Learning Foreign Language Are Brain Benefits English Language Essay

Based on my research on this subject, I found that larning a secondary linguistic communication or foreign linguistic communication does non do linguistic communication confusing, linguistic communication hold, and cognitive shortage. Other than that, last updated by Susan Lang on 12th May 2009 on the web page of “ Learning a 2nd linguistic communication is good childhood head medical specialty ” stated that, in a survey at Cornell Language Acquisition Lab ( CLAL ) , kids who learn a secondary linguistic communication can keep attending despite outside stimulations better than kids who know merely one linguistic communication.

Thesis/ Preview:

The end of my address today is persuade you to larn foreign linguistic communication because larning foreign linguistic communication will convey a batch of benefits. The benefits of larning foreign linguistic communication are encephalon benefits, do your work easier and do going more gratifying.

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Now that we have clear apprehension on what is foreign linguistic communication, allow me portion with you how learning foreign linguistic communication can convey along encephalon benefits to you.


Main Point 1:

First of all, larning foreign linguistic communication can convey along encephalon benefits to the scholar.

Harmonizing to a web page of “ The benefits of larning a foreign linguistic communication ” last updated by Alice Langholt, stated that the encephalon will organize new nervous connexions and tracts to absorb new information when we are larning a foreign linguistic communication.

The new symbols, new sounds and niceties of intending have rational activities for the encephalon.

Both right side and left side of the encephalon are stimulated while larning a foreign linguistic communication.

Train our encephalon to increase the learning capacity.

The more portion of our encephalon is involved in acquisition, the longer the acquisition is retained and the more the encephalon is taught to utilize the new information.

It will heighten the ability of pupils in larning academic topics.


Let ‘s state, your work requires you to pass on with the client of diverse nationalities and from the abroad. But, you are non able to pass on with your client efficaciously due to the linguistic communication spread and it may do you to lose the client. Following, I will discourse with you that larning foreign linguistic communication can do your work easier.

Main Point 2: A

The benefits of larning foreign linguistic communication can do your work easier.

Harmonizing to the web page of “ The advantages of larning a foreign linguistic communication ” , last updated by James Dunn on 18th July 2007 stated that the foreman will see you as a valuable employee if you are able to talk in different linguistic communications.

You will acquire the opportunity to work in other states and you may even acquire promoted to higher place.

You can easy pass on with your client as you will non experience awkward while speaking to others.

Harmonizing to the web page of “ Advantages of larning a foreign linguistic communication at an early age ” , last updated by Turgay Dincay on 25th November 2011 stated that larning more than one linguistic communication can increase the chances for callings.

Secondary or third linguistic communication that adds a new dimension to your sketch will do you holding advantage to be hired by the company.

Harmonizing to the web page of “ The of import and advantages of larning a 2nd linguistic communication ” , last updated by Rita Putatunda stated that the secondary linguistic communication can go a valuable plus in your work.

This contributes to your overall accomplishment of professional and personal calling ends.


Imagine that you are in beautiful foreign state, in which everything is new for you and you are walking along the street. The lone thing that fusss you is you can non understand what local people are speaking about. Hence, I will portion with you the benefits of larning foreign linguistic communication during your traveling.

Main Point 3:

Learning foreign linguistic communication can do your going more gratifying.

Harmonizing to the web page of “ The advantages of larning a foreign linguistic communication ” , last updated by James Dunn on 18th July 2007 stated that you will bask the trip in which you are able to understand the linguistic communication of the state you are sing.

You can pass on with the local occupants and do new familiarities.

You will be able to read the mark board and bill of fare in eating houses.

You are able to understand the films and civilization of the state you are sing.



In a nutshell, I would wish to reason that larning foreign linguistic communication will convey a batch of benefits, which are the encephalon benefits, do your work easier and do going more gratifying.

Tie Back to Audience:

A batch people think they may travel everyplace by utilizing English linguistic communication entirely and some people even think larning a foreign linguistic communication has no advantage for their life. This perceptual experience is wholly incorrect because as the economic system becomes more globalized, English will merely go less and less of an option.

Reasoning Memorable Remarks:

I would wish to stop my address with a citation, as Frank Smith said, “ One linguistic communication sets you in a corridor for life. Two linguistic communications unfastened every door along the manner. ”

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