Critically Asses The Evidence Economics Essay

This essay will show and critically asses the grounds that shows that older people in Britain today are financially better off than old coevalss.

Finance can be measured in many ways including ; lodging, wealth, investings and nest eggs. This essay will concentrate on income as a step of fiscal wellbeing. Although there are many ways in which to mensurate the fiscal wealth of older people, income is widely reported on and there is a strong aggregation of income informations.

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When sing older people the informations chiefly refers to people of State Pension Age, ( SPA ) and above. In Britain the SPA is presently undergoing alterations, but most informations presently relates to the female SPA of 60 and the male SPA of 65.

Evidence will be presented to demo the current degree of income of pensionaries in Britain today, the essay will so travel on to demo how tendencies in income have changed over clip, and what the chief factors are in forcing the incomes of older people up. The essay will so travel on to explicate the fluctuations in the informations, including fluctuations due to ; age, gender, geographics, matrimonial position and ethnicity. Evidence will besides be presented to demo how pensioner incomes vary compared to people of working age.

The hereafters of older people ‘s fiscal well being will besides be briefly explored, with a focal point on the babe boomer population of Britain. The essay will so travel on to reason the chief findings of the informations presented, demoing how aged people are financially better off today, and what has driven these tendencies. The essay will reason that even though these tendencies are apparent, they are non unvarying across the older population, and that there are great fluctuations in older people ‘s experiences and fiscal well-being.

Current degree of income of older people in Britain today.

Figure 1 Beginnings of gross income, 2008-09

Beginning: DWP, 2008-09, Pg 13

Figure 1 shows that in 2008-09 the average gross income of all pensioner units was & A ; lb ; 406 a hebdomad. If we so look at the information for twosomes ( where one or more of the twosome are over SPA ) , we can see that their gross income is significantly more than the mean standing at & A ; lb ; 564 a hebdomad. We so see that for individual pensionaries, this is a batch less at & A ; lb ; 275 a hebdomad. ( DWP, 2008-09, Pg 14 ) .

Figure 1 besides shows the beginnings of gross income for pensionaries. For both pensionary twosomes and individual pensionaries benefit income ( including State pensions ) , is a major constituent of entire income. Pensioner couples receive more of their income from occupational pensions ; they besides receive larger sums of income from net incomes compared to individual pensionaries. For both sets of pensionaries, personal pensions are presently a really little beginning of income.

Tendencies in the degree of income of older people in Britain over clip.

Figure 2 Real income of pensionaries, 1979-1996-97 and 1994-95-2008-09.

Beginning: DWP, 2008-09, Pg 12

Figure 3

Beginning: Data taken from table 2.1, DWP, 2008-09, Pg 15

‘From the mid- 1990s pensionaries incomes rose faster than mean net incomes. This was a consequence of both increased province benefits, and of the increased coverage and value of private pensions. ‘ ( ONS, 2005, Pg 67 ) . Figure 2 shows a steady addition in the gross income of all pensionaries from 1979 until 2008-09. This represents the tendency that older people in Britain today are better off than old coevalss in the footings of gross income.

From the twelvemonth 2000 onwards we can see the divergency of gross income from net income Before Housing Costss ( BHC ) . This represents the steeper additions in gross income for pensionaries in more recent old ages, but besides the go oning lifting costs of life for pensionaries. Net income After Housing Costss, ( AHC ) has besides seen a steep rise and a convergence towards net income BHC within this clip period. ‘This is partially due to the fact that pensionaries are now more likely to have their place outright than they were in 1998-9, and so hold lower lodging costs. ‘ ( DWP, 2008-09, pg 12 )

The additions in hebdomadal gross income are different for pensionary twosomes and individual pensionaries. This is shown in Figure 3. The gross income of all pensionary units has increased by & A ; lb ; 111 ( 38 % ) per hebdomad since 1996-97, for pensionary twosomes this was & A ; lb ; 141 per hebdomad ( 33 % ) since 1996-97, and for individual pensionaries this was & A ; lb ; 77 per hebdomad ( 39 % ) since 1996-97. Although in existent footings the pensionary twosomes have the greatest pecuniary addition, it is the individual pensionaries that see the largest per centum addition for their gross hebdomadal income from 1996-97 to 2008-09.

