Traditional Medicine A Simple Cure For All English Language Essay

It has been two old ages since the decease of one of my darling schoolmates, but I remember it like it was merely yesterday. On one summer twenty-four hours, she said that she had a concern that seemed so intolerable that it felt like a needle jab her encephalon. It was so bad that she was instantly brought by her parents to the infirmary so that she could be examined. After scrutiny, the physicians and nurses confirmed that she merely had the grippe so she could merely imbibe Tylenol or any other headache-relieving medicine to ease the hurting. She did as the nurses and physicians said, but after a hebdomad of insomniac darks and changeless complaining about the hurting that had worsened, her parents were convinced that this febrility had non gone off. The following twenty-four hours, her parents brought her to the infirmary and she was hospitalized so that the physicians may seek to bring out the causes of her pounding concerns. As they continued in their unsuccessful hunt for the causes, she had easy slipped into a coma. While in her coma, she easy started to lose blood which was shown through her blood trial consequences. The physicians so ordered for her to acquire an X ray of her encephalon. The consequences came and they saw that portion of her encephalon was shed blooding. They tried to instantly transport her by plane to Hawaii, but the hemorrhage had become highly terrible that the force per unit area produced by high heights would do her to shed blood out. They had no other pick but to wait for her to decease.

My beloved schoolmate and friend suffered a preventable decease. She chose modern medical specialty as the method to ease her concerns, but they really made her concerns worse. I wonder what would hold happened if she tried Palauan traditional medical specialty to alleviate her pounding and pulsating concerns. Would it hold saved my friend ‘s life? This is a inquiry that will ne’er be answered, but we now know that modern medical specialty may non ever be the best pick. There are surely two methods of medical specialty that are used in Palau which are modern medical specialty and traditional medical specialty. There has ever been some argument whether one is better than the other. Due to this annihilating life experience of losing a beloved friend to the manus of modern medical specialty, my position towards both methods has changed particularly when handling concerns. Even though the usage of modern medical specialty to handle concerns is more recognized and applied today, the usage of Palauan traditional medical specialty to handle concerns is merely as effectual, cheap and readily available in copiousness which makes it a better replacement.

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There are two methods of medical specialty in which persons may utilize to handle a simple concern are modern medical specialty and traditional Palauan medical specialty. Harmonizing to Selaima Lalabalavu, modern medical specialty is referred to as the medicines or methods of physical healing that we have been introduced by the Western civilization within the last century. The most popular modern medicines used to handle concerns are Tylenol, Advil ( Ibuprofen ) and Excedrin. These medicines are merely purchased and intoxicated with H2O. Harmonizing to the factsheet created by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) available from, traditional medical specialty is referred to as a civilization ‘s native medical traditions that are used to forestall, name, better or handle any physical or mental complaints. Palauan traditional medical specialty is normally the usage of different herbs or combination of herbs. There are several classs of medical specialty, but those that are used in handling concerns are “ dechedechomel ” and “ rsachel ” . In using “ rsachel ” , one must garner the roots of one little papaia works, 3 roots of a calcium hydroxide works, immature foliages of “ ngel ” , immature foliages of a calcium hydroxide works, a smattering of immature foliages of soapberry shrub, a smattering of the immature foliages of “ chedebsungel ” ( Crataeva speciosa Volk ) and a subdivision of its bark, a smattering of flowers of the male papaia works and a smattering of flowers of “ bngei ” ( Polyscias nodosa ( Bl. ) ) so lb them together, pour into container and smell the contents until the concern is relieved. In using “ dechedechomel ” , one must garner four immature foliages of a lemon tree, “ chiuetekill ” which is a type of vine and “ beraber ” which is a weed found in boggy countries so wash them clean. After making so, one should so travel to a watercourse, chew the herbs that were picked, submerge one ‘s caput into the watercourse and so get down all the medical specialty along with some H2O from the watercourse. Due to the strong olfactory property that is emitted by the combination of the herbs, one must submerse into the watercourse. ( Flat: 4-5, 7 )

Today, persons choose to utilize modern medical specialty to handle concerns for several grounds. First and first, persons may take to utilize modern medical specialty such as Tylenol, Advil and Excedrin to handle concerns because they are scientifically proven. Persons may besides take to utilize modern medical specialty because they are recommended by physicians when they consult them about their pounding concern. Another ground for persons to take to utilize modern medical specialty is because of its popular recommendation from household and friends.

