Representation of Evil in “Vasilisa the Beautiful”

Representation of Evil in “Vasilisa the Beautiful”


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Russian folklore is rich with assorted myths, fables and common people narratives that detail the life of assorted fabulous characters. In many of such narratives, there is extended usage of thaumaturgy, witchery and the usage of extraordinary powers. However, the most common feature of Russian folklore is the usage of adult females in storytelling. Historical bookmans define Russia’s literature as one that is rich with common people narratives affecting mystical escapade. However, most of these narratives have a heroine alternatively of a hero at the terminal. Vasilisa the Brave has its scene at a clip when thaumaturgy and the usage of extraordinary power was at its extremum.

A narrative is told of a immature lady named Vasilisa who is sent by her barbarous step-mother to roll up some visible radiation from a enchantress called Baba Yaga. However, the chief kernel of the errand is to hold Vasilisa be harmed and perchance decease in the procedure of roll uping the visible radiation. However, it is her humbleness and generousness that saves Vasilisa from being devoured by the enchantress Baba Yaga. The status given by the enchantress is that Vasilisa completes a few undertakings including basic family jobs for Baba Yaga. After successfully finishing the undertaking, Baba Yaga hands Vasilisa a lantern fashioned from a skull, which finally burns the stepmother and the half sisters to ashes.


The narrative of Vasilisa is loaded with symbolism. The author uses assorted representations of the local civilization to associate to the existent occurrences in modern-day civilization. The character of Baba Yaga has besides been used on assorted platforms to convey out non merely an immorality but besides a powerful character. “Vasilisa the Beautiful” characterizes Baba Yaga as a unsafe individual who wields monolithic power of thaumaturgy. However, her actions towards Vasilisa paint a individual who despite being associated with immorality does non look to back up evil workss against the inexperienced person in the society. From the common folklore history, Baba Yaga comes out as the scoundrel who will travel to any lengths to harm the supporter. It is no uncertainty that Baba Yaga’s character is meant to strike a balance in footings of reading and giving the narrative the intended happy stoping.

Representation of Evil in “Vasilisa the Beautiful”

“Vasilisa the Beautiful” is seen as being more of a Russian Cinderella narrative therefore appealing to the Western readers. Despite the fact that the narrative has been written in so many signifiers by authors who have different versions of what happens in the narrative, the basic facts in the narrative are preponderantly similar. The narrative revolves around a immature lady Vasilisa. After the decease of her female parent, Vasilisa is left with no 1 to take attention of her. However before her decease, Vasilisa’s female parent leaves her a doll that is supposed to assist Vasilisa whenever she needs aid. The status by the female parent is that whenever she needs aid, Vasilisa should feed the doll and the doll reciprocates by helping her in her jobs. The greatest status that Vasilisa is given by her female parent is ne’er to allow anyone cognize of the doll’s being ( Zheleznova, 1966 ) . Vasilisa’s stepmother is described as a barbarous adult female who discriminates against Vasilisa doing her bash most of the jobs in the family while her girls lazy around the house making nil. Further cruel intervention directed towards Vasilisa is whereby she is given merely a amalgamation part of all repasts. However, Vasilisa does non eat her repasts but instead saves the full repasts for the doll which in bend helps her complete her jobs.

The doll in the narrative is a word picture of how Russians and the society in general position super-natural existences. The doll in this instance is presented as a mundane object that has extraordinary capablenesss while maintaining in head that it can be found anyplace. The writer tries to portray Vasilisa’s relationship to the doll as reciprocally sole. It is the intervention towards the doll that dictates whether the doll offers any aid to Vasilisa. By feeding the doll, Vasilisa is rewarded by holding her jobs done by the doll. It is of import to observe that Vasilisa does non hold direct power in her relationship with her doll.