Factors of the addition in income for older people in Britain.

Figure 4

Growth in beginnings of gross income, 1979-1996-97 and 1994-95-2008-09.

Beginning: DWP, 2008-09, Pg 14

‘The growing in pensionary incomes over the period ( 1995/96-2003/04 ) resulted from significant additions in income from occupational pensions and benefits. ‘ ( ONS, 2005, Pg 75 ) Figure 4 looks at the additions in the beginnings of gross income from 1979-2008-09 for pensionaries. Some beginnings of income have increased more than others, lending to the entire additions in gross income. As suggested earlier benefit income remains the largest beginning of income, and has systematically remained the largest beginning for all pensionaries.

Figure 5

Beginning: ONS, 2005, Pg 69

‘Although the proportions having such benefits have fallen, the sum typically received has risen in existent footings: from & A ; lb ; 24 per caput for pensionary twosomes in 1994/95 to & A ; lb ; 41 per caput in 2003/04. For individual pensionaries the sum rose from & A ; lb ; 39 per caput to & A ; lb ; 55 per caput over the period. ‘ ( ONS, 2005, Pg 69 )

Occupational pensions, are the following largest beginning of income, and have remained steadily so. The Numberss of pensionaries in reception of an occupational pension grew from the 1980 ‘s until the 1990 ‘s, this was particularly true for pensionary twosomes and is demonstrated by figure 6 shown below.

Figure 6

Beginning: ONS, 2005, Pg 70

The addition of individual pensionaries having occupational pensions between 1992 and 2003/04 continued at a similar gait to 1979-1992, where as for pensionary twosomes this was n’t the instance.

There have been fluctuations in investing income over clip, and personal pensions have ever had a low function to play, this is chiefly due to the recent debut of them in 1988. The information shows this is now get downing to pick up, and will go a more of import beginning of income for pensionaries in old ages to come. ‘As the proportion of people with personal pensions is increasing, younger pensionaries are more likely to hold personal pensions ‘ . ( ONS, 2005, Pg 70 ) The graph below in figure 7 shows how the proportion of pensionary twosomes and individual pensionaries in reception of personal pensions has changed. There have been greater additions in the Numberss of pensionary twosomes having personal pensions compared to individual pensionaries ; this is likely due to the affordability of private pensions.

Figure 7

Beginning: ONS, 2005, Pg 70

Net incomes have seen the greatest addition since 1998-99 onwards. This reflects the altering demands of pensionaries and employers. Changes like ; promoting older people to work and alterations to the jurisprudence that prevents favoritism against older people in the workplace have helped employment degrees. Britain is an ageing society and will trust more on the older population to work, as populations of younger people decline, and detain entry into the work force. ‘By 2022 there will be an estimated 1 million fewer working-age people under 50 and 3 million more working-age people aged 50 and over. There is besides a tendency for more immature people to remain longer in full-time instruction and hence get down full-time work at a ulterior age. ‘ ( ONS, 2005, Pg 30 )

Figure 8

Beginning: ONS, 2005, Pg 31

Figure 8 shows the increasing tendency of employment for both work forces and adult females at older ages. For work forces aged 50 to SPA we saw a diminution in employment from 1979 until 1994, that now seems to be increasing. Womans at SPA and SPA + 5 old ages are more likely to be in employment than work forces at the same phase in life. Older people continue to hold barriers into the work force, and the informations can be influenced by cohort size, and the cohort ‘s ain employment degrees throughout the life class. ( ONS, 2005, Pg 31 )

As shown antecedently, informations for all pensionary units masks the fluctuations in the tendencies between individual pensionaries and pensionary twosomes. They are frequently influenced by alterations in different beginnings of income.

