The Dystopian World In Brave New World

In this research paper, the reader will be introduced to the constructs of dystopia and dystopian society, constructs which have to make with the constitution and care of a ‘fake ideal of society ‘ , which is rather the antonym of a Utopia ; and how these constructs are reflected in people ‘s behavior and humanity. The alteration and apprehension of these cardinal constructs will assist the reader to grok the grounds why Aldous Huxley ‘s Brave New World is considered to be a representative image of a dystopian universe.

The 2nd portion of this research is concerned with analysing how the constructs antecedently mentioned use to Aldous Huxley ‘s novel Brave New World. To accomplish this intent the reader is traveling to be presented illustrations and citations from the book to exemplify how some of the features of a dystopian universe are depicted throughout different transitions of the novel.

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The chief aims pursued by this literary research paper, which are traveling to be presented through the development of this work, are the undermentioned:

To explicate the reader the construct of dystopia and its features in order to detect how this construct applies to literary plants.

To explicate in a planetary manner how a dystopian society plants.

To depict four chief features of a dystopian society.

To do a analogue between a literary dystopian society and the universe created by Huxley in his novel Brave New World.

To detect through this work how the dystopian features here mentioned stand for our current society at some point.

In this manner, through the accomplishment of these aims, it is expected for the reader to be able to understand and place dystopian features in different literary plants, every bit good as they are present and depicted in Brave New World. The reader is besides expected to detect and recognize the chief purposes of this research paper, in order to hold a planetary apprehension of the different parts of this work as a whole to eventually, turn out by himself/herself if the thesis statement has resulted to be true.

Theoretical Model

Social stableness, happy citizens, a decently working society, no heartache or unhappiness, no societal inquiry left unsolved, freedom ; all of these features belong to a Utopian universe. To speak about a Utopia is talk about an ideal, a perfect state of affairs, a perfect society ; that is the ground why many writers have developed this construct in a broad assortment of plants refering political relations, socialism, faith, etc. Moritz Kauffman exposes this ideal and about impossible universe by stating:

What is utopia? Strictly talking, it means a ‘nowhere Land ‘ , some happy island far off, where perfect societal dealingss prevail, and human existences, populating under an speckless fundamental law and a immaculate authorities, bask a simple and happy being, free from the convulsion, the harassing attentions, and eternal concerns of existent life ( qtd. in Levitas 12 ) .

However, as there is a Utopian universe, there is besides an anti-utopian universe, in which societal instability has been overcome through the application of scientific discipline, engineering and political relations, every bit good as the forfeit of certain cultural and historical values. Although the construct of this dystopian universe seems to be perfect and ideal, as everyone is happy and everything is under control, most of the times this thoughts of advancement, scientific discipline and political relations are depicted in negative ways as their employment in the society cause the forfeit of such subjects as faith, history, freedom, feelings and emotions. This phenomenon, in which the perfect universe is achieved by negative or non the ideal means, is known as dystopia.

Among the infinite figure of dystopian definitions, the one provided by Booker and Thomas represents the general thought:

Briefly, dystopian literature is specifically that literature which situates itself in direct resistance to Utopian idea, warning against the possible negative effects of errant Utopianism. At the same clip, dystopian literature by and large besides constitutes a review of bing societal conditions or political systems, either through the critical scrutiny of the Utopian premises upon which those conditions and systems are based or through the inventive extension of those conditions and systems into different contexts that more clearly reveal their defects and contradictions ( 3 ) .

To clear up the chief constructs to be develop in this paper, foremost a comparing between a Utopia and a dystopia has to be made. As it was said, a Utopia is an fanciful topographic point, that is socially, morally, and politically ideal. A dystopia is a futuristic, imagined existence in which oppressive societal control and the semblance of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, technological, moral, spiritual or totalitarian control. In other words, “ dystopia represents the fright of what the hereafter may keep if we do non move to debar calamity, whereas utopia encapsulates the hope of what might be ” ( Levitas 165 ) .

