State Owned Enterprise Reform Challenging Issue Chinese Leaders Economics Essay

Since 1979, a large-scale with several phases of SOEs reform in China has been traveling on. In order to get the better of the challenges which brought by the rapid alteration of economic system and the development of boosting-up, the Chinese Government put attempts on SOEs denationalization and it intended to hold a market-oriented development. Whether attempts were put on the SOEs reform, Chinese SOEs are still playing the ruling function to the Chinese economic system. Due to the historical factors and the purpose of SOEs ‘ constitution, they are still particularly ruling the strategically of import sectors, like substructure building, telecommunications, fiscal services, energy and natural stuffs. Person said the state-owned endeavor reform is the most ambitious issue to be dealt with by the Chinese leaders. In this study, it will get down with the reappraisal of the development of SOE transmutation since the beginning of the reforms, and by measuring the current province of SOEs in China, illustrate the significant impacts and possible suggestions for the SOEs reform.

Phases of SOE reform in China

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SOEs are legal entity created by authorities, which are established to run in commercial personal businesss and to prosecute strictly non-financial aims. In China, under the influence from the Soviet Union, she created SOEs about 50 old ages ago after the constitution of the People ‘s Republic of China and the socialist industrialisation that came shortly after. By utilizing non more than 10 old ages, China nationalized all private industrial endeavors during the fiftiess. Before 1978, China operated its SOEs under a centrally planned economic system. From 1978, Chinese leaders have initiated intensive reforms and denationalization to SOEs. In a macro sense, the SOE reforms can be treated as a strategic accommodation of the nationalized and centralised economic system towards a more market-oriented economic system. And in a micro sense, the reforms are intended to transform the Chinese SOEs into modern corporations. By reexamining the history of SOE reforms, they can be divided into five phases.

First phase of SOEs reform ( 1978 -1980 )

The first phase is from 1978 to 1980, which was claimed as the experimental phase. The ground of presenting the SOE reform is because of the execution of Deng Xiaoping ‘s reform and opening-up policy. Before 1979, corruptness was common in the SOEs, endeavors were holding low productiveness as the working motive and inducements are low among the SOE workers. Therefore, in the 13th July, 1979, State Council of the People ‘s Republic of China ( PRC ) decided to hold a attempt on enlarging the managerial liberty[ 1 ]of SOEs. In this phase of reform, it is concentrated on the decentalisation of power from the cardinal to the SOEs, besides introduced the construct of net income devising into SOEs. It aimed to vitalise the economic system by actuating the manufacturers and increase the income of the workers. This phase gained a fundamentally achievement which is study by the People ‘s Daily ( renminribao[ 2 ]) . In the late June, 1980, more than 6000 SOEs joined the step of managerial liberty expansion. In the first half twelvemonth of 1980, SOEs ‘ production value achieved 60 % of the one-year value while the net income achieved 70 % of that twelvemonth. As a first test of actuating step, it successfully motivated SOEs to prosecute net income and growing.

Second phase of SOEs reform ( 1981 -1982 )

The 2nd phase, from 1981 to 1982, concentrated on the separation of political relations and endeavor. By loosening Chinese Government ‘s clasp on the planned economic system, it began to weaken the nexus between the State and endeavors. At the interim it intended to enlarge the liberty of director by presenting the director duty system. This was the most of import invention in this phase, as the managerial liberty were delegated from authorities bureaucratism to enterprise directors, they were holding higher inducements on the net income devising by increasing the grosss and diminishing the endeavors shortages. Besides the debut of dual-price system allowed the directors to sell excess production at market monetary values for a net income, one time the planned quotas for the production were met. In order to let the net income keeping and fillip for the endeavors and the workers, Chinese authorities introduced the net income contract system into the SOEs in the terminal of 1982. Enterprises were permitted to retain a certain per centum of the net incomes over and above a certain base figure which was negotiated with the local authorities. For illustration, the Sichuan provincial authorities which is spearheaded by Zhao Ziyang launched a pilot undertaking to spread out endeavor liberty in six selected endeavors. Alternatively of subjecting all net income to Central, these endeavors were allowed to maintain a proportion of their net incomes, and when they produced more than the state-set quota, they were free to utilize that net income to reinvest in production and proficient invention.