Hartman ( 1993 ) is of the position that it is merely by utilizing the doll that Vasilisa is able to better her life status characterized by inhuman treatment. Vasilisa was able to follow her mother’s instructions who directed that she feeds the doll any clip that she needs the dolls’ aid. In add-on, Vasilisa is non supposed to state anyone sing the doll’s being. The application of these in the modern-day society is the demand to follow instructions. The writer depicts Vasilisa as an obedient lady who ever heeds instructions from seniors as it is depicted throughout the narrative. It is this obeisance that helps Vasilisa clip and clip once more during hard state of affairss. By being obedient, Vasilisa is able to get away the wrath of her stepmother and subsequently from Baba Yaga. Towards the terminal, it is the willingness to listen to advice that finally sees Vasilisa get married to the czar.

When her male parent is off on concern, Vasilisa’s cruel stepmother secret plans to kill Vasilisa and together with her girls send Vasilisa though the wood to Baba Yaga for some visible radiation. Upon arrival Vasilisa is required by the enchantress Baba Yaga to make humble family responsibilities and besides serve her repasts. Vasilisa does all the work without oppugning and even goes farther to enlist the aid of her doll when Baba Yaga requires her to make some about impossible undertakings. After finishing all her undertaking, Baba Yaga asks Vasilisa why she is so low and why she does things without oppugning. In her response, Vasilisa asks Baba Yaga about three equestrians who she had antecedently seen come ining and go forthing the witch’s homestead. Baba Yaga responds by stating that the three equestrians are her “ my bright twenty-four hours… my ruddy Sun… and my dark night—and all three of them are my faithful retainers ” ( 197 ) .

In a critical analysis of fairy narratives known asShadow and Evil In Fairy Tales,the writer states that Baba Yaga’s mention to having the dark and twenty-four hours is a literary representation of the heathen civilization non merely in Russia but the universe in general. Franz is of the position that Russian pagan religion manifest itself peculiarly in the Russian society that frequently has hardline positions on different issues in the society. For some ground, Russia has over the old ages been viewed as ‘female’ with the mention of ‘rodina’ which means fatherland being the best illustration to back up this mention. In relation to “Vasilisa the Beautiful” , the writer is seen to manus more power to adult females based on the fact that from the narrative, adult females seem to do determinations and are besides the cardinal characters in the narrative.

In light with all the female characters in the narrative, Vasilisa’s destiny remainders with the major characters that are ; her female parent, the doll, Baba Yaga and her stepmother. Baba Yaga claims to ain twenty-four hours and dark. This state of affairs replicates most states and the degree of authorization exerted to the common citizens. Franz besides notes that there are several skulls in Baba Yaga’s hut which is interpreted as the witch’s power over life and decease. This can be compared to the power of life and decease that the province has over ordinary citizens.

In Indo-European folklore, visible radiation is frequently used to typify cognition. Most Western faery narratives describe the quest for cognition as progressive growing that is good in the society. From the narrative, Vasilisa was sent by her stepmother to acquire some visible radiation for Baba Yaga. The representation of visible radiation in the modern-day society is knowledge. However, “Vasilisa the Beautiful” introduces a instead alone characteristic of Russian narrative. Alternatively of the quest for cognition being represented as a good procedure, the Russian version suggests that the quest for cognition is a unsafe procedure and therefore should be avoided unless there are obliging grounds as to why the procedure must be undertaken.

It is of import to observe that by being sent to roll up some visible radiation from Baba Yaga, Vasilisa’s stepmother expects that she will non last her undertaking. However, Vasilisa’s behaviour and behavior enables her to win in her pursuit. In add-on to this, Vasilisa is able to admit her low-level function in the society peculiarly based on how she treats Baba Yaga. Therefore from a wider position, the writer tries to stress the wagess that come with good behaviour and humbleness in the society. Faced with a near-impossible undertaking, Vasilisa is able to chasten even Baba Yaga who is a enchantress. Baba Yaga even goes farther to province that she does non grok how Vasilisa is willing to take orders without oppugning.

As stated by Compora ( 2010 ) , the metaphor of placing Baba Yaga with the province is continued farther in the narrative. From the narrative, it is allowable for Vasilisa to ask about some of the things that happen at Baba Yaga’s hut. However, Baba Yaga tells Vasilisa that non every inquiry has an appropriate reply. Baba Yaga goes farther to state Vasilisa that excessively much cognition will take to old age. Before replying the inquiry about the three equestrians, Baba Yaga asks Vasilisa how she was able to finish all the undertakings given to her. Vasilisa says that the ground why she successfully completed assorted undertakings was because she had her mother’s blessing. From the narrative, Baba Yaga is seen as both the scoundrel and the supporter. This premise is based on the fact that she rewards Vasilisa for her good behaviour and exhibiting good ethical motives. On the other manus, Baba Yaga is described as awful when she is angry.