There is a strong relationship between these two constructs ; for illustration, Priest states that dystopia focuses on the negative facet of utopia, therefore, demoing the imperfectness of the flawlessness ( 8 ) . Basically, the intent of a dystopia is to do readers cognizant of the failing of the apparently perfect society, that is to state, to alarm people about the dangers of going so unnatural in a hereafter. So, the world of dystopia, consequences to be the imperfectness of the apparently perfect society. This is done in order to do readers cognizant of the values of human existences and humanity ; and to assist readers understand that what is seemingly good from the outside might be stained and flawed when seen from within.

Harmonizing to Baker, dystopia is drawn on “ political and emotional events, grounding its vision of a bloodcurdling hereafter in modern-day frights of totalitarian political orientation and uncontrolled progresss in engineering and scientific discipline ” ( 22 ) .A The dystopian scene is brought about by engineering and by higher authorities.A As engineering additions, the usage for human existences in the work force decreases go forthing an overpowering sum of depression among humans.A Therefore, a manner to go on the production of technological findings is by conveying up worlds from twenty-four hours one to accept their unhappiness as normal, by converting people to accept the fact that they are born to make a particular job.A Higher governments know the utility of worlds ‘ emotions in order to stabilise what they think to be a Utopian society.A

In general words, dystopia can be represented as a failed attempt of a ‘utopian ‘ society which has been overcome by world.

Features of a dystopian society

In literature there is a sociological construct known as the dystopian society. These societies are frequently encountered in scientific discipline fiction, as dystopia is normally thought to be concerned with the hereafter. The dystopian society has many different features, refering the different facets of a traditional society, but it is ever based on dictatorship or dictatorship. Repression, deficiency of single freedom, restriction of idea, entire societal control and use, the usage of engineering to replace biological procedure, restrictions of entree to information and nature, creativeness and emotions are besides normally depicted in dystopian plants:

If Utopian societies are typically designed to enable the maximal fulfilment of single human potency, dystopian societies impose oppressive conditions that interfere with that fulfilment. These oppressive conditions are normally extensions or hyperboles of conditions that already exist in the existent universe, leting the dystopian text to review real-world state of affairss by puting them within the defamiliarizing context of an utmost functional society ( Booker and Thomas 66 ) .

There are many features in a dystopian society. This research paper is traveling to concentrate on four major features of a dystopian society ; these are the control of citizens, the usage of engineering, the construct of individualism and the changeless amusement provided by the province:

Citizens are stiffly controlled: In dystopian societies, people are non allowed freedom of idea and their motion is purely limited or impeded. Booker and Tomas stated that “ the swayers of the One State are peculiarly concerned with exercising control over those facets of human life that might take to strong emotions and therefore interrupt the rational repose of life ” ( 67 ) . There are many ways by which dystopian societies governments ( besides referred as ‘the One State ‘ ) control people:

Conditioning: In dystopian societies, the usage of psychological conditioning as a tool of official power is widely used. The thought is to command and make non allow people to inquire things about the society, so this manner people ‘s spirit is absent ; there is merely a rational think which is besides conditioned and controlled. Through conditioning, people are encephalon washed and convinced to accept everything as normal and functional in order to maintain the societal stableness working.

B. Control of feelings and emotions: On the other manus, feelings and emotions are purely controlled by the province excessively. Priest depicts this dystopian feature by stating that:

This was besides true for the riddance of the feeling of love and other feelings, and the right to do their ain determinations. All of those things were taken off from them without them recognizing it. Therefore, a perfect society was created for their ain convenience, but at the same it besides made them blind and stupid. It was a utopia for those who were blind, but a dystopia for those who understood and cared ( 128 ) .

Censoring control over the bulk by a few: Those in control usage censoring in order to alter the populace ‘s perceptual experience. Censorship includes commanding information by, both extinguishing unwanted information, every bit good as commanding all of the information that a individual receives.