Despite the several grounds why persons choose to utilize modern medical specialty to handle concerns, there are several disadvantages to utilizing modern medical specialty. One disadvantage is that modern medicines such as Tylenol, Advil and Excedrin are expensive. I called and visited several local shops to happen out what the mean monetary values for these medicines were. I discovered that the mean monetary value for Tylenol was $ 5.00, for Advil $ 5.50 and for Excedrin $ 5.50. Another disadvantage is that modern medicines such as those that I have mentioned contain legion chemicals that may negatively impact an person. Harmonizing to an article available from hypertext transfer protocol: //, these chemicals may include Datril, caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid. Another disadvantage to utilizing modern medicines such as Tylenol, Advil and Excedrin to handle concerns is the side effects that are accompanied with their use. Harmonizing to Selaima Lalabalavu and the article available from hypertext transfer protocol: //, these medicines have similar side effects such as loss of appetency, pyrosis, dark piss, icterus ( yellowing of the tegument or eyes ) , irregularity, formation of ulcers, giddiness, gas, concern, diarrhoea, low febrility with sickness or tummy hurting. If medicines such as Tylenol, Advil and Excedrin are invariably used, an person may see more terrible side effects such as liver harm, kidney harm and harm in the tummy liner.

There are legion advantages to utilizing Palauan traditional medical specialty to handle concerns. One of the many advantages is its effectivity. Harmonizing to Kedok Meluat and Fermina Eberdong, who are strong practicians of Palauan traditional medical specialty, Palauan traditional medical specialty is merely every bit effectual as modern medicines and sometimes even more effectual and fast-acting. Another advantage to utilizing Palauan traditional medical specialty is because it is practically free of charge. Harmonizing to Damiana Kunihiro, who is a former nurse, it is considered free of charge because it can easy be obtained and made without being bought. It is may be the simple undertaking of the ill person or a comparative to garner the herbs and fix the medical specialty. Another advantage is the easy entree to the medical specialty and the different herbs used to do the medical specialty. The herbs that are needed for the medical specialty are readily available every bit good. Palau is an copiously vegetated island and it is the place to an abundant beginning of medicative herbs ; hence, one would easy happen the herbs needed to fix this specific medical specialty and rapidly alleviate his or her concern. Another advantage is that Palauan traditional medical specialty is chemical-free and all natural. The fact that Palauan traditional medical specialty uses merely different herbs or workss so that it can take medicative consequence proves that it is all natural. Harmonizing to Kedok Meluat and Fermina Eberdong, no chemicals are of all time added into mixtures of Palauan traditional medicines. Another advantage to the usage of Palauan traditional medical specialty to handle concerns is that it does non hold any known or reported side effects. Harmonizing to Damiana Kunihiro, it is confirmed that there are no possible side effects known at the minute which shows that Palauan traditional medical specialty is so safe to utilize. Harmonizing to the article available from pid=S0100-879X2000000200004 & A ; script=sci_arttext & A ; tlng=en, these traditional medical specialties are the lone beginning of medical intervention that an person has to last because he or she can non afford to travel to the infirmary or purchase medicines at the shop.

Both modern medical specialty and traditional medical specialty are two methods used to handle a simple concern, but traditional medical specialty is obviously a better replacement because of its handiness in big measures, inexpensiveness and its effectivity being similar to that of modern medical specialty. Modern medicines may be widely used today for several grounds, but they do hold disadvantages such as their cost being expensive, legion side effects that accompanies their use and the fact that they contain several chemicals that may impact an person. If you want to alleviate your throbbing concern fast and easy without losing a batch of money, I recommend you use traditional medical specialty.