Third phase of SOEs reform ( 1983 -1986 )

The 3rd phase, from 1983 to 1986, the Chinese Government tried to hold a clear cut on the boundary between the authorities gross and the SOEs ‘ gross. Therefore, she made the transmutation on SOEs net income into revenue enhancement. The revenue enhancement for net income system was approved in April 1983 and carried out in June. And this step became an effectual economic lever, nevertheless, without an incorporate mechanism to run in coordination, unjust revenue enhancement collected leaded to the pattern of “ floging the fast ox ” ( bienda kuainiu[ 3 ]) , that is, penalizing the more effectual production units and persons. At the clip, this power is frequently abused to advance administrative officials ‘ ain involvements, which has prompted endeavors to follow assorted defensive steps, including the widespread “ year-end syndrome ” . This caused the figure of stuffs capable to compulsory planning was reduced from 256 to 65 and 26 by the terminal of 1987. At the terminal of this phase, 1986, the Bankrupt Law was enacted. This was the most of import individual step to do endeavors accountable for their losingss, although the existent figure of bankruptcies was really little.

Fourth phase of SOEs reform ( 1987-1992 )

The 4th phase, from 1987 to 1992, focused on dividing company ownership and direction by presenting a contract duty system. Directors signed a contract with the relevant authorities bureaus and became the legal representatives of the SOE, accordingly being held responsible for the company ‘s net incomes and losingss. The construct of this phase of reform was to transform SOEs into independent economic entities that were responsible for their net incomes and losingss, besides to set up independent legal entities that shared certain rights and duties. As a consequence, the managerial forces tended to prosecute short-run involvements instead than long-run as they had the rights merely on the SOEs ‘ operation but no clear belongings rights. The duty system allowed directors can portion net incomes with the authorities and employees easy but are non capable of presuming losingss and liabilities that might follow from their managerial determinations, as they do non have any important sum of assets or belongings.

Fifth phase of SOEs reform ( since 1992 )

The fifth and the latest phase, from 1993 and go oning into the present, Chinese leaders found a new way which emphasized on transforming SOEs into modern corporations by utilizing the modern endeavor system. There was an component of the reform in this phase called “ hold oning the big and allowing spell of the little ” ( zhuada fangxiao[ 4 ]) . The policy was portion of industrial reforms in 1996, and it was adopted in September 1997 at the 15th Communist Party Congress. It changed the State ‘s place towards stockholders under assorted ownership. During this period, want took topographic point on a big graduated table among the little SOEs. Some of the largest SOEs are developed to be listed on the Chinese stock markets or even the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, normally with the State still keeping about two-thirds of the portions in the listed companies.

Current state of affairs of Chinese SOEs

Even after experienced a consecutive market-oriented reforms, SOEs are still playing an attention-getting function in the Chinese economic system. In the followers, some statistics can be illustrated the current province of Chinese SOEs.

In 2005, there were 1999 SOEs among all big and moderate-sized industrial endeavors ( 25 % of the sum ) , centralising assets of RMB 6.09 trillion ( 58 % of the sum ) and bring forthing a entire net income of RMB 268 billion ( 48 % of the sum ) ( Table1.1 )

Table 1.1

Structure and public presentation of SOEs in big and moderate-sized industrial endeavors, 2005


No. SOEs

Assetss ( RMB billion )

Net income ( RMB billion )

ROA ( % )


























ROA= return on assets

Beginning: National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) 2005, China Statistical Yearbook 2005, China Statistics Press, Beijing.

In 2007, of the top-500 Chinese endeavors, 69.8 % were SOEs, which accounted for 94 % of plus value and making 88 % of the entire net income ( Table1.2 ) . SOEs are non merely economically dominant, but besides socially. SOEs employed 89.3 % of the work force and lending 92.7 % of overall revenue enhancements.

Table 1.2

Structure and public presentation of top-500 Chinese endeavors in 2007, by ownership ( % )


No. SOEs


Net income
































ROA= return on assets

Beginning: A Report on the Development of China ‘s Enterprises 2007, Enterprise Management Publishing House, Beijing, Chapter 12, p88.

At the same clip, the Chinese SOEs became noticeable force among planetary endeavors. In 2007, 2 Chinese SOEs were listed in the Fortune Global 500 while China was ranking the 6th gait in the figure of houses by state. The 22 Chinese SOEs in the Fortune Global 500 employed 13 % of the work force, 3.6 % of overall net income and 3.8 % of entire gross ( Table1.3 ) .