In the dystopian province, nevertheless, societal control by and large has the upper manus. Official establishments such as churches, schools, and the constabulary are used to modulate idea, imaginativeness, and behavior, supplying persons with a really limited scope for the look of alternate point of views or geographic expedition of alternate life styles ‘ ( Booker and Thomas 66 ) .

Peoples are besides denied the right of being informed, for case, ancient art is hidden ; they do non hold entree to this sort of information. In dystopian societies, people are hidden from the being of God, of female parents and male parents, of natural and biological procedures such as reproduction and creative activity ; in other words, they are concealing the past and history:

A dystopian society, like that of most traditional Utopia, has as its ideal a status of ageless and inactive stableness. Once flawlessness ( of whatever sort ) is achieved, alter automatically becomes a threat- and the job with the yesteryear is that, merely by demoing that things were one time different, it demonstrates that alteration is at least possible. The really being of the past where things were different implies that society is ‘not inactive but kinetic ‘ , and dystopian societies uniformly go out of their manner to kill its memory ( Ferns 119 ) .

Technology replaces nature: Often, dystopian works analyze the construct of engineering traveling excessively far. For illustration, dystopian societies replace existent nature with a replicated environment. This distorts the positions of citizens of the dystopia by holding them trust or trust on engineering. Technology is besides used as a means to command society. Bookers and Thomas talk about this characteristic expression that “ certain mechanical applications of engineering lend themselves straight to political subjugation ” ( 68 ) .

A deformed position of an “ ideal ” society: In a dystopian universe, the functional society is the ideal society. One of the demands to keep this functional society working is the riddance of individualism. Individuality does non work for dystopian societies ; in fact it is seen as something bad: “ people are even referred to as Numberss instead than people. These Numberss have lost all true individualism ; they are simply interchangeable parts in the elephantine machine of the State ” ( Booker and Thomas 67 ) . Uniformity is assured, the line of the private, the person and the populace is destroyed. For illustration, the dystopian citizens wear uniforms, reenforcing the sense that people are types instead than distinguishable persons, heightening the fact that the person is simply portion of the societal machine ( Ferns 113 ) . This is merely one illustration of how dystopian societies do whatever necessary for keeping societal stableness, in this instance even agitating people to lose any sort of personal individuality, as this is non convenient for the One province intents. Priest besides talks about the usefulness uniformity represents for the care of the societal stableness stating that “ there was no value for the human existences in themselves. They were valuable merely when they contributed to the community, when they were utile ” ( 127 ) .

Harmonizing to Booker and Thomas, in a universe where individualism does non be there is “ small room for single pick ” ( 67 ) ; which consequences to be really convenient for maintaining people off from take parting actively in society. In other words, “ where everything belongs to everybody, cipher will care about anything ” ( Richter 5 ) .

Changeless amusement: In order to maintain people from sing their circumstance and what may be losing in the society, they are alternatively provided with distractions that help to maintain them off organize covering with the world of their state of affairs. As Bookers and Thomas stated,

Persons spend most of their clip in the chase of instant felicity through the usage of drugs, and mind-numbing multisensory amusements, that are continually broadcast to maintain the heads and senses of the people occupied at all times ( 67 ) .

Some of the most common elements which represent this distraction throughout a broad assortment of dystopian plants are the usage of sex and the bringing of free drugs: “ sex, drugs, and popular civilization prevalent in this society are intended chiefly to deviate attending from societal jobs and to forestall persons from developing any kind of strong feelings that might take them to dispute official authorization ” ( Booker and Thomas 67 ) .


In Huxley ‘s Brave New World dystopia can be seen in both political and emotional events in which a terrorization hereafter is presented. In Brave New World society, modern-day frights of totalitarian, autocratic and oppressive political orientation ; together with uncontrolled progresss in engineering and scientific discipline have as a consequence an highly high cost for world, who lives in an unhealthy and unnatural environment. Gottlieb states that:

If we begin with Brave New World, it becomes obvious that each dystopian society contains within it seeds of a Utopian dream. These are articulated by the governing elite ‘s original promise when its new system was implemented, a promise that so miscarried ( in We ) ; was betrayed ( in 1984 ) ; or was fulfilled in ways that showed up the unexpected defects of the dream ( in Brave New World ) ( 8 ) .