All the chief characters have certain features that define their personality. Vasilisa is portrayed as low, obedient and hardworking. Vasilisa’s stepmother and half sisters are portrayed as cruel, selfish and evil. Baba Yaga on the other manus work stoppages out as considerate and non-manipulative. The portraiture of Vasilisa as selfless implies that she ever considers other people’s sentiment in her determinations. This reflects in modern society the importance of altruism. Possibly to demo merely how much generousness is in the society, Vasilisa’s stepmother and half sisters attempt to utilize Baba Yaga’s power to destruct Vasilisa. This is apparent from the narrative whereby Vasilisa is sent to bring some visible radiation from Baba Yaga even though the stepmother and half sister knew that she was likely to be harmed in the procedure of roll uping the visible radiation. However, it is the stepmother and half sisters who pay for their evil workss with their lives.

Harmonizing to Schielzo ( 1983 ) , “Vasilisa the Beautiful” further characterizes the usage of stepmothers in mythology. Since clip immemorial, there is ever a negative intension that accompanies the word stepmother. Stepmothers have been used in myths to belie the positive nature of female parents. It is hence non surprising that throughout the folklore history, stepmothers ever seem to transport specific personal traits. The most common property that is associated with stepmothers is jealousy. In the instance of Vasilisa, she is mistreated by her stepmother merely because the stepmother felt that she was prettier than her ain kids. The same scenario of a covetous stepmother is replicated in assorted narratives throughout history. Baba Yaga gives Vasilisa a skull with ardent eyes bespeaking that this was the visible radiation that the stepmother and the stepdaughters had requested for. Vasilisa innocently takes the skull with her dorsum to her stepfamily that is instantly burned to ashes by the ardent eyes. The decease of Vasilisa’s stepmother and half sisters mark the premise in early mythology and narrative authorship that evil ne’er wins. Vasilisa maintains her low nature which gives the narrative one of the rarest characteristics of Russian literature which is a happy stoping.


“Vasilisa the Beautiful” is a manifestation of how assorted phenomena influenced early folklore. Most fabulous analogies incorporate the usage of a supernatural being, witchery and thaumaturgy. Besides a common trait in such analogies is the usage of an evil stepmother. This application relates to so many things in the society and is meant to reflect the state of affairs on the land. From the beginning of the narrative, the author is really specific sing the way of the narrative. Possibly it is the usage of thaumaturgy that has the greatest impact on the narrative. Critics argue that despite it non being realistic to use charming in modern literature, the latter was highly relevant in early literature particularly Grecian Myths and Legends. More significantly, the major subjects analyzed in the narrative indicate a systemic application of literature to act upon behaviour and advance good behavior. This is apparent from the narrative where the immorality stepmother and the half sisters are burned to ashes by the skull. The decease of the half sisters and the stepmother is considered as payback sing how the same people treated Vasilisa.


Compora, D. P. ( 2010 ) . Folk and Fairy Tales.Journal of Folklore Research Reviews

Hartman, D. K. , & A ; Hartman, J. A. ( 1993 ) . Reading across texts: Expanding the function of the reader.The reading instructor, 202-211.

Louise, M.F. ( 1974 ) .Shadow and Evil in Fairy Tales.Boston: Shambhala


Mayer, M. ( 1994 ) .Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave. Morrow Junior Books.

Drum sanders, R.Folk & A ; Fairy Tales. ( 1978 ) United kingdom: Methuen & A ; Co.Ltd.

Scielzo, C. ( 1983 ) . AN ANALYSIS OF BBA-YAG IN FOLKLORE AND FAIRY TALES.TheAmerican diary of depth psychology,43( 2 ) .

Zheleznova, I. L. ( Ed. ) . ( 1966 ) .Vasilisa the Beautiful: Russian faery narratives. Advancement Publishers.

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