Table 1.3

Structure and public presentation of Fortune Global 500 in 2007, by state ( % )


No. houses



Net income

No. Employees


United States










































ROA= return on assets

Beginning: Fortune Global 500, Fortune Magazine, 23 July, 2007.

For the SOE reforms in the past 30 old ages, nevertheless, grosss and net incomes have systematically run in front of deeper endeavor transmutation such as betterment of operating efficiency and sweetening of industrial productiveness. The return on assets ( ROA ) of Chinese SOEs in the top-500 Chinese endeavors was merely 1.4 % in 2007, dawdling far behind non-state endeavors ( NSEs ) in China, such as private-owned endeavors ( 6.08 % ) and foreign-funded endeavors ( 8.48 % ) ( Table1.2 ) . As for the return on equity ( ROE ) , it is merely 10.7 % for the to a great extent SOE-dominated top-500 Chinese endeavors, executing far worse than the Fortune Global 500 norm of 16.13 % ( Table1.4 ) .

Table 1.4

Performance of top-500 Chinese and planetary companies ( % )



Top-500 Chinese endeavors



Fortune Global 500 companies



ROA= return on assets

ROE= return on equity

Beginning: A Report on the Development of China ‘s Enterprises 2007, Enterprise Management Publishing House, Beijing ; Fortune Global 500, Fortune Magazine, 23 July, 2007.

Clearly, besides increasing grosss and net incomes, Chinese SOEs still show major lacks in respect to efficiency and productiveness. AS a major economic force in China, they are besides rapidly going more relevant on a planetary graduated table. There appears therefore to be a go oning demand for reform and enhanced policies for SOEs in China.

The figure of Chinese SOEs in big and moderate-sized industrial endeavors was 15107 in 1995 and diminished to 3999 in 2005, a loss of 73.5 % and the figure of all industrial SOEs fell from 118000 in 1995 to 27500 in 2005, a loss of 76.7 % ( Table1.5 ) . The crisp lessening in the figure of SOEs shows how dramatically denationalization has taken topographic point in the class of reforms.

Table 1.5

The figure of industrial SOEs in China, 1995-2005 ( % )

No. industrial SOEs

( all sizes )

No. industrial SOEs

( big and moderate-sized )


118 000

15 107


53 500

9 144


27 500

3 999

Beginnings: National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) 1995, China Statistical Yearbook 1995, China Statistics Press, Beijing ; National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) 2000, China Statistical Yearbook 2000, China Statistics Press, Beijing ; National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) 2005, China Statistical Yearbook 2005, China Statistics Press, Beijing.

The state-owned assets in big and moderate-sized industrial endeavors, nevertheless, steadily accumulated from RMB 3.89 trillion in 1995 to RMB 6.09 trillion in 2005 ( Table1.6 ) , with a compound one-year growing rate of 4.6 % for 10 old ages. At the same clip, the net income generated from big and moderate-sized state-owned industrial endeavors besides soared ( from RMB 70.8 billion in 1995 to RMB 268 billion in 2005, with a compound one-year growing rate every bit high as 14.2 % ) indicating that the denationalization and transmutation of SOEs during this period contributed to a dramatic addition in state-owned net incomes and assets, which enhanced the authorities ‘s fiscal, political and societal cyberspace assert value.

Table 1.6

Assetss and net incomes of SOEs in big and moderate-sized industrial endeavors


Assetss ( RMB billion )

Net income ( RMB billion )

ROA ( % )













ROA= return on assets

Beginnings: National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) 1995, China Statistical Yearbook 1995, China Statistics Press, Beijing ; National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) 2000, China Statistical Yearbook 2000, China Statistics Press, Beijing ; National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) 2005, China Statistical Yearbook 2005, China Statistics Press, Beijing.

When implementing the SOE reforms, it created room for non-state endeavors ( NSEs ) to turn. Assetss in NSEs have soared from RMB 1264.6 billion in 1995 to RMB 11545.8 billion in 2005, with net income lifting from RMB 58.2 billion in 1995 to RMB 812.6 in 2005 ( Table1.7 ) .