Throughout the different transitions of Huxley ‘s novel Brave New World, the four chief dystopian features presented in the first subdivision of this research paper can be clearly distinguished:

I. Citizens are stiffly controlled: The dystopian scene in Huxley ‘s novel is guided non merely by engineering, but besides by higher governments who control everything. In the book, this control can be seen through the application of 3 different techniques: conditioning, control of feelings and emotions and censoring.

A. Conditioning: The addictions to different activities and ways of behavior are pre- programmed in all the citizens of Brave New World by agencies of ‘hypnopedia ‘ , a conditioning method which is made by regular repeats of selected phrases during slumber from babyhood until adolescence, with the intent of making incontrovertible truths on people ‘s heads. In the novel, it can be seen how another sorts of conditioning are applied to people from the really beginning, that is to state, since kids are raised in research labs:

“ Heat conditioning, ” said Mr. Foster. Hot tunnels alternated with cool tunnels. Coolness was wedded to discomfort in the signifier of difficult X raies. By the clip they were decanted the embryos had a horror of cold. They were predestined to immigrate to the Torrid Zones, to be miner and acetate silk spinsters and steel workers. Subsequently on their heads would be made to back the judgement of their organic structures. “ We condition them to boom on heat, ” concluded Mr. Foster. “ Our co-workers upstairs will learn them to love it. ” ( Huxley 13 ) .

In these research labs childs are emotionally and socially conditioned, trained and habituated to this weather new universe by agencies of engineering and the usage of drugs.

Conditioning has besides to make with the complete control of economic system from portion of the State which, in pro of the stableness so pursued, controls every individual item about the fiscal system of the universe. Even when, in dystopian societies the economic system is non merely beginning of the appropriate society ‘s working, in Brave New World, being portion of the societal organic structure means working for everyone else. In relation to this, people in Brave New World are trained, through hypnopaedia to accept this adage as true: “ every one belongs to every one else, ” ( Huxley 29 ) .

B. Control of feelings and emotions: Because of the rigorous control exercised over people in the society depicted by Huxley in Brave New World, depression among human race appears and, accordingly, as a manner for traveling on with the innovation and production of technological determination, scientists and higher governments decide to status worlds, since twenty-four hours one, to understand their sadness and discontent as normal feelings:

Till at last the kid ‘s head is these suggestions, and the amount of the suggestions is the kid ‘s head. And non the kid ‘s head merely. The grownup ‘s head too-all his life long. The head that Judgess and desires and decides- made up of these suggestions. But all these suggestions are our suggestions! The Director about shouted in his victory. “ Suggestions from the State. ” He banged the nearest tabular array. “ It hence follows. “ ( Huxley 21 )

C.Censorship and control over the bulk by a few: This point is representative of dystopian societies where the bulk is controlled by a few who use censoring to change and modify the populace ‘s perceptual experience and position. Censorship consists of commanding and extinguishing unwanted information or stuff which governments consider to be unsafe for the intents which are chase, in the specific instance of Brave New World this cardinal intent is to keep stableness. Citizens are besides out to read or even hold entree to reading stuff, for illustration, adult females of the World State in Brave New World are taught that “ you ca n’t devour much if you sit still and read books ” ( Huxley 50 ) .