Figure 9

Beginning: Data taken from table 2.2, DWP, 2008-09, Pg 17

Percentage growing, shown in figure 9, shows that benefit income increased as a beginning of income, greater for individual pensionaries. Other income as a beginning of income increased greater for pensionary twosomes. Both pensionary twosomes and individual pensionaries have seen big per centum additions from occupational pensions and net incomes, but the largest per centum addition for both groups of pensionaries has come from personal pension incomes.

Mean gross income is & A ; lb ; 406 a hebdomad for all pensioner units ; this varies harmonizing to whether we look at pensionary twosomes or individual pensionaries. The gross hebdomadal income of pensionaries has increased over clip and additions in the consumption and value of private pensions and net incomes, along with the increasing value of province benefits, has driven up the income of pensionaries compared to old coevalss. We have seen that different beginnings of income have impacted upon the alterations to pensioner twosomes and individual pensionary incomes otherwise. The inequalities in the degree of incomes of older people in Britain will now be explored in item.

Inequalities in incomes of older people.

Large sums of informations refer to the mean incomes of pensionaries by individual pensionary units and pensionary twosomes. We have already seen that degrees, beginnings and alterations in income vary for individual pensionaries and pensionary twosomes. Although general tendencies show that older people are better off than old coevalss, there are great fluctuations in the degrees of income for older people harmonizing to their fortunes, which are masked by the norm.


As people retire from the workplace income generated from rewards and wages and self-employment income autumn and progressively with age, people become more dependent upon province and private pensions. The greater trust on benefits for the oldest pensionaries means that the average hebdomadal family income that they receive falls with age. This is represented by figure 10 below.

Figure 10

Beginning: ONS, 2005, Pg 68

It is really common to see the late retired in the richest sectors of society and the oldest in the poorest sectors of society. Proximity to the labor market is cardinal to the degree of income that older coevalss receive.

Differences by age can besides be explained by the ‘cohort ‘ consequence. The growing of occupational pensions in the 1950 ‘s will hold been good to those born in the 1930 ‘s. ‘Each consecutive cohort of pensionaries has a higher income than the older cohort it efficaciously replaces and therefore pushes up the mean income of the pensionary group as a whole. ‘ ( DWP, 2008-09, Pg 18 ) The value of pensions is linked with net incomes growing, when pensions are paid in retirement they are linked with monetary values, which grow at a slower rate. This means that people who have been retired the longest have a lower occupational pension than the younger pensionaries.

The information for pensionary twosomes by age follows the same form as single incomes. Older pensionary twosomes have less income ; younger twosomes are besides likely to hold one member of SPA and the other one working. ( DWP, 2008-09, Pg 18 )


Figure 11

Average gross hebdomadal income of pensionaries 2008/09

Beginning: ONS, 2010

Figure 11 shows that individual work forces have a larger income than individual adult females, there is a difference of & A ; lb ; 40 a hebdomad in gross income. The graph besides shows that adult females have a greater proportion of income through benefits. Work forces have a greater proportion of their income from occupational pension incomes.

Womans are likely to hold lower incomes as pensionaries because of lower employment rates through the life class ; they may hold cared for kids or parents, which means they have had to go forth the work force wholly or work part- clip. This affects their entitlements and parts into province and private or occupational pensions. In the past adult females have suffered lower rewards than work forces and have been restricted entree to pension strategies if in parttime work, although in 1995 this was made illegal, and so female pensionary incomes should see betterments in the hereafter, through additions in incomes from all types of pensions. ( ONS, 2005, Pg 71 )

When analyzing male and female pensionary incomes we need to be cognizant than ‘incomes may besides be affected by the different age distributions for individual work forces and adult females. ‘ ( DWP, 2008-09, Pg 24 ) Womans are more likely to populate to older ages and as individual pensionaries in ulterior retirement.


Income for pensionaries varies across Britain. Single and pensionary twosomes have above mean UK hebdomadal incomes in London, the South East and in the East of England. This is shown in figure 12.