The laterality of SOEs in China ‘s strategic market has contributed to this success in two distinguishable ways. On the one manus, SOEs still keep province monopolies over critical sectors such as substructure. By centrally organizing and prosecuting its attempts in these respects, the Chinese Government has managed to supply an extended and ever-growing substructure web as one of the pillars of overall economic growing.

Table 1.7

Performance of NSEs in big and moderate-sized industrial endeavors


Assetss ( RMB billion )

Net income ( RMB billion )

ROA ( % )













ROA= return on assets

Beginnings: National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) 1995, China Statistical Yearbook 1995, China Statistics Press, Beijing ; National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) 2000, China Statistical Yearbook 2000, China Statistics Press, Beijing ; National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) 2005, China Statistical Yearbook 2005, China Statistics Press, Beijing.

Another channel through which the dominant place of SOEs in the strategic market has contributed to NSE growing is by continuing monetary value controls. Since SOEs still keep monopolies in these strategically relevant sectors, the monetary values of energy, H2O and resources are kept unnaturally low. On the one manus, this serves Chinese consumers. On the other manus, private and other non-state endeavors besides benefit notably from this favourable monetary value environment.

The inexplicit subsidisation of the private sector, nevertheless, including many foreign-invested endeavors, through lower than market monetary values in cardinal inputs implies that China is subsidising planetary consumers of made-in-China merchandises. It has besides attracted many energy-intensive and environmentally harmful industrial activities to China. On the whole, the monetary value controls that followed from the tight control by the authorities of SOEs in the strategic market have led to important concealed societal costs. And that will be interesting to see how long China can prolong the monetary value control and the inexplicit subsidies to domestic and international houses and consumers.

After several phases of reform, Chinese SOEs still dominate among big endeavors in China to a singular grade. SOEs history for 70 % of the Chinese top-500 endeavors, 94 % of assets and 88 % of net incomes. The Chinese SOEs besides contribute 93 % of the revenue enhancements generated from, and employ 89 % of the entire work force in the Chinese top-500 endeavors ( Table1.2 ) . Although the Chinese SOEs perform worse than non-state endeavors such as collective-owned endeavors, private-owned endeavors and foreign-funded endeavors, they still dominate among big fabrication endeavors.

Even globally, Chinese SOEs are going more important. The figure of Chinese endeavors in the Fortune Global 500 increased from 15 in 2005 to 22 in 2007 and China ranked 6th in 2007 in the figure of houses by state ( Table1.8 )

Table 1.8

The figure of Chinese endeavors in the luck Global 500


No. of Chinese endeavors







Note: All of the Chinese endeavors in the Fortune Global are SOEs.

Beginning: Fortune Global 500, Fortune Magazine, 23 July, 2007.

To turn to the evident defects of past SOE reforms, some bookmans proposed more steps should be implemented, for illustration a full denationalization on the SOEs which chiefly focus on restricting the function of the State and increasing the planetary fight of Chinese SOEs. The followerss are the recommendations. First coercing all big SOEs under cardinal or local-government control should be listed within a short period ; for the SOEs which are already listed, province ownership should be reduced to a minority stockholder degree. The state-owned portions should be limited to less than 50 % for all new initial public offerings ( IPOs ) . And listed SOEs should be required to hold a program to farther cut down province ownership.

Majority province ownership is neither necessary to stand for the involvements of the State nor advantageous in bettering the fight of the listed company. The involvement of the State can still be maintained through one aureate portion that gives the State veto power against any determinations by the board that are potentially harmful to the national involvement or national security.


The specific class of reform has affected China ‘s macroeconomic environment in a figure of ways. NSEs have benefited from the go oning monopoly place of SOEs in the strategic market in the sense that they can take advantage of a huge system of basic substructure, every bit good as of permanent monetary value controls on energy and resources. The over-concentration of SOEs in the strategic market seems to hold served specific authorities intents to bolster the state ‘s economic growing. Low efficiency and productiveness in these sectors still hinder invention and entrepreneurship in China ‘s largest companies and in China ‘s most of import sectors. Apart from this domestic job of the global-impacts of the ever-growing Chinese SOEs will non be ignored abroad. Therefore, there will be a farther demand for transmutation of the Chinese SOEs with force per unit area coming from domestic consumers and political relations, every bit good as from international competition and international political relations.

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