Work Cited

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Kunihiro, Damiana. Personal Interview. 11 March 2011.

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Medicine and Therapy. Palau Society of Historians. 6. Koror, Palau: Division of Cultural

Personal businesss, 2000.

Meluat, Kedok. Personal Interview. 7 Feb. 2011.

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Research Evaluation

Thoroughness of Research: 4 – Highly thorough, strong thesis supported by research, paper has purpose and non merely facts, assortment of beginnings 3 – research good overall but some countries need extra research, thesis and research largely back up each other, purpose to research ( non merely facts ) three types of beginnings 2 – Basic research is good, paper has thesis but weak, more facts than purpose, extra research to back up thesis needed throughout, two beginnings used 1 – Research is deficient throughout, really weak or losing thesis, paper largely facts, deficient beginnings

Structure and Organization: 4 – Information is highly good organized and easy to understand, rectify individual used throughout the paper, appropriate passages used so paragraphs blend together 3 – Organization is by and large good but some information is misplaced, some mistake in individual, some usage of passages so paragraphs slightly blend 2 – Organization falls apart in several countries but the basic construction of the paper is good, multiple mistakes in individual, few passages so paper reads reasonably jerky 1 – Overall construction of the paper is non good thought out doing paper to be unorganised, many mistakes in individual, insufficient or no passages consequences in paragraphs non linking doing jerky reading

Development: 4 – Excellent debut with proper thesis arrangement, each point is clearly identified and explained, strong decision which restates purpose, points and has closing

3 – Good debut with proper thesis arrangement, most points are clearly identified and explained, good decision which summarizes and has closing 2 – carnival debut which contains thesis, some points are exhaustively explained, while others need development, just decision 1 – Weak debut, most or all points still need a batch of development, hapless decision doing paper to stop suddenly

Originality of Voice: 4 – Research stuff has been exhaustively incorporated into the author ‘s ain words 3 – Most of the paper reflects the tone of the author 2 – A great portion of the research stuff still reflects the tone and manner of the original beginning 1 – The research paper reads as if most of it were merely copied from original texts ( PLAGIARISM )

Citations: 4 – Writer has made commendations in all countries where they quoted, paraphrased or summarized and efficaciously sandwiched in 3 – Citations were made and sandwiched in efficaciously for most citations, paraphrasiss and sum-ups, 2 – Some commendations were made and some effort to sandwich in 1 – No commendations were made at all or commendations do non suit into original authorship

Grammar, Mechanics and Spelling: 4 – Writer showed attention in proofreading ; merely occasional mistakes occur 3 – Mistakes are common 2 – Paper has multiple mistakes in every paragraph ; sometimes the mistakes make the paper hard to understand 1 – Paper has many mistakes, doing it really hard to read and understand

Plants Cited page: rubric, alphabetized, right indenture, resources right formatted, sufficient figure of resources listed, right punctuated ( 4 to 1 points )

Look carefully at the rubric and besides right infinite for one.

Format: Format: font size and manner correct, 1 inch borders, right side ragged ( no justification ) , title page right formatted, paper two-base hit spaced, paragraphs indented, mention page right titled and formatted, heading with last name and page figure on top right. ( 4 to 1 points )

Overall Sum: *32-29 ( A scope ) Excellent work ; good written

*28-21 ( B scope ) good ; yet extra gloss is needed

32=A *20-13 ( C scope ) Fair ; attempt still needs to be done to complete the

24=B research paper

16=C *12-05 ( D scope ) Poor ; all countries of the research paper still necessitate a

8=D batch of work ;

4=F *04- 0 ( F scope ) unacceptable ; hapless attending to rough bill of exchange

remarks, still missing sufficient research

Travel to the paragraph format and alter the spacing after paragraphs to 0. It ‘s set at 10 point.

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