Figure 12

Average gross income for pensionary twosomes by region/ state, 2006-09.

Beginning: DWP, 2008-09, Pg 26

Benefit incomes vary small across Britain ; this suggests that fluctuations across the state are more likely to be caused by net incomes and occupational pensions. Geographic fluctuations can besides be influenced by locations that people choose to retire to, and the cost of populating that they can afford. Figure 13 shows the denseness for Britain of people aged 75+ , it shows that where we find the highest mean hebdomadal incomes in Britain is strongly associated with the distribution of the older population in Britain.

Figure 13

Beginning: ONS, 2003

Marital position

We have already seen that pensionary twosomes have higher mean hebdomadal incomes than individual pensionaries, matrimonial position of the pensionary twosomes or individual pensionaries can besides be really influential on the degree of income that they receive.

Figure 14

Beginning: ONS, 2005, Pg 72

Gender differences are most apparent when we look at married twosomes ; married work forces have the highest income compared to males and females in all other matrimonial positions. For both male and female individual ( ne’er married ) pensionaries, incomes remained similar. For both widowed and divorced work forces their incomes remained higher than for adult females. The differences for work forces and adult females who have been divorced or widowed are much smaller than for married work forces and adult females. ‘For widowed pensionaries this is because many adult females will hold inherited some of their hubby ‘s pension rights. ‘ ( ONS, 2005, Pg 72 )


Figure 15

Beginning: ONS, 2005, Pg 72

Figure 15 shows that gross mean income per hebdomad varies harmonizing to ethnicity. It can be seen that the gross income of the white population is greater than all other cultural groups that informations can be collected for. Sample sizes of cultural minority groups are frequently little on societal studies. Data is frequently less legion due to the younger age construction of cultural minorities compared to the white population. ( ONS, 2005, Pg 72 )

Lower incomes for minority cultural groups could be due to take down net incomes throughout the life class, reaching into the UK at an older age which reduces parts towards province and private pensions. Cultural minorities may besides put their net incomes overseas through remittals to their households. Cultural minorities may besides hold non planned to remain in the UK until they retire or have a greater committedness or precedence for fiscal commissariats to their households.

Benefit income is an of import beginning of income for cultural minorities, who rely on occupational or personal pension incomes far less than the white population. Income through net incomes is every bit of import for cultural minorities as the white population, particularly for those who identify as Asian/ Asian British.

Pensioner vs. working age: inequalities in income.

Figure 16

Beginning: ONS, 2005, Pg 74

Data shows that the per centum of pensionaries, populating in families with income below 60 % of the median, has been falling from around 1998/9 onwards. It has now fallen below the per centum for all people. The information that is shown has been equivalised ( adjusted for the figure of people in each family ) .

Pensioners are frequently seen to be better off in the informations demoing AHC, this is due to the high proportions of pensionaries that own their ain places. Even though figure 16 above shows a decrease in pensionaries populating in families with income below 60 % of the median, they will still most normally be found in the 2nd lowest quintile of the distribution of income.

Figure 17

Beginning: ONS, 2005, Pg 73

Working age grownups would more likely be found in the top two quintiles of the income distribution. ‘In 2008/09, pensionary twosomes in the highest income quintile received average net income of & A ; lb ; 755 per hebdomad, compared with & A ; lb ; 197 per hebdomad for those in the lowest income quintile. ‘ ( ONS, 2010 ) This shows that non merely is at that place great fluctuation in incomes between pensionaries and the on the job age population, but within the income quintiles, pensionary incomes can change well. With some pensionary incomes being so low there is a hazard that they will fall into poorness, and will non hold entree to the goods and services that the remainder of the population can afford.

The hereafter for older people ‘s fiscal wellbeing.

The old tendencies have shown the increasing degree of income of older people compared to old coevalss, but there are some concerns that the hereafter tendencies will non be every bit optimistic as they have been.

