The wage paradox in the modeling industry

The mold industry is a rare industry which exhibits higher female rewards relative to male rewards. The mold industry can be described as an industry that generates the service of publicizing a merchandise. Persons pose with a peculiar merchandise and seek to demonstrate/ exhibit the public-service corporation or desirableness of it, in order to bring forth higher demand for the merchandise in the market.

We take a expression into the demand side factors of the mold industry and analyze the demand curves confronting male theoretical accounts and female theoretical accounts.

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The demand curve is fundamentally shows the relationship between the monetary value of a good and the measure demanded by consumers at assorted monetary values, maintaining other factors like income, consumer penchants etc fixed. In the mold industry though a male theoretical account and a female theoretical account would bring forth the same service ( that is to publicize a peculiar merchandise ) , they are non perfect replacements of each other. Had they been perfect replacements of each other at that place would hold been no disparity in their rewards. Even if there were any in the short tally, the market would guarantee that their rewards equalise finally. The ground they are non perfect replacements of each other although they technically generate the same service is because of different consumer penchants. Such is the social perceptual experience and penchants that consumers would prefer looking at a female theoretical account than a male theoretical account. Having a adult female publicize a merchandise lends it a certain degree of sensualness and desirableness that makes the merchandise more attractive. So even if we are looking at a merchandise every bit impersonal as a auto, which can be used both by males and females, one will seldom happen a male theoretical account presenting following to a new theoretical account of i10 at an car exhibition.

Females enhance the ocular entreaty of an object in the head of a consumer and do it desirable. A expression at minibikes or razor advertizements is a good illustration. Although they both are merchandises aimed for male use, these advertizements will ever hold a female theoretical account, who adds a ‘visual glamor to the merchandise and increases its sex entreaty.

Another comparing would be male and female deodourant ads. Deodorant ads for work forces, portrays how the supporter becomes resistless with the use of the merchandise to the opposite gender. A female deodourant attention deficit disorder on the other manus will seek to stress on the ‘fresh feeling ‘ the merchandise induces.

Consumers exhibit a prejudice for female theoretical accounts.Thus there is an being of a higher penchant for female theoretical accounts compare to that of male theoretical accounts. Keeping all other factors changeless, this factor of higher consumer penchant for female theoretical accounts will intend that the demand curve for female theoretical account will lie above the demand curve of male theoretical accounts.

The following factor that will find the demand of female theoretical accounts in the industry is the volume of market of female theoretical accounts compared to male theoretical accounts. The biggest demander of the service of theoretical accounts would be the manner industry. Until late the major ball of the manner industry ( vestures, accoutrements etc ) comprised of the adult females ‘s section. The manner industry for work forces was really limited until late. Though this section has shown high growing rates in recent times, we can safely state that compared to adult females, work forces ‘s vestures and accoutrements comprise a smaller section of the manner industry. Therefore the demand for female theoretical accounts to showcase female apparels and accoutrements ensures that the market demand for female theoretical account would be higher than male theoretical accounts. So at any degree of monetary values the demand of female theoretical accounts will be higher merely because of more figure of work chances for adult females. This is another ground why the demand curve for female theoretical accounts will put farther right of demand curve for male theoretical accounts. So presuming that both the markets ( the market for female theoretical accounts and market for male theoretical accounts ) face similar supply curves, the equilibrium rewards and measure for the female theoretical account market would be higher than equilibrium rewards and measure in the male theoretical account market.

( We are presuming that there are no supply side restraints that differentiate two markets. There are at any point of clip equal figure of male and females who wants to be recruited as theoretical accounts, intending the two markets face a really similar supply curve ) .

In contrast to this in the fiscal research industry which recruits MBA alumnuss, a female and a male MBA alumnus will hold equal chance of work ( presuming no gender prejudice ) . If there is a vacancy in a company for a MBA alumnus, the company will non be bothered about the gender of the employee, because the nature of the work is such that it does non necessitate any gender specific property or accomplishments. In this scenario a Male and a female alumnus would be perfect replacements of each other face the same demand curve and will therefore have similar rewards.

Surveies on pay differences at work topographic point point out that the irresistible impulse on the portion of employers to give pregnancy benefits to its female workers is a chief ground behind comparatively lower work rewards for adult females. The mold industry is such that it requires theoretical accounts to keep utmost physical fittingness, good expressions and slender figures at all points. Hence adult females who choose to hold babes will automatically drop out of the market, because they would no longer be able to carry through the demands of the industry. Stiff competition on the other manus will guarantee a steady supply of theoretical accounts to make full their places and on the whole the market will stay unaffected. Contracts in the mold industry ( for either gender ) are besides short term, so if a female theoretical account terminates her contract, the market will easy happen a replacement without incurring much losingss. Thus employers do non necessitate to dismiss for pregnancy costs while make up one’s minding on rewards for adult females theoretical accounts. Therefore even if we pause and assume for a minute that demand conditions are same for theoretical accounts of both gender, there is one less ground why females would be discriminated on rewards.This does non guarantee higher female rewards, but guarantee that females acquire paid at least every bit much as males do, under similar demand conditions.

But given as we analyzed the higher demand in general for female theoretical accounts and the above ground will take to higher female rewards in the industry.

Another glamourous industry with pay disparity would be that of the movie industry. But here male film stars typically earn much rewards higher than females. This disparity can once more be traced back to consumer penchant and certain societal tendencies. Movies are synthetic contemplation of our society and it would non be incorrect to state that India by and big is still a male dominated patriarchal society.Though there has been pockets of alterations, but the society at big still finds it hard to visualise a adult female as an icon or function theoretical account. Movies with strong adult females centric subjects and characters have seldom been a commercial success. This means in simple words that people are unwilling to pay in order to watch a female icon or a ‘hero ‘ on the screen. A film with a strong female supporter and merely secondary male characters like the Hollywood blockbuster “ Erin Borckovich ” would non do much concern in India. Thus the consumer penchant here is biased in favour of male stars.So in contrast to the earlier scenario in the mold industry where demand curves for female theoretical accounts lay right of the demand curve of the male, in the film industry the demand curve for a male film star would lie above or to the right of the female film star. This would connote that even n the face of similar supply conditions the equilibrium rewards of a male would be higher than that of a female film star.

The above hypothesis purposes at explicating a rearward tendency due to consumer penchants and being of certain tendencies due to social penchants. This might be one of the grounds for the paradox of the mold industry.

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