Furthermore, censoring and control over the bulk by a few can be seen in Aldous Huxley ‘s Brave New World in the forgetfulness of history on intent. In Brave New World ‘s society books and the past times are, non merely bury and conceal, but besides out. In the society depicted by Huxley, people are greatly suppressed by the accountants of the planet.

aˆ¦our universe is non the same as Othello ‘s universe. You ca n’t do flivvers without steel-and you ca n’t do calamities without societal instability. The universe ‘s stable now. Peoples are happy ; they get what they want, and they ne’er want what they ca n’t acquire. They ‘re good off ; they ‘re safe ; they ‘re ne’er ill ; they ‘re non afraid of decease ; they ‘re blissfully nescient of passion and old age ; they ‘re plagued with no female parents or male parents ; they ‘ve got no married womans, or kids, or lovers to experience strongly about ; they ‘re so conditioned that they practically ca n’t assist acting as they ought to act. And if anything should travel incorrect, there ‘s haoma. ( Huxley 151 )

In Brave New World people are conditioned to be interested in other things but books, they are supposed to be concerned with the occupation they are traveling to make as portion of society and depending the dramatis personae to which they are traveling to belong to. This can be exemplified with the undermentioned transition:

They ‘ll turn up with what the psychologists used to name an ‘instinctive ‘ hate of books and flowers. Reflexes unchangeably conditioned. They ‘ll be safe from books and botany all their lives. The Director turned to his nurses. “ Take them off once more ” ( Huxley 17 ) .

Furthermore, in connexion to the concealed yesteryear and history, there is another facet of the yesteryear which is considered forgotten: the belief of the being of God. In Brave New World, the civilisation has no God ; governments and scientists have replaced faith and God ; they have played God and have reorganized the universe in their ain mode, doing usage of engineering and scientific discipline. Obviously there is a ground for non necessitating a superior being: everything is so stable that it is non necessary for them continue back uping themselves in God: ‘God is n’t compatible with machinery and scientific medical specialty and cosmopolitan felicity. You must do your pick. Our civilisation has chosen machinery and medical specialty and felicity. ‘ ( Huxley 159 ) .

II. Technology replaces nature: This is a cardinal and imperative feature of a dystopian society which is besides present in Huxley ‘s Brave New World. Often dystopia societies replace existent nature with a replicated environment. This is the instance of Brave New World where, through the usage of engineering and the huge cognition of the scientists, gestation among females is rejected, as it goes wholly against this new universe nature. That is the ground why, in the universe portrayed by Huxley in his novel, births given by adult females are considered to be wickednesss. Alternatively, the kids ‘s production and birth from a trial tubing or a bottle, as a replacing of a natural birth, is seen as a usual and normal issue. This can be seen when the research lab where embryos are produced is described:

Still tilting against the brooders he gave them, while the pencils scurried undecipherably across the pages, a brief description of the modern fertilizing procedure ; spoke foremost, of class, of its surgical introduction- “ the operation undergone voluntarily for the good of Society, non to advert the fact that it carries a fillip amounting to six months ‘ wage ” ; continued with some history of the technique for continuing the excised ovary alive and actively developing ; passed on to a consideration of optimal temperature, salt, viscousness ; referred to the spirits in which the detached and ripened eggs were kept ; and, taking his charges to the work tabular arraies, really showed them how this spirits was drawn off from the test-tubes ; how it was let out bead by bead onto the specially warmed slides of the microscopes ; how the eggs which it contained were inspected for abnormalcies, counted and transferred to a porous receptacle ; how ( and he now took them to watch the operation ) this receptacle was immersed in a warm bouillon incorporating unattached spermatozoa-at a minimal concentration of one hundred 1000 per cubic centimeter, he insisted ; and how, after 10 proceedingss, the container was lifted out of the spirits and its contents re-examined ; how, if any of the eggs remained unfertilised, it was once more immersed, and, if necessary, yet once more ; how the fertilized egg cell went back to the brooders ; where the Alphas and Betas remained until decidedly bottled ; while the Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons were brought out once more, after merely 36 hours, to undergo Bokanovsky ‘s Process. ( Huxley 6 ) .