‘We have witnessed the large-scale shutting down of salary- related occupational pension strategies, and increasing trust in the UK on strategies based on parts, which build up a fund from which an rente ( pension ) will be purchased at retirement. This has led to many employers massively cut downing the pension parts that they pay and the transportation of much of the hazard of investings and involvement rates in the hereafter to persons. ‘ ( Price, D. and Ginn, J. 2006, Pg 77 ) There has been small grounds to demo that people are puting greatly in private pensions, and so there are concerns for their equal incomes in retirement.

There are peculiar concerns for adult females who are still assumed to hold a dependance on work forces, and who are progressively seen to care for kids, grandchildren and the ailment within their households. If adult females are to depend on private pension strategies, they will non be flexible adequate to cover with the working forms and altering household constructions of adult females.

Recent alterations to households, benefits and the work force may intend that the form of consecutive coevalss being better off than their parents may non go on. ‘The value of the basic province pension relation to mean net incomes is diminishing… .. ‘ ( Evandrou, M. and Falkingham, J. 2006, Pg 85 ) . A displacement towards private pensions relies to a great extent on early experiences in the labor market. The passage towards portion clip and flexible occupations off from callings for life besides puts force per unit area on pensionary ‘s future incomes.

Evandrou and Falkingham ( 2006 ) did analysis on four birth cohorts to understand how the ‘key forecasters of fiscal wellbeing in ulterior life… ‘ have changed for progressive coevalss and what this means for their hereafters. The ‘baby roar ‘ coevals are normally grouped as those born in 1946-50 and 1961-65. It is apparent that there are pronounced differences ‘between the cohorts, ( of the babe roar coevalss and old coevalss ) as they were born into and grew up in really different economic, technological and societal climes. ‘ ( Evandrou, M. and Falkingham, J. 2006, Pg 87 ) The findings have shown ‘the tendency towards greater inequality is a relentless subject throughout the lives of the 2nd babe boomer cohort. ‘ ( Evandrou, M. and Falkingham, J. 2006, Pg 88 ) . The size and diverseness of this coevals will be a challenge for societal policy in Britain. The ambitious experience for this cohort with economic activity means there will be high degrees of inequality in the cohort.

The grounds suggests that for future coevalss, they may non be better off than old 1s, and that there will be greater inequality in incomes due to the altering labor market, working and household forms and the value of benefits.


This essay has analysed informations to demo how older people are financially better off than old coevalss, by utilizing the step of income. The degree of income for people of SPA and above varies harmonizing to whether they are individual pensionaries or pensionary twosomes. Income is made up from a figure of different beginnings including ; province benefits, occupational or private pensions and net incomes. The beginnings of income besides vary harmonizing to individual or pensioner twosomes.

Over clip the degree of income for all pensionaries has increased. Couple pensionaries have seen the greatest addition in pecuniary footings, but individual pensionaries have seen the biggest per centum addition in more recent old ages, different factors can do pensionary incomes to increase, and this besides varies harmonizing to pensionary type. The impulsive factors of increasing income are the increased Numberss of people having occupational and private pensions, the increased value of benefits and the increasing sums of income gained through net incomes, this is particularly true for adult females of SPA and SPA+5 old ages.

Although pensionary incomes have increased over clip, there are some major fluctuations in the degrees of incomes that pensionaries receive. This essay explored how incomes can change by age, gender, ethnicity and geographical location. Data besides shows how decreasing Numberss of pensionaries are populating in families with income below 60 % of the average, but pensionaries frequently do n’t do to good compared with people of working age, illustrated by their laterality of the bottom two income quintiles.

The hereafter for pensionary ‘s incomes is far less optimistic, with decreases in occupational pension strategies, low consumption of private pensions and the diminishing value of the province pension. It is suggested that the babe boomer population will hold to cover with a big inequality in incomes, and the size of the population will force societal policy to new boundaries. There are besides peculiar concerns for adult females who have really diverse working forms that are n’t suited to private pension strategies.

Pensions will go on to be a major beginning of income for pensionaries and will be at the head of authorities research and policy for many old ages to come.

Word count: 3,298.

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