookman F, Maguire M, Pierpoint H, Bennett T. ; Willan Publishing ;

Mullen E.P, Pathe M. , Purcell R. ( 2009 ) ; “ Stalkers and Their Victims ” . Cambridge University Press ;

Ruane J. M. ( 2005 ) ; “ Necessities of Research Methods. A Guide to Social Science Research ” . Blackwell Publishing ;


Dominika Wrobel.

Using Research

Appendix 1.

Interview with the victim of stalker.

How long were you harassed?

Good inquiry. Now the state of affairs continues to be stable, if I had non moved from the town where I lived. I left everything at that place. The beginning was wholly guiltless. I ne’er thought that a individual like me, who goes to church, prays and moves freely in the street can go the worst incubus for another adult male. The whole state of affairs until I moved, lasted two and a half old ages.

How did it get down?

It started when I moved out from my hometown to analyze. I lived in the belief that everyone has a impact on my life. Meeting this adult male was something wholly natural for me. Every twenty-four hours we meet the mass of people in our life, and cipher harasses to person. At least no 1 normal. Then the parents asked me how did it go on that person started following me? Well, the first twelvemonth on university I passed comparatively peacefully. For the 2nd twelvemonth I started to develop my involvements, to concentrate on what I truly want to make in my life. Undertook extra talks that interested me. I met him at that place. Even though I paid no attending to him. After our 2nd or 3rd meeting, he offered to escort me place after flushing talks. I agreed. I was so a reasonably sort of miss, ever smiling and self. I started relationship with him. I remember that I truly wanted person to be with me and I agreed because I thought that is nice to hold company and spend clip together.

Who was the stalker? Do you cognize him?

Stalker was a individual whom I met in pastoral ministry. The male child, who, like me was traveling to the extra lessons. He was interested in doctrine, merely wanted to go through a high school sheepskin.

How would you depict his behaviour?

I saw that he was watching me. He paid attending to how I looked, what I was have oning, what I wrote during the talk. But so there were no marks of farther events.

When have you realized that something is incorrect?

After a half twelvemonth of our relationship. He started to frighten me as he started following me step by measure, he did non understand that I do non desire to see him so frequently. That I have my ain life, and he has his every bit good. I did non understand the whole situation..

6. ) Has the stalker used any of your friends to keep contact with you or obtain any information about you?

Yes, particularly when I moved out. Friends reported me that he asks about me. By the terminal I told him that I would ne’er travel back to college, to the metropolis, and we will ne’er run into once more.

7. ) When you broke up with him?

As I moved out of the large metropolis, a journey to my hometown has become hard. I decided that I ‘ll pass all the clip at place. Merely so I felt safe.

8. ) Whether it was a hard determination?

He did non understand what is go oning, why can non I seeing him, speaking, could non even hear me until the terminal.

9. ) Where can the victim of stalking seeks aid?

At first I thought that person sees it, he would see person with whom I lived so, that people on the street will assist me. After they saw me the manner replaces, extends his manus, draws on the strength, makes us a clinch, a utilizing the strength of each other. But cipher reacted, unluckily. After half a twelvemonth I was at the constabulary. Policemen responded smiling. I described them all and the affair had to travel to the prosecuting officer ‘s office. By the manner my testimony was having advice like “ Let the lady make an assignment with him for java, “ and the inquiry of whether to mend.

10. ) Have you received aid from the constabulary?

Unfortunately, after two hebdomads when I came at that place to retreat the instance from prosecution – the male child continued to walk behind me, lodging out of my window, I was haunted by text messages. Then, when it occurred to me that this is a unsafe idea that merely happened that the constabulary did non respond. If they get him in gaol, so after some clip, stepped out of it, he would come heterosexual to me, because he knew where to happen me, and I would be accused of blowing his life.

11. ) What happened subsequently with your instance?

I went to retreat my instance because I was afraid that something will allow him cognize that I was at the constabulary. The whole state of affairs is truly difficult to depict here. I do non understand the mechanism of action unless the culprit, but these are unsafe people to the extent that they did non cognize what they ‘re making, likely did non even cognize what to believe.

12. ) How does this whole state of affairs has affected your life?

It sometimes happened that I was believing about it nonstop. I wondered what to make. I tried to populate a normal life. I went to a psychologist. I did a Barchelor grade in college and started a Masters twelvemonth. Then I decided it is clip to acquire some remainder and recharge. I decided to travel back to my place town, I thought I get back at that place merely for a piece. I was looking for work, but people started to frighten me. In the past I thought that life is good, that people are fundamentally good. Now I wonder how many more will hold some unpleasant surprises and what to make with people similar to my tormentor…

It is dismaying that although it happened to me more than 5 old ages ago, and merely in 2008, I learned what it is called..

13. ) Were you able to number on the support coming?

Yes. My parents helped me. Though I think they likely do non truly understand the whole state of affairs. I ne’er think anything like that I did non last, although it was highly difficult and cheerless state of affairs, I knew I have to happen a manner out of that ill state of affairs.

14. ) Has the stalker continued to hassle you?

I changed my phone figure, I put all the old familiarities, and subsequently I moved out to another town. He had no possibility to happen me in my new topographic point of life, because the lone individuals who know where I live, were my parents, and If they want to see me, they did it in highly careful manner, to forestall me from being found. But I think, that he was making all he could to do any contact with me.

15. ) Why are you think so?

Some clip ago, after I moved out, changed my phone figure, sometime later I went to college, to use for a leave of absence. It was already half a twelvemonth after interrupting contact with him. Briskly walked to the university, where I wrote an application for leave of absence. When I was standing in waiting line to the secretariat, I saw he went to college and came up to me, smiled and said “ hello Asia ” as if we saw an hr ago or two. Then he began to state something, inquiring about me, how am I doingaˆ¦

16. ) How do you felt?

As I saw him I was horrified. I stood in the corridor, he walked behind me, and so held my manus. He did non desire to give me peace. What did I make? People saw it, some people looked up, but cipher did nil.

17. ) Do you still have contact with that adult male?

No. Although late, I saw that he posted his informations on a Facebook. I was terrified when I saw him. I instantly changed my informations. The Internet is a topographic point, where is easier to cover with the stalker.

18. ) In what words would you find yourself after those five old ages?

Now, after five old ages I can state that I ‘m frightened, people frequently terrifies me, I have jobs with conversations, meetings, run intoing new people. I still think about that when person sees me, will shortly get down following me. It changed my attitude to the freshly met people, particularly cats.

Dominika Wrobel

Appendix 2.

Interview inquiries.

How long were you harassed?

How did it get down?

Who was the stalker? Do you cognize him?

How would you depict his behaviour?

When have you realized that something is incorrect?

Has the stalker used any of your friends to keep contact with you or obtain any information about you?

When you broke up with him?

Whether it was a hard determination?

Where can the victim of stalking seeks aid?

Have you received aid from the constabulary?

What happened subsequently with your instance?

How does this whole state of affairs has affected your life?

Were you able to number on the support coming?

Is the stalker continues to hassle you

Why are you think so?

How make you felt?

Make you still have contact with this adult male?

In what words would you find yourself after those five old ages?


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Dominika Wrobel

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