Another facet related to the replacing of nature is seen in the society depicted by Aldous Huxley in his novel Brave New World where the household, as it is known today, has been eradicated. In this Brave New World, where people are scientific and falsely produced, the construct of female parents and male parents is thought to be obscene:

“ Human existences used to be. ” he hesitated ; the blood rushed to his cheeks. “ Well, they used to be live-bearing. ”

“ Quite right. ” The Director nodded approvingly.

“ And when the babes were decanted. ”

“ ‘Born, ” ‘ came the rectification.

“ Well, so they were the parents-I mean, non the babes, of class ; the other 1s. ” The hapless male child was overwhelmed with confusion. “ In brief, ” the Director summed up, “ the parents were the male parent and the female parent. ” The carbon black that was truly science fell with a clang into the male childs ‘ oculus avoiding silence. “ Mother, ” he repeated aloud rubbing in the scientific discipline ; and, tilting back in his chair, “ These, ” he said soberly, “ are unpleasant facts ; I know it. But so most historical facts are unpleasant. ” ( Huxley 18 ) .

III. A deformed position of an “ ideal ” society where all people should be equal: As in Huxley ‘s dystopian society human existences as forced, by agencies of conditioning, to accept they are born for belonging to a specific dramatis personae or group, the higher powers decide to eliminate worlds ‘ emotions as a manner to stabilise what they are convinced to be a Utopian universe. Yet, In Huxley ‘s Brave New World people are conceived and mass-produced in trial tubings in a research lab where embryos are genetically manufactured with homogenous features which is perfectly considered a characteristic of a dystopian society: “ standard work forces and adult females ; in unvarying batches. The whole of a little mill staffed with the merchandises of a individual bokanovskified egg ‘ ( Huxley 7 ) .

Additionally, Aldous Huxley depicts an of import feature of a dystopian society in which scientists order the civilisation in specific categories. In Aldous ‘s novel, this category system is divided into five major dramatis personaes: Alphas, Betas, Gammas, Deltas, and Epsilons which are designated even before babes are born. In the instance of the lower categories bing in Brave New Word, individual embryos are bokanovskified which makes them bring forth around eight and 96 indistinguishable embryos. The thought is to do people every bit unvarying as possible:

Alpha kids wear Grey they work much harder than we do, because they ‘re so terribly cagey. I ‘m truly terribly glad I ‘m a Beta, because I do n’t work so difficult. And so we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta kids wear khaki. Oh no, I do n’t desire to play with Delta kids. And Epsilons are still worse. They ‘re excessively stupid to be able ( Huxley 21 ) .

Individuality is another facet to see in Brave New World. In this regard, Brave New World is integrated by people who have been altered, changed and created to suit the new invented society. To accomplish this intent, the higher powers of Brave New World provide people with trade goods and, at the same clip, they are being conditioned to be easy dominated and controlled.

IV. Changeless amusement: One of the most of import and cardinal features of a dystopian society is the control of the multitudes which is achieved, among other ways, by the changeless amusement provided by the regulators of the society. In this sense, in order to maintain people far apart from sing their circumstance and what might be losing in society ; they are alternatively provided with distractions that help to maintain them from covering with world of things. In Aldous Huxley ‘s Brave New World this can be appreciated when film or ‘feelies ‘ and telecasting are mentioned as major ways of holding merriment.

In Brave New World ‘s research labs childs are emotionally and socially conditioned, trained and habituated to this Brave New World by agencies of engineering and the usage of drugs. The bringing of free-drugs by the State is another characteristic of a dystopian society which uses this to command people who are non allowed freedom and whose ideas, emotion together with their motion is purely limited or impeded and, who besides see the usage of drugs as a agency of amusement.

However, in relation to the changeless amusement provided by the authorities of this dystopian society, in Brave New World the bringing of free drugs from portion of the cardinal State is an recognized world. The bringing of haoma, which is the name of the drug that was legal, free of charge and distributed by the governments, is considered as a perfect drug, for the intents of the higher powers in Brave New World. Soma is a cardinal factor in guarding the so of import and apprehended stableness pursued by the governments in this dystopian society depicted by Huxley. This drug is critical because, together with conditioning, it makes people run off from world, unhappiness and unsafe feeling which go against personal and, hence, societal stableness:

aˆ¦you ‘re so learned that you ca n’t assist making what you ought to make. And what you ought to make is on the whole so pleasant, so many of the natural urges are allowed free drama, that there truly are n’t any enticements to defy. And if of all time, by some luckless opportunity, anything unpleasant should somehow go on, why, there ‘s ever soma to give you a vacation from the facts. And there ‘s ever soma to quiet your choler, to accommodate you to your enemies, to do you patient and enduring ( Huxley 161-62 ) .

Another of import beginning of amusement nowadays in Brave New World is sex, as kids grow up and face their grownup lives wholly conditioned to be immersed in the society. Furthermore, people ‘s predetermined lives are filled with licentious and promiscuous sex which has no other intent but satisfy their natural and inevitable human inherent aptitude and have fun. Again, through conditioning, scientists avoid any sort of emotions or feelings, like love, towards the opposite sex:

In a small grassy bay between tall bunchs of Mediterranean ling, two kids, a small male child of about seven and a small miss who might hold been a twelvemonth older, were playing, really soberly and with all the focused attending of scientists ‘ purpose on a labor of find, a fundamental sexual game ( Huxley 23 ) .

As it can be noticed, all four features of a dystopian society, presented and described in the first portion of this essay, that is to state, in the theoretical model, can be seen throughout the diverse transitions of Aldous Huxley ‘s Brave New World and they can besides be supported with legion citations from the same book.


This literary research paper has looked upon the constructs of both dystopia and dystopian society to detect and research if some features of them are present in Aldous Huxley ‘s Brave New World. Besides, throughout the present survey, four chosen characteristics of a dystopian society have been described and explained to the reader to, eventually, do a analogue between these features and the universe depicted by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World.

After analysing the novel Brave New World under the visible radiation of the elements once stated, it can be said that this literary research paper has proved its initial hypothesis, as it has been confirmed that Aldous Huxley ‘s novel does picture features of a dystopian society. The first grounds of dystopia in the novel is represented by the control applied by the higher governments by different agencies, such as conditioning, censoring and emotional control. The 2nd grounds is exemplified by the usage of engineering beyond the traditional applications, that is to state, the usage of engineering for accomplishing other intents such as commanding the population. The 3rd manifestation of dystopia in this novel is the constitution of uniformity alternatively of individualism, while the 4th point refering dystopia is the usage of many distractions to maintain people off from oppugning of import issues. These four different groundss have been exemplified and supported, by the analogues made between a literary dystopian society and Brave New World society and, besides, with legion citations and transitions taken from the book.

Furthermore, the present research survey has succeeded in turn toing all the four chief aims which had been set out, that is to state, explicating the reader the constructs of both dystopia and dystopian society and their features to find how they are presented in Brave New World. This paper has besides achieved the intent of explicating, in a general and planetary mode, how dystopian societies work and, besides, depicting four chief features of them. The last nonsubjective expected for this work, that of detecting how some dystopian features here mentioned are present in our current society is a undertaking left for the reader, as it has to make with every individual ‘s standards and sentiment.

Refering the reproduction of this research paper, some hereafter guidelines will be suggested by the writers of this literary research for transporting out research on this subject ; as the present survey has missed some of import and relevant facets refering dystopian societies and the comparing here made, chiefly because of a affair of length.

It is suggested for other research workers interested in this subject to travel deeper and investigate, for case, about extra features of a dystopian society, as this paper has merely covered four of them. Furthermore, future research can besides be done in the visible radiation of set uping a comparing between two or more dystopian novels, in order to hold a wider apprehension of dystopian literary plants and its features. Last, it could besides be explained and analyzed in a deeper manner different dystopian features and how these are reflected in specific literary plants throughout the history of literature, in assorted civilizations and for a assortment of authors.

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